diff options
authorBrian Harring <ferringb@gentoo.org>2005-07-13 07:16:16 +0000
committerBrian Harring <ferringb@gentoo.org>2005-07-13 07:16:16 +0000
commit56085a3bf267d36d29ebfb5e2af382499fd36dfa (patch)
parentbleh, this has been bugging me for weeks... removed the from cpv import CPV a... (diff)
unused, central replaced it a few weeks back.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/portage/config/NewStyle.py b/portage/config/NewStyle.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3f2ae..0000000
--- a/portage/config/NewStyle.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: 2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Author(s): Brian Harring (ferringb@gentoo.org)
-# License: GPL2
-# $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/portage/config/Attic/NewStyle.py,v 1.2 2005/07/13 05:51:35 ferringb Exp $
-import logging
-import errors
-from portage_const import CONF_DEFAULTS
-from portage.util import modules
-# default class settings for types. dict, loaded when needed
-# {type:class} <-- strings.
-default_classes = None
-section_settings = None
-class config:
- """Global Config representation, based around a ConfigParser. Section instantiation occurs on demand"""
- # these are options available to all sections, that have special meaning to the parser, and are filtered
- # iow, the callable doesn't see it. inherit, type, class are also filtered
- filter_opts = ["package.keywords", "package.mask", "package.unmask", "package.use"]
- def __init__(self, cparser, parser_config=None):
- self._cparser = cparser
- if parser_config == None:
- parser_config = load_section_settings()
- self._parser_defaults = parser_config
- self.__domains = {}
- # auto exec.
- s = cparser.sections()
- for x in s:
- if not c.has_option(x, "type"):
- continue
- val = c.get(x, "type").lower()
- if val == "exec":
- # do something a bit more.
- logging.error("skipping section %s of exec type, don't know how to deal with it" % x)
- c.set(x, "type", val)
- def _find_sections(self, type):
- l = []
- for x in self._cparser.sections():
- if not self._cparser.has_option(x, "type'):
- continue
- if self._cparser.get(x, "type").lower() == type:
- l.append(x)
- return l
- def default_domain(self):
- l = self.domains()
- if len(l) == 1:
- return l[0]
- d = c.defaults().get("domain")
- return d
- def get_domain(self, domain):
- if domain in self.__domains:
- return self.__domains[domain]
- if not c.has_section(domain) or c.get(domain, 'type') != "domain":
- raise KeyError("domain %s doesn't exist" % domain)
- def load_repositories(self, repositories=None):
- """instantiate repositories. either load a list of repository names (section titles passed
- in via repositories=[]), or load all.
- Chucks KeyError if a requested repository isn't in this config. or
- portage.repository.errors.BaseException derivatives"""
- repos = self.repositories()
- if repositories == None:
- repositories = repos:
- else:
- # XXX note this is quadratic.
- for x in repositories:
- if x not in repos:
- raise KeyError(x)
- for x in repositories:
- if x not in self._repo_instances:
- self._repo_instances[x], opts = self._instantiate_section(x)
- if opts:
- def _instantiate_section(self, section, additional_filter_list=[]):
- """handler for instantiating sections defined by class, using default if available.
- Throws UndefinedTypeError, InstantiationError
- returns (obj, filtered opts)"""
- assert section in self._cparser.sections()
- confdict = self._colapse_section(section)
- if not "type" in confdict:
- raise errors.UndefinedTypeError(section)
- defaults = load_defaults()
- # pull what's needed, cleaning up confdict in the process
- type = confdict["type"]
- del confdict["type"]
- if "class" in confdict:
- class = confdict["class"]
- del confdict["class"]
- else:
- if type not in defaults:
- raise errors.ClassRequired(section, type)
- class = defaults[type]
- removed_opts = {}
- for x in self.filter_opts + additional_filter_list:
- if x in confdict:
- removed_opts.append(x)
- del confdict[x]
- # load callable. must be a callable too, 'coz we check up on it. >:)
- from inspect import isroutine, isclass
- callable = load_attribute(class)
- if not isclass(callable) and not isroutine(callable):
- raise errors.InstantiationError(class, [], confdict,
- TypeError("%s is not a class/callable" % type(callable))
- sect_settings = load_section_settings()
- if type in sect_settings:
- if 'instantiate' in sect_settings[type]:
- for x in sect_settings[type]['instantiate'].split():
- if x in confdict:
- try: obj = callable(**confdict)
- except Exception, e:
- if isinstance(e, RuntimeError) or isinstance(e, SystemExit):
- raise
- raise errors.InstantiationError(class, [], confdict, e)
- if obj == None:
- raise errors.InstantiationError(class, [], confdict,
- errors.NoObjectReturned(class))
- return obj, removed_opts
- def _collapse_section(self, section, defaults={}):
- """given a top level section, walks the section's inherit's, returning a dict.
- defaults if set, must be dict, and are just that, defaults."""
- assert isinstance(defaults, dict)
- if len(defaults.keys): defaults = defaults.copy()
- slist = [section]
- while self._cparser.has_option(slist[-1], "inherit"):
- newsect = self._cparser.get(slist[-1], "inherit")
- if not self._cparser.has_section(newsect):
- raise errors.InheritError(slist[-1], newsect)
- slist.append(newsect)
- # walk list in reverse, pullints items working way down the list.
- while len(slist):
- d = self._cparser.items(slist[-1])
- # do whatever mangling would occur, here (cleansing inherit fex)
- defaults.update(d)
- slist.pop(-1)
- if "inherit" in d: del d["inherit"]
- return d
- def domains(self):
- return self._find_sections("domain")
- def repositories(self):
- return self._find_sections("repo")
- def configs(self):
- return self._find_sections("config")
-def load_section_settings():
- """load iff needed default class definitions, returning dict of type:class"""
- global section_settings
- if section_settings != None:
- return section_settings
- c=ConfigParser()
- c.read(CONF_DEFAULT)
- for x in c.sections():
- d2 = c.items(x)
- if len(d2.keys()):
- ds[x] = d2
- section_settings = ds
- return section_settings