diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portage/ebuild/ebuild_internal.py')
1 files changed, 1265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portage/ebuild/ebuild_internal.py b/portage/ebuild/ebuild_internal.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f86430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portage/ebuild/ebuild_internal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+# ebuild.py; Ebuild classes/abstraction of phase processing, and communicating with a ebuild-daemon.sh instance
+# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+#$Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/portage/ebuild/ebuild_internal.py,v 1.1 2005/07/10 09:21:05 ferringb Exp $
+import os,sys,traceback
+import portage_const,types
+#still needed?
+from portage_const import *
+import portage_locks, portage_util
+import portage_exec
+import portage_versions
+import shutil, anydbm
+import stat
+import string
+def shutdown_all_processors():
+ """kill off all known processors"""
+ global active_ebp_list, inactive_ebp_list
+ if type(active_ebp_list) != types.ListType:
+ print "warning, ebuild.active_ebp_list wasn't a list."
+ active_ebp_list = []
+ if type(inactive_ebp_list) != types.ListType:
+ print "warning, ebuild.inactive_ebp_list wasn't a list."
+ inactive_ebp_list = []
+ while len(active_ebp_list) > 0:
+ try: active_ebp_list[0].shutdown_processor()
+ except (IOError,OSError):
+ active_ebp_list.pop(0)
+ continue
+ try: active_ebp_list.pop(0)
+ except IndexError: pass
+ while len(inactive_ebp_list) > 0:
+ try:
+ inactive_ebp_list[0].shutdown_processor()
+ except (IOError,OSError):
+ inactive_ebp_list.pop(0)
+ continue
+ try: inactive_ebp_list.pop(0)
+ except IndexError: pass
+inactive_ebp_list = []
+active_ebp_list = []
+def request_ebuild_processor(config,ebuild_daemon_path=portage_const.EBUILD_DAEMON_PATH,userpriv=False, \
+ sandbox=None,fakeroot=False,save_file=None):
+ """request an ebuild_processor instance from the pool, or create a new one
+ this walks through the requirements, matching a inactive processor if one exists
+ note fakerooted processors are never reused, do to the nature of fakeroot"""
+ if sandbox == None:
+ sandbox = portage_exec.sandbox_capable
+ global inactive_ebp_list, active_ebp_list
+ if not fakeroot:
+ for x in inactive_ebp_list:
+ if not x.locked() and x.ebd == ebuild_daemon_path and \
+ x.userprived() == userpriv and (x.sandboxed() or not sandbox):
+ inactive_ebp_list.remove(x)
+ active_ebp_list.append(x)
+ return x
+ active_ebp_list.append(ebuild_processor(config, userpriv=userpriv,sandbox=sandbox,fakeroot=fakeroot,save_file=save_file))
+ return active_ebp_list[-1]
+def release_ebuild_processor(ebp):
+ """the inverse of request_ebuild_processor. Any processor requested via request_ebuild_processor
+ _must_ be released via this function once it's no longer in use.
+ this includes fakerooted processors.
+ Returns True exempting when the processor requested to be released isn't marked as active"""
+ global inactive_ebp_list, active_ebp_list
+ try: active_ebp_list.remove(ebp)
+ except ValueError: return False
+ try: inactive_ebp_list.index(ebp)
+ except ValueError:
+ # if it's a fakeroot'd process, we throw it away. it's not useful outside of a chain of calls
+ if not ebp.onetime():
+ inactive_ebp_list.append(ebp)
+ else:
+ del ebp
+ return True
+ # if it makes it this far, that means ebp was already in the inactive list.
+ # which is indicative of an internal fsck up.
+ import traceback
+ print "ebp was requested to be free'd, yet it already is claimed inactive _and_ was in the active list"
+ print "this means somethings horked, badly"
+ traceback.print_stack()
+ return False
+class ebuild_processor:
+ """abstraction of a running ebuild.sh instance- the env, functions, etc that ebuilds expect."""
+ def __init__(self, config, ebuild_daemon_path=portage_const.EBUILD_DAEMON_PATH,userpriv=False, sandbox=True, \
+ fakeroot=False,save_file=None):
+ """ebuild_daemon_path shouldn't be fooled with unless the caller knows what they're doing.
+ sandbox enables a sandboxed processor
+ userpriv enables a userpriv'd processor
+ fakeroot enables a fakeroot'd processor- this is a mutually exclusive option to sandbox, and
+ requires userpriv to be enabled. Violating this will result in nastyness"""
+ self._config = config
+ self.ebd = ebuild_daemon_path
+ from portage_data import portage_uid, portage_gid
+ spawn_opts = {}
+ if fakeroot and (sandbox or not userpriv):
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_stack()
+ print "warning, was asking to enable fakeroot but-"
+ print "sandbox",sandbox,"userpriv",userpriv
+ print "this isn't valid. bailing"
+ raise Exception,"cannot initialize with sandbox and fakeroot"
+ if userpriv:
+ self.__userpriv = True
+ spawn_opts.update({"uid":portage_uid,"gid":portage_gid,"groups":[portage_gid],"umask":002})
+ else:
+ if portage_exec.userpriv_capable:
+ spawn_opts.update({"gid":portage_gid,"groups":[0,portage_gid]})
+ self.__userpriv = False
+ # open the pipes to be used for chatting with the new daemon
+ cread, cwrite = os.pipe()
+ dread, dwrite = os.pipe()
+ self.__sandbox = False
+ self.__fakeroot = False
+ # since it's questionable which spawn method we'll use (if sandbox or fakeroot fex),
+ # we ensure the bashrc is invalid.
+ env={"BASHRC":"/etc/portage/spork/not/valid/ha/ha"}
+ args = []
+ if sandbox:
+ if fakeroot:
+ print "!!! ERROR: fakeroot was on, but sandbox was also on"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.__sandbox = True
+ spawn_func = portage_exec.spawn_sandbox
+ env.update({"SANDBOX_DEBUG":"1","SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG":"/var/tmp/test"})
+ elif fakeroot:
+ self.__fakeroot = True
+ spawn_func = portage_exec.spawn_fakeroot
+ args.append(save_file)
+ else:
+ spawn_func = portage_exec.spawn
+ self.pid = spawn_func(self.ebd+" daemonize", fd_pipes={0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:cread, 4:dwrite},
+ returnpid=True,env=env, *args, **spawn_opts)[0]
+ os.close(cread)
+ os.close(dwrite)
+ self.ebd_write = os.fdopen(cwrite,"w")
+ self.ebd_read = os.fdopen(dread,"r")
+ # basically a quick "yo" to the daemon
+ self.write("dude?")
+ if not self.expect("dude!"):
+ print "error in server coms, bailing."
+ raise Exception("expected 'dude!' response from ebd, which wasn't received. likely a bug")
+ if self.__sandbox:
+ self.write("sandbox_log?")
+ self.__sandbox_log = self.read().split()[0]
+ self.dont_export_vars=self.read().split()
+ # locking isn't used much, but w/ threading this will matter
+ self.unlock()
+ def sandboxed(self):
+ """is this instance sandboxed?"""
+ return self.__sandbox
+ def userprived(self):
+ """is this instance userprived?"""
+ return self.__userpriv
+ def fakerooted(self):
+ """is this instance fakerooted?"""
+ return self.__fakeroot
+ def onetime(self):
+ """is this instance going to be discarded after usage; eg is it fakerooted?"""
+ return self.__fakeroot
+ def write(self, string,flush=True):
+ """talk to running daemon. Disabling flush is useful when dumping large amounts of data
+ all strings written are automatically \\n terminated"""
+ if string[-1] == "\n":
+ self.ebd_write.write(string)
+ else:
+ self.ebd_write.write(string +"\n")
+ if flush:
+ self.ebd_write.flush()
+ def expect(self, want):
+ """read from the daemon, and return true or false if the returned string is what is expected"""
+ got=self.ebd_read.readline()
+ return want==got[:-1]
+ def read(self,lines=1):
+ """read data from the daemon. Shouldn't be called except internally"""
+ mydata=''
+ while lines > 0:
+ mydata += self.ebd_read.readline()
+ lines -= 1
+ return mydata
+ def sandbox_summary(self, move_log=False):
+ """if the instance is sandboxed, print the sandbox access summary"""
+ if not os.path.exists(self.__sandbox_log):
+ self.write("end_sandbox_summary")
+ return 0
+ violations=portage_util.grabfile(self.__sandbox_log)
+ if len(violations)==0:
+ self.write("end_sandbox_summary")
+ return 0
+ if not move_log:
+ move_log=self.__sandbox_log
+ elif move_log != self.__sandbox_log:
+ myf=open(move_log)
+ for x in violations:
+ myf.write(x+"\n")
+ myf.close()
+ from output import red
+ self.ebd_write.write(red("--------------------------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY ---------------------------")+"\n")
+ self.ebd_write.write(red("LOG FILE = \"%s\"" % move_log)+"\n\n")
+ for x in violations:
+ self.ebd_write.write(x+"\n")
+ self.write(red("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------")+"\n")
+ self.write("end_sandbox_summary")
+ try:
+ os.remove(self.__sandbox_log)
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ print "exception caught when cleansing sandbox_log=%s" % str(e)
+ return 1
+ def preload_eclasses(self, ec_file):
+ """this preloades eclasses into a function, thus avoiding the cost of going to disk.
+ preloading eutils (which is heaviliy inherited) speeds up regen times fex"""
+ if not os.path.exists(ec_file):
+ return 1
+ self.write("preload_eclass %s" % ec_file)
+ if self.expect("preload_eclass succeeded"):
+ self.preloaded_eclasses=True
+ return True
+ return False
+ def lock(self):
+ """lock the processor. Currently doesn't block any access, but will"""
+ self.processing_lock = True
+ def unlock(self):
+ """unlock the processor"""
+ self.processing_lock = False
+ def locked(self):
+ """is the processor locked?"""
+ return self.processing_lock
+ def is_alive(self):
+ """returns if it's known if the processor has been shutdown.
+ Currently doesn't check to ensure the pid is still running, yet it should"""
+ return self.pid != None
+ def shutdown_processor(self):
+ """tell the daemon to shut itself down, and mark this instance as dead"""
+ try:
+ if self.is_alive():
+ self.write("shutdown_daemon")
+ self.ebd_write.close()
+ self.ebd_read.close()
+ # now we wait.
+ os.waitpid(self.pid,0)
+ except (IOError,OSError,ValueError):
+ pass
+ # we *really* ought to modify portageatexit so that we can set limits for waitpid.
+ # currently, this assumes all went well.
+ # which isn't always true.
+ self.pid = None
+ def set_sandbox_state(self,state):
+ """tell the daemon whether to enable the sandbox, or disable it"""
+ if state:
+ self.write("set_sandbox_state 1")
+ else:
+ self.write("set_sandbox_state 0")
+ def send_env(self):
+ """essentially transfer the ebuild's desired env to the running daemon
+ accepts a portage.config instance, although it will accept dicts at some point"""
+ be=self._config.bash_environ()
+ self.write("start_receiving_env\n")
+ exported_keys = ''
+ for x in be.keys():
+ if x not in self.dont_export_vars:
+ self.write("%s=%s\n" % (x,be[x]), flush=False)
+ exported_keys += x+' '
+ self.write("export "+exported_keys,flush=False)
+ self.write("end_receiving_env")
+ return self.expect("env_received")
+ def set_logfile(self,logfile=''):
+ """relevant only when the daemon is sandbox'd, set the logfile"""
+ self.write("logging %s" % logfile)
+ return self.expect("logging_ack")
+ def __del__(self):
+ """simply attempts to notify the daemon to die"""
+ # for this to be reached means we ain't in a list no more.
+ if self.pid:
+ self.shutdown_processor()
+class ebuild_handler:
+ """abstraction of ebuild phases, fetching exported keys, fetching srcs, etc"""
+ import portageq
+ def __init__(self, config, process_limit=5):
+ """process_limit is currently ignored"""
+ self.processed = 0
+ self.__process_limit = process_limit
+ self.preloaded_eclasses = False
+ self._config = config
+ self.__ebp = None
+ def __del__(self):
+ """only ensures any processors this handler has claimed are released"""
+ if self.__ebp:
+ release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp)
+ # this is an implementation of stuart's confcache/sandbox trickery, basically the file/md5 stuff implemented in
+ # python with a basic bash wrapper that calls back to this.
+ # all credit for the approach goes to him, as stated, this is just an implementation of it.
+ # bugs should be thrown at ferringb.
+ def load_confcache(self,transfer_to,confcache=portage_const.CONFCACHE_FILE,
+ confcache_list=portage_const.CONFCACHE_LIST):
+ """verifys a requested conf cache, removing the global cache if it's stale.
+ The handler should be the only one to call this"""
+ from portage_checksum import perform_md5
+ from output import red
+ if not self.__ebp:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_stack()
+ print "err... no ebp, yet load_confcache called. invalid"
+ raise Exception,"load_confcache called yet no running processor. bug?"
+ valid=True
+ lock=None
+ if not os.path.exists(confcache_list):
+ print "confcache file listing doesn't exist"
+ valid=False
+ elif not os.path.exists(confcache):
+ print "confcache doesn't exist"
+ valid=False
+ else:
+ lock=portage_locks.lockfile(confcache_list,wantnewlockfile=1)
+ try:
+ myf=anydbm.open(confcache_list, "r", 0664)
+ for l in myf.keys():
+ # file, md5
+ if perform_md5(l,calc_prelink=1) != myf[l]:
+ print red("***")+" confcache is stale: %s: recorded md5: %s: actual: %s:" % (l,myf[l],perform_md5(l,calc_prelink=1))
+ raise Exception("md5 didn't match")
+ myf.close()
+ # verify env now.
+ new_cache=[]
+ env_vars=[]
+ # guessing on THOST. I'm sure it's wrong...
+ env_translate={"build_alias":"CBUILD","host_alias":"CHOST","target_alias":"THOST"}
+ cache=portage_util.grabfile(confcache)
+ x=0
+ while x < len(cache):
+ #ac_cv_env
+ if cache[x][0:10] == "ac_cv_env_":
+ f=cache[x][10:].find("_set")
+ if f == -1 or f==11:
+ cache.pop(x)
+ continue
+ env_vars.append(cache[x][10:10 + cache[x][10:].find("_set")])
+ x += 1
+ else:
+ new_cache.append(cache[x])
+ x += 1
+ for x in env_vars:
+ self.__ebp.write("request %s" % env_translate.get(x,x))
+ line=self.__ebp.read()
+ if line[-1] == "\n":
+ line=line[:-1]
+ new_cache.append("ac_cv_env_%s_set=%s" % (x, line))
+ if line == "unset":
+ new_cache.append("ac_cv_env_%s_value=" % x)
+ else:
+ line=self.__ebp.read()
+ if line[-1] == "\n":
+ line=line[:-1]
+ if line.split()[0] != line:
+ #quoting... XXX
+ new_cache.append("ac_cv_env_%s_value='%s'" % (x,line))
+ else:
+ new_cache.append("ac_cv_env_%s_value=%s" % (x,line))
+ myf=open(confcache,"w")
+ for x in new_cache:
+ myf.write(x+"\n")
+ myf.close()
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception,e:
+ print "caught exception: %s" % str(e)
+ try: myf.close()
+ except (IOError, OSError): pass
+ valid=False
+ if not valid:
+ print "\nconfcache is invalid\n"
+ try: os.remove(confcache_list)
+ except OSError: pass
+ try: os.remove(confcache)
+ except OSError: pass
+ self.__ebp.write("empty")
+ valid=0
+ else:
+ self.__ebp.write("location: %s" % confcache)
+ valid=1
+ if lock:
+ portage_locks.unlockfile(lock)
+ return valid
+ def update_confcache(self,settings,logfile,new_confcache, confcache=portage_const.CONFCACHE_FILE, \
+ confcache_list=portage_const.CONFCACHE_LIST):
+ """internal function called when a processor has finished a configure, and wishes its cache
+ be transferred to the global cache
+ This runs through the sandbox log, storing the md5 of files along with the list of files to check.
+ Finally, it transfers the cache to the global location."""
+ if not self.__ebp:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_stack()
+ print "err... no ebp, yet load_confcache called. invalid"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ import re
+ from portage_checksum import perform_md5
+ if not (os.path.exists(logfile) and os.path.exists(new_confcache)) :
+ # eh? wth?
+ self.__ebp.write("failed")
+ return 0
+ myfiles=portage_util.grabfile(logfile)
+ filter=re.compile('^(%s|/tmp|/dev|.*/\.ccache)/' % os.path.normpath(settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]))
+ l=[]
+ for x in myfiles:
+ # get only read syscalls...
+ if x[0:8] == "open_rd:":
+ l.append(x.split()[1])
+ myfiles = portage_util.unique_array(l)
+ l=[]
+ for x in myfiles:
+ if not os.path.exists(x):
+ continue
+ if not filter.match(x):
+ l.append(x)
+ del myfiles
+ if not len(l):
+ self.__ebp.write("updated")
+ return 0
+ lock=portage_locks.lockfile(confcache_list,wantnewlockfile=1)
+ # update phase.
+ if not os.path.exists(confcache_list):
+ prevmask=os.umask(0)
+ myf=anydbm.open(confcache_list,"n",0664)
+ os.umask(prevmask)
+ else:
+ myf=anydbm.open(confcache_list,"w",0664)
+ for x in l:
+ try:
+ if not stat.S_ISDIR(os.stat(x).st_mode) and not myf.has_key(x):
+ myf[x]=str(perform_md5(x,calc_prelink=1))
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ # exceptions are only possibly (ignoring anydbm horkage) from os.stat
+ pass
+ myf.close()
+ from portage_data import portage_gid
+ os.chown(confcache_list, -1, portage_gid)
+ shutil.move(new_confcache, confcache)
+ os.chown(confcache, -1, portage_gid)
+ m=os.umask(0)
+ os.chmod(confcache, 0664)
+ os.chmod(confcache_list, 0664)
+ os.umask(m)
+ portage_locks.unlockfile(lock)
+ self.__ebp.write("updated")
+ return 0
+ def get_keys(self,myebuild,myroot="/"):
+ """request the auxdbkeys from an ebuild
+ returns a dict when successful, None when failed"""
+# print "getting keys for %s" % myebuild
+ # normally,
+ # userpriv'd, minus sandbox. which is odd.
+ # I say both, personally (and I'm writing it, so live with it)
+ if self.__ebp:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_stack()
+ print "self.__ebp exists. it shouldn't. this indicates a handler w/ an active ebp never"
+ print "released it, or a bug in the calls"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.__ebp = request_ebuild_processor(self._config, userpriv=portage_exec.userpriv_capable)
+ if self.__adjust_env("depend",myebuild,myroot):
+ return {}
+ self.__ebp.write("process_ebuild depend")
+ self.__ebp.send_env()
+ self.__ebp.set_sandbox_state(True)
+ self.__ebp.write("start_processing")
+ line=self.__generic_phase(["sending_keys"], interpret_results=False)
+ if line != "sending_keys":
+ return None
+ mykeys={}
+ while line != "end_keys":
+ line=self.__ebp.read()
+ line=line[:-1]
+ if line == "failed":
+ self.__ebp.unlock()
+ return {}
+ if line == "end_keys" or not len(line):
+ continue
+ pair = line.split('=',1)
+ mykeys[pair[0]]=pair[1]
+ self.__ebp.expect("phases succeeded")
+ if not release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp):
+ self.__ebp = None
+ raise Exception,"crud"
+ self.__ebp = None
+ return mykeys
+ def __adjust_env(self,mydo,myebuild,myroot,debug=0,listonly=0,fetchonly=0,cleanup=0,dbkey=None,\
+ use_cache=1,fetchall=0,tree="porttree",use_info_env=True,verbosity=0):
+ """formerly portage.doebuild, since it's specific to ebuilds, it's now a method of ebuild handling.
+ severely gutted, and in need of cleansing/exorcism"""
+ from portage import db,ExtractKernelVersion,fetch,features, \
+ digestgen,digestcheck,root,flatten, digestParseFile
+ from portage_data import portage_uid,portage_gid,secpass
+ import portage_dep
+ from portage_util import writemsg
+ ebuild_path = os.path.abspath(myebuild)
+ pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(ebuild_path)
+ if self._config.configdict["pkg"].has_key("CATEGORY"):
+ cat = self._config.configdict["pkg"]["CATEGORY"]
+ else:
+ cat = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(pkg_dir+"/.."))
+ mypv = os.path.basename(ebuild_path)[:-7]
+ mycpv = cat+"/"+mypv
+ mysplit=portage_versions.pkgsplit(mypv,silent=0)
+ if mysplit==None:
+ writemsg("!!! Error: PF is null '%s'; exiting.\n" % mypv)
+ return 1
+ if mydo == "clean":
+ cleanup=True
+ if mydo != "depend":
+ # XXX: We're doing a little hack here to curtain the gvisible locking
+ # XXX: that creates a deadlock... Really need to isolate that.
+ self._config.reset(use_cache=use_cache)
+ self._config.setcpv(mycpv,use_cache=use_cache)
+ if not os.path.exists(myebuild):
+ writemsg("!!! doebuild: "+str(myebuild)+" not found for "+str(mydo)+"\n")
+ return 1
+ if debug: # Otherwise it overrides emerge's settings.
+ # We have no other way to set debug... debug can't be passed in
+ # due to how it's coded... Don't overwrite this so we can use it.
+ self._config["PORTAGE_DEBUG"]=str(debug)
+ self._config["ROOT"] = myroot
+ self._config["EBUILD"] = ebuild_path
+ self._config["O"] = pkg_dir
+ self._config["CATEGORY"] = cat
+ self._config["FILESDIR"] = pkg_dir+"/files"
+ self._config["PF"] = mypv
+ self._config["ECLASSDIR"] = self._config["PORTDIR"]+"/eclass"
+ self._config["P"] = mysplit[0]+"-"+mysplit[1]
+ self._config["PN"] = mysplit[0]
+ self._config["PV"] = mysplit[1]
+ self._config["PR"] = mysplit[2]
+ # ensure this is set for all phases, setup included.
+ # Should be ok again to set $T, as sandbox does not depend on it
+ self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"] = self._config["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/portage"
+ self._config["BUILDDIR"] = self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]+"/"+self._config["PF"]
+ self._config["T"] = self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/temp"
+ self._config["WORKDIR"] = self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/work"
+ self._config["D"] = self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/image/"
+ # bailing now, probably horks a few things up, but neh.
+ # got to break a few eggs to make an omelot after all (spelling is wrong, too) :)
+ if mydo=="unmerge":
+ return 0
+ if mydo!="depend":
+ try:
+ self._config["INHERITED"],self._config["RESTRICT"] = db[root][tree].dbapi.aux_get(
+ self._config["PORTAGE_RESTRICT"]=string.join(flatten(portage_dep.use_reduce(
+ portage_dep.paren_reduce(self._config["RESTRICT"]),
+ uselist=self._config["USE"].split() )),' ')
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "caught exception %s in ebd_proc:doebuild" % str(e)
+ self._config["RESTRICT"] = self._config["PORTAGE_RESTRICT"] = ""
+ pass
+ if mysplit[2] == "r0":
+ self._config["PVR"]=mysplit[1]
+ else:
+ self._config["PVR"]=mysplit[1]+"-"+mysplit[2]
+ self._config["SLOT"]=""
+ if self._config.has_key("PATH"):
+ mysplit=string.split(self._config["PATH"],":")
+ else:
+ mysplit=[]
+ if PORTAGE_BIN_PATH not in mysplit:
+ self._config["PATH"]=PORTAGE_BIN_PATH+":"+self._config["PATH"]
+ if tree=="bintree":
+ self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"] += "-pkg"
+ self._config["HOME"] = self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]+"/homedir"
+ self._config["PKG_TMPDIR"] = self._config["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/portage-pkg"
+ if cleanup and os.path.exists(self._config["BUILDDIR"]):
+ print "cleansing builddir"+self._config["BUILDDIR"]
+ shutil.rmtree(self._config["BUILDDIR"])
+ if mydo=="clean":
+ # if clean, just flat out skip the rest of this crap.
+ return 0
+ #set up KV variable -- DEP SPEEDUP :: Don't waste time. Keep var persistent.
+ if mydo not in ["depend","fetch","digest","manifest"]:
+ if not self._config.has_key("KV"):
+ mykv,err1=ExtractKernelVersion(root+"usr/src/linux")
+ if mykv:
+ # Regular source tree
+ self._config["KV"]=mykv
+ else:
+ self._config["KV"]=""
+ if (mydo!="depend") or not self._config.has_key("KVERS"):
+ myso=os.uname()[2]
+ self._config["KVERS"]=myso[1]
+ # get possible slot information from the deps file
+ if mydo=="depend":
+ if self._config.has_key("PORTAGE_DEBUG") and self._config["PORTAGE_DEBUG"]=="1":
+ # XXX: This needs to use a FD for saving the output into a file.
+ # XXX: Set this up through spawn
+ pass
+ writemsg("!!! DEBUG: dbkey: %s\n" % str(dbkey),2)
+ if dbkey:
+ self._config["dbkey"] = dbkey
+ else:
+ self._config["dbkey"] = self._config.depcachedir+"/aux_db_key_temp"
+ return 0
+ self._config["PORTAGE_LOGFILE"]=''
+ logfile=None
+ #fetch/digest crap
+ if mydo not in ["prerm","postrm","preinst","postinst","config","help","setup","unmerge"]:
+ newuris, alist = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.getfetchlist(mycpv,mysetting=self._config)
+ alluris, aalist = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.getfetchlist(mycpv,mysettings=self._config,all=1)
+ self._config["A"]=string.join(alist," ")
+ self._config["AA"]=string.join(aalist," ")
+ if ("mirror" in features) or fetchall:
+ fetchme=alluris[:]
+ checkme=aalist[:]
+ elif mydo=="digest":
+ fetchme=alluris[:]
+ checkme=aalist[:]
+ digestfn=self._config["FILESDIR"]+"/digest-"+self._config["PF"]
+ if os.path.exists(digestfn):
+ mydigests=digestParseFile(digestfn)
+ if mydigests:
+ for x in mydigests:
+ while x in checkme:
+ i = checkme.index(x)
+ del fetchme[i]
+ del checkme[i]
+ else:
+ fetchme=newuris[:]
+ checkme=alist[:]
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["DISTDIR"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["DISTDIR"])
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src"):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src")
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "!!! File system problem. (Bad Symlink?)"
+ print "!!! Fetching may fail:",str(e)
+ try:
+ mystat=os.stat(self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src")
+ if ((mystat[stat.ST_GID]!=portage_gid) or ((mystat[stat.ST_MODE]&00775)!=00775)) and not listonly:
+ print "*** Adjusting cvs-src permissions for portage user..."
+ os.chown(self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src",0,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src",00775)
+ portage_exec.spawn("chgrp -R "+str(portage_gid)+" "+self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src")
+ portage_exec.spawn("chmod -R g+rw "+self._config["DISTDIR"]+"/cvs-src")
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ pass
+ if not fetch(fetchme, self._config, listonly=listonly, fetchonly=fetchonly,verbosity=verbosity):
+ return 1
+ if mydo=="fetch" and listonly:
+ return 0
+ if "digest" in features:
+ #generate digest if it doesn't exist.
+ if mydo=="digest":
+ # exemption to the return rule
+ return (not digestgen(aalist,self._config,overwrite=1,verbosity=verbosity))
+ else:
+ digestgen(aalist,self._config,overwrite=0,verbosity=verbosity)
+ elif mydo=="digest":
+ #since we are calling "digest" directly, recreate the digest even if it already exists
+ return (not digestgen(checkme,self._config,overwrite=1,verbosity=verbosity))
+ if mydo=="manifest":
+ return (not digestgen(checkme,self._config,overwrite=1,manifestonly=1,verbosity=verbosity))
+ if not digestcheck(checkme, self._config, ("strict" in features),verbosity=verbosity):
+ return 1
+ if mydo=="fetch":
+ return 0
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"])
+ os.chown(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"],00775)
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["T"]):
+ print "creating temp dir"
+ os.makedirs(self._config["T"])
+ os.chown(self._config["T"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["T"],0770)
+ logdir = self._config["T"]+"/logging"
+ if not os.path.exists(logdir):
+ os.makedirs(logdir)
+ os.chown(logdir, portage_uid, portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(logdir, 0770)
+ try:
+ #XXX: negative restrict
+ myrestrict = self._config["PORTAGE_RESTRICT"].split()
+ if ("nouserpriv" not in myrestrict and "userpriv" not in myrestrict):
+ if ("userpriv" in self._config.features) and (portage_uid and portage_gid):
+ if (secpass==2):
+ if os.path.exists(self._config["HOME"]):
+ # XXX: Potentially bad, but held down by HOME replacement above.
+ portage_exec.spawn("rm -Rf "+self._config["HOME"])
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["HOME"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["HOME"])
+ elif ("userpriv" in features):
+ print "!!! Disabling userpriv from features... Portage UID/GID not valid."
+ del features[features.index("userpriv")]
+ except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ print "!!! Couldn't empty HOME:",self._config["HOME"]
+ print "!!!",e
+ try:
+ # no reason to check for depend since depend returns above.
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"])
+ os.chown(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["BUILDDIR"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["BUILDDIR"])
+ os.chown(self._config["BUILDDIR"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "!!! File system problem. (ReadOnly? Out of space?)"
+ print "!!! Perhaps: rm -Rf",self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]
+ print "!!!",str(e)
+ return 1
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["HOME"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["HOME"])
+ os.chown(self._config["HOME"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["HOME"],02770)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "!!! File system problem. (ReadOnly? Out of space?)"
+ print "!!! Failed to create fake home directory in BUILDDIR"
+ print "!!!",str(e)
+ return 1
+ try:
+ if ("userpriv" in features) and ("ccache" in features):
+ if (not self._config.has_key("CCACHE_DIR")) or (self._config["CCACHE_DIR"]==""):
+ self._config["CCACHE_DIR"]=self._config["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/ccache"
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"])
+ os.chown(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"],0775)
+ except OSError, e:
+ print "!!! File system problem. (ReadOnly? Out of space?)"
+ print "!!! Perhaps: rm -Rf",self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"]
+ print "!!!",str(e)
+ return 1
+ try:
+ mystat=os.stat(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"])
+ if (mystat[stat.ST_GID]!=portage_gid) or ((mystat[stat.ST_MODE]&02070)!=02070):
+ print "*** Adjusting ccache permissions for portage user..."
+ os.chown(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["CCACHE_DIR"],02770)
+ portage_exec.spawn("chown -R "+str(portage_uid)+":"+str(portage_gid)+" "+self._config["CCACHE_DIR"])
+ portage_exec.spawn("chmod -R g+rw "+self._config["CCACHE_DIR"])
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ pass
+ if "distcc" in features:
+ try:
+ if (not self._config.has_key("DISTCC_DIR")) or (self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]==""):
+ self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]=self._config["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]+"/portage/.distcc"
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"])
+ os.chown(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"],02775)
+ for x in ("/lock", "/state"):
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]+x):
+ os.mkdir(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]+x)
+ os.chown(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]+x,portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]+x,02775)
+ except OSError, e:
+ writemsg("\n!!! File system problem when setting DISTCC_DIR directory permissions.\n")
+ writemsg( "!!! DISTCC_DIR="+str(self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]+"\n"))
+ writemsg( "!!! "+str(e)+"\n\n")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ features.remove("distcc")
+ self._config["DISTCC_DIR"]=""
+ # break off into process_phase
+ if self._config.has_key("PORT_LOGDIR"):
+ try:
+ st=os.stat(self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"])
+ if not st.st_gid == portage_gid:
+ os.chown(self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"], -1, portage_gid)
+ if not st.st_mode & (os.W_OK << 3):
+ os.chmod(self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"], st.st_mode | (os.W_OK << 3))
+ # by this time, we have write access to the logdir. or it's bailed.
+ try:
+ os.chown(self._config["BUILD_PREFIX"],portage_uid,portage_gid)
+ os.chmod(self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"],00770)
+ if not self._config.has_key("LOG_PF") or (self._config["LOG_PF"] != self._config["PF"]):
+ self._config["LOG_PF"]=self._config["PF"]
+ self._config["LOG_COUNTER"]=str(db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi.get_counter_tick_core("/"))
+ self._config["PORTAGE_LOGFILE"]="%s/%s-%s.log" % (self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"],self._config["LOG_COUNTER"],self._config["LOG_PF"])
+ if os.path.exists(self._config["PORTAGE_LOGFILE"]):
+ os.chmod(self._config["PORTAGE_LOGFILE"], 0664)
+ os.chown(self._config["PORTAGE_LOGFILE"], -1,portage_gid)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"]=""
+ print "!!! Unable to chown/chmod PORT_LOGDIR. Disabling logging."
+ print "!!!",e
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print "!!! Cannot create log... No write access / Does not exist"
+ print "!!! PORT_LOGDIR:",self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"]
+ self._config["PORT_LOGDIR"]=""
+ # if any of these are being called, handle them -- running them out of the sandbox -- and stop now.
+ if mydo in ["help","setup"]:
+ return 0
+# return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY+" "+mydo,self._config,debug=debug,free=1,logfile=logfile)
+ elif mydo in ["prerm","postrm","preinst","postinst","config"]:
+ self._config.load_infodir(pkg_dir)
+ if not use_info_env:
+ print "overloading port_env_file setting to %s" % self._config["T"]+"/environment"
+ self._config["PORT_ENV_FILE"] = self._config["T"] + "/environment"
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["PORT_ENV_FILE"]):
+ from output import red
+ print red("!!!")+" err.. it doesn't exist. that's bad."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return 0
+# return spawn(EBUILD_SH_BINARY+" "+mydo,self._config,debug=debug,free=1,logfile=logfile)
+ try:
+ self._config["SLOT"], self._config["RESTRICT"] = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.aux_get(mycpv,["SLOT","RESTRICT"])
+ except (IOError,KeyError):
+ print red("doebuild():")+" aux_get() error reading "+mycpv+"; aborting."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #initial dep checks complete; time to process main commands
+ nosandbox=(("userpriv" in features) and ("usersandbox" not in features))
+ actionmap={
+ "depend": { "args":(0,1)}, # sandbox / portage
+ "setup": { "args":(1,0)}, # without / root
+ "unpack": {"dep":"setup", "args":(0,1)}, # sandbox / portage
+ "compile": {"dep":"unpack", "args":(nosandbox,1)}, # optional / portage
+ "test": {"dep":"compile", "args":(nosandbox,1)}, # optional / portage
+ "install": {"dep":"test", "args":(0,0)}, # sandbox / root
+ "rpm": {"dep":"install", "args":(0,0)}, # sandbox / root
+ "package": {"dep":"install", "args":(0,0)}, # sandbox / root
+ }
+ if mydo in actionmap.keys():
+ if mydo=="package":
+ for x in ["","/"+self._config["CATEGORY"],"/All"]:
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["PKGDIR"]+x):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["PKGDIR"]+x)
+ return 0
+# return spawnebuild(mydo,actionmap,self._config,debug,logfile=logfile)
+ elif mydo=="qmerge":
+ #check to ensure install was run. this *only* pops up when users forget it and are using ebuild
+ bail=False
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/.completed_stages"):
+ bail=True
+ else:
+ myf=open(self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/.completed_stages")
+ myd=myf.readlines()
+ myf.close()
+ if len(myd) == 0:
+ bail = True
+ else:
+ bail = ("install" not in myd[0].split())
+ if bail:
+ print "!!! mydo=qmerge, but install phase hasn't been ran"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #qmerge is specifically not supposed to do a runtime dep check
+ return 0
+# return merge(self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"],self._config["D"],self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/build-info",myroot,self._config)
+ elif mydo=="merge":
+ return 0
+# retval=spawnebuild("install",actionmap,self._config,debug,alwaysdep=1,logfile=logfile)
+ if retval:
+ return retval
+# return merge(self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"],self._config["D"],self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/build-info",myroot,self._config,myebuild=self._config["EBUILD"])
+ else:
+ print "!!! Unknown mydo:",mydo
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # phases
+ # my... god... this... is... ugly.
+ # we're talking red headed step child of medusa ugly here.
+ def process_phase(self,phase,myebuild,myroot,allstages=False,**keywords):
+ """the public 'doebuild' interface- all phases are called here, along w/ a valid config
+ allstages is the equivalent of 'do merge, and all needed phases to get to it'
+ **keywords is options passed on to __adjust_env. It will be removed as __adjust_env is digested"""
+ from portage import merge,unmerge,features
+ validcommands = ["help","clean","prerm","postrm","preinst","postinst",
+ "config","setup","depend","fetch","digest",
+ "unpack","compile","test","install","rpm","qmerge","merge",
+ "package","unmerge", "manifest"]
+ if phase not in validcommands:
+ validcommands.sort()
+ writemsg("!!! doebuild: '%s' is not one of the following valid commands:" % phase)
+ for vcount in range(len(validcommands)):
+ if vcount%6 == 0:
+ writemsg("\n!!! ")
+ writemsg(string.ljust(validcommands[vcount], 11))
+ writemsg("\n")
+ return 1
+ retval=self.__adjust_env(phase,myebuild,myroot,**keywords)
+ if retval:
+ return retval
+ if "userpriv" in features:
+ sandbox = ("usersandbox" in features)
+ else:
+ sandbox = ("sandbox" in features)
+ droppriv=(("userpriv" in features) and \
+ ("nouserpriv" not in string.split(self._config["PORTAGE_RESTRICT"])) and portage_exec.userpriv_capable)
+ use_fakeroot=(("userpriv_fakeroot" in features) and droppriv and portage_exec.fakeroot_capable)
+ # basically a nasty graph of 'w/ this phase, have it userprived/sandboxed/fakeroot', and run
+ # these phases prior
+ actionmap={
+ "depend": { "sandbox":False, "userpriv":True, "fakeroot":False},
+ "setup": { "sandbox":True, "userpriv":False, "fakeroot":False},
+ "unpack": {"dep":"setup", "sandbox":sandbox, "userpriv":True, "fakeroot":False},
+ "compile": {"dep":"unpack", "sandbox":sandbox,"userpriv":True, "fakeroot":False},
+ "test": {"dep":"compile","sandbox":sandbox,"userpriv":True, "fakeroot":False},
+ "install": {"dep":"test", "sandbox":(not use_fakeroot or (not use_fakeroot and sandbox)),
+ "userpriv":use_fakeroot,"fakeroot":use_fakeroot},
+ "rpm": {"dep":"install","sandbox":False, "userpriv":use_fakeroot, "fakeroot":use_fakeroot},
+ "package": {"dep":"install", "sandbox":False, "userpriv":use_fakeroot, "fakeroot":use_fakeroot},
+ "merge" : {"dep":"install", "sandbox":True, "userpriv":False, "fakeroot":False}
+ }
+ merging=False
+ # this shouldn't technically ever be called, get_keys exists for this.
+ # left in for compatability while portage.doebuild still exists
+ if phase=="depend":
+ return retval
+ elif phase=="unmerge":
+ return unmerge(self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"],myroot,self._config)
+ elif phase in ["fetch","digest","manifest","clean"]:
+ return retval
+ elif phase=="merge":
+ merging=True
+ elif phase=="qmerge":
+ #no phases ran.
+ phase="merge"
+ merging=True
+# return merge(self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"],self._config["D"],self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/build-info",myroot,\
+# self._config)
+ elif phase in ["help","clean","prerm","postrm","preinst","postinst","config"]:
+ self.__ebp = request_ebuild_processor(self._config, userpriv=False)
+ self.__ebp.write("process_ebuild %s" % phase)
+ self.__ebp.send_env(self._config)
+ self.__ebp.set_sandbox_state(phase in ["help","clean"])
+ self.__ebp.write("start_processing")
+ retval = self.__generic_phase([],self._config)
+ release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp)
+ self.__ebp = None
+ return not retval
+ k=phase
+ # represent the phases to run, grouping each phase based upon if it's sandboxed, fakerooted, and userpriv'd
+ # ugly at a glance, but remember a processor can run multiple phases now.
+ # best to not be wasteful in terms of env saving/restoring, and just run all applicable phases in one shot
+ phases=[[[phase]]]
+ sandboxed=[[actionmap[phase]["sandbox"]]]
+ privs=[(actionmap[phase]["userpriv"],actionmap[phase]["fakeroot"])]
+ if allstages:
+ while actionmap[k].has_key("dep"):
+ k=actionmap[k]["dep"]
+ if actionmap[k]["userpriv"] != privs[-1][0] or actionmap[k]["fakeroot"] != privs[-1][1]:
+ phases.append([[k]])
+ sandboxed.append([actionmap[k]["sandbox"]])
+ privs.append((actionmap[k]["userpriv"],actionmap[k]["fakeroot"]))
+ elif actionmap[k]["sandbox"] != sandboxed[-1][-1]:
+ phases[-1].append([k])
+ sandboxed[-1].extend([actionmap[k]["sandbox"]])
+ else:
+ phases[-1][-1].append(k)
+ privs.reverse()
+ phases.reverse()
+ sandboxed.reverse()
+ for x in phases:
+ for y in x:
+ y.reverse()
+ x.reverse()
+ # and now we have our phases grouped in parallel to the sandbox/userpriv/fakeroot state.
+ all_phases = portage_util.flatten(phases)
+# print "all_phases=",all_phases
+# print "phases=",phases
+# print "sandbox=",sandboxed
+# print "privs=",privs
+# sys.exit(1)
+# print "\n\ndroppriv=",droppriv,"use_fakeroot=",use_fakeroot,"\n\n"
+ #temporary hack until sandbox + fakeroot (if ever) play nice.
+ while privs:
+ if self.__ebp == None or (droppriv and self.__ebp.userprived() != privs[0][0]) or \
+ (use_fakeroot and self.__ebp.fakerooted() != privs[0][1]):
+ if self.__ebp != None:
+ print "swapping processors for",phases[0][0]
+ release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp)
+ self.__ebp = None
+ opts={}
+ #only engage fakeroot when userpriv'd
+ if use_fakeroot and privs[0][1]:
+ opts["save_file"] = self._config["T"]+"/fakeroot_db"
+ self.__ebp = request_ebuild_processor(self._config, userpriv=(privs[0][0] and droppriv), \
+ fakeroot=(privs[0][1] and use_fakeroot), \
+ sandbox=(not (privs[0][1] and use_fakeroot) and portage_exec.sandbox_capable),**opts)
+ #loop through the instances where the processor must have the same sandboxed state-
+ #note a sandbox'd process can have it's sandbox disabled.
+ #this seperation is needed since you can't mix sandbox and fakeroot atm.
+ for sandbox in sandboxed[0]:
+ if "merge" in phases[0][0]:
+ if len(phases[0][0]) == 1:
+ print "skipping this phase, it's just merge"
+ continue
+ phases[0][0].remove("merge")
+ self.__ebp.write("process_ebuild %s" % string.join(phases[0][0]," "))
+ self.__ebp.send_env(self._config)
+ self.__ebp.set_sandbox_state(sandbox)
+ self.__ebp.write("start_processing")
+ phases[0].pop(0)
+ retval = not self.__generic_phase([],self._config)
+ if retval:
+ release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp)
+ self.__ebp = None
+ return retval
+ sandboxed.pop(0)
+ privs.pop(0)
+ phases.pop(0)
+ # hey hey. we're done. Now give it back.
+ release_ebuild_processor(self.__ebp)
+ self.__ebp = None
+ # packaging moved out of ebuild.sh, and into this code.
+ # makes it so ebuild.sh no longer must run as root for the package phase.
+ if "package" in all_phases:
+ print "processing package"
+ #mv "${PF}.tbz2" "${PKGDIR}/All"
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["PKGDIR"]+"/All"):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["PKGDIR"]+"/All")
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["PKGDIR"]+"/"+self._config["CATEGORY"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["PKGDIR"]+"/"+self._config["CATEGORY"])
+ if os.path.exists("%s/All/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["PF"])):
+ os.remove("%s/All/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["PF"]))
+ retval = not portage_util.movefile("%s/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["BUILDDIR"],self._config["PF"]),
+ self._config["PKGDIR"]+"/All/"+self._config["PF"]+".tbz2") > 0
+ if retval: return False
+ if os.path.exists("%s/%s/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"])):
+ os.remove("%s/%s/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"]))
+ os.symlink("%s/All/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["PF"]),
+ "%s/%s/%s.tbz2" % (self._config["PKGDIR"],self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"]))
+ #same as the package phase above, removes the root requirement for the rpm phase.
+ if "rpm" in all_phases:
+ rpm_name="%s-%s-%s" % (self._config["PN"],self._config["PV"],self._config["PR"])
+ retval = not portage_util.movefile("%s/%s.tar.gz" % (self._config["T"],self._config["PF"]),
+ "/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/%s.tar.gz" % self._config["PF"]) > 0
+ if retval:
+ print "moving src for rpm failed, retval=",retval
+ return False
+ retval=portage_exec.spawn(("rpmbuild","-bb","%s/%s.spec" % \
+ (self._config["BUILDDIR"],self._config["PF"])))
+ if retval:
+ print "Failed to integrate rpm spec file"
+ return retval
+ if not os.path.exists(self._config["RPMDIR"]+"/"+self._config["CATEGORY"]):
+ os.makedirs(self._config["RPMDIR"]+"/"+self._config["CATEGORY"])
+ retval = not portage_util.movefile("/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/%s.i386.rpm" % rpm_name,
+ "%s/%s/%s.rpm" % (self._config["RPMDIR"],self._config["CATEGORY"],rpm_name)) > 0
+ if retval:
+ print "rpm failed"
+ return retval
+ # not great check, but it works.
+ # basically, if FEATURES="-buildpkg" emerge package was called, the files in the current
+ # image directory don't have their actual perms. so we use an ugly bit of bash
+ # to make the fakeroot (claimed) permissions/owners a reality.
+ if use_fakeroot and os.path.exists(self._config["T"]+"/fakeroot_db") and merging:
+ print "correcting fakeroot privs"
+ retval=portage_exec.spawn(("/usr/lib/portage/bin/affect-fakeroot-perms.sh", \
+ self._config["T"]+"/fakeroot_db", \
+ self._config["D"]),env={"BASHRC":portage_const.INVALID_ENV_FILE})
+ if retval or retval == None:
+ print red("!!!")+"affecting fakeroot perms after the fact failed"
+ return retval
+ if merging:
+ print "processing merge"
+ retval = merge(self._config["CATEGORY"],self._config["PF"],self._config["D"],self._config["BUILDDIR"]+"/build-info",myroot,\
+ self._config,myebuild=self._config["EBUILD"])
+ return retval
+ # this basically handles all hijacks from the daemon, whether confcache or portageq.
+ def __generic_phase(self,breakers,interpret_results=True):
+ """internal function that responds to the running ebuild processor's requests
+ this enables portageq hijack, sandbox summaries, confcache among other things
+ interpret_results controls whether this returns true/false, or the string the
+ processor spoke that caused this to release control
+ breaks is list of strings that cause this loop/interpretter to relinquish control"""
+ b = breakers[:]
+ b.extend(["prob","phases failed","phases succeeded","env_receiving_failed"])
+ line=''
+ while line not in b:
+ line=self.__ebp.read()
+ line=line[:-1]
+ if line[0:23] == "request_sandbox_summary":
+ self.__ebp.sandbox_summary(line[24:])
+ elif line[0:17] == "request_confcache":
+ self.load_confcache(line[18:])
+ elif line[0:16] == "update_confcache":
+ k=line[17:].split()
+ # sandbox_debug_log, local_cache
+ self.update_confcache(self._config,k[0],k[1])
+ elif line[0:8] == "portageq":
+ keys=line[8:].split()
+ try:
+ e,s=getattr(self.portageq,keys[0])(keys[1:])
+ except SystemExit, e:
+ raise
+ except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("caught exception %s\n" % str(ex))
+ e=2
+ s="ERROR: insufficient paramters!"
+ self.__ebp.write("return_code="+str(e))
+ if len(s):
+ self.__ebp.write(s)
+ self.__ebp.write("stop_text")
+ self.processed += 1
+ if interpret_results:
+ return (line=="phases succeeded")
+ return line