diff options
authorMatsuu Takuto <>2011-01-15 01:55:39 +0000
committerMatsuu Takuto <>2011-01-15 01:55:39 +0000
commit90646657cf88e0c9b692d22c8057eec9d5def454 (patch)
treedcfe1455641b40c3d3a1542be8d4779f058d7cb7 /app-text/gonzui
parentMasking net-print/gqueue for QA removal. (diff)
Fixed initd, bug #188241. Fixed parallel make issue, bug #297463. Convert to ruby-ng.
(Portage version: x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'app-text/gonzui')
5 files changed, 369 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog b/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog
index a1d3535f0728..6ce2a4840b4f 100644
--- a/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for app-text/gonzui
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2010/12/02 01:21:49 flameeyes Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/gonzui/ChangeLog,v 1.15 2011/01/15 01:55:39 matsuu Exp $
+*gonzui-1.2-r2 (15 Jan 2011)
+ 15 Jan 2011; MATSUU Takuto <> +gonzui-1.2-r2.ebuild,
+ +files/gonzui-1.2-r2-gentoo.patch, +files/gonzui.initd:
+ Fixed initd, bug #188241. Fixed parallel make issue, bug #297463. Convert to
+ ruby-ng.
02 Dec 2010; Diego E. Pettenò <> gonzui-1.2-r1.ebuild:
Drop WANT_AUTOMAKE=latest.
diff --git a/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui-1.2-r2-gentoo.patch b/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui-1.2-r2-gentoo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..46855b6dd5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui-1.2-r2-gentoo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/ gonzui-1.2/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/ 2005-03-25 18:00:20.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/ 2011-01-14 11:51:36.207687824 +0900
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ > gonzui.rb
+ chmod -w gonzui.rb
+ gonzui.rb
+ ruby gonzui-db --gonzuirc --dump-config \
+ >
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/acinclude.m4 gonzui-1.2/acinclude.m4
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/acinclude.m4 2005-02-16 23:11:11.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/acinclude.m4 2011-01-14 15:52:41.631014210 +0900
+@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
+ RUBY_CFLAGS="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["CFLAGS"]'`"
+ RUBY_DLEXT="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["DLEXT"]'`"
+ RUBY_DLDFLAGS="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["DLDFLAGS"]'`"
+- RUBY_LIBS="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["LIBS"]'`"
++ RUBY_SO_NAME="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["RUBY_SO_NAME"]'`"
++ RUBY_LIBS="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["LIBRUBYARG_SHARED"]+" "+Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["LIBS"]'`"
+ RUBY_HDRHDIR="`ruby -rmkmf -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]'`"
+ changequote([, ])
+@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/ gonzui-1.2/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/ 2005-07-05 00:07:52.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/ 2011-01-14 11:51:36.207687824 +0900
+@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/gonzui/ gonzui-1.2/gonzui/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/gonzui/ 2005-03-17 15:48:44.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/gonzui/ 2011-01-14 17:58:12.112150295 +0900
+@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+ rm -f $@
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/gonzui/webapp/ gonzui-1.2/gonzui/webapp/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/gonzui/webapp/ 2005-03-14 18:24:17.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/gonzui/webapp/ 2011-01-14 17:58:36.352009521 +0900
+@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/ 2005-07-05 00:07:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/ 2011-01-14 11:51:36.207687824 +0900
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ brainfuck.rb \
+ c.rb \
+ css.rb \
++ ebuild.rb \
+ elisp.rb \
+ java.rb \
+ javascript.rb \
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/c/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/c/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/c/ 2005-03-20 21:08:25.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/c/ 2011-01-14 18:00:08.163475904 +0900
+@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/java/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/java/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/java/ 2005-03-20 21:08:39.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/java/ 2011-01-14 18:00:22.287393757 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ # We do this to workaround flex 2.5.4 issue because our .l
+ # file could not be processed with flex 2.5.4.
+-javatok.c: javatok.l
++javatok.c: javatok.l java.h
+ flex -d -ojavatok.c javatok.l || cp javatok.c.dist javatok.c
+ cmp -s javatok.c javatok.c.dist || cp javatok.c javatok.c.dist
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/javascript/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/javascript/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/javascript/ 2005-03-22 01:09:55.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/javascript/ 2011-01-14 18:00:41.683280922 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ # We do this to workaround flex 2.5.4 issue because our .l
+ # file could not be processed with flex 2.5.4.
+-javascripttok.c: javascripttok.l
++javascripttok.c: javascripttok.l javascript.h
+ flex -d -ojavascripttok.c javascripttok.l || cp javascripttok.c.dist javascripttok.c
+ cmp -s javascripttok.c javascripttok.c.dist || cp javascripttok.c javascripttok.c.dist
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/pairmatcher/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/pairmatcher/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/pairmatcher/ 2005-03-20 20:42:22.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/pairmatcher/ 2011-01-14 18:01:22.883041149 +0900
+@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/php/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/php/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/php/ 2005-03-20 21:08:45.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/php/ 2011-01-14 18:01:41.290933978 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ # We do this to workaround flex 2.5.4 issue because our .l
+ # file could not be processed with flex 2.5.4.
+-phptok.c: phptok.l
++phptok.c: phptok.l php.h
+ flex -F -8 -d -ophptok.c phptok.l || cp phptok.c.dist phptok.c
+ cmp -s phptok.c phptok.c.dist || cp phptok.c phptok.c.dist
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/python/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/python/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/python/ 2005-03-20 21:08:58.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/python/ 2011-01-14 18:01:57.318840641 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ # We do this to workaround flex 2.5.4 issue because our .l
+ # file could not be processed with flex 2.5.4.
+-pythontok.c: pythontok.l
++pythontok.c: pythontok.l python.h
+ flex -d -opythontok.c pythontok.l || cp pythontok.c.dist pythontok.c
+ cmp -s pythontok.c pythontok.c.dist || cp pythontok.c pythontok.c.dist
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
+diff -Naur gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/sh/ gonzui-1.2/langscan/sh/
+--- gonzui-1.2.orig/langscan/sh/ 2005-04-08 21:42:40.000000000 +0900
++++ gonzui-1.2/langscan/sh/ 2011-01-14 17:59:52.227568573 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ # We do this to workaround flex 2.5.4 issue because our .l
+ # file could not be processed with flex 2.5.4.
+-shtok.c: shtok.l
++shtok.c: shtok.l sh.h
+ flex -d -oshtok.c shtok.l || cp shtok.c.dist shtok.c
+ cmp -s shtok.c shtok.c.dist || cp shtok.c shtok.c.dist
+@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
+ SUFFIXES = .c .o # for automake 1.4-p6
+ .c.o:
+ rm -f $@
diff --git a/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui.initd b/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui.initd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc141f7e8c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui.initd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/gonzui/files/gonzui.initd,v 1.1 2011/01/15 01:55:39 matsuu Exp $
+depend() {
+ need net
+checkconfig() {
+ if [ ! -f "$GONZUIRC" ] ; then
+ eerror "Please create $GONZUIRC"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+start() {
+ checkconfig || return $?
+ ebegin "Starting gonzui"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile "${GONZUI_PIDFILE}" \
+ --exec /usr/bin/ruby "${GONZUI_SERVER}" -- --daemon \
+ --gonzuirc="${GONZUIRC}" --quiet
+ eend $? "Failed to start gonzui"
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping gonzui"
+ start-stop-daemon --signal INT --quiet --pidfile "${GONZUI_PIDFILE}"
+ eend $? "Failed to stop gonzui"
diff --git a/app-text/gonzui/gonzui-1.2-r2.ebuild b/app-text/gonzui/gonzui-1.2-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aad95f22de23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/gonzui/gonzui-1.2-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/gonzui/gonzui-1.2-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/01/15 01:55:39 matsuu Exp $
+#USE_RUBY="ruby18 ruby19 ree18"
+inherit autotools eutils ruby-ng
+DESCRIPTION="source code search engine"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="bzip2 cvs gzip lha ocaml perl rpm subversion zip"
+ruby_add_rdepend ">=dev-ruby/ruby-bdb-0.5.2 dev-ruby/ruby-progressbar"
+COMMON_DEPEND=">=sys-libs/db-4.2 ocaml? ( dev-lang/ocaml )"
+ bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
+ cvs? ( dev-vcs/cvs )
+ gzip? ( app-arch/gzip )
+ lha? ( app-arch/lha )
+ perl? ( dev-perl/PPI )
+ rpm? ( app-arch/rpm )
+ subversion? ( dev-vcs/subversion )
+ zip? ( app-arch/unzip )"
+all_ruby_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PF}-gentoo.patch"
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/ebuild.rb "${S}"/langscan/ || die
+ eautoreconf
+each_ruby_configure() {
+ econf || die
+each_ruby_compile() {
+ emake || die
+each_ruby_test() {
+ emake check || die
+each_ruby_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+all_ruby_install() {
+ mv "${D}"/etc/gonzuirc.sample "${D}"/etc/gonzuirc || die
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/gonzui.initd gonzui || die
+ keepdir /var/{lib,log}/gonzui || die
+ dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "First, You need to import source codes into an index. For example, if"
+ elog "you want to import the source codes of wget-1.9.1.tar.gz, run the"
+ elog "following command."
+ elog
+ elog "# gonzui-import wget-1.9.1.tar.gz"
+ elog
+ elog "Then, you can run gonzui-server that works as a web-based search engine."
+ elog
+ elog "# gonzui-server"
+ elog
+ elog "Finally, you can access the search engine with your browser. The URL"
+ elog "is http://localhost:46984/."
+ elog
+ elog "The database (gonzui.db) format has become incompatible with"
+ elog "older versions."
+ elog "Please restructure the database if you already have it."
diff --git a/app-text/gonzui/metadata.xml b/app-text/gonzui/metadata.xml
index 6b38257098f4..5aad50cff6e7 100644
--- a/app-text/gonzui/metadata.xml
+++ b/app-text/gonzui/metadata.xml
@@ -6,5 +6,10 @@
<name>MATSUU Takuto</name>
+ <flag name='lha'>Enable LHA archive support</flag>
+ <flag name='rpm'>Enable rpm support</flag>
+ <flag name='zip'>Enable ZIP archive support</flag>