diff options
authorDaniel Goller <>2005-05-03 23:21:01 +0000
committerDaniel Goller <>2005-05-03 23:21:01 +0000
commit6661aad8bcd02fca29f4605e55428324cf7c4912 (patch)
tree0feef5e98a08916377ade92be509a8a82337eef2 /dev-libs
parentnew patch, fixing a bug in the previous one (diff)
added USE=doc (hey Spanky) and fixed creation of -toolset- links
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs')
4 files changed, 238 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog b/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog
index 4a24e792abee..1b2edd5828c8 100644
--- a/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-libs/boost
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog,v 1.51 2005/04/27 00:10:17 morfic Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/boost/ChangeLog,v 1.52 2005/05/03 23:21:01 morfic Exp $
+*boost-1.32.0-r4 (04 May 2005)
+ 04 May 2005; Daniel Goller <> +boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild:
+ added USE=doc and fixed creation of -toolset- links
24 Apr 2005; Daniel Goller <> :
adding pyste support, adding bsd compatability and preliminary OSX
diff --git a/dev-libs/boost/Manifest b/dev-libs/boost/Manifest
index 4b7283cbe44a..46bafb412d36 100644
--- a/dev-libs/boost/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/boost/Manifest
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-Hash: SHA1
MD5 12f996aa5f489e4e51055e537ea059a8 boost-1.31.0.ebuild 3967
MD5 76f87ddbbddd80f054d8d005d4d66d92 boost-1.32.0-r3.ebuild 6183
MD5 8d4eca3eb59bc23e2d53b3d0cfd06c97 boost-1.32.0.ebuild 2294
MD5 d259ae434e176df207cba3deab973f61 boost-1.29.0.ebuild 1426
MD5 37f8eb8b22a26f2bc30b6101d14cb9d0 boost-1.32.0-r2.ebuild 5690
+MD5 1844963d1c7248859c3a272fa9ddcc3f boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild 6235
MD5 34d13e0eeb58e13e1992908d04d51b45 boost-1.30.0.ebuild 2973
MD5 a076558494f6a0da078dc4efc2e8f02e ChangeLog 7685
MD5 ac17509c51769ef73346e3d3d7733f67 metadata.xml 347
@@ -19,10 +17,4 @@ MD5 1d06245b53e5677556ae22e5f60f0df3 files/digest-boost-1.32.0 67
MD5 1d06245b53e5677556ae22e5f60f0df3 files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r1 67
MD5 1d06245b53e5677556ae22e5f60f0df3 files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r2 67
MD5 1d06245b53e5677556ae22e5f60f0df3 files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r3 67
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 1d06245b53e5677556ae22e5f60f0df3 files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r4 67
diff --git a/dev-libs/boost/boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild b/dev-libs/boost/boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef05b0460091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/boost/boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/boost/boost-1.32.0-r4.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/05/03 23:21:01 morfic Exp $
+# This ebuild was generated by Ebuilder v0.4.
+inherit python distutils multilib eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Boost Libraries for C++"
+LICENSE="freedist Boost-1.0"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~amd64 ~sparc ~ppc64"
+IUSE="debug doc icc pyste static threads threadsonly"
+DEPEND="!icc? ( sys-devel/gcc )
+ icc? ( >=dev-lang/icc-8.0.055 )
+ dev-lang/python"
+RDEPEND="pyste? ( dev-cpp/gccxml dev-python/elementtree ) ${DEPEND}"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [ "${ARCH}" == "amd64" ]; then
+ arch=
+ else
+ arch=${ARCH}
+ fi
+ if use icc ; then
+ BOOST_TOOLSET="intel-linux"
+ elif use ppc-macos ; then
+ BOOST_TOOLSET="darwin"
+ TOOLSET_NAME="darwin"
+ SOSUFFIX="dylib"
+ else
+ fi
+ if use static ; then
+ BUILD="release <runtime-link>static"
+ else
+ BUILD="release <runtime-link>dynamic"
+ fi
+ if use debug ; then
+ BUILD="${BUILD} debug"
+ fi
+ if use threads && use threadsonly ; then
+ BUILD="${BUILD} <threading>multi"
+ fi
+ if use threads && ! use threadsonly ; then
+ BUILD="${BUILD} <threading>single/multi"
+ fi
+ if ! use threads ; then
+ BUILD="${BUILD} <threading>single"
+ fi
+ BOOSTJAM=./tools/build/jam_src/bin.*/bjam
+ # we dont like what get_number_of_jobs does, so we borrow what counts to us,
+ # thanks H?kan Wessberg <>, bug #13565
+ if [ "`egrep "^[[:space:]]*MAKEOPTS=" /etc/make.conf | wc -l`" -gt 0 ]; then
+ ADMINOPTS="`egrep "^[[:space:]]*MAKEOPTS=" /etc/make.conf | cut -d= -f2 | sed 's/\"//g'`"
+ ADMINPARAM="`echo ${ADMINOPTS} | gawk '{match($0, /-j *[0-9]*/, opt); print opt[0]}'`"
+ fi
+ python_version
+src_compile() {
+ # Build bjam, a jam variant, which is used instead of make
+ cd "${S}/tools/build/jam_src"
+ ./ ${BOOST_TOOLSET} || die "Failed to build bjam"
+ cd "${S}"
+ if use icc ; then
+ export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/intel/compiler80/include/c++"
+ export GXX_INCLUDE="/usr/include"
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sINTEL_PATH="/opt/intel/compiler80/" \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sINTEL_PATH="/opt/intel/compiler80/" \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system
+ else
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system
+ fi
+ if use pyste; then
+ cd ${S}/libs/python/pyste/install
+ distutils_src_compile
+ fi
+src_install () {
+ # install build tools
+ cd "${S}/tools/build"
+ #do_whatever is too limiting here, need to move bunch of different stuff recursively
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}
+ doins -a b* index.html v1/ v2/ ${D}/usr/share/${PN} || die "failed to install docs"
+ cd "${S}"
+ if use icc ; then
+ export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/opt/intel/compiler80/include/c++"
+ export GXX_INCLUDE="/usr/include"
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ -sINTEL_PATH="/opt/intel/compiler80/" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system \
+ install || die "Install failed"
+ else
+ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \
+ -sBUILD="${BUILD}" \
+ --prefix=${D}/usr \
+ --layout=system \
+ install || die "Install failed"
+ fi
+ # Install documentation; seems to be mostly under ${S}/lib
+ if use doc ; then
+ dodoc README
+ dohtml index.htm google_logo_40wht.gif c++boost.gif boost.css \
+ -A pdf -r more-r people -r doc
+ find libs -type f -not -regex '^libs/[^/]*/build/.*' \
+ -and -not -regex '^libs/.*/test[^/]?/.*' \
+ -and -not -regex '^libs/.*/bench[^/]?/.*' \
+ -and -not -regex '^libs/[^/]*/tools/.*' \
+ -and -not -name \*.bat \
+ -and -not -name Jamfile\* \
+ -and -not -regex '^libs/[^/]*/src/.*' \
+ -and -not -iname makefile \
+ -and -not -name \*.mak \
+ -and -not -name .\* \
+ -and -not -name \*.dsw \
+ -and -not -name \*.dsp \
+ -exec \
+ install -D -m0644 \{\} ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/\{\} \;
+ fi
+ #and finally set "default" links to -gcc-mt versions
+ cd ${D}/usr/lib
+ for fn in `ls -1 "*.${SOSUFFIX}"|cut -d- -f1|sort|uniq`; do
+ if [ -f "$fn.${SOSUFFIX}" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn.${SOSUFFIX}" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}.${SOSUFFIX}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-mt.${SOSUFFIX}" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-mt.${SOSUFFIX}" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-mt.${SOSUFFIX}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-d.${SOSUFFIX}" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-d.${SOSUFFIX}" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-d.${SOSUFFIX}"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-mt-d.${SOSUFFIX}" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-mt-d.${SOSUFFIX}" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-mt-d.${SOSUFFIX}"
+ fi
+ done
+ for fn in `ls -1 *.a|cut -d- -f1|sort|uniq`; do
+ if [ -f "$fn.a" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn.a" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}.a"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-mt.a" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-mt.a" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-mt.a"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-d.a" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-d.a" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-d.a"
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$fn-mt-d.a" ] ; then
+ dosym "$fn-mt-d.a" "/usr/lib/$fn-${TOOLSET_NAME}-mt-d.a"
+ fi
+ done
+ [[ $(get_libdir) == "lib" ]] || mv ${D}/usr/lib ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)
+ if use pyste; then
+ cd ${S}/libs/python/pyste/install
+ distutils_src_install
+ fi
diff --git a/dev-libs/boost/files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r4 b/dev-libs/boost/files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5cfec51b895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/boost/files/digest-boost-1.32.0-r4
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 e1d1fc7b8fc8c51df4564c2188ca51cb boost_1_32_0.tar.bz2 10181552