diff options
authorLennart Kolmodin <>2006-10-11 21:52:53 +0000
committerLennart Kolmodin <>2006-10-11 21:52:53 +0000
commit2fe9bf97f11b02acc42997a6261f96be6bdeaa94 (patch)
treee4679b9ae9fadb6c3fa0553e6cc0ba447f9f396f /dev-util/bnfc/files
parentversion bump (diff)
Made bnfc-* play nice with dev-lang/ghc-6.6
(Portage version: 2.1.2_pre1-r1)
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/bnfc/files')
3 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/bnfc/files/bnfc-2.2-ghc66-utf8.patch b/dev-util/bnfc/files/bnfc-2.2-ghc66-utf8.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b819b9b69ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/bnfc/files/bnfc-2.2-ghc66-utf8.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+diff -urw --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.hi' BNFC_2.2.orig/CF.hs BNFC_2.2/CF.hs
+--- BNFC_2.2.orig/CF.hs 2004-09-22 18:10:57.000000000 +0200
++++ BNFC_2.2/CF.hs 2006-09-13 16:53:52.000000000 +0200
+@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
+ badtypes = filter isBadType $ cat : [c | Left c <- rhs]
+ isBadType c = not (isUpper (head c) || isList c || c == "#")
+ badFunName = not (isUpper (head f)
+- || isCoercion f || isNilFun f || isOneFun f || isConsFun f)
++ || isCoercion f || isNilFun f || isOneFun f || isConsFun f)
+ isPositionCat :: CFG f -> Cat -> Bool
+ isPositionCat cf cat = or [b | TokenReg name b _ <- pragmasOfCF cf, name == cat]
+diff -urw --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.hi' BNFC_2.2.orig/GetCF.hs BNFC_2.2/GetCF.hs
+--- BNFC_2.2.orig/GetCF.hs 2004-09-26 18:45:35.000000000 +0200
++++ BNFC_2.2/GetCF.hs 2006-09-13 16:54:13.000000000 +0200
+@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
+ pragma = [r | Left (Left r) <- rs]
+ errors = [s | Right s <- rs, not (null s)]
+ (symbols,keywords) = partition (any isSpec) reservedWords
+- isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^§~|&%#/\\$_@\"\'"
++ isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^\167~|&%#/\\$_@\"\'"
+ reservedWords = nub [t | (_,(_,its)) <- rules, Right t <- its]
+ cats = []
+ in (((pragma,(literals,symbols,keywords,cats)),rules),errors)
+Only in BNFC_2.2.orig/: ParBNF.y
+Only in BNFC_2.2: bnfc
+diff -urw --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.hi' BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/cpp/RegToFlex.hs BNFC_2.2/formats/cpp/RegToFlex.hs
+--- BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/cpp/RegToFlex.hs 2004-02-03 17:04:42.000000000 +0100
++++ BNFC_2.2/formats/cpp/RegToFlex.hs 2006-09-13 16:49:01.000000000 +0200
+@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@
+ mkEsc :: String -> String
+ mkEsc = concatMap escChar
+ where escChar c
+- | c `elem` "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^§~|&%#/\\$_@\"" = '\\':[c]
++ | c `elem` "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^\167~|&%#/\\$_@\"" = '\\':[c]
+ | otherwise = [c]
+diff -urw --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.hi' BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex.hs BNFC_2.2/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex.hs
+--- BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex.hs 2004-10-14 18:34:56.000000000 +0200
++++ BNFC_2.2/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex.hs 2006-09-13 16:55:02.000000000 +0200
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
+ where
+ mkEsc = unwords . map ( f . (:[]))
+ f s = if all isSpec s then '^':s else s
+- isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^§~|&%#/\\$_@\""
++ isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^\167~|&%#/\\$_@\""
+ restOfAlex :: CF -> [String]
+ restOfAlex cf = [
+diff -urw --exclude='*.o' --exclude='*.hi' BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex2.hs BNFC_2.2/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex2.hs
+--- BNFC_2.2.orig/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex2.hs 2004-12-08 15:22:47.000000000 +0100
++++ BNFC_2.2/formats/haskell2/CFtoAlex2.hs 2006-09-13 16:54:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ where
+ mkEsc = unwords . map ( f . (:[]))
+ f s = if all isSpec s then '\\':s else s
+- isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^§~|&%#/\\$_@\""
++ isSpec = flip elem "$+-*=<>[](){}!?.,;:^\167~|&%#/\\$_@\""
+ restOfAlex :: String -> Bool -> CF -> [String]
+ restOfAlex shareMod shareStrings cf = [
diff --git a/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.1.2 b/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.1.2
index 0ec5e8ccdd2b..137c15f101ce 100644
--- a/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.1.2
+++ b/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.1.2
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
MD5 2570c1c6ffba25b8824804bae372710d bnfc_2.1.2.tgz 113340
+RMD160 b4975061ada09df109bb657f27c9181fd06f868b bnfc_2.1.2.tgz 113340
+SHA256 a45cd22d727c9246fca31d580f42a3e2aa8bed4e094f8d608f7fe0d38c167eb1 bnfc_2.1.2.tgz 113340
diff --git a/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.2 b/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.2
index 94f9d7f073f6..91b0fcc8b068 100644
--- a/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.2
+++ b/dev-util/bnfc/files/digest-bnfc-2.2
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
MD5 1fff9eb84ba294639292d14a6d47a410 BNFC_2.2.tgz 264246
+RMD160 5f1055fc45916eb489e7f1628dc24c5ecb153500 BNFC_2.2.tgz 264246
+SHA256 8f035b5d0850d5010a0c754f360a9f91cfab526b8b5cf4b61c207b89223c3a33 BNFC_2.2.tgz 264246