diff options
authorDaniel Robbins <>2002-04-05 23:37:54 +0000
committerDaniel Robbins <>2002-04-05 23:37:54 +0000
commit1c1aee6a280422fd607e8e4b39b9f96f4c38f35b (patch)
treeb050c30ff69c934bed95b8ac5e991ae2bae09edf /media-sound
parentupdate to latest stable release (diff)
new audigy support modules/tools/effects
Diffstat (limited to 'media-sound')
6 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/emu10k1-audigy-20020214.ebuild b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/emu10k1-audigy-20020214.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ae464ac96b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/emu10k1-audigy-20020214.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/emu10k1-audigy-20020214.ebuild,v 1.1 2002/04/05 23:37:54 drobbins Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Drivers, utilities and effects for the SoundBlaster Audigy line of sound cards"
+ unpack ${A}
+ cp ${FILESDIR}/config ${S}
+ make
+ make
+ make tools
+src_install() {
+ dodir /etc/audigy
+ dodir /usr/sbin
+ insinto /etc/audigy
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/emu10k1.conf
+ exeinto /usr/sbin
+ doexe ${FILESDIR}/audigy-script
+ insinto /etc/modules.d
+ newins ${FILESDIR}/modules-audigy audigy
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install
+ insinto /usr/share/audigy/effects
+ cd ${S}/utils/as10k1
+ doins effects/*.bin
+ dobin as10k1
+ doman as10k1.1
+ cd ${S}/utils/mixer
+ dosbin emu-dspmgr emu-config
+ doman doc/*.1
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/audigy-script b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/audigy-script
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da04c0730cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/audigy-script
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# audigy-script -- A setup script
+# Author: Daniel Bertrand
+# Last Update: February, 2002
+# Version: 0.1
+# Description:
+# -----------
+# You can use this script to automatically configure the card
+# on module load
+# To do so, add the following line to your module.config (or conf.module) file
+# (and remove the leading '#'):
+# post-install emu10k1 /usr/local/etc/emu-script
+# if you want to save mixer levels, you can use the following:
+# post-install emu10k1 /usr/local/etc/emu-script restore
+# pre-remove emu10k1 /usr/local/etc/emu-script save
+# configuration is done in the file 'emu10k1.conf'
+# Requirements:
+# ------------
+# This script needs the following to be installed:
+# -the emu10k1 tools:
+# emu-config, emu-dspmgr and the dsp .bin files
+# -aumix (installed by default on many Linux distros)
+# Optional argument processing:
+# This script takes arguments which can override the settings in the
+# config file. The following flags are supported:
+# -d [yes|no] use the digital output
+# -t [yes|no] enable the tone controls
+# -3 [yes|no] enable ac3 passthrough
+# -i [yes|no] enable livedrive ir
+# -r [yes|no] invert rear channels
+# -m [yes|no] enable multichannel mode
+# -s [yes|no] route all multichannel signals to sub
+# -b [yes|no] enable the 12dB front analog boost
+# I don't include command line switches for enabling the various inputs
+# or selecting if the card is 5.1 since I can't see being able to set or
+# unset these on the fly being particularly useful.
+# Default location of programs:
+# To use something other than /dev/dsp
+# example "-D /dev/dsp1"
+# To use something other than /dev/dsp
+# example "-M /dev/mixer1"
+# Source configurations
+ . /etc/audigy/emu10k1.conf
+# Pick up any command line overrides
+while getopts d:t:i:r:m:s:b: OPT $SAVEARGS; do
+ case "$OPT" in
+ d)
+ ;;
+ t)
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ ;;
+ i)
+ ;;
+ r)
+ ;;
+ m)
+ ;;
+ s)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift 2
+#set some variables
+if [ "$USE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT" = yes ]; then
+ FRONT="Dig Front"
+ CENTER="Dig Center"
+ SUB="Dig LFE"
+ REAR="Dig rear"
+ CTR_SUB="Dig ctr/sub"
+ FRONT="Front"
+ CENTER="Center"
+ SUB="sub"
+ REAR="rear"
+ CTR_SUB="ctr/sub"
+## functions to enable a inputs and volume controls
+ INPUT=$@
+ $DSPMGR -a"$INPUT:$FRONT" -a"$INPUT:$REAR" -a"$INPUT:Headphones"
+ INPUT=$1
+ $DSPMGR -p"$VOLUME Vol" -l"$INPUT" -f$DSPPATH/vol_2.bin -c"Vol_L" -m"${VOLUME}_l" -c"Vol_R" -m"${VOLUME}_r"
+ INPUT=$1
+ $DSPMGR -a"$INPUT:$FRONT" -a"$INPUT:$REAR" -a"$INPUT:Headphones"
+ $DSPMGR -p"$VOLUME Vol" -l"$INPUT" -f$DSPPATH/vol_2.bin -c"Vol_L" -m"${VOLUME}_l" -c"Vol_R" -m"${VOLUME}_r"
+#Start by clearing everything and stopping the FX8010
+$DSPMGR -x -z
+# Enable inputs (route them to the outputs) and volume controls
+# pcm can be up to 6 channels
+$DSPMGR -a"pcm:$FRONT" -a"pcm rear:$REAR" -a"pcm:headphones" -a"pcm:headphones" -a"pcm ctr/sub:$CTR_SUB"
+$DSPMGR -l"pcm" -l"pcm rear" -l"pcm ctr/sub" -f$DSPPATH/vol_pcm.bin -c"Vol_L" -m"pcm_l" -c"Vol_R" -m"pcm_r"
+# other inputs are only stereo
+if [ "$ENABLE_CD_Spdif" = yes ]; then
+ enable_with_vol "CD-Spdif" "dig1"
+if [ "$ENABLE_OPTICAL_SPDIF" = yes ]; then
+ enable_with_vol "Opt. Spdif" "dig2"
+if [ "$ENABLE_LINE2_MIC2" = yes ]; then
+ enable_with_vol "Line2/Mic2" "line2"
+if [ "$ENABLE_RCA_SPDIF" = yes ]; then
+ enable_with_vol "RCA Spdif" "dig3"
+if [ "$ENABLE_RCA_AUX" = yes ]; then
+ enable_with_vol "RCA Aux2" "line3"
+# Analog-in is already routed to the analog front output
+# So we route it only to the remaining outputs
+$DSPMGR -a"analog:$REAR" -a"analog:Headphones"
+if [ "$USE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT" = yes ]; then
+ $DSPMGR -a"analog:dig front"
+#Output volume controls:
+enable_volume "$FRONT" "vol"
+enable_volume "$REAR" "ogain"
+if [ "$ENABLE_TONE_CONTROL" = yes ] ; then
+ TONE=tone.bin
+ $DSPMGR -l"$FRONT L" -f$DSPPATH/$TONE -cbass -mbass -ctreble -mtreble
+#The next 3 'inherit' the oss control of the above line:
+ aumix -t 68
+ aumix -b 68
+# Need to toggle third output into digital mode
+if [ "$CARD_IS_5_1" = yes ] ; then
+ if [ "$USE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT" = yes ] ; then
+ $CONFIG -d
+ else
+ $CONFIG -a
+ fi
+# See if we should enable IR
+if [ "$ENABLE_LIVEDRIVE_IR" = yes ] ; then
+ $CONFIG -i
+# for digital output we can do ac3passthrough
+# this patch must be last in the signal chain
+if [ "$USE_DIGITAL_OUTPUT" = yes ]; then
+ if [ "$AC3PASSTHROUGH" = yes ] ; then
+ $DSPMGR -l"dig front" -F"$DSPPATH/ac3pass-audigy.bin"
+ fi
+# Restart the FX8010
+case "$1" in
+ restore | restart)
+ load
+ # restore mixer settings
+ /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+ ;;
+ save | stop)
+ # save mixer settings
+ /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ load
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/config b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b4bb4d66830b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/config
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Driver build options
+KERNEL_SOURCE :=/usr/src/linux
+DEBUG := n
+# say no unless you need to use the dbgemu tool,
+# note that this allows users raw access to any register
+# it should not be used in a normal driver.
+DBGEMU := n
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/digest-emu10k1-audigy-20020214 b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/digest-emu10k1-audigy-20020214
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0be33b6d82c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/digest-emu10k1-audigy-20020214
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 3efbd9bfceba5aa0eff006732dd07659 audigy-driver-2002-02-14.tar.gz 375260
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/emu10k1.conf b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/emu10k1.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17848e53d077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/emu10k1.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## This file is used to configure Audigy's audigy-script
+# note, it's safe to say yes to the next option even if you're not going to
+# use it. When this option is enabled, the driver can autodetects AC3 data
+# and behaves normally with normal audio.
+# (Saying yes causes some of the soundcard's resourses to be used up)
+# Say yes if you have a live drive with the IR remote control.
+# Most Lives have their analog front signals inverted. If you have problems with
+# your setup (low bass), try changing this to 'yes'. (This option has no
+# effect with digital setups)
+#Multichannel playback (for 4 - 6 channel setups)
+# Extra Inputs
+## This connector is mounted on the card itself
+ENABLE_CD_Spdif=yes # Volume control is 'Digital1' in aumix/gmix/kmix
+# The next four inputs are found on Livedrives, some of these may also
+# be inputs on the older add-on daughter cards.
+ENABLE_OPTICAL_SPDIF=no # Volume control is 'Digital2'
+ENABLE_LINE2_MIC2=no # Volume control is 'Line2'
+ENABLE_RCA_SPDIF=no # Volume control is 'Digital3'
+ENABLE_RCA_AUX=no # Volume control is 'line3'
diff --git a/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/modules-audigy b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/modules-audigy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67f17c534084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-sound/emu10k1-audigy/files/modules-audigy
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+post-install emu10k1 /usr/sbin/audigy-script