diff options
authorBrad Laue <>2003-10-20 09:25:58 +0000
committerBrad Laue <>2003-10-20 09:25:58 +0000
commit27fd5a56be13a127ce6c46298c27be265097b598 (patch)
tree53618099e8acd67ff4c4185a25180e6b510ea2bc /net-www/mozilla
parentBump to 0.7 (diff)
Cleanups to the ebuild
Diffstat (limited to 'net-www/mozilla')
3 files changed, 58 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog b/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog
index e2164c0b7e7c..d35b20e11091 100644
--- a/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for net-www/mozilla
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog,v 1.125 2003/10/18 16:44:24 brad Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla/ChangeLog,v 1.126 2003/10/20 09:25:53 brad Exp $
+ 20 Oct 2003; Brad Laue <> mozilla-1.5.ebuild:
+ Re-enable support for SMP, clean up some commentary in the ebuild, fix moz*
+ local USE flags to reflect the new defaults for mozilla 1.5
18 Oct 2003; Brad Laue <> mozilla-1.5.ebuild:
Fix ipc download site for mozilla 1.5
diff --git a/net-www/mozilla/Manifest b/net-www/mozilla/Manifest
index ee6a197fd992..98c377430667 100644
--- a/net-www/mozilla/Manifest
+++ b/net-www/mozilla/Manifest
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-MD5 9bb311174360a35555ae82617d33bc3f files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-over-the-spot.patch.bz2 320
-MD5 025a72a791c12f7c3f50e59fc63db451 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-freetype.patch.bz2 854
+MD5 ed1a752f0eb071a9f64f01ed8c72eebe ChangeLog 21682
+MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
+MD5 46cc36ca1e203a4555aed9840f8a3635 mozilla-1.0.1-r3.ebuild 15212
+MD5 d9f06faf9990f4b5f890a127046de9a8 mozilla-1.1-r1.ebuild 14822
+MD5 4e16e2e2e9d548e73eeedd01fef661f8 mozilla-1.2.1-r5.ebuild 20917
+MD5 3d428c2cf97c36c769ff7ac419996aa5 mozilla-1.3-r2.ebuild 16750
+MD5 b8927e21936c0e256ea02de796173f0d mozilla-1.4-r3.ebuild 16724
+MD5 ae6f8c3a96767d491dd65c111d6340cc mozilla-1.4-r4.ebuild 17265
+MD5 666b9378a089385b42d1d8f519f6e7db mozilla-1.5.ebuild 16139
+MD5 2245cc4f37902e2c6dd188f72874fbb3 files/10mozilla 60
+MD5 cf872ecce56e05c488ae7f41b50dec31 files/digest-mozilla-1.0.1-r3 281
+MD5 eccaf421f7e91faad5f835cadca4263e files/digest-mozilla-1.1-r1 202
+MD5 08ca97500d420d77f99f60d5eeb54c1f files/digest-mozilla-1.2.1-r5 268
+MD5 3cbe151665ba43403e657607949244e8 files/digest-mozilla-1.3-r2 201
+MD5 965c8430aca20b99db6430555624b4d2 files/digest-mozilla-1.4-r3 201
+MD5 3fc638d05bf40a6d7a5d3296ee2a0449 files/digest-mozilla-1.4-r4 201
+MD5 14ab5596f8ab82d99af369a72d6c7d6e files/digest-mozilla-1.5 201
+MD5 e30291e992d71bccac5937cca9696da0 files/enigmail-Makefile 1560
+MD5 d0e52abf109fe61c4195f0cbf002ae18 files/google.src 706
+MD5 766df4cd7332bf4127847985f98e46ec files/gtk2mozilla_head_patch2 27148
+MD5 fec6b616b0fec2ee53d64edc2dbfa03c files/mozilla 134
+MD5 937ecdca5b59d442c2b0b5027ead762d files/mozilla-1.0-abi-compat-wrappers.patch 1799
+MD5 4749f0978ad569b9bcf028c75b5de9cc files/mozilla-1.0-abi-xpcom-ppc.patch 12433
+MD5 e239c459343aa377a9c1a6fd0239e4c9 files/mozilla-1.0-asmfixes.patch 9089
+MD5 2428c0ad22b38f773fb9c174722909de files/mozilla-1.0.1-platform.patch 3543
+MD5 1c48ae2eab3e01fae125748d40917e79 files/mozilla-1.0.1-sparc-xpcom.patch 4267
+MD5 f0e9adeb0454377ce019e8969e644efb files/mozilla-1.4-amd64.patch 35052
+MD5 23d6b685fd5e49a07cc4a1786871bf47 files/mozilla-alpha-xpcom-subs-fix.patch 4953
+MD5 df4a4bc60d8f5d28c801ccedfea84d70 files/mozilla-ft-bytecode.patch 629
+MD5 296fe1fa9c5b387bcd909f0a128c7a16 files/mozilla-new-freetype2.patch 720
+MD5 d2a2c551fe8991a27d4abe4e3bbedbe3 files/mozilla-xft-unix-prefs.patch 1320
+MD5 5b01d0425f9ef7bbe0765985e6041c6b files/ 6684
+MD5 7d244b888dbd302c14414cbfc1f62501 files/xft.js 135
+MD5 8803e1d528f2f49a3f3fa98ba14d9ff0 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2-branch-update.patch.bz2 8240
MD5 83da5242120c74b0ca6cceae9d6cf237 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2-cutnpaste-limit-fix.patch.bz2 2838
-MD5 b94275225c24a9776a85f33734c8a7eb files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-wallet.patch.bz2 396
+MD5 4877db25d49b916e55a5d11238c63d8c files/1.2/mozilla-1.2-image-reload-memleak.patch 1489
MD5 d63b3ff6f56728d85392ac75a9745a15 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2.1-Xrender-includes.patch.bz2 605
-MD5 fd94ea7ab54ecfd812c46fa5ce53cd0e files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch.bz2 1030
MD5 9ec98639ee6359407ab5150486c3d0d1 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-Xft-includes.patch.bz2 387
-MD5 8803e1d528f2f49a3f3fa98ba14d9ff0 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2-branch-update.patch.bz2 8240
-MD5 4877db25d49b916e55a5d11238c63d8c files/1.2/mozilla-1.2-image-reload-memleak.patch 1489
+MD5 fd94ea7ab54ecfd812c46fa5ce53cd0e files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-default-plugin-less-annoying.patch.bz2 1030
+MD5 025a72a791c12f7c3f50e59fc63db451 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-freetype.patch.bz2 854
MD5 696d4810f2ccb8f2bcb0275fa13c67b9 files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-gtk2.patch.bz2 6091
+MD5 9bb311174360a35555ae82617d33bc3f files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-over-the-spot.patch.bz2 320
+MD5 b94275225c24a9776a85f33734c8a7eb files/1.2/mozilla-1.2b-wallet.patch.bz2 396
MD5 068edb8c46e34027f9c3febc19656c70 files/1.3/mozilla-1.3-fix-RAW-target.patch 328
MD5 1655fea18e9fc538b41d88561d6080c7 files/1.3/mozilla-1.3-fix-gtkim.patch 921
-MD5 82ebd0eb0bf87f9ddb11e686904d2633 files/1.3/mozilla-1.3-provider-shutdown.patch 4754
MD5 491741624c0aee888ea4a6824b979c3c files/1.3/mozilla-1.3-gtk2.patch 17387
-MD5 e239c459343aa377a9c1a6fd0239e4c9 files/mozilla-1.0-asmfixes.patch 9089
-MD5 d0e52abf109fe61c4195f0cbf002ae18 files/google.src 706
-MD5 766df4cd7332bf4127847985f98e46ec files/gtk2mozilla_head_patch2 27148
-MD5 f0e9adeb0454377ce019e8969e644efb files/mozilla-1.4-amd64.patch 35052
-MD5 4749f0978ad569b9bcf028c75b5de9cc files/mozilla-1.0-abi-xpcom-ppc.patch 12433
+MD5 82ebd0eb0bf87f9ddb11e686904d2633 files/1.3/mozilla-1.3-provider-shutdown.patch 4754
MD5 e30291e992d71bccac5937cca9696da0 files/enigmail/Makefile-enigmail 1560
MD5 68a7617a6d3f0f37904cd6aaa90fe1ba files/enigmail/Makefile-ipc 1596
-MD5 937ecdca5b59d442c2b0b5027ead762d files/mozilla-1.0-abi-compat-wrappers.patch 1799
-MD5 eccaf421f7e91faad5f835cadca4263e files/digest-mozilla-1.1-r1 202
-MD5 3cbe151665ba43403e657607949244e8 files/digest-mozilla-1.3-r2 201
-MD5 965c8430aca20b99db6430555624b4d2 files/digest-mozilla-1.4-r3 201
-MD5 3fc638d05bf40a6d7a5d3296ee2a0449 files/digest-mozilla-1.4-r4 201
-MD5 fec6b616b0fec2ee53d64edc2dbfa03c files/mozilla 134
-MD5 23d6b685fd5e49a07cc4a1786871bf47 files/mozilla-alpha-xpcom-subs-fix.patch 4953
-MD5 2245cc4f37902e2c6dd188f72874fbb3 files/10mozilla 60
-MD5 1c48ae2eab3e01fae125748d40917e79 files/mozilla-1.0.1-sparc-xpcom.patch 4267
-MD5 5b01d0425f9ef7bbe0765985e6041c6b files/ 6684
-MD5 7d244b888dbd302c14414cbfc1f62501 files/xft.js 135
-MD5 e30291e992d71bccac5937cca9696da0 files/enigmail-Makefile 1560
-MD5 df4a4bc60d8f5d28c801ccedfea84d70 files/mozilla-ft-bytecode.patch 629
-MD5 cf872ecce56e05c488ae7f41b50dec31 files/digest-mozilla-1.0.1-r3 281
-MD5 08ca97500d420d77f99f60d5eeb54c1f files/digest-mozilla-1.2.1-r5 268
-MD5 2428c0ad22b38f773fb9c174722909de files/mozilla-1.0.1-platform.patch 3543
-MD5 14ab5596f8ab82d99af369a72d6c7d6e files/digest-mozilla-1.5 201
-MD5 d2a2c551fe8991a27d4abe4e3bbedbe3 files/mozilla-xft-unix-prefs.patch 1320
-MD5 296fe1fa9c5b387bcd909f0a128c7a16 files/mozilla-new-freetype2.patch 720
-MD5 c30100bcbd4bdc8b9bdb4a96ecb18f0d mozilla-1.5.ebuild 17316
-MD5 b8927e21936c0e256ea02de796173f0d mozilla-1.4-r3.ebuild 16724
-MD5 46cc36ca1e203a4555aed9840f8a3635 mozilla-1.0.1-r3.ebuild 15212
-MD5 d9f06faf9990f4b5f890a127046de9a8 mozilla-1.1-r1.ebuild 14822
-MD5 ae6f8c3a96767d491dd65c111d6340cc mozilla-1.4-r4.ebuild 17265
-MD5 3d428c2cf97c36c769ff7ac419996aa5 mozilla-1.3-r2.ebuild 16750
-MD5 8bb55442031665f35ee2b1f9b4a68349 ChangeLog 21478
-MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
-MD5 4e16e2e2e9d548e73eeedd01fef661f8 mozilla-1.2.1-r5.ebuild 20917
diff --git a/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild b/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild
index 6d26dcc115f7..14945d1c44d4 100644
--- a/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild
+++ b/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild
@@ -1,37 +1,18 @@
# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild,v 1.6 2003/10/18 22:54:00 brad_mssw Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.5.ebuild,v 1.7 2003/10/20 09:25:53 brad Exp $
IUSE="java crypt ipv6 gtk2 ssl ldap gnome debug"
# Internal USE flags that I do not really want to advertise ...
-IUSE="${IUSE} mozcalendar mozaccess mozp3p mozxmlterm"
+IUSE="${IUSE} mozcalendar mozaccess mozxmlterm"
IUSE="${IUSE} moznoirc moznomail moznocompose moznoxft"
inherit flag-o-matic gcc eutils nsplugins
-# Recently there has been a lot of stability problem in Gentoo-land. Many
-# things can be the cause to this, but I believe that it is due to gcc3
-# still having issues with optimizations, or with it not filtering bad
-# combinations (protecting the user maybe from himeself) yet.
-# This can clearly be seen in large builds like glibc, where too aggressive
-# CFLAGS cause the tests to fail miserbly.
-# Quote from Nick Jones <>, who in my opinion
-# knows what he is talking about:
-# People really shouldn't force code-specific options on... It's a
-# bad idea. The -march options aren't just to look pretty. They enable
-# options that are sensible (and include sse,mmx,3dnow when apropriate).
-# The next command strips CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from nearly all flags. If
-# you do not like it, comment it, but do not bugreport if you run into
-# problems.
-# <> (13 Oct 2002)
+# Strip over-aggressive CFLAGS - Mozilla supplies its own fine-tuned CFLAGS and shouldn't be interfered with
-# Crashes on start when compiled with -fomit-frame-pointer
+# Strip flags which create more documented instability
filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
filter-flags -ffast-math
append-flags -s -fforce-addr
@@ -47,8 +28,7 @@ append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
-# We set -O in ./configure to -O1, as -O2 cause crashes on startup ...
-# (bug #13287)
+# We set -O in ./configure to -O1, as -O2 cause crashes on startup ... (bug #13287)
if [ "${ARCH}" = "amd64" ]
@@ -110,7 +90,7 @@ DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
moz_setup() {
# Set MAKEOPTS to have proper -j? option ..
-# get_number_of_jobs
+ get_number_of_jobs
# This should enable parallel builds, I hope
export MAKE="emake"
@@ -124,12 +104,6 @@ moz_setup() {
export MOZ_PSM="1"
- # do we build java support for the NSS stuff ?
- # NOTE: this is broken for the moment
-# if [ "`use java`" ]
-# then
-# export NS_USE_JDK="1"
-# fi
src_unpack() {
@@ -174,9 +148,6 @@ src_unpack() {
cp ${FILESDIR}/enigmail/Makefile-ipc ${S}/extensions/ipc/Makefile
- # Fix build with Linux 2.6
- cp ${S}/security/coreconf/ ${S}/security/coreconf/
src_compile() {
@@ -271,11 +242,12 @@ src_compile() {
# is just here for completeness. Please do not use if you
# do not know what you are doing!
- # The defaults are (as of 1.2, according to configure (line ~11445)):
- # cookie, wallet, content-packs, xml-rpc, xmlextras, help, pref, transformiix,
- # venkman, inspector, irc, universalchardet, typeaheadfind
+ # The defaults are:
+ # cookie wallet content-packs xml-rpc xmlextras help p3p pref transformiix
+ # venkman inspector irc universalchardet typeaheadfind webservices
+ # spellcheck
# Non-defaults are:
- # xmlterm access-builtin p3p datetime finger cview
+ # xmlterm access-builtin datetime finger cview
local myext="default"
if [ -n "`use mozxmlterm`" ]
@@ -285,14 +257,11 @@ src_compile() {
- if [ -n "`use mozp3p`" ]
- then
- myext="${myext},p3p"
- fi
if [ -n "`use moznoirc`" ]
# Disable SVG until it's properly implemented
# if [ -n "`use mozsvg`" ]
# then