diff options
authorJoshua Kinard <>2006-08-27 23:39:32 +0000
committerJoshua Kinard <>2006-08-27 23:39:32 +0000
commitca326b40722cfb6aa7c0125b4b1ecc6603d7fabe (patch)
treecf6c7b7fbd227fad4d97369964271da30dd2f7df /sys-kernel
parentUpdate to ( has an unresolved build-time error). (diff)
Update to ( has an unresolved build-time error).
(Portage version: 2.1.1_pre5-r1) (Unsigned Manifest commit)
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel')
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
index fa9cf726e235..39faa45714aa 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/Manifest
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ DIST linux-2.6.16.tar.bz2 40845005 RMD160 af5c2f55733fadd2fdf8b00da55e7b31d516d4
DIST linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919 RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 SHA1 0605c975b9dead2af31a3decf09dd4138fadaf2b SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58
DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.23.tar.bz2 405094 RMD160 809679b2bc9f256a410b30832ee728f6781e7b75 SHA1 9763cc3b750db61e7775bf072ef7dfafd30a5536 SHA256 37d0b5f01afa471f1f50621cf53ae36b301e6e7c9ab07f7db140dd43b9b1b106
DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.24.tar.bz2 275532 RMD160 06382130cbcafa332c56d1a7e0f657ae6e08ff08 SHA1 4ac16fb1a5541bdc9050519a523ccd4d0320e5b3 SHA256 59ba15d33a84b47de8f17d7698ff52cd922e008366ff222c256ade8eea2d91e9
+DIST mips-sources-generic_patches-1.25.tar.bz2 277577 RMD160 00538b4dce9d3ada25fe9441b80166d9305442af SHA1 4a1c58423560dd6d124869ebde75bfe66ad07280 SHA256 b9304bb603f9d30d0ddf68056caad3e2568b20bd7694208b7fccdb96ab8b956e
DIST mips-sources-security_patches-1.15.tar.bz2 95503 RMD160 b0f8dcf5ae9bc2881c0e96302e5f7ce36b9eef9d SHA1 75cb9d527b67f39aee0052cca488b5413f1f6d7b SHA256 188459e458fd059dedf0a70c766358a64fa3122d4584f8ef01286d5f8ad424ed
DIST mipsgit-2.6.15-20060109.diff.bz2 135328 RMD160 092ee406c2aed0fb296f9279b30610f7bf244f21 SHA1 141519d1a996d07c75b18753344ac5875b790ccb SHA256 c47907b1e5d729a57708ce6c641ba1cdad0080c5a863b8e48ee826bc8b714ccc
DIST mipsgit-2.6.16-20060320.diff.bz2 133698 RMD160 fa75efb28512d53a60c0481c9646a59453fc4c34 SHA1 a13777ac4300aba53372fcec5e910e342b02eb9e SHA256 01d3833021941de897af7f113236b461264be72af9df2f007fed7cefd9e8ff33
DIST mipsgit-2.6.17-20060618.diff.bz2 101475 RMD160 13b219d683a79ab6a65ae2dade1164eb9a2b861c SHA1 f1fe724f0a1af7585023dfb679e2ca294b3bdf93 SHA256 6fd8cb2e5d9c7190387d60c2bc746bf8df9efd5654b05e19b03953065b50f29a
DIST patch- 30839 RMD160 941b3782008926c0f4418260eee2d9cc46b348e1 SHA1 d89e15901ab0a02ecb20752cda9a33764fd332ba SHA256 4b4791493edc61fd9ce05e28c24b9ba5526e88e5be3bfa71da6718d5533584cd
DIST patch- 61138 RMD160 67c54d708bb242e5e49132282c483058eb9f50d4 SHA1 faa3830cca861c54243d7ca6538b50ea36a2db6c SHA256 f7f905b411a3470378736f0ab2eedd6a159e3e878822c1dca649d20221190f91
-DIST patch- 21562 RMD160 9857ed5f259baed0d2c0aae5d59ef2553b0a9864 SHA1 163654504f7a6e8e60913e5bd98661b35dc87ab5 SHA256 27752c795eed81e8e8ce0a1dd7941ecc891e59b8d53e69e6f2673d26bcabd427
+DIST patch- 30698 RMD160 e938b60f130eadb15fc6a75348e17ff621603d82 SHA1 4a7a85ba2444191869df9caf2901c44726a6ed1f SHA256 ccaa2af64c5e334bb9c45045a2384d9596550e9c7e5d843b7f5f93471d6aa1b6
EBUILD mips-sources- 18873 RMD160 922220be33c8d741d72b3e764f94f4ee106a5f61 SHA1 6659bf0a277dda03b5b2be28d39a87d7a79aed55 SHA256 f8393941bddb180c20deec5783c7151902724a348ed113ee7a54f7b41e24661e
MD5 50800d7d8bcefbf06a83ded5048b81ea mips-sources- 18873
RMD160 922220be33c8d741d72b3e764f94f4ee106a5f61 mips-sources- 18873
@@ -18,14 +19,14 @@ EBUILD mips-sources- 19399 RMD160 c6151701a4da07f612cd33213cb736
MD5 789772049b5bfb606c0eb442cd8e48af mips-sources- 19399
RMD160 c6151701a4da07f612cd33213cb736da26d6cc5c mips-sources- 19399
SHA256 3b6354c76268bc885fb0bfe0339ecbd6644df1a121fdd437874cdb90aa5d36b4 mips-sources- 19399
-EBUILD mips-sources- 19434 RMD160 7f37ce798b375e8ac9f1261aaf4753fd2976fd69 SHA1 19b9e479a4468f412c26b1f42bd70070a2c09bf0 SHA256 6b555493ccef0f135f3d1200b752414cf28993f6cca66383824fd31e8197d810
-MD5 d5739e6fa1a2e2b39c39c500bc4b4497 mips-sources- 19434
-RMD160 7f37ce798b375e8ac9f1261aaf4753fd2976fd69 mips-sources- 19434
-SHA256 6b555493ccef0f135f3d1200b752414cf28993f6cca66383824fd31e8197d810 mips-sources- 19434
-MISC ChangeLog 41169 RMD160 6c3c1047f513c6b68d594f430e31f960eb4f76c8 SHA1 c5d8b4420ac77980ab476c6e0da6ebcb261e49fa SHA256 84f1a0de74fffbf7c1a575646307a91ebba08d29c3e1d53bc30ed3cfa8dbf217
-MD5 10cab712e83d1442392e8b5b37dba0e0 ChangeLog 41169
-RMD160 6c3c1047f513c6b68d594f430e31f960eb4f76c8 ChangeLog 41169
-SHA256 84f1a0de74fffbf7c1a575646307a91ebba08d29c3e1d53bc30ed3cfa8dbf217 ChangeLog 41169
+EBUILD mips-sources- 19506 RMD160 bf332359c25e500a2ed2bf89bc6c6670c74a5144 SHA1 87ff0edf48a32008f09f617259784012d322fc09 SHA256 af816223b9b4608792952d56a13a86cf54a255787b32709265f280315a8a9df7
+MD5 a0741978c1da8535a7ea1f57e05caab0 mips-sources- 19506
+RMD160 bf332359c25e500a2ed2bf89bc6c6670c74a5144 mips-sources- 19506
+SHA256 af816223b9b4608792952d56a13a86cf54a255787b32709265f280315a8a9df7 mips-sources- 19506
+MISC ChangeLog 41401 RMD160 cc942e692a98886a8573daff9c08bc8302ea9238 SHA1 286a25fa5c8e11e499d260ef381780a92f7c6f8d SHA256 dd6f0048eb07923ddeec0a0d3dd06847fdafa90b73c1299da2288b397bdc5e53
+MD5 2ef018f4154c7470bb4840293d513759 ChangeLog 41401
+RMD160 cc942e692a98886a8573daff9c08bc8302ea9238 ChangeLog 41401
+SHA256 dd6f0048eb07923ddeec0a0d3dd06847fdafa90b73c1299da2288b397bdc5e53 ChangeLog 41401
MISC metadata.xml 378 RMD160 16684ccbf54bd2a4580dbf6e11cb0c8b4582e38b SHA1 4362cc5652f1b06dbd03263ece6dac4da2ebaad5 SHA256 25f7c0d45f0238401d2ab5075149519037844bf692c3c60ea355d984e22834fd
MD5 ad25a2a0b6ade60c13ad8040f3c319c6 metadata.xml 378
RMD160 16684ccbf54bd2a4580dbf6e11cb0c8b4582e38b metadata.xml 378
@@ -36,6 +37,6 @@ SHA256 75d849bb4ef38a7fe78c26d8f9d075c456a7450ea277118c2b6673cd6dfcf8b5 files/di
MD5 21dc5a6e6c0508a27717c25fee562e0f files/digest-mips-sources- 1367
RMD160 791670eac0310061da5243749bd1bad447a9856e files/digest-mips-sources- 1367
SHA256 2841f64c5415a4cbfa6a678f24db19239624a8d8a70f5449ee3bae3dafe85721 files/digest-mips-sources- 1367
-MD5 d09945847b04c3aac8b0e329afff08fa files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
-RMD160 24addf87f7362e01bc3557004b705138512ec027 files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
-SHA256 0060065b7b2bdeac1849870a31468f233de612f2e56c481f408512bca85a2138 files/digest-mips-sources- 1060
+MD5 c6b3814b281ce59aceaaf2cd4727f881 files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
+RMD160 2f07d48191ea69bda287ea22d319640ea7edbdb9 files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
+SHA256 2cbe78504b83adeb958e4d78bde12118bcc2fbabc71d635e91c5dc1d07e5676d files/digest-mips-sources- 1063
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources- b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources-
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0dbc6e4432..000000000000
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/files/digest-mips-sources-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-MD5 37ddefe96625502161f075b9d907f21e linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-MD5 cdf6ed4dbb788e826d3cec71b8e103ba mips-sources-generic_patches-1.24.tar.bz2 275532
-RMD160 06382130cbcafa332c56d1a7e0f657ae6e08ff08 mips-sources-generic_patches-1.24.tar.bz2 275532
-SHA256 59ba15d33a84b47de8f17d7698ff52cd922e008366ff222c256ade8eea2d91e9 mips-sources-generic_patches-1.24.tar.bz2 275532
-MD5 51d45ba8e2f016813191d2bb06ad277e mipsgit-2.6.17-20060618.diff.bz2 101475
-RMD160 13b219d683a79ab6a65ae2dade1164eb9a2b861c mipsgit-2.6.17-20060618.diff.bz2 101475
-SHA256 6fd8cb2e5d9c7190387d60c2bc746bf8df9efd5654b05e19b03953065b50f29a mipsgit-2.6.17-20060618.diff.bz2 101475
-MD5 f2c255cdf482ba589151f5da03fed418 patch- 21562
-RMD160 9857ed5f259baed0d2c0aae5d59ef2553b0a9864 patch- 21562
-SHA256 27752c795eed81e8e8ce0a1dd7941ecc891e59b8d53e69e6f2673d26bcabd427 patch- 21562
diff --git a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources- b/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-
deleted file mode 100644
index 217d185f42e1..000000000000
--- a/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/mips-sources/mips-sources-,v 1.1 2006/07/26 17:27:09 kumba Exp $
-# 1) linux sources from
-# 2) GIT snapshot diff from 14 Sep 2005
-# 3) Generic Fixes
-# 4) Security fixes
-# 5) Patch for IP30 Support (
-# 5) Patch for IP28 Support (
-# 6) Patch for Remaining Cobalt Bits (
-# 7) Experimental patches (IP27 hacks, et al)
-# Version Data
-GITDATE="20060618" # Date of diff between and lmo GIT
-GENPATCHVER="1.24" # Tarball version for generic patches
-F_KV="${OKV}" # Fetch KV, used to know what mipsgit diff to grab.
-STABLEVER="${F_KV}" # Stable Version (2.6.x)
-# Directories
-# Inherit Eclasses
-inherit kernel eutils versionator
-# Portage Vars
-PROVIDE="virtual/linux-sources virtual/alsa"
-KEYWORDS="-* ~mips"
-IUSE="cobalt ip27 ip28 ip30 ip32r10k"
-# Version Control Variables
-USE_RC="no" # If set to "yes", then attempt to use an RC kernel
-USE_PNT="yes" # If set to "yes", then attempt to use a point-release (2.6.x.y)
-# Machine Support Control Variables
-DO_IP22="no" # If "yes", enable IP22 support (SGI Indy, Indigo2 R4x00)
-DO_IP27="yes" # IP27 support (SGI Origin)
-DO_IP28="yes" # IP28 support (SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000)
-DO_IP30="yes" # IP30 support (SGI Octane)
-DO_IP32="yes" # IP32 support (SGI O2, R5000/RM5200 Only)
-DO_CBLT="yes" # Cobalt Support (Cobalt Microsystems)
-# Machine Stable Version Variables
-SV_IP22="" # If set && DO_IP22 == "no", indicates last "good" IP22 version
-SV_IP27="" # DO_IP27 == "no", IP27
-SV_IP28="" # DO_IP28 == "no", IP28
-SV_IP30="" # DO_IP30 == "no", IP30
-SV_IP32="" # DO_IP32 == "no", IP32
-SV_CBLT="" # DO_CBLT == "no", Cobalt
-# If USE_RC == "yes", use a release candidate kernel (2.6.X-rcY)
-if [ "${USE_RC}" = "yes" ]; then
- KVXY="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)" # Kernel Major/Minor
- KVZ="$(get_version_component_range 3)" # Kernel Revision Pt. 1
- KVRC="$(get_version_component_range 4)" # Kernel RC
- F_KV="$(get_version_component_range 1-3)-${KVRC}"
- STABLEVER="${KVXY}.$((${KVZ} - 1))" # Last stable version (Rev - 1)
- PATCHVER="mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/patch-${OKV}.bz2"
- USE_PNT="no"
-# If USE_PNT == "yes", use a point release kernel (2.6.x.y)
-if [ "${USE_PNT}" = "yes" ]; then
- F_KV="$(get_version_component_range 1-3)" # Get Maj/Min/Rev (x.y.z)
- STABLEVER="${F_KV}" # Last Revision release
- PATCHVER="mirror://kernel/linux/kernel/v2.6/patch-${OKV}.bz2" # Patch for new point release
- EXTRAVERSION=".$(get_version_component_range 4)-mipsgit-${GITDATE}"
- USE_RC="no"
-DESCRIPTION="Linux-Mips GIT sources for MIPS-based machines, dated ${GITDATE}"
- mirror://gentoo/mipsgit-${F_KV}-${GITDATE}.diff.bz2
- mirror://gentoo/${PN}-generic_patches-${GENPATCHVER}.tar.bz2
-# Error messages
-err_only_one_mach_allowed() {
- echo -e ""
- eerror "A patchset for a specific machine-type has already been selected."
- eerror "No other patches for machines-types are permitted. You will need a"
- eerror "separate copy of the kernel sources for each different machine-type"
- eerror "you want to build a kernel for."
- die "Only one machine-type patchset allowed"
-err_disabled_mach() {
- # Get args
- local mach_name="${1}"
- local mach_abbr="${2}"
- local mach_use="${3}"
- # Get stable version, if exists
- local stable_ver="SV_${mach_abbr}"
- stable_ver="${!stable_ver}"
- # See if this machine needs a USE passed or skip dying
- local has_use
- [ ! -z "${mach_use}" -a "${mach_use}" != "skip" ] && has_use="USE=\"${mach_use}\" "
- # Print error && (maybe) die
- echo -e ""
- eerror "${mach_name} Support has been disabled in this ebuild"
- eerror "revision. If you wish to merge ${mach_name} sources, then"
- eerror "run ${has_use}emerge =mips-sources-${stable_ver}"
- [ "${mach_use}" != "skip" ] && die "${mach_name} Support disabled."
- return 0
-# Machine Information Messages
-# If needing to whitespace for formatting in 'einfo', 'ewarn', or 'eerror', use
-# \040 for a space instead of the standard space. These functions strip redundant
-# white space for some unknown reason
-show_ip22_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "IP22 systems should work well with this release, however, R4600"
- einfo "setups may still experience bugs. Please report any encountered"
- einfo "problems."
- einfo ""
- einfo "Some Notes:"
- einfo "\t- Supported graphics card right now is Newport (XL)."
- einfo "\t- A driver for Extreme (XZ) is in the works, but remains"
- einfo "\t\040\040unreleased by its author for public consumption."
- echo -e ""
-show_ip27_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "IP27 support can be considered a game of Russian Roulette. It'll work"
- einfo "great for some but not for others. It also uses some rather horrible"
- einfo "hacks to get going -- hopefully these will be repaired in the future."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "Please keep all kittens and any other small, cute, and fluffy creatures"
- ewarn "away from an IP27 Box running these sources. Failure to do so may cause"
- ewarn "the IP27 to consume the hapless creature. Consider this your only"
- ewarn "warning regarding the experimental nature of this particular machine."
- echo -e ""
-show_ip28_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Support for the Indigo2 Impact R10000 is very experimental. If you do not"
- einfo "have a clue in the world about what an IP28 is, what the mips architecture"
- einfo "is about, or are new to Gentoo, then it is highly advised that you steer"
- einfo "clear of messing with this machine. Due to the experimental nature of this"
- einfo "particular class of system, we have to provide such warnings, as it is only"
- einfo "for use by those who know what they are doing."
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Be advised that attempting to run Gentoo/Linux (or any Linux distro) on this"
- einfo "system may cause the sudden, unexplained disappearence of any nearby furry"
- einfo "creatures. So please keep any and all small pets away from this system at"
- einfo "all times."
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "That said, support for this system REQUIRES that you use the ip28 cascade"
- ewarn "profile (${HILITE}default-linux/mips/2006.1/ip28/o32${NORMAL}), because a very special"
- ewarn "patch is used on the kernel-gcc (${GOOD}gcc-mips64${NORMAL}) and the kernel itself"
- ewarn "in order to support this machine. These patches will only be applied"
- ewarn "if \"ip28\" is defined in USE, which the profile sets. As of gcc-4.1.1,"
- ewarn "this patch is automatically applied. In time, ${HILITE}kgcc64${NORMAL} will replace ${GOOD}gcc-mips64${NORMAL}"
- echo -e ""
- ewarn "As a final warning, _nothing_ is guaranteed to work smoothly. However,"
- ewarn "the Impact console driver and X driver do work somewhat decently."
- echo -e ""
-show_ip30_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Things to keep in mind when building a kernel for an SGI Octane:"
- einfo "\t- Impact (MGRAS) console and X driver work, please report any bugs."
- einfo "\t- VPro (Odyssey) console works, but no X driver exists yet."
- einfo "\t- PCI Card Cages should work for many devices, except certain types like"
- einfo "\t\040\040PCI-to-PCI bridges (USB hubs, USB flash card readers for example)."
- einfo "\t- Do not use OHCI-based USB cards in Octane. They're broke on this machine."
- einfo "\t\040\040Patches are welcome to fix the issue."
- einfo "\t- Equally, UHCI Cards are showing issues in this release, but should still"
- einfo "\t\040\040function somewhat. This issue manifests itself when using pl2303 USB->Serial"
- einfo "\t\404\040adapters."
- einfo "\t- Other XIO-based devices like MENET and various Impact addons remain"
- einfo "\t\040\040untested and are not guaranteed to work. This applies to various"
- einfo "\t\040\040digital video conversion boards as well."
- echo -e ""
-show_ip32_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "IP32 systems function well, however there are some notes:"
- einfo "\t- No driver exists yet for the sound card."
- einfo "\t- Framebuffer console is limited to 4MB. Anything greater"
- einfo "\t\040\040specified when building the kernel will likely oops or panic"
- einfo "\t\040\040the kernel."
- einfo "\t- X support is limited to the generic fbdev driver. No X gbefb"
- einfo "\t\040\040driver exists for O2 yet."
- echo -e ""
- if use ip32r10k; then
- eerror "R10000/R12000 Support on IP32 is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!"
- eerror "This is intended ONLY for people interested in fixing it up. And"
- eerror "by that, I mean people willing to SEND IN PATCHES! If you're not"
- eerror "interested in debugging this issue seriously or just want to run it"
- eerror "as a user, then DO NOT USE THIS. Really, we mean it."
- echo -e ""
- eerror "All that said, initial testing seems to indicate that this system will"
- eerror "stay online for a reasonable amount of time and will compile packages."
- eerror "However, the primary console (which is serial, gbefb seems dead for now)"
- eerror "will fill with CRIME CPU errors every so often. A majority of these"
- eerror "seem harmless, however a few non-fatal oopses have also been triggered."
- echo -e ""
- eerror "We're interesting in finding anyone with knowledge of the R10000"
- eerror "workaround for speculative execution listed in the R10000 Processor"
- eerror "manual, or those who are familiar with the IP32 chipset and the feature"
- eerror "called \"Juice\"."
- echo -e ""
- eerror "To build this kernel tree, make sure you re-merge your kernel compiler"
- eerror "with the \"ip32r10k\" USE flag enabled via crossdev. This uses a"
- eerror "tweaked version of the gcc cache barriers patch that makes gcc emit "
- eerror "more barriers, as IP32 needs them to have any hope of staying online."
- fi
- eerror "!!! BIG FAT WARNING"
- eerror "!!! To Build 64bit kernels for SGI O2 (IP32) or SGI Indy/Indigo2 R4x00 (IP22)"
- eerror "!!! systems, you _need_ to be using a >=gcc-4.1.1 compiler. In prior times, an"
- eerror "!!! ugly hack was used to build an ELF64 binary that resembled an ELF32 binary in"
- eerror "!!! order to make the ARCS PROMs on these systems boot the kernel. This hack is no"
- eerror "!!! longer in use nor supported in 2.6.17 and beyond. In order to achieve the same"
- eerror "!!! effect, a new flag available in >=gcc-4.x is used, and as such, makes"
- eerror "!!! >=gcc-4.1.1 the preferred compiler for 2.6.17 and beyond."
- eerror ""
- eerror "!!! One side effect of this is the need to build 64bit IP32 and IP22 kernels with the"
- eerror "!!! following make command: ${GOOD}make vmlinux.32${NORMAL}"
- eerror "!!! Once done, copy the ${GOOD}vmlinux.32${NORMAL} file and boot that. Do not use the"
- eerror "!!! ${BAD}vmlinux${NORMAL} file -- this will either not boot on IP22 or result in"
- eerror "!!! undocumented weirdness on IP32 systems."
-show_cobalt_info() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo "Please keep in mind that the 2.6 kernel will NOT boot on Cobalt"
- einfo "systems that are still using the old Cobalt bootloader. In"
- einfo "order to boot a 2.6 kernel on Cobalt systems, you must be using"
- einfo "the CoLo bootloader, which does not have the kernel"
- einfo "size limitation that the older bootloader has. If you want"
- einfo "to use the newer bootloader, make sure you have sys-boot/colo"
- einfo "installed and setup."
- echo -e ""
-# Check our USE flags for machine-specific flags and give appropriate warnings/errors.
-# Hope the user isn't crazy enough to try using combinations of these flags.
-# Only use one machine-specific flag at a time for each type of desired machine-support.
-# Affected machines: ip27 ip28 ip30
-# Not Affected: cobalt ip22 ip32
-pkg_setup() {
- local arch_is_selected="no"
- local mach_ip
- local mach_enable
- local mach_name
- local x
- # See if we're on a cobalt system first (must use the cobalt-mips profile)
- if use cobalt; then
- arch_is_selected="yes"
- [ "${DO_CBLT}" = "no" ] && err_disabled_mach "Cobalt Microsystems" "CBLT" "cobalt"
- show_cobalt_info
- fi
- # Exclusive machine patchsets
- # These are not allowed to be mixed together, thus only one of them may be applied
- # to a tree per merge.
- for x in \
- "ip27 SGI Origin 200/2000" \
- "ip28 SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000" \
- "ip30 SGI Octane"
- do
- set -- ${x} # Set positional params
- mach_ip="${1}" # Grab the first param (HW IP for SGI)
- shift # Shift the positions
- mach_name="${*}" # Get the rest (Name)
- if use ${mach_ip}; then
- # Fetch the value indiciating if the machine is enabled or not
- mach_enable="DO_${mach_ip/ip/IP}"
- mach_enable="${!mach_enable}"
- # Make sure only one of these exclusive machine patches is selected
- [ "${arch_is_selected}" = "no" ] \
- && arch_is_selected="yes" \
- || err_only_one_mach_allowed
- # Is the machine support enabled or not?
- [ "${mach_enable}" = "no" ] \
- && err_disabled_mach "${mach_name}" "${mach_ip/ip/IP}" "${mach_ip}"
- # Show relevant information about the machine
- show_${mach_ip}_info
- fi
- done
- # All other systems that don't have a USE flag go here
- # These systems have base-line support included in linux-mips git, so
- # instead of failing, if disabled, we simply warn the user
- if [ "${arch_is_selected}" = "no" ]; then
- [ "${DO_IP22}" = "no" ] \
- && err_disabled_mach "SGI Indy/Indigo2 R4x00" "IP22" "skip" \
- || show_ip22_info
- [ "${DO_IP32}" = "no" ] \
- && err_disabled_mach "SGI O2" "IP32" "skip" \
- || show_ip32_info
- fi
-# Generic Patches - Safe to use globally
-do_generic_patches() {
- echo -e ""
- ebegin ">>> Generic Patches"
- # IP22 Patches
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.15-ip22-hal2-kconfig-tweaks.patch # in git - kill in 2.6.18
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.16-ip22-vino-64bit-ioctl-fixes.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip22-rtc-brown-paper-bag.patch # in git - kill in 2.6.18
- # IP32 Patches
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.11-ip32-mace-is-always-eth0.patch
- # Cobalt Patches
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-cobalt-bits.patch
- # Generic
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ths-mips-tweaks.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.15-mips-iomap-functions.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.12-seccomp-no-default.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.11-add-byteorder-to-proc.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.15-add-4k_cache_defines.patch # in git - kill in 2.6.18
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-rev-i18n.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.15-fix-4k-cache-macros.patch # in git - kill in 2.6.18
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.15-vgacon-accesses-unmapped-space.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-n32-sigset-endian-swap.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-fix-rdhwr_op-definition.patch # in git - kill in 2.6.18
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-squashfs-3.0.patch
- eend
-# NOT safe for production systems
-# Use at own risk, do _not_ file bugs on effects of these patches
-do_sekrit_patches() {
- if use ip32r10k; then
- # Modified version of the IP28 cache barriers patch for the kernel
- # that removes all the IP28 specific pieces and leaves behind only
- # the generic segments.
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip32-r10k-support.patch
- fi
-## # No Sekrit Patches!
-## sleep 0
-# Exclusive Machine Patchsets
-# SGI Origin (IP27)
-do_ip27_support() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> Patching kernel for SGI Origin 200/2000 (IP27) support ..."
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ioc3-metadriver-r26.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip27-horrible-hacks_may-eat-kittens.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip27-rev-pci-tweak.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip27-hack-attack.patch
-# SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
-do_ip28_support() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> Patching kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28) support ..."
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip28-i2_impact-support.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip28-impact-mmapfix.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip28-wd93cac-tweak.patch
-# SGI Octane 'Speedracer' (IP30)
-do_ip30_support() {
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> Patching kernel for SGI Octane (IP30) support ..."
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ioc3-metadriver-r26.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip30-octane-support-r27.patch
- epatch ${MIPS_PATCHES}/misc-2.6.17-ip30-impact-vpro-mmapfix.patch
-# Renames source trees for the few machines that we have separate patches for
-rename_source_tree() {
- if [ ! -z "${1}" ]; then
- if use ${1}; then
- mv ${S} ${S}.${1}
- S="${S}.${1}"
- fi
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- local x
- unpack ${A}
- mv ${WORKDIR}/linux-${STABLEVER} ${WORKDIR}/linux-${OKV}-${GITDATE}
- cd ${S}
- # If USE_RC == "yes", use a release candidate kernel (2.6.x-rcy)
- # OR
- # if USE_PNT == "yes", use a point-release kernel (2.6.x.y)
- if [ "${USE_RC}" = "yes" -o "${USE_PNT}" = "yes" ]; then
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> linux-${STABLEVER} --> linux-${OKV} ..."
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch-${OKV}
- fi
- # Update the vanilla sources with linux-mips GIT changes
- echo -e ""
- einfo ">>> linux-${OKV} --> linux-${OKV}-${GITDATE} patch ..."
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/mipsgit-${F_KV}-${GITDATE}.diff
- # Generic patches we always include
- do_generic_patches
- # Machine-specific patches
- for x in {ip27,ip28,ip30}; do
- use ${x} && do_${x}_support
- done
- # Patches for experimental use
- do_sekrit_patches
- # All done, resume normal portage work
- kernel_universal_unpack
-src_install() {
- # Rename the source trees for exclusive machines
- local x
- for x in {ip27,ip28,ip30,cobalt}; do
- use ${x} && rename_source_tree ${x}
- done
- kernel_src_install
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Symlink /usr/src/linux as appropriate
- local my_ksrc="${S##*/}"
- for x in {ip27,ip28,ip30,cobalt}; do
- use ${x} && my_ksrc="${my_ksrc}.${x}"
- done
- if [ ! -e ${ROOT}usr/src/linux ]; then
- rm -f ${ROOT}usr/src/linux
- ln -sf ${my_ksrc} ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux
- fi