diff options
authorMichael Imhof <>2007-11-26 08:17:39 +0000
committerMichael Imhof <>2007-11-26 08:17:39 +0000
commit426231fa680841512f4052674e9b0df554fb07af (patch)
treef61d00d724f9ef83b41dc9a642f0eb390ed2a6ea /sys-power/apcupsd
parentRemove older versions. (diff)
Version bump. Closes #65211, #197022.
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-power/apcupsd')
10 files changed, 367 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog b/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog
index c56a64b872e2..a15a0be78cb8 100644
--- a/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-power/apcupsd
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog,v 1.30 2007/07/29 17:11:41 phreak Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/apcupsd/ChangeLog,v 1.31 2007/11/26 08:17:37 tantive Exp $
+*apcupsd-3.14.2 (26 Nov 2007)
+ 26 Nov 2007; Michael Imhof <>
+ +files/3.14.2/, +files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd,
+ +files/3.14.2/etc.patch, +files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch,
+ +apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Closes #65211, #197022.
29 Jul 2007; Christian Heim <> apcupsd-3.10.17-r1.ebuild,
apcupsd-3.10.18-r1.ebuild, apcupsd-3.10.18-r2.ebuild,
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/Manifest b/sys-power/apcupsd/Manifest
index d03ec55e7d56..416f8595c8fd 100644
--- a/sys-power/apcupsd/Manifest
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-Hash: SHA1
AUX 3.10.15/apache.conf 157 RMD160 3cbd37e49916ee5bf6cfc21d3734430e0bff9f8c SHA1 ee4e6f2d682c36b55a038b956b522096c1cc0721 SHA256 c56dea432abd46f89365780f76928bebaf7e2f72b58a24915da530e535e71b4a
MD5 69cfaea0e3937c778c710b8120cbd379 files/3.10.15/apache.conf 157
RMD160 3cbd37e49916ee5bf6cfc21d3734430e0bff9f8c files/3.10.15/apache.conf 157
@@ -141,6 +138,30 @@ AUX 3.14.1/no-parallel.patch 339 RMD160 c6e50aa5b22438e02e17df4fda41c7cae371217f
MD5 1f8ffc6c5b825f0b2d4a7be5743cd44a files/3.14.1/no-parallel.patch 339
RMD160 c6e50aa5b22438e02e17df4fda41c7cae371217f files/3.14.1/no-parallel.patch 339
SHA256 3bcd10a6f7c623496a75d8cc321becbc24162372936dab4e696b0322c46e4c62 files/3.14.1/no-parallel.patch 339
+AUX 3.14.2/ 273 RMD160 46efa88a7716a0e26f905528335e8d4994a9b704 SHA1 8e976c8f3316b8b7a056a9a5a3a432be66131854 SHA256 c07f3085f5b39d319f220898b84a8ffe27c872cb6d70d90bd7211af11c3b2c08
+MD5 b16ab90b6b83806a03c27aef26c4d0f0 files/3.14.2/ 273
+RMD160 46efa88a7716a0e26f905528335e8d4994a9b704 files/3.14.2/ 273
+SHA256 c07f3085f5b39d319f220898b84a8ffe27c872cb6d70d90bd7211af11c3b2c08 files/3.14.2/ 273
+AUX 3.14.2/apcupsd.initd 804 RMD160 3740ce086069f7251a79f4de2a051734e4285a7b SHA1 8726890726bb2521ce5b4b1aef1c796408bf3c05 SHA256 fe5e89ec1233ac85935407de77492c1700b08ded94379df309bc587503d03900
+MD5 66091d729fbe934649f185391dbf8f3f files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd 804
+RMD160 3740ce086069f7251a79f4de2a051734e4285a7b files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd 804
+SHA256 fe5e89ec1233ac85935407de77492c1700b08ded94379df309bc587503d03900 files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd 804
+AUX 3.14.2/etc.patch 1476 RMD160 0e93c67b37637fb6913d771c3c10cf49a85478ad SHA1 4a1dc295661edc8f8283c20bf689012d6419d917 SHA256 cf6372fe37625f5418fcca42b41d6c3b9424ad1a8b66c8ad5ca64fc39731c295
+MD5 66f236828b3cb6b36bcd64d4dda1fe23 files/3.14.2/etc.patch 1476
+RMD160 0e93c67b37637fb6913d771c3c10cf49a85478ad files/3.14.2/etc.patch 1476
+SHA256 cf6372fe37625f5418fcca42b41d6c3b9424ad1a8b66c8ad5ca64fc39731c295 files/3.14.2/etc.patch 1476
+AUX 3.14.2/no-parallel.patch 339 RMD160 c6e50aa5b22438e02e17df4fda41c7cae371217f SHA1 4d20db0882272b9c472b1ea994d115310bcab6d3 SHA256 3bcd10a6f7c623496a75d8cc321becbc24162372936dab4e696b0322c46e4c62
+MD5 1f8ffc6c5b825f0b2d4a7be5743cd44a files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch 339
+RMD160 c6e50aa5b22438e02e17df4fda41c7cae371217f files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch 339
+SHA256 3bcd10a6f7c623496a75d8cc321becbc24162372936dab4e696b0322c46e4c62 files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch 339
+AUX 3.14/ 273 RMD160 46efa88a7716a0e26f905528335e8d4994a9b704 SHA1 8e976c8f3316b8b7a056a9a5a3a432be66131854 SHA256 c07f3085f5b39d319f220898b84a8ffe27c872cb6d70d90bd7211af11c3b2c08
+MD5 b16ab90b6b83806a03c27aef26c4d0f0 files/3.14/ 273
+RMD160 46efa88a7716a0e26f905528335e8d4994a9b704 files/3.14/ 273
+SHA256 c07f3085f5b39d319f220898b84a8ffe27c872cb6d70d90bd7211af11c3b2c08 files/3.14/ 273
+AUX 3.14/etc.patch 1476 RMD160 0e93c67b37637fb6913d771c3c10cf49a85478ad SHA1 4a1dc295661edc8f8283c20bf689012d6419d917 SHA256 cf6372fe37625f5418fcca42b41d6c3b9424ad1a8b66c8ad5ca64fc39731c295
+MD5 66f236828b3cb6b36bcd64d4dda1fe23 files/3.14/etc.patch 1476
+RMD160 0e93c67b37637fb6913d771c3c10cf49a85478ad files/3.14/etc.patch 1476
+SHA256 cf6372fe37625f5418fcca42b41d6c3b9424ad1a8b66c8ad5ca64fc39731c295 files/3.14/etc.patch 1476
DIST apcupsd-3.10.15.tar.gz 3858266 RMD160 a8f0b69a5622057ccf8ff97c1f1f56ef1305d9c1 SHA1 538465f21986b4736a846bf2fbd1d9bc26f2e14c SHA256 04179f7369a3a24816e94605b973ba739a2b22e80e2765159f457515a6c96e5a
DIST apcupsd-3.10.16.tar.gz 5037822 RMD160 e0db09c40c9ae103ac7fce66280050d0fa328688 SHA1 81da5a239f609f918c22a418d02646d157f463e4 SHA256 2d9f280fde4b9e64cc8bba8e79d1f0e153a35dfe4aaec02cfc00cf7bc0bec31e
DIST apcupsd-3.10.17.tar.gz 5662277 RMD160 6d1766a8f957d0a08811371d0473e8bf6bd854ef SHA1 b3c236cb12986b27b55b213eabe7c0b501697d33 SHA256 8eb6d0dd5fb8973356dd4e335de4e5df3fc559bff4713a87fd29798a46d5e78c
@@ -150,6 +171,7 @@ DIST apcupsd-3.12.3.tar.gz 4222539 RMD160 0f801e9405f79af6d70e56868d222f80f8bb15
DIST apcupsd-3.12.4.tar.gz 4223158 RMD160 a54c2f6d71c902d7963a1c65a3850f657aabaa88 SHA1 a36212d9634d36beda2318d85b882209763f2473 SHA256 e2c789089a71f8bafc2812a5e20b73f5420e4c234961afb53a30f6ff891640ba
DIST apcupsd-3.14.0.tar.gz 4356614 RMD160 583527a79fdf3965676c310b801331e89e724d91 SHA1 1caba59ce56a445e7f09825d729770edd495a53b SHA256 3d30e5234115b466b97434d8c74f0cfc96c3735add7eb725066e5043ffbd66aa
DIST apcupsd-3.14.1.tar.gz 4352400 RMD160 f6655123f7daa91966e9a2a4877e90b70babc670 SHA1 ee2a9ba074b688aba047d571098f44dc591e985c SHA256 3d68ce2c387194a8d6d2afae40dbaa0c02a87992ac1bdbd2495b1b610266c123
+DIST apcupsd-3.14.2.tar.gz 4345034 RMD160 e002bdb89b9391d6727d5fbc1395e5b5b4a99304 SHA1 5a028236a521c7ef6154a5fd7a14d4f8dcdbf64d SHA256 72605e54356ffe32dc24159b4094a5b7e5e978d2440edded8b01496af9caca50
EBUILD apcupsd-3.10.15-r1.ebuild 2438 RMD160 42ab7e7b60f9e125d58a0265da0d5b9dcadf77f6 SHA1 04990d121dfbd23b3d33968646668b2231a5e191 SHA256 d42a593b25aa96f42e5889aa0d093758b1434872241ae6c1f9dfa144a6343c51
MD5 5dca72915f1d61e8c0b63ba6a9e2819e apcupsd-3.10.15-r1.ebuild 2438
RMD160 42ab7e7b60f9e125d58a0265da0d5b9dcadf77f6 apcupsd-3.10.15-r1.ebuild 2438
@@ -194,10 +216,14 @@ EBUILD apcupsd-3.14.1.ebuild 3379 RMD160 0efdff8a8aec3f5d3dc3d1f037f85ffa6d706a8
MD5 8fcd4c96864498e69c9a1cdb9654142f apcupsd-3.14.1.ebuild 3379
RMD160 0efdff8a8aec3f5d3dc3d1f037f85ffa6d706a88 apcupsd-3.14.1.ebuild 3379
SHA256 c789ccc63af6c6e7dba47420376a1b05ed1306474eecd12a031cb9327f4c622a apcupsd-3.14.1.ebuild 3379
-MISC ChangeLog 15660 RMD160 a72c0ba7b1991b9bed73cd743cb5276df01bc43d SHA1 6a30d1af1b620cb4317ae2f0ec324190ec1f836e SHA256 3f765f4d8b26afa506eb21bfa5bc18eb1bf8b27e444604d21682c1629ff58ce9
-MD5 72fce70009668a7c027721a9caea777f ChangeLog 15660
-RMD160 a72c0ba7b1991b9bed73cd743cb5276df01bc43d ChangeLog 15660
-SHA256 3f765f4d8b26afa506eb21bfa5bc18eb1bf8b27e444604d21682c1629ff58ce9 ChangeLog 15660
+EBUILD apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild 3265 RMD160 71cac52bf3b6206c5e7766d99cf445330c0a9c1f SHA1 dd0ba9a3e2cef83a064ce5ff4ac51872bad35fc0 SHA256 e411f93ff1a240f05390c5f322cb2cfc135fabe2784497e19fe8c4e844b6b069
+MD5 c4e2390bdcbae39bc595b556d40d6bc1 apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild 3265
+RMD160 71cac52bf3b6206c5e7766d99cf445330c0a9c1f apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild 3265
+SHA256 e411f93ff1a240f05390c5f322cb2cfc135fabe2784497e19fe8c4e844b6b069 apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild 3265
+MISC ChangeLog 15931 RMD160 f04b407b1ff498e817e4354b93cc8bfd2327e140 SHA1 0e6e0ee685c2e70838ee7b5adf5cad76c53ec049 SHA256 a7f13da2472f68ff341031c0d7793654e54e7a06e787789d4f102b1f0795fd3b
+MD5 47343743dc7acb4957c21c9351a14dc9 ChangeLog 15931
+RMD160 f04b407b1ff498e817e4354b93cc8bfd2327e140 ChangeLog 15931
+SHA256 a7f13da2472f68ff341031c0d7793654e54e7a06e787789d4f102b1f0795fd3b ChangeLog 15931
MISC metadata.xml 226 RMD160 e0ca1098a8ced8b212c797e8d3343fed766ba485 SHA1 360c056f345a7b50026e93de38b0167f4193904f SHA256 ab1d24920d852e21a852c10c1ec15d5d0cfe91752a67e9eca902177081d6e1c2
MD5 27ae5add10fc42e77804f1ecd768df87 metadata.xml 226
RMD160 e0ca1098a8ced8b212c797e8d3343fed766ba485 metadata.xml 226
@@ -235,10 +261,6 @@ SHA256 d096fb8c2d39c4e4b257c7481b1d61a67f8af4765bc7cb0444924c0d971f618c files/di
MD5 86d1d7627316e1edf48e201ca044d17f files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.1 247
RMD160 5c7df92b6d7149f5c75d65158fe85dc7c436672b files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.1 247
SHA256 2dff7f4e116332a7ed7a419de68a7d667b89e54d4a068d21af409f298c034c19 files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.1 247
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.5 (GNU/Linux)
+MD5 1561a377fdcc717a0169df83df48f8d0 files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2 247
+RMD160 c7e196ba4d48c1315e75f007ebc188d43cd22476 files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2 247
+SHA256 53ee76a39b8dcad2e1611750e0d84db34f87b7aaa46b97db0a16700f2c2d9d48 files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2 247
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild b/sys-power/apcupsd/apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7262945aa073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/apcupsd/apcupsd-3.14.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/11/26 08:17:37 tantive Exp $
+inherit eutils webapp
+DESCRIPTION="APC UPS daemon with integrated tcp/ip remote shutdown"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="doc snmp usb cgi ncurses nls gnome"
+DEPEND="doc? ( virtual/tetex dev-tex/latex2html )
+ cgi? ( >=media-libs/gd-1.8.4 )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses )
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
+ snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
+ gnome? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0
+ >=dev-libs/glib-2.0
+ >=gnome-base/gconf-2.0 )"
+ virtual/mta"
+pkg_setup() {
+ use cgi && webapp_pkg_setup
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}/etc.patch
+src_compile() {
+ local myconf
+ use cgi && myconf="${myconf} --enable-cgi --with-cgi-bin=${MY_CGIBINDIR}"
+ use usb && myconf="${myconf} --with-upstype=usb --with-upscable=usb --enable-usb --without-dev"
+ use !usb && myconf="${myconf} --with-upstype=apcsmart --with-upscable=smart --disable-usb"
+ # We force the DISTNAME to gentoo so it will use gentoo's layout also
+ # when installed on non-linux systems.
+ DISTNAME=gentoo APCUPSD_MAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --sbindir=/sbin \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc/apcupsd \
+ --with-pwrfail-dir=/etc/apcupsd \
+ --with-lock-dir=/var/lock \
+ --with-pid-dir=/var/run \
+ --with-log-dir=/var/log \
+ --with-nis-port=3551 \
+ --enable-net \
+ $(use_enable ncurses powerflute) \
+ $(use_enable snmp net-snmp) \
+ $(use_enable nls) \
+ $(use_enable gnome gapcmon) \
+ ${myconf} \
+ || die
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+ if use doc; then
+ einfo "Building full documentation..."
+ cd ${S}/doc/latex
+ make texcheck tex web pdf
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ use cgi && webapp_src_preinst
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "installed failed"
+ rm -f "${D}"/etc/init.d/halt
+ insinto /etc/apcupsd
+ newins examples/safe.apccontrol safe.apccontrol
+ dodoc ChangeLog* ReleaseNotes
+ mv doc/ doc/apctest.8; doman doc/apctest.8
+ if use doc; then
+ einfo "Installing full documentation..."
+ newdoc doc/latex/apcupsd.pdf manual.pdf
+ dohtml -r doc/latex/apcupsd/*
+ fi
+ if use cgi; then
+ mv ${D}/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.css ${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR}
+ webapp_src_install
+ fi
+ rm "${D}"/etc/init.d/apcupsd
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PV}/${PN}.initd" "${PN}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use cgi; then
+ elog If you are upgrading from a previous version, please note
+ elog that the CGI interface is now installed using webapp-config.
+ elog /var/www/apcupsd is no longer present.
+ webapp_pkg_postinst
+ fi
+ elog ""
+ elog "Since version 3.14.0 you can use multiple apcupsd instances to"
+ elog "control more than one UPS in a single box."
+ elog "To do this, create a link between /etc/init.d/apcupsd to a new"
+ elog "/etc/init.d/apcupsd.something, and it will then load the"
+ elog "configuration file at /etc/apcupsd/something.conf."
+ elog ""
+pkg_prerm() {
+ use cgi && webapp_pkg_prerm
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69dad9d74d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- platforms/gentoo/
++++ platforms/gentoo/
+@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
+ APCUPSD=@sbindir@/apcupsd
++depend() {
++ after hotplug
++ after usb
++ after net
+ start() {
+ rm -f /etc/apcupsd/powerfail
+ ebegin "Starting APC UPS daemon"
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2fe0c76286f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/apcupsd.initd,v 1.1 2007/11/26 08:17:39 tantive Exp $
+if [ -z "${INSTANCE}" ] || [ "${SVCNAME}" = "apcupsd" ]; then
+ INSTANCE="apcupsd"
+depend() {
+ use net
+start() {
+ rm -f /etc/apcupsd/powerfail
+ export SERVICE="${SVCNAME}"
+ ebegin "Starting APC UPS daemon"
+ start-stop-daemon \
+ --start --pidfile "/var/run/${SVCNAME}.pid" \
+ --exec /sbin/apcupsd -- \
+ -f "/etc/apcupsd/${INSTANCE}.conf" \
+ -P "/var/run/${SVCNAME}.pid"
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping APC UPS daemon"
+ start-stop-daemon \
+ --stop --pidfile "/var/run/${SVCNAME}.pid" \
+ --exec /sbin/apcupsd
+ eend $?
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/etc.patch b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/etc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc8370b7618b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/etc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:01:36.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:01:56.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:02:24.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:04:43.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:04:47.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a2aa4c398d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14.2/no-parallel.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+upstream forces this cruft
+--- autoconf/targets.mak
++++ autoconf/targets.mak
+@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Riccardo Facchetti <>
+ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make not to export all variables.
+ # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69dad9d74d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- platforms/gentoo/
++++ platforms/gentoo/
+@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@
+ APCUPSD=@sbindir@/apcupsd
++depend() {
++ after hotplug
++ after usb
++ after net
+ start() {
+ rm -f /etc/apcupsd/powerfail
+ ebegin "Starting APC UPS daemon"
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/etc.patch b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/etc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc8370b7618b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/3.14/etc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:01:36.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:01:56.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:02:24.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:04:43.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
+*** platforms/etc.bak/ 2007-02-18 14:58:16.000000000 +0100
+--- platforms/etc/ 2007-02-18 15:04:47.000000000 +0100
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+ #
+ (
+ echo "Subject: $MSG"
++ echo "To: $SYSADMIN"
+ echo " "
+ echo "$MSG"
+ echo " "
diff --git a/sys-power/apcupsd/files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2 b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb3beaf0e782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/apcupsd/files/digest-apcupsd-3.14.2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 fd8785e7607d20cefa68dc20e44eebc4 apcupsd-3.14.2.tar.gz 4345034
+RMD160 e002bdb89b9391d6727d5fbc1395e5b5b4a99304 apcupsd-3.14.2.tar.gz 4345034
+SHA256 72605e54356ffe32dc24159b4094a5b7e5e978d2440edded8b01496af9caca50 apcupsd-3.14.2.tar.gz 4345034