diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/_inc/idc-notice.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/idc-notice.js b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/idc-notice.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93284078..00000000
--- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/idc-notice.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-/* global idcL10n, jQuery, analytics, history, wpCookies */
-( function( $ ) {
- var restNonce = idcL10n.nonce,
- currentUrl = idcL10n.currentUrl,
- restRoot = idcL10n.apiRoot,
- notice = $( '.jp-idc-notice' ),
- idcButtons = $( '.jp-idc-notice .dops-button' ),
- tracksUser = idcL10n.tracksUserData,
- tracksEvent = idcL10n.tracksEventData,
- adminBarMenu = $( '#wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc' ),
- confirmSafeModeButton = $( '#jp-idc-confirm-safe-mode-action' ),
- fixConnectionButton = $( '#jp-idc-fix-connection-action' ),
- migrateButton = $( '#jp-idc-migrate-action'),
- reconnectButton = $( '#jp-idc-reconnect-site-action' ),
- errorNotice = $( '.jp-idc-error__notice'),
- erroredAction = false;
- // Initialize Tracks and bump stats.
- if ( 'undefined' !== typeof analytics ) {
- analytics.initialize( tracksUser.userid, tracksUser.username );
- }
- if ( tracksEvent.isAdmin ) {
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'notice_view' );
- } else {
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'non_admin_notice_view', { 'page': tracksEvent.currentScreen } );
- }
- clearConfirmationArgsFromUrl();
- // If the user dismisses the notice, set a cookie for one week so we don't display it for that time.
- notice.on( 'click', '.notice-dismiss', function() {
- var secure = ( 'https:' === window.location.protocol );
- wpCookies.set( 'jetpack_idc_dismiss_notice', '1', 7 * 24 * 60 * 60, false, false, secure );
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'non_admin_notice_dismiss', { 'page': tracksEvent.currentScreen } );
- } );
- notice.on( 'click', '#jp-idc-error__action', function() {
- errorNotice.hide();
- switch( erroredAction ) {
- case 'confirm':
- confirmSafeMode();
- break;
- case 'start-fresh':
- startFreshConnection();
- break;
- case 'migrate':
- migrateStatsAndSubscribers();
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- } );
- // Confirm Safe Mode
- confirmSafeModeButton.on( 'click', confirmSafeMode );
- // Fix connection
- fixConnectionButton.on( 'click', fixJetpackConnection );
- // Start fresh connection
- reconnectButton.on( 'click', startFreshConnection );
- // Starts migration process.
- migrateButton.on( 'click', migrateStatsAndSubscribers );
- function disableDopsButtons() {
- idcButtons.prop( 'disabled', true );
- }
- function enableDopsButtons() {
- idcButtons.prop( 'disabled', false );
- }
- function clearConfirmationArgsFromUrl( allowReload ) {
- allowReload = 'undefined' === typeof allowReload ? false : allowReload;
- // If the jetpack_idc_clear_confirmation query arg is present, let's try to clear it.
- //
- // Otherwise, there's a weird flow where if the user dismisses the notice, then shows the notice, then clicks
- // the confirm safe mode button again, and then reloads the page, then the notice never disappears.
- if ( && -1 !== 'jetpack_idc_clear_confirmation' ) ) {
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'clear_confirmation_clicked' );
- // If push state is available, let's use that to minimize reloading the page.
- // Otherwise, we can clear the args by reloading the page.
- if ( history && history.pushState ) {
- history.pushState( {}, '', currentUrl );
- } else if ( allowReload ) {
- window.location.href = currentUrl;
- }
- }
- }
- function confirmSafeMode() {
- errorNotice.hide();
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'confirm_safe_mode' );
- var route = restRoot + 'jetpack/v4/identity-crisis/confirm-safe-mode';
- disableDopsButtons();
- $.ajax( {
- method: 'POST',
- beforeSend : function ( xhr ) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', restNonce );
- },
- url: route,
- data: {},
- success: function() {
- notice.hide();
- adminBarMenu.removeClass( 'hide' );
- // We must refresh the Jetpack admin UI page in order for the React UI to render.
- if ( && 1 === 'page=jetpack' ) ) {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- },
- error: function( error ) {
- erroredAction = 'confirm';
- displayErrorNotice( error );
- enableDopsButtons();
- }
- } );
- }
- function migrateStatsAndSubscribers() {
- errorNotice.hide();
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'migrate' );
- var route = restRoot + 'jetpack/v4/identity-crisis/migrate';
- disableDopsButtons();
- $.ajax( {
- method: 'POST',
- beforeSend : function ( xhr ) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', restNonce );
- },
- url: route,
- data: {},
- success: function() {
- notice.hide();
- if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'toplevel_page_jetpack' ) ) {
- // On the main Jetpack page, sites in IDC will not see Jetpack's interface.
- // Once IDC is resolved, we need to refresh the page to regain access to the UI.
- window.location.reload( true );
- }
- },
- error: function( error ) {
- erroredAction = 'migrate';
- displayErrorNotice( error );
- enableDopsButtons();
- }
- } );
- }
- function fixJetpackConnection() {
- errorNotice.hide();
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'fix_connection' );
- notice.addClass( 'jp-idc-show-second-step' );
- }
- /**
- * On successful request of the endpoint, we will redirect to the
- * connection auth flow after appending a specific 'from=' param for tracking.
- */
- function startFreshConnection() {
- errorNotice.hide();
- trackAndBumpMCStats( 'start_fresh' );
- var route = restRoot + 'jetpack/v4/identity-crisis/start-fresh';
- disableDopsButtons();
- $.ajax( {
- method: 'POST',
- beforeSend : function ( xhr ) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', restNonce );
- },
- url: route,
- data: {},
- success: function( connectUrl ){
- // Add a from param and take them to connect.
- window.location = connectUrl + '&from=idc-notice';
- },
- error: function( error ) {
- erroredAction = 'start-fresh';
- displayErrorNotice( error );
- enableDopsButtons();
- }
- } );
- }
- /**
- * Displays an error message from the REST endpoints we're hitting.
- *
- * @param error {Object} Object containing the errored response from the API
- */
- function displayErrorNotice( error ) {
- var errorDescription = $( '.jp-idc-error__desc' );
- if ( error && error.responseJSON && error.responseJSON.message ) {
- errorDescription.html( error.responseJSON.message );
- } else {
- errorDescription.html( '' );
- }
- errorNotice.css( 'display', 'flex' );
- }
- /**
- * This function will fire both a Tracks and MC stat.
- * It will make sure to format the event name properly for the given stat home.
- *
- * Tracks: Will be prefixed by 'jetpack_idc_' and use underscores.
- * MC: Will not be prefixed, and will use dashes.
- *
- * @param eventName string
- * @param extraProps object
- */
- function trackAndBumpMCStats( eventName, extraProps ) {
- if ( 'undefined' === typeof extraProps || 'object' !== typeof extraProps ) {
- extraProps = {};
- }
- if ( eventName && eventName.length && 'undefined' !== typeof analytics && analytics.tracks && ) {
- // Format for Tracks
- eventName = eventName.replace( /-/g, '_' );
- eventName = eventName.indexOf( 'jetpack_idc_' ) !== 0 ? 'jetpack_idc_' + eventName : eventName;
- analytics.tracks.recordEvent( eventName, extraProps );
- // Now format for MC stats
- eventName = eventName.replace( 'jetpack_idc_', '' );
- eventName = eventName.replace( /_/g, '-' );
- 'jetpack-idc', eventName );
- }
- }
-})( jQuery );