diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/recipe.php')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/recipe.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/recipe.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7846b154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/recipe.php
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+ * Embed recipe 'cards' in post, with basic styling and print functionality
+ *
+ * To Do
+ * - defaults settings
+ * - basic styles/themecolor styles
+ * - validation/sanitization
+ * - print styles
+ */
+class Jetpack_Recipes {
+ private $scripts_and_style_included = false;
+ function __construct() {
+ add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'action_init' ) );
+ add_filter( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', array( $this, 'add_recipes_kses_rules' ), 10, 2 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add Schema-specific attributes to our allowed tags in wp_kses,
+ * so we can have better compliance.
+ *
+ * @param array $allowedtags Array of allowed HTML tags in recipes.
+ * @param array $context Context to judge allowed tags by.
+ */
+ function add_recipes_kses_rules( $allowedtags, $context ) {
+ if ( in_array( $context, array( '', 'post', 'data' ) ) ) :
+ // Create an array of all the tags we'd like to add the itemprop attribute to.
+ $tags = array( 'li', 'ol', 'ul', 'img', 'p', 'h3', 'time' );
+ foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
+ $allowedtags = $this->add_kses_rule(
+ $allowedtags,
+ $tag,
+ array(
+ 'class' => array(),
+ 'itemprop' => array(),
+ 'datetime' => array(),
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // Allow itemscope and itemtype for divs.
+ $allowedtags = $this->add_kses_rule(
+ $allowedtags,
+ 'div',
+ array(
+ 'class' => array(),
+ 'itemscope' => array(),
+ 'itemtype' => array(),
+ )
+ );
+ endif;
+ return $allowedtags;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to add a new property rule to our kses array.
+ * Used by add_recipe_kses_rules() above.
+ *
+ * @param array $all_tags Array of allowed HTML tags in recipes.
+ * @param string $tag New HTML tag to add to the array of allowed HTML.
+ * @param array $rules Array of allowed attributes for that HTML tag.
+ */
+ private function add_kses_rule( $all_tags, $tag, $rules ) {
+ // If the tag doesn't already exist, add it.
+ if ( ! isset( $all_tags[ $tag ] ) ) {
+ $all_tags[ $tag ] = array();
+ }
+ // Merge the new tags with existing tags.
+ $all_tags[ $tag ] = array_merge( $all_tags[ $tag ], $rules );
+ return $all_tags;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register our shortcode and enqueue necessary files.
+ */
+ function action_init() {
+ // Enqueue styles if [recipe] exists.
+ add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'add_scripts' ), 1 );
+ // Render [recipe], along with other shortcodes that can be nested within.
+ add_shortcode( 'recipe', array( $this, 'recipe_shortcode' ) );
+ add_shortcode( 'recipe-notes', array( $this, 'recipe_notes_shortcode' ) );
+ add_shortcode( 'recipe-ingredients', array( $this, 'recipe_ingredients_shortcode' ) );
+ add_shortcode( 'recipe-directions', array( $this, 'recipe_directions_shortcode' ) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enqueue scripts and styles
+ */
+ function add_scripts() {
+ if ( empty( $GLOBALS['posts'] ) || ! is_array( $GLOBALS['posts'] ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ( $GLOBALS['posts'] as $p ) {
+ if ( has_shortcode( $p->post_content, 'recipe' ) ) {
+ $this->scripts_and_style_included = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! $this->scripts_and_style_included ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'jetpack-recipes-style', plugins_url( '/css/recipes.css', __FILE__ ), array(), '20130919' );
+ wp_style_add_data( 'jetpack-recipes-style', 'rtl', 'replace' );
+ // add $themecolors-defined styles.
+ wp_add_inline_style( 'jetpack-recipes-style', self::themecolor_styles() );
+ wp_enqueue_script(
+ 'jetpack-recipes-printthis',
+ Jetpack::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/shortcodes/js/recipes-printthis.min.js', 'modules/shortcodes/js/recipes-printthis.js' ),
+ array( 'jquery' ),
+ '20170202'
+ );
+ wp_enqueue_script(
+ 'jetpack-recipes-js',
+ Jetpack::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/shortcodes/js/recipes.min.js', 'modules/shortcodes/js/recipes.js' ),
+ array( 'jquery', 'jetpack-recipes-printthis' ),
+ '20131230'
+ );
+ $title_var = wp_title( '|', false, 'right' );
+ $rtl = is_rtl() ? '-rtl' : '';
+ $print_css_var = plugins_url( "/css/recipes-print{$rtl}.css", __FILE__ );
+ wp_localize_script(
+ 'jetpack-recipes-js',
+ 'jetpack_recipes_vars',
+ array(
+ 'pageTitle' => $title_var,
+ 'loadCSS' => $print_css_var,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Our [recipe] shortcode.
+ * Prints recipe data styled to look good on *any* theme.
+ *
+ * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes.
+ * @param string $content Post content.
+ *
+ * @return string HTML for recipe shortcode.
+ */
+ static function recipe_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
+ $atts = shortcode_atts(
+ array(
+ 'title' => '', // string.
+ 'servings' => '', // intval.
+ 'time' => '', // string.
+ 'difficulty' => '', // string.
+ 'print' => '', // string.
+ 'source' => '', // string.
+ 'sourceurl' => '', // string.
+ 'image' => '', // string.
+ 'description' => '', // string.
+ ),
+ $atts,
+ 'recipe'
+ );
+ return self::recipe_shortcode_html( $atts, $content );
+ }
+ /**
+ * The recipe output
+ *
+ * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes.
+ * @param string $content Post content.
+ *
+ * @return string HTML output
+ */
+ static function recipe_shortcode_html( $atts, $content = '' ) {
+ $html = '<div class="hrecipe jetpack-recipe" itemscope itemtype="">';
+ // Print the recipe title if exists.
+ if ( '' !== $atts['title'] ) {
+ $html .= '<h3 class="jetpack-recipe-title" itemprop="name">' . esc_html( $atts['title'] ) . '</h3>';
+ }
+ // Print the recipe meta if exists.
+ if ( '' !== $atts['servings'] || '' != $atts['time'] || '' != $atts['difficulty'] || '' != $atts['print'] ) {
+ $html .= '<ul class="jetpack-recipe-meta">';
+ if ( '' !== $atts['servings'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<li class="jetpack-recipe-servings" itemprop="recipeYield"><strong>%1$s: </strong>%2$s</li>',
+ esc_html_x( 'Servings', 'recipe', 'jetpack' ),
+ esc_html( $atts['servings'] )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $atts['time'] ) {
+ // Get a time that's supported by
+ $duration = WPCOM_JSON_API_Date::format_duration( $atts['time'] );
+ // If no duration can be calculated, let's output what the user provided.
+ if ( empty( $duration ) ) {
+ $duration = $atts['time'];
+ }
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<li class="jetpack-recipe-time">
+ <time itemprop="totalTime" datetime="%3$s"><strong>%1$s: </strong>%2$s</time>
+ </li>',
+ esc_html_x( 'Time', 'recipe', 'jetpack' ),
+ esc_html( $atts['time'] ),
+ esc_attr( $duration )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $atts['difficulty'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<li class="jetpack-recipe-difficulty"><strong>%1$s: </strong>%2$s</li>',
+ esc_html_x( 'Difficulty', 'recipe', 'jetpack' ),
+ esc_html( $atts['difficulty'] )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( '' !== $atts['source'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<li class="jetpack-recipe-source"><strong>%1$s: </strong>',
+ esc_html_x( 'Source', 'recipe', 'jetpack' )
+ );
+ if ( '' !== $atts['sourceurl'] ) :
+ // Show the link if we have one.
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>',
+ esc_html( $atts['source'] ),
+ esc_url( $atts['sourceurl'] )
+ );
+ else :
+ // Skip the link.
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '%1$s',
+ esc_html( $atts['source'] )
+ );
+ endif;
+ $html .= '</li>';
+ }
+ if ( 'false' !== $atts['print'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<li class="jetpack-recipe-print"><a href="#">%1$s</a></li>',
+ esc_html_x( 'Print', 'recipe', 'jetpack' )
+ );
+ }
+ $html .= '</ul>';
+ } // End if().
+ // Output the image, if we have one.
+ if ( '' !== $atts['image'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<img class="jetpack-recipe-image" itemprop="image" src="%1$s" />',
+ esc_url( $atts['image'] )
+ );
+ }
+ // Output the description, if we have one.
+ if ( '' !== $atts['description'] ) {
+ $html .= sprintf(
+ '<p class="jetpack-recipe-description" itemprop="description">%1$s</p>',
+ esc_html( $atts['description'] )
+ );
+ }
+ // Print content between codes.
+ $html .= '<div class="jetpack-recipe-content">' . do_shortcode( $content ) . '</div>';
+ // Close it up.
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ // If there is a recipe within a recipe, remove the shortcode.
+ if ( has_shortcode( $html, 'recipe' ) ) {
+ remove_shortcode( 'recipe' );
+ }
+ // Sanitize html.
+ $html = wp_kses_post( $html );
+ // Return the HTML block.
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Our [recipe-notes] shortcode.
+ * Outputs ingredients, styled in a div.
+ *
+ * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes.
+ * @param string $content Post content.
+ *
+ * @return string HTML for recipe notes shortcode.
+ */
+ static function recipe_notes_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
+ $atts = shortcode_atts(
+ array(
+ 'title' => '', // string.
+ ),
+ $atts,
+ 'recipe-notes'
+ );
+ $html = '';
+ // Print a title if one exists.
+ if ( '' !== $atts['title'] ) {
+ $html .= '<h4 class="jetpack-recipe-notes-title">' . esc_html( $atts['title'] ) . '</h4>';
+ }
+ $html .= '<div class="jetpack-recipe-notes">';
+ // Format content using list functionality, if desired.
+ $html .= self::output_list_content( $content, 'notes' );
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ // Sanitize html.
+ $html = wp_kses_post( $html );
+ // Return the HTML block.
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Our [recipe-ingredients] shortcode.
+ * Outputs notes, styled in a div.
+ *
+ * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes.
+ * @param string $content Post content.
+ *
+ * @return string HTML for recipe ingredients shortcode.
+ */
+ static function recipe_ingredients_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
+ $atts = shortcode_atts(
+ array(
+ 'title' => esc_html_x( 'Ingredients', 'recipe', 'jetpack' ), // string.
+ ),
+ $atts,
+ 'recipe-ingredients'
+ );
+ $html = '<div class="jetpack-recipe-ingredients">';
+ // Print a title unless the user has opted to exclude it.
+ if ( 'false' !== $atts['title'] ) {
+ $html .= '<h4 class="jetpack-recipe-ingredients-title">' . esc_html( $atts['title'] ) . '</h4>';
+ }
+ // Format content using list functionality.
+ $html .= self::output_list_content( $content, 'ingredients' );
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ // Sanitize html.
+ $html = wp_kses_post( $html );
+ // Return the HTML block.
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reusable function to check for shortened formatting.
+ * Basically, users can create lists with the following shorthand:
+ * - item one
+ * - item two
+ * - item three
+ * And we'll magically convert it to a list. This has the added benefit
+ * of including itemprops for the recipe schema.
+ *
+ * @param string $content HTML content.
+ * @param string $type Type of list.
+ *
+ * @return string content formatted as a list item
+ */
+ static function output_list_content( $content, $type ) {
+ $html = '';
+ switch ( $type ) {
+ case 'directions':
+ $list_item_replacement = '<li class="jetpack-recipe-directions">${1}</li>';
+ $itemprop = ' itemprop="recipeInstructions"';
+ $listtype = 'ol';
+ break;
+ case 'ingredients':
+ $list_item_replacement = '<li class="jetpack-recipe-ingredient" itemprop="recipeIngredient">${1}</li>';
+ $itemprop = '';
+ $listtype = 'ul';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $list_item_replacement = '<li class="jetpack-recipe-notes">${1}</li>';
+ $itemprop = '';
+ $listtype = 'ul';
+ }
+ // Check to see if the user is trying to use shortened formatting.
+ if (
+ strpos( $content, '&#8211;' ) !== false ||
+ strpos( $content, '&#8212;' ) !== false ||
+ strpos( $content, '-' ) !== false ||
+ strpos( $content, '*' ) !== false ||
+ strpos( $content, '#' ) !== false ||
+ strpos( $content, '–' ) !== false || // ndash.
+ strpos( $content, '—' ) !== false || // mdash.
+ preg_match( '/\d+\.\s/', $content )
+ ) {
+ // Remove breaks and extra whitespace.
+ $content = str_replace( "<br />\n", "\n", $content );
+ $content = trim( $content );
+ $ul_pattern = '/(?:^|\n|\<p\>)+(?:[\-–—]+|\&#8211;|\&#8212;|\*)+\h+(.*)/mi';
+ $ol_pattern = '/(?:^|\n|\<p\>)+(?:\d+\.|#+)+\h+(.*)/mi';
+ preg_match_all( $ul_pattern, $content, $ul_matches );
+ preg_match_all( $ol_pattern, $content, $ol_matches );
+ if ( 0 !== count( $ul_matches[0] ) || 0 !== count( $ol_matches[0] ) ) {
+ if ( 0 !== count( $ol_matches[0] ) ) {
+ $listtype = 'ol';
+ $list_item_pattern = $ol_pattern;
+ } else {
+ $listtype = 'ul';
+ $list_item_pattern = $ul_pattern;
+ }
+ $html .= '<' . $listtype . $itemprop . '>';
+ $html .= preg_replace( $list_item_pattern, $list_item_replacement, $content );
+ $html .= '</' . $listtype . '>';
+ // Strip out any empty <p> tags and stray </p> tags, because those are just silly.
+ $empty_p_pattern = '/(<p>)*\s*<\/p>/mi';
+ $html = preg_replace( $empty_p_pattern, '', $html );
+ } else {
+ $html .= do_shortcode( $content );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $html .= do_shortcode( $content );
+ }
+ // Return our formatted content.
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Our [recipe-directions] shortcode.
+ * Outputs directions, styled in a div.
+ *
+ * @param array $atts Array of shortcode attributes.
+ * @param string $content Post content.
+ *
+ * @return string HTML for recipe directions shortcode.
+ */
+ static function recipe_directions_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
+ $atts = shortcode_atts(
+ array(
+ 'title' => esc_html_x( 'Directions', 'recipe', 'jetpack' ), // string.
+ ),
+ $atts,
+ 'recipe-directions'
+ );
+ $html = '<div class="jetpack-recipe-directions">';
+ // Print a title unless the user has specified to exclude it.
+ if ( 'false' !== $atts['title'] ) {
+ $html .= '<h4 class="jetpack-recipe-directions-title">' . esc_html( $atts['title'] ) . '</h4>';
+ }
+ // Format content using list functionality.
+ $html .= self::output_list_content( $content, 'directions' );
+ $html .= '</div>';
+ // Sanitize html.
+ $html = wp_kses_post( $html );
+ // Return the HTML block.
+ return $html;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use $themecolors array to style the Recipes shortcode
+ *
+ * @print style block
+ * @return string $style
+ */
+ function themecolor_styles() {
+ global $themecolors;
+ $style = '';
+ if ( isset( $themecolors ) ) {
+ $style .= '.jetpack-recipe { border-color: #' . esc_attr( $themecolors['border'] ) . '; }';
+ $style .= '.jetpack-recipe-title { border-bottom-color: #' . esc_attr( $themecolors['link'] ) . '; }';
+ }
+ return $style;
+ }
+new Jetpack_Recipes();