diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/videopress/js/videopress-plupload.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 461 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/videopress/js/videopress-plupload.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/videopress/js/videopress-plupload.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8d6240..00000000
--- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/videopress/js/videopress-plupload.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-/* global pluploadL10n, plupload, _wpPluploadSettings, JSON */
-window.wp = window.wp || {};
-( function( exports, $ ) {
- var Uploader, vp;
- if ( typeof _wpPluploadSettings === 'undefined' ) {
- return;
- }
- /**
- * A WordPress uploader.
- *
- * The Plupload library provides cross-browser uploader UI integration.
- * This object bridges the Plupload API to integrate uploads into the
- * WordPress back end and the WordPress media experience.
- *
- * @param {object} options The options passed to the new plupload instance.
- * @param {object} options.container The id of uploader container.
- * @param {object} options.browser The id of button to trigger the file select.
- * @param {object} options.dropzone The id of file drop target.
- * @param {object} options.plupload An object of parameters to pass to the plupload instance.
- * @param {object} options.params An object of parameters to pass to $_POST when uploading the file.
- * Extends this.plupload.multipart_params under the hood.
- */
- Uploader = function( options ) {
- var self = this,
- isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident/') !== -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE ') !== -1,
- elements = {
- container: 'container',
- browser: 'browse_button',
- dropzone: 'drop_element'
- },
- key, error;
- this.supports = {
- upload: Uploader.browser.supported
- };
- this.supported = this.supports.upload;
- if ( ! this.supported ) {
- return;
- }
- // Arguments to send to pluplad.Uploader().
- // Use deep extend to ensure that multipart_params and other objects are cloned.
- this.plupload = $.extend( true, { multipart_params: {} }, Uploader.defaults );
- this.container = document.body; // Set default container.
- // Extend the instance with options.
- //
- // Use deep extend to allow options.plupload to override individual
- // default plupload keys.
- $.extend( true, this, options );
- // Proxy all methods so this always refers to the current instance.
- for ( key in this ) {
- if ( $.isFunction( this[ key ] ) ) {
- this[ key ] = $.proxy( this[ key ], this );
- }
- }
- // Ensure all elements are jQuery elements and have id attributes,
- // then set the proper plupload arguments to the ids.
- for ( key in elements ) {
- if ( ! this[ key ] ) {
- continue;
- }
- this[ key ] = $( this[ key ] ).first();
- if ( ! this[ key ].length ) {
- delete this[ key ];
- continue;
- }
- if ( ! this[ key ].prop('id') ) {
- this[ key ].prop( 'id', '__wp-uploader-id-' + Uploader.uuid++ );
- }
- this.plupload[ elements[ key ] ] = this[ key ].prop('id');
- }
- // If the uploader has neither a browse button nor a dropzone, bail.
- if ( ! ( this.browser && this.browser.length ) && ! ( this.dropzone && this.dropzone.length ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Make sure flash sends cookies (seems in IE it does without switching to urlstream mode)
- if ( ! isIE && 'flash' === plupload.predictRuntime( this.plupload ) &&
- ( ! this.plupload.required_features || ! this.plupload.required_features.hasOwnProperty( 'send_binary_string' ) ) ) {
- this.plupload.required_features = this.plupload.required_features || {};
- this.plupload.required_features.send_binary_string = true;
- }
- // Initialize the plupload instance.
- this.uploader = new plupload.Uploader( this.plupload );
- delete this.plupload;
- // Set default params and remove this.params alias.
- this.param( this.params || {} );
- delete this.params;
- // Make sure that the VideoPress object is available
- if ( typeof exports.VideoPress !== 'undefined' ) {
- vp = exports.VideoPress;
- } else {
- window.console && window.console.error( 'The VideoPress object was not loaded. Errors may occur.' );
- }
- /**
- * Custom error callback.
- *
- * Add a new error to the errors collection, so other modules can track
- * and display errors. @see wp.Uploader.errors.
- *
- * @param {string} message
- * @param {object} data
- * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded.
- */
- error = function( message, data, file ) {
- if ( file.attachment ) {
- file.attachment.destroy();
- }
- Uploader.errors.unshift({
- message: message || pluploadL10n.default_error,
- data: data,
- file: file
- });
- self.error( message, data, file );
- };
- /**
- * After the Uploader has been initialized, initialize some behaviors for the dropzone.
- *
- * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance.
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'init', function( uploader ) {
- var timer, active, dragdrop,
- dropzone = self.dropzone;
- dragdrop = self.supports.dragdrop = uploader.features.dragdrop && !;
- // Generate drag/drop helper classes.
- if ( ! dropzone ) {
- return;
- }
- dropzone.toggleClass( 'supports-drag-drop', !! dragdrop );
- if ( ! dragdrop ) {
- return dropzone.unbind('.wp-uploader');
- }
- // 'dragenter' doesn't fire correctly, simulate it with a limited 'dragover'.
- dropzone.bind( 'dragover.wp-uploader', function() {
- if ( timer ) {
- clearTimeout( timer );
- }
- if ( active ) {
- return;
- }
- dropzone.trigger('dropzone:enter').addClass('drag-over');
- active = true;
- });
- dropzone.bind('dragleave.wp-uploader, drop.wp-uploader', function() {
- // Using an instant timer prevents the drag-over class from
- // being quickly removed and re-added when elements inside the
- // dropzone are repositioned.
- //
- // @see
- timer = setTimeout( function() {
- active = false;
- dropzone.trigger('dropzone:leave').removeClass('drag-over');
- }, 0 );
- });
- self.ready = true;
- $(self).trigger( 'uploader:ready' );
- });
- this.uploader.bind( 'postinit', function( up ) {
- up.refresh();
- self.init();
- });
- this.uploader.init();
- if ( this.browser ) {
- this.browser.on( 'mouseenter', this.refresh );
- } else {
- this.uploader.disableBrowse( true );
- // If HTML5 mode, hide the auto-created file container.
- $('#' + + '_html5_container').hide();
- }
- /**
- * After files were filtered and added to the queue, create a model for each.
- *
- * @event FilesAdded
- * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance.
- * @param {Array} files Array of file objects that were added to queue by the user.
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'FilesAdded', function( up, files ) {
- _.each( files, function( file ) {
- var attributes, image;
- // Ignore failed uploads.
- if ( plupload.FAILED === file.status ) {
- return;
- }
- // Generate attributes for a new `Attachment` model.
- attributes = _.extend({
- file: file,
- uploading: true,
- date: new Date(),
- filename:,
- menuOrder: 0,
- uploadedTo:
- }, _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'size', 'percent' ) );
- // Handle early mime type scanning for images.
- image = /(?:jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.exec( );
- // For images set the model's type and subtype attributes.
- if ( image ) {
- attributes.type = 'image';
- // `jpeg`, `png` and `gif` are valid subtypes.
- // `jpg` is not, so map it to `jpeg`.
- attributes.subtype = ( 'jpg' === image[0] ) ? 'jpeg' : image[0];
- }
- // Create a model for the attachment, and add it to the Upload queue collection
- // so listeners to the upload queue can track and display upload progress.
- file.attachment = attributes );
- Uploader.queue.add( file.attachment );
- self.added( file.attachment );
- });
- up.refresh();
- up.start();
- });
- this.uploader.bind( 'UploadProgress', function( up, file ) {
- file.attachment.set( _.pick( file, 'loaded', 'percent' ) );
- self.progress( file.attachment );
- });
- /**
- * After a file is successfully uploaded, update its model.
- *
- * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance.
- * @param {plupload.File} file File that was uploaded.
- * @param {Object} response Object with response properties.
- * @return {mixed}
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'FileUploaded', function( up, file, response ) {
- var complete;
- try {
- response = JSON.parse( response.response );
- } catch ( e ) {
- return error( pluploadL10n.default_error, e, file );
- }
- if ( typeof !== 'undefined' ) {
- response = vp.handleRestApiResponse( response, file );
- } else {
- response = vp.handleStandardResponse( response, file );
- }
- _.each(['file','loaded','size','percent'], function( key ) {
- file.attachment.unset( key );
- });
- file.attachment.set( _.extend(, { uploading: false }) );
-, file.attachment );
- complete = Uploader.queue.all( function( attachment ) {
- return ! attachment.get('uploading');
- });
- if ( complete ) {
- vp && vp.resetToOriginalOptions( up );
- Uploader.queue.reset();
- }
- self.success( file.attachment );
- });
- /**
- * When plupload surfaces an error, send it to the error handler.
- *
- * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance.
- * @param {Object} error Contains code, message and sometimes file and other details.
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'Error', function( up, pluploadError ) {
- var message = pluploadL10n.default_error,
- key;
- // Check for plupload errors.
- for ( key in Uploader.errorMap ) {
- if ( pluploadError.code === plupload[ key ] ) {
- message = Uploader.errorMap[ key ];
- if ( _.isFunction( message ) ) {
- message = message( pluploadError.file, pluploadError );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- error( message, pluploadError, pluploadError.file );
- vp && vp.resetToOriginalOptions( up );
- up.refresh();
- });
- /**
- * Add in a way for the uploader to reset itself when uploads are complete.
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'UploadComplete', function( up ) {
- vp && vp.resetToOriginalOptions( up );
- });
- /**
- * Before we upload, check to see if this file is a videopress upload, if so, set new options and save the old ones.
- */
- this.uploader.bind( 'BeforeUpload', function( up, file ) {
- if ( typeof file.videopress !== 'undefined' ) {
- vp.originalOptions.url = up.getOption( 'url' );
- vp.originalOptions.multipart_params = up.getOption( 'multipart_params' );
- vp.originalOptions.file_data_name = up.getOption( 'file_data_name' );
- up.setOption( 'file_data_name', 'media[]' );
- up.setOption( 'url', file.videopress.upload_action_url );
- up.setOption( 'headers', {
- Authorization: 'X_UPLOAD_TOKEN token="' + file.videopress.upload_token + '" blog_id="' + file.videopress.upload_blog_id + '"'
- });
- }
- });
- };
- // Adds the 'defaults' and 'browser' properties.
- $.extend( Uploader, _wpPluploadSettings );
- Uploader.uuid = 0;
- // Map Plupload error codes to user friendly error messages.
- Uploader.errorMap = {
- 'FAILED': pluploadL10n.upload_failed,
- 'FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR': pluploadL10n.invalid_filetype,
- 'IMAGE_FORMAT_ERROR': pluploadL10n.not_an_image,
- 'IMAGE_MEMORY_ERROR': pluploadL10n.image_memory_exceeded,
- 'IMAGE_DIMENSIONS_ERROR': pluploadL10n.image_dimensions_exceeded,
- 'GENERIC_ERROR': pluploadL10n.upload_failed,
- 'IO_ERROR': pluploadL10n.io_error,
- 'HTTP_ERROR': pluploadL10n.http_error,
- 'SECURITY_ERROR': pluploadL10n.security_error,
- 'FILE_SIZE_ERROR': function( file ) {
- return pluploadL10n.file_exceeds_size_limit.replace('%s',;
- }
- };
- $.extend( Uploader.prototype, {
- /**
- * Acts as a shortcut to extending the uploader's multipart_params object.
- *
- * param( key )
- * Returns the value of the key.
- *
- * param( key, value )
- * Sets the value of a key.
- *
- * param( map )
- * Sets values for a map of data.
- */
- param: function( key, value ) {
- if ( arguments.length === 1 && typeof key === 'string' ) {
- return this.uploader.settings.multipart_params[ key ];
- }
- if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
- this.uploader.settings.multipart_params[ key ] = value;
- } else {
- $.extend( this.uploader.settings.multipart_params, key );
- }
- },
- /**
- * Make a few internal event callbacks available on the wp.Uploader object
- * to change the Uploader internals if absolutely necessary.
- */
- init: function() {},
- error: function() {},
- success: function() {},
- added: function() {},
- progress: function() {},
- complete: function() {},
- refresh: function() {
- var node, attached, container, id;
- if ( this.browser ) {
- node = this.browser[0];
- // Check if the browser node is in the DOM.
- while ( node ) {
- if ( node === document.body ) {
- attached = true;
- break;
- }
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- // If the browser node is not attached to the DOM, use a
- // temporary container to house it, as the browser button
- // shims require the button to exist in the DOM at all times.
- if ( ! attached ) {
- id = 'wp-uploader-browser-' +;
- container = $( '#' + id );
- if ( ! container.length ) {
- container = $('<div class="wp-uploader-browser" />').css({
- position: 'fixed',
- top: '-1000px',
- left: '-1000px',
- height: 0,
- width: 0
- }).attr( 'id', 'wp-uploader-browser-' + ).appendTo('body');
- }
- container.append( this.browser );
- }
- }
- this.uploader.refresh();
- }
- });
- // Create a collection of attachments in the upload queue,
- // so that other modules can track and display upload progress.
- Uploader.queue = new [], { query: false });
- // Create a collection to collect errors incurred while attempting upload.
- Uploader.errors = new Backbone.Collection();
- exports.Uploader = Uploader;
-})( wp, jQuery );