diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/table-of-contents-plus/languages/table-of-contents-plus-zh_CN.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1010 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/table-of-contents-plus/languages/table-of-contents-plus-zh_CN.po b/plugins/table-of-contents-plus/languages/table-of-contents-plus-zh_CN.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 0465bd95..00000000
--- a/plugins/table-of-contents-plus/languages/table-of-contents-plus-zh_CN.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1010 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the package.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: TOC Trans 20150423\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-23 19:41+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-26 15:25+0800\n"
-"Language-Team: 海盈网络 <>\n"
-"Language: zh_CN\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.7.5\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
-"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c\n"
-"Last-Translator: 海盈网络 <>\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n"
-#: ../toc.php:201
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "设置"
-#: ../toc.php:467 ../toc.php:468
-msgid "TOC"
-msgstr "TOC"
-#: ../toc.php:638
-msgid "Options saved."
-msgstr "选项已保存。"
-#: ../toc.php:640
-msgid "Save failed."
-msgstr "保存失败。"
-#: ../toc.php:652
-msgid "Main Options"
-msgstr "主要选项"
-#: ../toc.php:653
-msgid "Sitemap"
-msgstr "站点地图"
-#: ../toc.php:654
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "帮助"
-#: ../toc.php:662
-msgid "Position"
-msgstr "位置"
-#: ../toc.php:665
-msgid "Before first heading (default)"
-msgstr "第一个标题前面(默认)"
-#: ../toc.php:666
-msgid "After first heading"
-msgstr "在第一个标题之后"
-#: ../toc.php:667
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "顶部"
-#: ../toc.php:668
-msgid "Bottom"
-msgstr "底部"
-#: ../toc.php:673
-msgid "Show when"
-msgstr "何时显示"
-#: ../toc.php:685
-msgid "or more headings are present"
-msgstr "或者更多标题存在时"
-#: ../toc.php:689
-msgid "Auto insert for the following content types"
-msgstr "自动插入以下类别的内容中"
-#: ../toc.php:704
-msgid "Heading text"
-msgstr "标题文本"
-#: ../toc.php:706
-msgid "Show title on top of the table of contents"
-msgstr "在文章目录顶部显示标题"
-#: ../toc.php:709
-msgid "Eg: Contents, Table of Contents, Page Contents"
-msgstr "例:内容,文章目录,页面内容"
-#: ../toc.php:711
-msgid "Allow the user to toggle the visibility of the table of contents"
-msgstr "允许用户显示/隐藏文章目录"
-#: ../toc.php:716
-msgid "Show text"
-msgstr "显示文本"
-#: ../toc.php:720
-msgid "Eg: show"
-msgstr "例:显示"
-#: ../toc.php:723
-msgid "Hide text"
-msgstr "隐藏文本"
-#: ../toc.php:727
-msgid "Eg: hide"
-msgstr "例:隐藏"
-#: ../toc.php:731
-msgid "Hide the table of contents initially"
-msgstr "默认隐藏文章目录"
-#: ../toc.php:737
-msgid "Show hierarchy"
-msgstr "显示目录层级"
-#: ../toc.php:741
-msgid "Number list items"
-msgstr "显示编号"
-#: ../toc.php:745
-msgid "Enable smooth scroll effect"
-msgstr "开启平滑滚动效果"
-#: ../toc.php:746
-msgid "Scroll rather than jump to the anchor link"
-msgstr "平滑滚动到相应锚位置而不是跳转"
-#: ../toc.php:751
-msgid "Appearance"
-msgstr "外观"
-#: ../toc.php:755
-msgid "Width"
-msgstr "宽度"
-#: ../toc.php:758
-msgid "Fixed width"
-msgstr "固定宽度"
-#: ../toc.php:769
-msgid "Relative"
-msgstr "相对宽度"
-#: ../toc.php:770
-msgid "Auto (default)"
-msgstr "自动(默认)"
-#: ../toc.php:780
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "其他"
-#: ../toc.php:781
-msgid "User defined"
-msgstr "用户自定义"
-#: ../toc.php:787
-#, php-format
-msgid "Please enter a number and %s select its units, eg: 100px, 10em"
-msgstr "请输入一个数字并 %s 选择单位,例如:100px,10em"
-#: ../toc.php:798
-msgid "Wrapping"
-msgstr "自动换行"
-#: ../toc.php:801
-msgid "None (default)"
-msgstr "无(默认)"
-#: ../toc.php:802
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "向左"
-#: ../toc.php:803
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "向右"
-#: ../toc.php:808
-msgid "Font size"
-msgstr "字体大小"
-#: ../toc.php:821
-msgid "Presentation"
-msgstr "风格"
-#: ../toc.php:824
-msgid "Grey (default)"
-msgstr "灰色(默认)"
-#: ../toc.php:829
-msgid "Light blue"
-msgstr "淡蓝色"
-#: ../toc.php:834
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "白色"
-#: ../toc.php:839
-msgid "Black"
-msgstr "黑色"
-#: ../toc.php:844
-msgid "Transparent"
-msgstr "透明"
-#: ../toc.php:849
-msgid "Custom"
-msgstr "自定义"
-#: ../toc.php:859
-msgid "Background"
-msgstr "背景"
-#: ../toc.php:863
-msgid "Border"
-msgstr "边框"
-#: ../toc.php:867 ../toc.php:1799
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "标题"
-#: ../toc.php:871
-msgid "Links"
-msgstr "链接"
-#: ../toc.php:875
-msgid "Links (hover)"
-msgstr "链接(鼠标悬浮)"
-#: ../toc.php:879
-msgid "Links (visited)"
-msgstr "链接(访问过的)"
-#: ../toc.php:886
-#, php-format
-msgid "Leaving the value as %s will inherit your theme's styles"
-msgstr "使用 %s 将会继承主题样式"
-#: ../toc.php:893
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "高级"
-#: ../toc.php:893 ../toc.php:1030 ../toc.php:1148
-msgid "show"
-msgstr "显示"
-#: ../toc.php:895
-msgid "Power options"
-msgstr "动力设置"
-#: ../toc.php:899
-msgid "Lowercase"
-msgstr "小写"
-#: ../toc.php:900
-msgid "Ensure anchors are in lowercase"
-msgstr "确保锚点小写"
-#: ../toc.php:903
-msgid "Hyphenate"
-msgstr "连字符"
-#: ../toc.php:904
-msgid "Use - rather than _ in anchors"
-msgstr "使用 - 而非 _ 作为连字符"
-#: ../toc.php:907
-msgid "Include homepage"
-msgstr "包含首页"
-#: ../toc.php:908
-msgid "Show the table of contents for qualifying items on the homepage"
-msgstr "对首页中排序的列表也添加目录内容支持"
-#: ../toc.php:911
-msgid "Exclude CSS file"
-msgstr "不加载CSS"
-#: ../toc.php:912
-msgid ""
-"Prevent the loading of this plugin's CSS styles. When selected, the "
-"appearance options from above will also be ignored."
-msgstr "禁止加载本插件的CSS样式,选中后以上外观选项将失效"
-#: ../toc.php:915
-msgid "Preserve theme bullets"
-msgstr "主题兼容"
-#: ../toc.php:916
-msgid ""
-"If your theme includes background images for unordered list elements, enable "
-"this to support them"
-msgstr "如果您的主题有修改无序列表的背景图片时,您可以开启此功能添加主题兼容。"
-#: ../toc.php:919
-msgid "Heading levels"
-msgstr "标题层级"
-#: ../toc.php:921
-msgid ""
-"Include the following heading levels. Deselecting a heading will exclude it."
-msgstr "包含以下标题层级,留空的层级将会被忽略"
-#: ../toc.php:927
-msgid "heading "
-msgstr "标题 "
-#: ../toc.php:933
-msgid "Exclude headings"
-msgstr "排除的标题"
-#: ../toc.php:936
-msgid ""
-"Specify headings to be excluded from appearing in the table of contents. "
-"Separate multiple headings with a pipe <code>|</code>. Use an asterisk "
-"<code>*</code> as a wildcard to match other text. Note that this is not "
-"case sensitive. Some examples:"
-msgstr ""
-"指定在文章目录中排除的标题。多个标题使用管道符号 <code>|</code> 。使用星号 "
-"<code>*</code> 作为通配符匹配其他文本。注意此处对大小写不敏感。举例如下:"
-#: ../toc.php:938
-msgid "<code>Fruit*</code> ignore headings starting with \"Fruit\""
-msgstr "<code>水果*</code> 将忽略 \"水果\" 开头的标题"
-#: ../toc.php:939
-msgid ""
-"<code>*Fruit Diet*</code> ignore headings with \"Fruit Diet\" somewhere in "
-"the heading"
-msgstr "<code>*水果饮食*</code> 将忽略在任何一处包含 \"水果饮食\" 的标题"
-#: ../toc.php:940
-msgid ""
-"<code>Apple Tree|Oranges|Yellow Bananas</code> ignore headings that are "
-"exactly \"Apple Tree\", \"Oranges\" or \"Yellow Bananas\""
-msgstr ""
-"<code>苹果树|橘子|黄香蕉</code> 将忽略与 \"苹果树\" ,\"橘子\" ,或者 \"黄香"
-"蕉\" 精确匹配的标题"
-#: ../toc.php:945
-msgid "Smooth scroll top offset"
-msgstr "平滑滚动顶部偏移"
-#: ../toc.php:948
-msgid ""
-"If you have a consistent menu across the top of your site, you can adjust "
-"the top offset to stop the headings from appearing underneath the top menu. "
-"A setting of 30 accommodates the WordPress admin bar. This setting appears "
-"after you have enabled smooth scrolling from above."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:952
-msgid "Restrict path"
-msgstr "限制路径"
-#: ../toc.php:955
-msgid ""
-"Restrict generation of the table of contents to pages that match the "
-"required path. This path is from the root of your site and always begins "
-"with a forward slash."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:958
-msgid "Eg: /wiki/, /corporate/annual-reports/"
-msgstr "例:/wiki/,/corporate/annual-reports/"
-#: ../toc.php:962
-msgid "Default anchor prefix"
-msgstr "默认锚前缀"
-#: ../toc.php:965
-msgid ""
-"Anchor targets are restricted to alphanumeric characters as per HTML "
-"specification (see readme for more detail). The default anchor prefix will "
-"be used when no characters qualify. When left blank, a number will be used "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:966
-msgid ""
-"This option normally applies to content written in character sets other than "
-msgstr "此选项只能输入字符集而不是ASCII。"
-#: ../toc.php:969
-msgid "Eg: i, toc_index, index, _"
-msgstr "例:i, toc_index, index, _"
-#: ../toc.php:977
-msgid "Usage"
-msgstr "使用"
-#: ../toc.php:978
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you would like to fully customise the position of the table of contents, "
-"you can use the %s shortcode by placing it at the desired position of your "
-"post, page or custom post type. This method allows you to generate the table "
-"of contents despite having auto insertion disabled for its content type. "
-"Please visit the help tab for further information about this shortcode."
-msgstr ""
-"如果喜欢完全自定义文章目录位置,可以将 %s 短代码放在文章、页面或者自定义文章"
-#: ../toc.php:986
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"At its simplest, placing %s into a page will automatically create a sitemap "
-"of all pages and categories. This also works in a text widget."
-msgstr ""
-"最简单的法子,将 %s 放在一个页面中将自动产生一个包括所有页面和目录的网站地"
-#: ../toc.php:990
-msgid "Show page listing"
-msgstr "显示页面列表"
-#: ../toc.php:994
-msgid "Show category listing"
-msgstr "显示分类列表"
-#: ../toc.php:998
-msgid "Heading type"
-msgstr "标题类型"
-#: ../toc.php:1001
-msgid "Use"
-msgstr "使用"
-#: ../toc.php:1012
-msgid "to print out the titles"
-msgstr "输出标题"
-#: ../toc.php:1016
-msgid "Pages label"
-msgstr "页面标签"
-#: ../toc.php:1018
-msgid "Eg: Pages, Page List"
-msgstr "例:页面、页面列表"
-#: ../toc.php:1022
-msgid "Categories label"
-msgstr "分类标签"
-#: ../toc.php:1024
-msgid "Eg: Categories, Category List"
-msgstr "例:分类、分类列表"
-#: ../toc.php:1030
-msgid "Advanced usage"
-msgstr "高级功能"
-#: ../toc.php:1032
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"lets you print out a listing of only pages. Similarly %s can be used to "
-"print out a category listing. They both can accept a number of attributes so "
-"visit the help tab for more information."
-msgstr ""
-"用于仅输出页面列表,相应的 %s 可以用于输出分类列表。他们都可以具有多重属性,"
-#: ../toc.php:1033
-msgid "Examples"
-msgstr "例"
-#: ../toc.php:1035
-msgid "hides the heading from a category listing"
-msgstr " 将标题从分类列表中移除"
-#: ../toc.php:1036
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Uses h6 to display %s on a page listing excluding pages with IDs 1 and 15"
-msgstr "使用h6在一个排除包含ID 1 和15页面的页面列表上显示 %s"
-#: ../toc.php:1044
-msgid "Where's my table of contents?"
-msgstr "文章目录显示在哪里?"
-#: ../toc.php:1045
-msgid ""
-"If you're reading this, then chances are you have successfully installed and "
-"enabled the plugin and you're just wondering why the index isn't appearing "
-"right? Try the following:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1047
-msgid ""
-"In most cases, the post, page or custom post type has less than the minimum "
-"number of headings. By default, this is set to four so make sure you have at "
-"least four headings within your content. If you want to change this value, "
-"you can find it under 'Main Options' &gt; 'Show when'."
-msgstr ""
-"果需要修改此数值的话,可以再“主要选项” &gt; “何时显示”中调整。"
-#: ../toc.php:1048
-msgid ""
-"Is auto insertion enabled for your content type? By default, only pages are "
-msgstr "内容类型是否支持自动插入?默认情况下,仅支持页面类型。"
-#: ../toc.php:1049
-msgid ""
-"Have you got <code>[no_toc]</code> somewhere within the content? This will "
-"disable the index for the current post, page or custom post type."
-msgstr ""
-"文章中是否有 <code>[no_toc]</code> 短代码?这将禁用当前文章、页面或自定义文章"
-#: ../toc.php:1050
-msgid ""
-"If you are using the TOC+ widget, check if you have the <em>\"Show the table "
-"of contents only in the sidebar\"</em> enabled as this will limit its "
-"display to only the sidebar. You can check by going into Appearance &gt; "
-msgstr ""
-"如果正在使用TOC+小工具,请检查是否启用了 <em>\"仅在侧边栏显示文章目录\"</"
-"em> ,要知道这将限制它只会在侧边栏显示。可以到外观&gt; 小工具页面检查设置。"
-#: ../toc.php:1051
-msgid ""
-"You may have restricted generation to a URL path match. The setting can be "
-"found in the advanced section under Main Options."
-msgstr "或许限制了URL路径匹配生成, 此设置可以在主选项的高级部分找到。"
-#: ../toc.php:1054
-msgid "How do I stop the table of contents from appearing on a single page?"
-msgstr "如何避免在单独页面中显示文章目录?"
-#: ../toc.php:1055
-msgid ""
-"Place the following <code>[no_toc]</code> anywhere on the page to suppress "
-"the table of contents. This is known as a shortcode and works for posts, "
-"pages and custom post types that make use of the_content()"
-msgstr ""
-"将 <code>[no_toc]</code> 短代码放在页面的任何地方以禁用文章目录。此短代码可以"
-"在所有使用 the_content() 函数的文章,页面和自定义文章类别中使用。"
-#: ../toc.php:1057
-msgid ""
-"I've set wrapping to left or right but the headings don't wrap around the "
-"table of contents"
-msgstr "我已经设置自动换行为左或者右,但是标题并没有环绕在文章目录附近"
-#: ../toc.php:1058
-msgid ""
-"This normally occurs when there is a CSS clear directive in or around the "
-"heading originating from the theme (Twenty Eleven and Twenty Twelve are two "
-"themes which do this). This directive tells the user agent to reset the "
-"previous wrapping specifications."
-msgstr ""
-"这一般是由于主题(比如自带的Twenty Eleven和Twenty Twelve主题)在标题内部或者"
-#: ../toc.php:1059
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"You can adjust your theme's CSS or try moving the table of contents position "
-"to the top of the page. If you didn't build your theme, I'd highly suggest "
-"you try the %s if you wish to make CSS changes."
-msgstr ""
-"尝试 %s 来修改CSS。"
-#: ../toc.php:1062
-msgid ""
-"Try adding the following CSS to allow the wrapping to occur around the table "
-"of contents:"
-msgstr "请把以下内容添加到CSS中以允许在文章目录周围换行:"
-#: ../toc.php:1067
-msgid "How do I include the name of the page in the table of contents title?"
-msgstr "如何才能在文章目录中包含页面名称?"
-#: ../toc.php:1068
-msgid ""
-"As the title of the page changes depending on the page you're viewing, you "
-"can use the following special variable to automatically insert the title of "
-"the page into the table of contents heading:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1070
-msgid "You can use it as is or place text either side of the variable."
-msgstr "可以直接使用或者在变量的任一边加入文本。"
-#: ../toc.php:1071
-msgid ""
-"As an example: if your page is named <em>Great Expectations</em> and your "
-"table of contents title is set to <em>Contents for %PAGE_NAME%</em>, the "
-"final title would read <em>Contents for Great Expectations</em>"
-msgstr ""
-"例如:页面名称为 <em>Great Expectations</em> ,内容列表标题设置为 "
-"<em>Contents for %PAGE_NAME%</em>,将显示为 <em>Contents for Great "
-#: ../toc.php:1073
-msgid "The sitemap uses a strange font dissimilar to the rest of the site"
-msgstr "站点地图使用了和网站其他地方不同的字体"
-#: ../toc.php:1074
-msgid ""
-"No extra styles are created for the sitemap, instead it inherits any styles "
-"you used when adding the shortcode. If you copy and pasted, you probably "
-"also copied the 'code' tags surrounding it so remove them if this is the "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1075
-msgid ""
-"In most cases, try to have the shortcode on its own line with nothing before "
-"or after the square brackets."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1077
-msgid "What were those shortcodes and attributes again?"
-msgstr "什么是短代码以及短代码属性?"
-#: ../toc.php:1078
-msgid ""
-"When attributes are left out for the shortcodes below, they will fallback to "
-"the settings you defined under Settings &gt; TOC+."
-msgstr "如果短代码输入时属性留空,插件将使用 设置 &gt; TOC+ 的设定值。"
-#: ../toc.php:1082
-msgid "Shortcode"
-msgstr "短代码"
-#: ../toc.php:1083
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "描述"
-#: ../toc.php:1084
-msgid "Attributes"
-msgstr "属性"
-#: ../toc.php:1090
-msgid ""
-"Lets you generate the table of contents at the preferred position. Also "
-"useful for sites that only require a TOC on a small handful of pages."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1093
-msgid "text, title of the table of contents"
-msgstr "文本,文章目录的标题"
-#: ../toc.php:1094
-msgid "true/false, shows or hides the title"
-msgstr "true/false,显示或者隐藏标题"
-#: ../toc.php:1095
-msgid "text, either \"left\" or \"right\""
-msgstr "文本, \"left\" 或者 \"right\" (分别表示“向左”、“向右”)"
-#: ../toc.php:1096
-msgid ""
-"numbers, this lets you select the heading levels you want included in the "
-"table of contents. Separate multiple levels with a comma. Example: include "
-"headings 3, 4 and 5 but exclude the others with"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1097
-msgid ""
-"text, enter headings to be excluded. Separate multiple headings with a pipe "
-"<code>|</code>. Use an asterisk <code>*</code> as a wildcard to match other "
-"text. You could also use regular expressions for more advanced matching."
-msgstr ""
-"文本,需要排除的标题。使用管道符号 <code>|</code> 隔开多个标题。使用星号 "
-"<code>*</code> 作为通配符匹配其他文本,还可以使用正则表达式来实现高级匹配。"
-#: ../toc.php:1098
-msgid ""
-"text, enter CSS classes to be added to the container. Separate multiple "
-"classes with a space."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1104
-msgid ""
-"Allows you to disable the table of contents for the current post, page, or "
-"custom post type."
-msgstr "在当前文章、页面或自定义文章类型中禁止文章目录。"
-#: ../toc.php:1109
-msgid ""
-"Produces a listing of all pages and categories for your site. You can use "
-"this on any post, page or even in a text widget."
-msgstr "生成站点所有页面和目录列表,可以在文章、页面甚至文本小工具中使用。"
-#: ../toc.php:1114
-msgid "Lets you print out a listing of only pages."
-msgstr "仅输出页面列表。"
-#: ../toc.php:1117
-msgid "number between 1 and 6, defines which html heading to use"
-msgstr "1 到 6 之间的数字,用来定义需要使用的html标题级别。"
-#: ../toc.php:1118
-msgid "text, title of the list"
-msgstr "文本,列表标题"
-#: ../toc.php:1119
-msgid "true/false, shows or hides the list heading"
-msgstr "true/false,显示/隐藏列表标题"
-#: ../toc.php:1120
-msgid "IDs of the pages or categories you wish to exclude"
-msgstr "数字,需要排除的页面或者分类ID"
-#: ../toc.php:1121
-msgid ""
-"ID of the page or category you wish to exclude including its all descendants"
-msgstr "数字,需要排除的页面或分类ID,包括其子页面、子分类"
-#: ../toc.php:1127
-msgid "Similar to [sitemap_pages] but for categories."
-msgstr "类似 [sitemap_pages] ,应用于分类目录"
-#: ../toc.php:1132
-msgid ""
-"This lets you print out an index of all published posts on your site. By "
-"default, posts are listed in alphabetical order grouped by their first "
-"letters. There are CSS classes for each section, letter and list allowing "
-"you to customise the appearance."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1135
-msgid "text, either ASC or DESC"
-msgstr "文本,ASC或DESC(升序或降序)"
-#: ../toc.php:1136
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"text, popular options include \"title\", \"date\", \"ID\", and \"rand\". See "
-"%1$sWP_Query%2$s for a list."
-msgstr ""
-"文本,常见选项包括 \"title\", \"date\", \"ID\", and \"rand\" (分别代表用于排"
-"序的对象:标题,日期,ID或者随机),参见 %1$sWP_Query%2$s 查看可用列表。"
-#: ../toc.php:1137
-msgid ""
-"true/false (defaults to true), does not separate the lists by first letter "
-"when set to false."
-msgstr "true/false(默认true),当设置为false时不按照首字母单独列表。"
-#: ../toc.php:1145
-msgid "I have another question..."
-msgstr "还有其他不明白的地方..."
-#: ../toc.php:1146
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Visit the %1$splugin homepage%2$s to ask your question - who knows, maybe "
-"your question has already been answered. I'd really like to hear your "
-"suggestions if you have any."
-msgstr ""
-"可以到 %1$s插件主页%2$s 提问,如果人品好没准以前有人已经问过并且已经得到了解"
-#: ../toc.php:1148
-msgid "For developers"
-msgstr "供开发者"
-#: ../toc.php:1150
-msgid "How do I customise my anchors?"
-msgstr "如何自定义锚点?"
-#: ../toc.php:1151
-msgid ""
-"If you're still not happy with the anchors, you can modify them to suit your "
-"needs through a custom function hooked into the <code>toc_url_anchor_target</"
-"code> filter. As an example, place the below code snippet into your "
-"functions.php file to convert all anchors to uppercase."
-msgstr ""
-"如果对这些锚点仍然不满意,可以将自定义函数挂载到 "
-"<code>toc_url_anchor_target</code> 过滤器以满足需要。比如,把下面的代码片段放"
-#: ../toc.php:1161
-msgid ""
-"Returns a HTML formatted string of the table of contents without the "
-"surrounding UL or OL tags to allow the theme editor to supply their own ID "
-"and/or classes to the outer list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../toc.php:1162
-msgid "Both parameters are optional:"
-msgstr "两个可选参数"
-#: ../toc.php:1166
-msgid ""
-"is the entire content with headings. If blank, will default to the current "
-"content found in $post (eg within \"the loop\")."
-msgstr ""
-"带标题的完整内容。如果留空将默认显示在 $post(比如在 \"the loop\")中存在的内"
-#: ../toc.php:1169
-msgid ""
-"is the URL to prefix the anchor with. If a string was provided, it will be "
-"used as is. If set to \"true\" then will try to obtain the permalink from "
-"the $post object."
-msgstr ""
-"锚点URL前缀。如果提供一个字符串将使用该字符串。如果设置为 \"true\" 将尝试从 "
-"$post 对象中获取永久链接。"
-#: ../toc.php:1171
-msgid "These examples assume you are within \"the loop\":"
-msgstr "这些例子假设正在 \"the loop\" 中:"
-#: ../toc.php:1173
-msgid "Obtain the index for the current page"
-msgstr "获取当前页面列表"
-#: ../toc.php:1176
-msgid "Create a listing of all children and their headings"
-msgstr "创建所有子文章及标题的列表。"
-#: ../toc.php:1201
-msgid "Update Options"
-msgstr "更新设置"
-#: ../toc.php:1704
-msgid "Display the table of contents in the sidebar with this widget"
-msgstr "在侧边栏小工具中显示文章目录"
-#: ../toc.php:1805
-msgid "Show the table of contents only in the sidebar"
-msgstr "仅在侧边栏中显示文章目录"
-#: ../toc.php:1809
-msgid "For the following content types:"
-msgstr "针对以下内容类型:"
-#~ msgid "(default)"
-#~ msgstr "(默认)"
-#~ msgid "Auto"
-#~ msgstr "自动调整"
-#~ msgid "Please enter a number and"
-#~ msgstr "请输入数字并"
-#~ msgid "select its units, eg: 100px, 10em"
-#~ msgstr "选择相应的单位,如:100px, 10em"
-#~ msgid "Leaving the value as"
-#~ msgstr "数值设定为"
-#~ msgid "will inherit your theme's styles"
-#~ msgstr "将使用主题的风格"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Prevent the loading of this plugin's CSS styles. When selected, the "
-#~ "presentation options from above will also be ignored."
-#~ msgstr "不加载插件内置的CSS。勾选此项后,上面的选项也将失效。"
-#~ msgid "Include (or exclude) the following heading levels"
-#~ msgstr "包含(或者排除)以下标题级别"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If you would like to fully customise the position of the table of "
-#~ "contents, you can use the"
-#~ msgstr "如果您想要完全自定义目录的显示位置,您可以使用短代码"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "shortcode by placing it at the desired position of your post, page or "
-#~ "custom post type. This method allows you to generate the table of "
-#~ "contents despite having auto insertion disabled for its content type. "
-#~ "Please visit the help tab for further information about this shortcode."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ ",并把它放在您想要的位置中,可以是文章、页面或者是自定义的文章类型。此方法"
-#~ "方便您在任何情况下生成目录,即使您关闭了该内容类型的自动插入。详细内容可以"
-#~ "查看帮助标签中个关于短代码的说明。"
-#~ msgid "At its simplest, placing"
-#~ msgstr "简单点说,输入"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "into a page will automatically create a sitemap of all pages and "
-#~ "categories. This also works in a text widget."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "在页面中将显示所有页面、分类的站点地图。您也可以在文本小工具使用此工具。"
-#~ msgid "lets you print out a listing of only pages. Similarly"
-#~ msgstr " 用来输出纯页面列表。同样地,"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "can be used to print out a category listing. They both can accept a "
-#~ "number of attributes so visit the help tab for more information."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " 用来输出纯分类列表。两者都有其他的参数设定,具体查看帮助标签的内容。"
-#~ msgid "Uses h6 to display"
-#~ msgstr " 在一个含页面ID为1和15的页面列表中,用 h6 显示 "
-#~ msgid "on a page listing excluding pages with IDs 1 and 15."
-#~ msgstr "。"
-#~ msgid "Have you got"
-#~ msgstr "内容中是否使用了 "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "somewhere within the content? This will disable the index for the current "
-#~ "post, page or custom post type."
-#~ msgstr " 短代码?这将阻止当前文章、页面或者自定义页面显示目录。"
-#~ msgid "If you are using the TOC+ widget, check if you have the"
-#~ msgstr "如果您正在使用 TOC+ 小工具,检查以下是否开启了 "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "enabled as this will limit its display to only the sidebar. You can check "
-#~ "by going into Appearance &gt; Widgets."
-#~ msgstr "。如果不了解的么可以到外观 &gt; 小工具中查看。"
-#~ msgid "Place the following"
-#~ msgstr "在内容任意位置中输入短代码 "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "anywhere on the page to suppress the table of contents. This is known as "
-#~ "a shortcode and works for posts, pages and custom post types that make "
-#~ "use of the_content()"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "可以避免目录内容的显示。此短代码对任何帖子、页面以及其他使用the_content()"
-#~ "的自定义文章类型都有效。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This normally occurs when there is a CSS clear directive in or around the "
-#~ "heading specified by the theme author. This directive tells the user "
-#~ "agent to reset the previous wrapping specifications."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "一般是因为您使用的主题中CSS移除了标题的指令。该指令让用户代理重置了前一个"
-#~ "自动换行规则。"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "You can adjust your theme's CSS or try moving the table of contents "
-#~ "position to the top of the page. If you didn't build your theme, I'd "
-#~ "highly suggest you try the"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "您可以调整您的主题CSS或者尝试移动目录内容的位置到页面顶部。如果您对主题并"
-#~ "不了解,强烈建议尝试用 "
-#~ msgid "if you wish to make CSS changes."
-#~ msgstr " 修改CSS。"
-#~ msgid "Why are some headings not included in the table of contents?"
-#~ msgstr "为什么部分标题没有显示在目录中?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "First, make sure the title text that isn't appearing in the table of "
-#~ "contents is actually marked up as a heading (eg heading 1 through to 6). "
-#~ "After verifying that it really is a heading, make sure that there are no "
-#~ "linebreaks or enters from the start to the end of the heading HTML tags. "
-#~ "Eg, it should not be like the following:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "首先,请确认标题中未显示的标题文本确实标记为标题(例:标题1到标题6)。如果"
-#~ "已确认是标题的话,请检查一下h标签内的文本是否有跳行。例:不要出现以下形"
-#~ "式:"
-#~ msgid "Rather, it should be something like:"
-#~ msgstr "正确地,应该是:"
-#~ msgid "The sitemap uses a strange font disimilar to the rest of the site"
-#~ msgstr "站点地图与站点使用的字体不一样"
-#~ msgid "Similar to"
-#~ msgstr "类 "
-#~ msgid "but for categories."
-#~ msgstr " 但仅输出分类。"
-#~ msgid "Visit the"
-#~ msgstr "可以访问 "
-#~ msgid "plugin homepage"
-#~ msgstr "插件主页"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "to ask your question - who knows, maybe your question has already been "
-#~ "answered. I'd really like to hear your suggestions if you have any."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ " 求助 - 谁知道呢,也许您的问题已经解答过了。如果您有建议的话,我会更乐意。"