blob: e76a4b3be2c632304ae6c55489b0358d501f92db (plain)
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If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Activating recommended features…":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s…":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings…":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address…":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options…":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. 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