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1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph.py b/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ebf2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
+# ====================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
+# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
+# newer version instead, at your option.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
+# ====================================================================
+"""The changeset dependency graph."""
+from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
+from cvs2svn_lib.changeset import RevisionChangeset
+from cvs2svn_lib.changeset import OrderedChangeset
+from cvs2svn_lib.changeset import BranchChangeset
+from cvs2svn_lib.changeset import TagChangeset
+class CycleInGraphException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, cycle):
+ Exception.__init__(
+ self,
+ 'Cycle found in graph: %s'
+ % ' -> '.join(map(str, cycle + [cycle[0]])))
+class NoPredNodeInGraphException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, node):
+ Exception.__init__(self, 'Node %s has no predecessors' % (node,))
+class _NoPredNodes:
+ """Manage changesets that are to be processed.
+ Output the changesets in order by time and changeset type.
+ The implementation of this class is crude: as changesets are added,
+ they are appended to a list. When one is needed, the list is sorted
+ in reverse order and then the last changeset in the list is
+ returned. To reduce the number of sorts that are needed, the class
+ keeps track of whether the list is currently sorted.
+ All this repeated sorting is wasteful and unnecessary. We should
+ instead use a heap to output the changeset order, which would
+ require O(lg N) work per add()/get() rather than O(1) and O(N lg N)
+ as in the current implementation [1]. But: (1) the lame interface
+ of heapq doesn't allow an arbitrary compare function, so we would
+ have to store extra information in the array elements; (2) in
+ practice, the number of items in the list at any time is only a tiny
+ fraction of the total number of changesets; and (3) testing showed
+ that the heapq implementation is no faster than this one (perhaps
+ because of the increased memory usage).
+ [1] According to Objects/listsort.txt in the Python source code, the
+ Python list-sorting code is heavily optimized for arrays that have
+ runs of already-sorted elements, so the current cost of get() is
+ probably closer to O(N) than O(N lg N)."""
+ def __init__(self, changeset_db):
+ self.changeset_db = changeset_db
+ # A list [(node, changeset,)] of nodes with no predecessors:
+ self._nodes = []
+ self._sorted = True
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._nodes)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _compare((node_1, changeset_1), (node_2, changeset_2)):
+ """Define a (reverse) ordering on self._nodes."""
+ return cmp(node_2.time_range, node_1.time_range) \
+ or cmp(changeset_2, changeset_1)
+ def add(self, node):
+ self._nodes.append( (node, self.changeset_db[node.id],) )
+ self._sorted = False
+ def get(self):
+ """Return (node, changeset,) of the smallest node.
+ 'Smallest' is defined by self._compare()."""
+ if not self._sorted:
+ self._nodes.sort(self._compare)
+ self._sorted = True
+ return self._nodes.pop()
+class ChangesetGraph(object):
+ """A graph of changesets and their dependencies."""
+ def __init__(self, changeset_db, cvs_item_to_changeset_id):
+ self._changeset_db = changeset_db
+ self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id = cvs_item_to_changeset_id
+ # A map { id : ChangesetGraphNode }
+ self.nodes = {}
+ def close(self):
+ self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id.close()
+ self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id = None
+ self._changeset_db.close()
+ self._changeset_db = None
+ def add_changeset(self, changeset):
+ """Add CHANGESET to this graph.
+ Determine and record any dependencies to changesets that are
+ already in the graph. This method does not affect the databases."""
+ node = changeset.create_graph_node(self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id)
+ # Now tie the node into our graph. If a changeset referenced by
+ # node is already in our graph, then add the backwards connection
+ # from the other node to the new one. If not, then delete the
+ # changeset from node.
+ for pred_id in list(node.pred_ids):
+ pred_node = self.nodes.get(pred_id)
+ if pred_node is not None:
+ pred_node.succ_ids.add(node.id)
+ else:
+ node.pred_ids.remove(pred_id)
+ for succ_id in list(node.succ_ids):
+ succ_node = self.nodes.get(succ_id)
+ if succ_node is not None:
+ succ_node.pred_ids.add(node.id)
+ else:
+ node.succ_ids.remove(succ_id)
+ self.nodes[node.id] = node
+ def store_changeset(self, changeset):
+ for cvs_item_id in changeset.cvs_item_ids:
+ self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id[cvs_item_id] = changeset.id
+ self._changeset_db.store(changeset)
+ def add_new_changeset(self, changeset):
+ """Add the new CHANGESET to the graph and also to the databases."""
+ if Log().is_on(Log.DEBUG):
+ Log().debug('Adding changeset %r' % (changeset,))
+ self.add_changeset(changeset)
+ self.store_changeset(changeset)
+ def delete_changeset(self, changeset):
+ """Remove CHANGESET from the graph and also from the databases.
+ In fact, we don't remove CHANGESET from
+ self._cvs_item_to_changeset_id, because in practice the CVSItems
+ in CHANGESET are always added again as part of a new CHANGESET,
+ which will cause the old values to be overwritten."""
+ if Log().is_on(Log.DEBUG):
+ Log().debug('Removing changeset %r' % (changeset,))
+ del self[changeset.id]
+ del self._changeset_db[changeset.id]
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ """Instances are considered True iff they contain any nodes."""
+ return bool(self.nodes)
+ def __contains__(self, id):
+ """Return True if the specified ID is contained in this graph."""
+ return id in self.nodes
+ def __getitem__(self, id):
+ return self.nodes[id]
+ def get(self, id):
+ return self.nodes.get(id)
+ def __delitem__(self, id):
+ """Remove the node corresponding to ID.
+ Also remove references to it from other nodes. This method does
+ not change pred_ids or succ_ids of the node being deleted, nor
+ does it affect the databases."""
+ node = self[id]
+ for succ_id in node.succ_ids:
+ succ = self[succ_id]
+ succ.pred_ids.remove(node.id)
+ for pred_id in node.pred_ids:
+ pred = self[pred_id]
+ pred.succ_ids.remove(node.id)
+ del self.nodes[node.id]
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.nodes.keys()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.nodes.itervalues()
+ def _get_path(self, reachable_changesets, starting_node_id, ending_node_id):
+ """Return the shortest path from ENDING_NODE_ID to STARTING_NODE_ID.
+ Find a path from ENDING_NODE_ID to STARTING_NODE_ID in
+ changeset that depends on the changeset with ENDING_NODE_ID. (See
+ the comment in search_for_path() for a description of the format
+ Return a list of changesets, where the 0th one has ENDING_NODE_ID
+ and the last one has STARTING_NODE_ID. If there is no such path
+ described in in REACHABLE_CHANGESETS, return None."""
+ if ending_node_id not in reachable_changesets:
+ return None
+ path = [self._changeset_db[ending_node_id]]
+ id = reachable_changesets[ending_node_id][1]
+ while id != starting_node_id:
+ path.append(self._changeset_db[id])
+ id = reachable_changesets[id][1]
+ path.append(self._changeset_db[starting_node_id])
+ return path
+ def search_for_path(self, starting_node_id, stop_set):
+ """Search for paths to prerequisites of STARTING_NODE_ID.
+ Try to find the shortest dependency path that causes the changeset
+ with STARTING_NODE_ID to depend (directly or indirectly) on one of
+ the changesets whose ids are contained in STOP_SET.
+ We consider direct and indirect dependencies in the sense that the
+ changeset can be reached by following a chain of predecessor nodes.
+ When one of the changeset_ids in STOP_SET is found, terminate the
+ search and return the path from that changeset_id to
+ STARTING_NODE_ID. If no path is found to a node in STOP_SET,
+ return None."""
+ # A map {node_id : (steps, next_node_id)} where NODE_ID can be
+ # reached from STARTING_NODE_ID in STEPS steps, and NEXT_NODE_ID
+ # is the id of the previous node in the path. STARTING_NODE_ID is
+ # only included as a key if there is a loop leading back to it.
+ reachable_changesets = {}
+ # A list of (node_id, steps) that still have to be investigated,
+ # and STEPS is the number of steps to get to NODE_ID.
+ open_nodes = [(starting_node_id, 0)]
+ # A breadth-first search:
+ while open_nodes:
+ (id, steps) = open_nodes.pop(0)
+ steps += 1
+ node = self[id]
+ for pred_id in node.pred_ids:
+ # Since the search is breadth-first, we only have to set steps
+ # that don't already exist.
+ if pred_id not in reachable_changesets:
+ reachable_changesets[pred_id] = (steps, id)
+ open_nodes.append((pred_id, steps))
+ # See if we can stop now:
+ if pred_id in stop_set:
+ return self._get_path(
+ reachable_changesets, starting_node_id, pred_id
+ )
+ return None
+ def consume_nopred_nodes(self):
+ """Remove and yield changesets in dependency order.
+ Each iteration, this generator yields a (changeset, time_range)
+ tuple for the oldest changeset in the graph that doesn't have any
+ predecessor nodes (i.e., it is ready to be committed). This is
+ continued until there are no more nodes without predecessors
+ (either because the graph has been emptied, or because of cycles
+ in the graph).
+ Among the changesets that are ready to be processed, the earliest
+ one (according to the sorting of the TimeRange class) is yielded
+ each time. (This is the order in which the changesets should be
+ committed.)
+ The graph should not be otherwise altered while this generator is
+ running."""
+ # Find a list of (node,changeset,) where the node has no
+ # predecessors:
+ nopred_nodes = _NoPredNodes(self._changeset_db)
+ for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
+ if not node.pred_ids:
+ nopred_nodes.add(node)
+ while nopred_nodes:
+ (node, changeset,) = nopred_nodes.get()
+ del self[node.id]
+ # See if any successors are now ready for extraction:
+ for succ_id in node.succ_ids:
+ succ = self[succ_id]
+ if not succ.pred_ids:
+ nopred_nodes.add(succ)
+ yield (changeset, node.time_range)
+ def find_cycle(self, starting_node_id):
+ """Find a cycle in the dependency graph and return it.
+ Use STARTING_NODE_ID as the place to start looking. This routine
+ must only be called after all nopred_nodes have been removed.
+ Return the list of changesets that are involved in the cycle
+ (ordered such that cycle[n-1] is a predecessor of cycle[n] and
+ cycle[-1] is a predecessor of cycle[0])."""
+ # Since there are no nopred nodes in the graph, all nodes in the
+ # graph must either be involved in a cycle or depend (directly or
+ # indirectly) on nodes that are in a cycle.
+ # Pick an arbitrary node:
+ node = self[starting_node_id]
+ seen_nodes = [node]
+ # Follow it backwards until a node is seen a second time; then we
+ # have our cycle.
+ while True:
+ # Pick an arbitrary predecessor of node. It must exist, because
+ # there are no nopred nodes:
+ try:
+ node_id = node.pred_ids.__iter__().next()
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise NoPredNodeInGraphException(node)
+ node = self[node_id]
+ try:
+ i = seen_nodes.index(node)
+ except ValueError:
+ seen_nodes.append(node)
+ else:
+ seen_nodes = seen_nodes[i:]
+ seen_nodes.reverse()
+ return [self._changeset_db[node.id] for node in seen_nodes]
+ def consume_graph(self, cycle_breaker=None):
+ """Remove and yield changesets from this graph in dependency order.
+ Each iteration, this generator yields a (changeset, time_range)
+ tuple for the oldest changeset in the graph that doesn't have any
+ predecessor nodes. If CYCLE_BREAKER is specified, then call
+ CYCLE_BREAKER(cycle) whenever a cycle is encountered, where cycle
+ is the list of changesets that are involved in the cycle (ordered
+ such that cycle[n-1] is a predecessor of cycle[n] and cycle[-1] is
+ a predecessor of cycle[0]). CYCLE_BREAKER should break the cycle
+ in place then return.
+ If a cycle is found and CYCLE_BREAKER was not specified, raise
+ CycleInGraphException."""
+ while True:
+ for (changeset, time_range) in self.consume_nopred_nodes():
+ yield (changeset, time_range)
+ # If there are any nodes left in the graph, then there must be
+ # at least one cycle. Find a cycle and process it.
+ # This might raise StopIteration, but that indicates that the
+ # graph has been fully consumed, so we just let the exception
+ # escape.
+ start_node_id = self.nodes.iterkeys().next()
+ cycle = self.find_cycle(start_node_id)
+ if cycle_breaker is not None:
+ cycle_breaker(cycle)
+ else:
+ raise CycleInGraphException(cycle)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time."""
+ if self.nodes:
+ return 'ChangesetGraph:\n%s' \
+ % ''.join([' %r\n' % node for node in self])
+ else:
+ return 'ChangesetGraph:\n EMPTY\n'
+ node_colors = {
+ RevisionChangeset : 'lightgreen',
+ OrderedChangeset : 'cyan',
+ BranchChangeset : 'orange',
+ TagChangeset : 'yellow',
+ }
+ def output_coarse_dot(self, f):
+ """Output the graph in DOT format to file-like object f.
+ Such a file can be rendered into a visual representation of the
+ graph using tools like graphviz. Include only changesets in the
+ graph, and the dependencies between changesets."""
+ f.write('digraph G {\n')
+ for node in self:
+ f.write(
+ ' C%x [style=filled, fillcolor=%s];\n' % (
+ node.id,
+ self.node_colors[self._changeset_db[node.id].__class__],
+ )
+ )
+ f.write('\n')
+ for node in self:
+ for succ_id in node.succ_ids:
+ f.write(' C%x -> C%x\n' % (node.id, succ_id,))
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write('}\n')
+ def output_fine_dot(self, f):
+ """Output the graph in DOT format to file-like object f.
+ Such a file can be rendered into a visual representation of the
+ graph using tools like graphviz. Include all CVSItems and the
+ CVSItem-CVSItem dependencies in the graph. Group the CVSItems
+ into clusters by changeset."""
+ f.write('digraph G {\n')
+ for node in self:
+ f.write(' subgraph cluster_%x {\n' % (node.id,))
+ f.write(' label = "C%x";\n' % (node.id,))
+ changeset = self._changeset_db[node.id]
+ for item_id in changeset.cvs_item_ids:
+ f.write(' I%x;\n' % (item_id,))
+ f.write(' style=filled;\n')
+ f.write(
+ ' fillcolor=%s;\n'
+ % (self.node_colors[self._changeset_db[node.id].__class__],))
+ f.write(' }\n\n')
+ for node in self:
+ changeset = self._changeset_db[node.id]
+ for cvs_item in changeset.iter_cvs_items():
+ for succ_id in cvs_item.get_succ_ids():
+ f.write(' I%x -> I%x;\n' % (cvs_item.id, succ_id,))
+ f.write('\n')
+ f.write('}\n')