diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/scire2.sql')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/docs/scire2.sql b/docs/scire2.sql
index 0449b8d..accbcea 100644
--- a/docs/scire2.sql
+++ b/docs/scire2.sql
@@ -3,6 +3,19 @@ use scire;
INSERT INTO users (userid, username, password, email, phone, pager, real_name, comment) values (1, 'root','444mwGdhEKuO.', '', '', '', 'Root User', 'This is the comment for the root user.');
INSERT INTO users (userid, username, password, email, phone, pager, real_name, comment) values (2, 'codeman','444mwGdhEKuO.', '', '', '', 'Preston Cody', 'Project lead and developer.');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (1, 'Pending');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (2, 'Active');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (3, 'Inactive');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (4, 'Rejected');
+INSERT INTO client_status (statusid, statusname) values (5, 'Retired');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (1, 'Pending');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (2, 'Downloaded');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (3, 'Running');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (4, 'Failed');
+INSERT INTO jobs_status (statusid, statusname) values (5, 'Finished');
INSERT INTO `permissions` VALUES (0,'View Users','Able to list the users',1,'2007-03-26 01:29:28','Default'),(23,'Test Permission 1','this is only a test.',1,'2007-03-26 02:20:40','Default'),(24,'Add ClientGroup','In the clients section, lets you add a group of clients.',2,'2007-04-01 17:03:11','Default'),(25,'Edit ClientGroup','Allows editing of the name and parent of a clientgroup.',2,'2007-04-01 17:07:32','Default'),(26,'Delete ClientGroup','deleting of a clientgroup. clients within move to parent.',2,'2007-04-01 17:08:39','Default'),(27,'Assign Permission','allows assigning permissions of users to clients. This is a very important permission!',2,'2007-04-01 17:52:25','Default'),(28,'View Permissions','see the list of active permissions.',2,'2007-04-01 17:53:17','Default'),(29,'Edit Client','edit client information.',2,'2007-04-01 18:10:02','Default'),(30,'Delete Client','remove a client.',2,'2007-04-01 18:10:21','Default'),(31,'Change User Pass/Name','If set, the ability to change a user\'s password will be enabled.',1,'2007-04-01 21:16:08','Default'),(32,'Add UserGroup','allows creation of usergroups.',1,'2007-04-01 23:18:59','Default');
INSERT INTO `scripts` VALUES (100,'Gentoo Update Script','This script will run emerge sync and emerge -u world, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge sync \n emerge -u world','/var/log/scire/updatelog.txt','0','root',5,1,'',''),(101,'Gentoo Install Package Script','This script will run emerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash\nemerge --nocolor --nospinner --quiet -u world','/var/log/scire/installlog.txt','0','root',2,1,'',''),(102,'Gentoo Uninstall Package Script','This script will run emerge unmerge on a given package and log the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge unmerge','/var/log/scire/uninstalllog.txt','0','root',2,1,'',''),(103,'Gentoo Rollback Script','This script will roll back a given package to its previous version, logging the results.','','#!/bin/bash \n emerge -C && emerge ','/var/log/scire/rollbacklog.txt','0','root',1,1,'',''),(104,'Gentoo PackageList Script','This script will return a list of packages installed on the system and the current version of those packages.','','#!/bin/bash \n %%tag1%% %%tag2%%','/var/log/scire/packagelistlog.txt','0','nobody',8,1,'',''),(105,'install_vim','This will emerge vim for gentoo','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge vim\r\n ','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded',''),(106,'install ufed','this installs ufed, a stupid little prog that helps with USE flags','Embedded','#!/bin/bash\r\nemerge ufed','','0','root',1,0,'Embedded',''),(107,'get package list','lists all installed gentoo packages and their versions. stores this info in the DB', 'Embedded', '#!/bin/bash\r\nfind /var/db/pkg -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | sed \'s:^/var/db/pkg/::;s:-\([0-9.]\+.*$\):|\1:\'','','0','nobody',5,0,'get_package_list','');
@@ -12,7 +25,7 @@ INSERT INTO os (osid, osname, update_script, install_script, uninstall_script, r
INSERT INTO GLI_profiles (profileid, profile_name, location, description) values (1, 'printerserver', '/scire/gli_profiles/printerserver.xml', 'A typical printer server install profile. has like cups and shit.');
INSERT INTO GLI_profiles (profileid, profile_name, location, description) values (2, 'mta', '/scire/gli_profiles/mta.xml', 'A typical MTA install profile. has like very little except mailers.');
-INSERT INTO `clients` VALUES (3,'ASSET02',NULL,'testclient','00:01:02:03:04:0A','',1,1,'active',2,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',''),(5,'ASSET05',NULL,'testclient2','00:01:02:03:04:05','',1,1,'active',1,'0000-00-00 00:00:00','sampledigest');
+INSERT INTO `clients` VALUES (3,'ASSET02',NULL,'testclient','00:01:02:03:04:0A','',1,1,2,2,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',''),(5,'ASSET05',NULL,'testclient2','00:01:02:03:04:05','',1,1,2,1,'0000-00-00 00:00:00','sampledigest');
INSERT INTO jobs (jobid, priority, created, creator, permission, script, description, pending, failed) values (1, 1, NOW(), 2, 1, 100, 'Upgrading a package on mtalead', 1,0);
INSERT INTO jobs_clients (jobid, clientid) values (1, 3);
@@ -22,9 +35,9 @@ INSERT INTO settings (userid, setting_name, setting_value) values (1, 'theme', '
INSERT INTO settings (userid, setting_name, setting_value) values (2, 'clients_page_fields', 'hostname,ip,profile_name,osname,username,installtime,status');
-#INSERT INTO jobs values (2, 1, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'In Progress', 'root', 'Adding cups');
-#INSERT INTO jobs values (3, 2, 'Install Packages', 6, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'Failed', 'root', 'Adding cups');
-#INSERT INTO jobs values (4, 3, 'Update', 2, 'glsa-check', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'In Progress', 'root', 'Security Update');
-#INSERT INTO jobs values (5, 3, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge postfix', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 'Scheduled', 'root', 'Adding postfix, cause its an mta duh.');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (2, 1, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 3, 'root', 'Adding cups');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (3, 2, 'Install Packages', 6, 'emerge cups', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 4, 'root', 'Adding cups');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (4, 3, 'Update', 2, 'glsa-check', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 3, 'root', 'Security Update');
+#INSERT INTO jobs values (5, 3, 'Install Packages', 5, 'emerge postfix', NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'root', 'Adding postfix, cause its an mta duh.');
#INSERT INTO modules values (1,'Quickstart','Quickstart Installation Mangement Daemon','Description goes here and all that good stuff.','quickstart/index.php','Preston Cody','gentoo','deployment','');
#INSERT INTO modules values (2,'Exporter','Server Information Exporter','This is a utility that will take selected data from the central server about machines and export it into an XML format.','Exporter/index.php','Preston Cody',NULL,'information','');