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Diffstat (limited to 'net-scripts/net/')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-scripts/net/ b/net-scripts/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f600704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-scripts/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Contributed by Roy Marples (
+# Fix any potential localisation problems
+# Note that LC_ALL trumps LC_anything_else according to locale(7)
+ip() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/ip "$@"
+iproute2_tunnel() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/ip tunnel "$@"
+# void iproute2_depend(void)
+# Sets up the dependancies for the module
+iproute2_depend() {
+ provide interface
+ functions interface_device
+# void iproute2_expose(void)
+# Expose variables that can be configured
+iproute2_expose() {
+ variables config routes fallback metric ipaddr ipaddr_fallback iproute inet6
+# bool iproute2_check_installed(void)
+# Returns 1 if iproute2 is installed, otherwise 0
+iproute2_check_installed() {
+ local report="${1:-false}" installed="0"
+ if [[ ! -x /sbin/ip ]] ; then
+ installed="1"
+ ${report} && eerror "For iproute2 support, emerge sys-apps/iproute2"
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e /proc/net/netlink ]] ; then
+ installed="1"
+ ${report} && eerror "iproute2 requires NetLink enabled in the kernel"
+ fi
+ return "${installed}"
+# bool iproute2_exists(char *interface, bool report)
+# Returns 1 if the interface exists, otherwise 0
+iproute2_exists() {
+ local e="$( ip addr show label "$1" )" report="${2:-false}"
+ [[ -n ${e} ]] && return 0
+ if ${report} ; then
+ eerror "network interface $1 does not exist"
+ eerror "Please verify hardware or kernel module (driver)"
+ fi
+ return 1
+# void iproute2_up(char *interface)
+# provides a generic interface for bringing interfaces up
+iproute2_up() {
+ ip link set up dev "$1"
+# void iproute2_down(char *interface)
+# provides a generic interface for bringing interfaces up
+iproute2_down() {
+ ip link set down dev "$1"
+# bool ifproute2_is_up(char *iface, bool withaddress)
+# Returns 0 if the interface is up, otherwise 1
+# If withaddress is true then the interface has to have an IPv4 address
+# assigned as well
+iproute2_is_up() {
+ local check="\<UP\>" addr="${2:-false}"
+ ${addr} && check="${check}.*inet "
+ ip addr show "$1" | tr '\n' ' ' | grep -Eq "${check}"
+# void iproute2_set_flag(char *iface, char *flag, bool enabled)
+# Sets or disables the interface flag
+iproute2_set_flag() {
+ local enable="$3" opt="on"
+ ${enable} || opt="off"
+ ip link set "$1" "$2" "${opt}"
+# void iproute2_get_address(char *interface)
+# Fetch the address retrieved by DHCP. If successful, echoes the
+# address on stdout, otherwise echoes nothing.
+iproute2_get_address() {
+ ip -family inet addr show "$1" | sed -n -e 's/.*inet \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
+# bool iproute2_is_ethernet(char *interface)
+# Return 0 if the link is ethernet, otherwise 1.
+iproute2_is_ethernet() {
+ ip link show "$1" | grep -q "^[[:space:]]*link/ether[[:space:]]*"
+# void iproute2_get_mac_address(char *interface)
+# Fetch the mac address assingned to the network card
+iproute2_get_mac_address() {
+ local mac="$( ip link show "$1" | sed -n -e \
+ '/link\// s/^.*\<\(..:..:..:..:..:..\)\>.*/\U\1/p' )"
+ [[ ${mac} != '00:00:00:00:00:00' \
+ && ${mac} != '44:44:44:44:44:44' \
+ && ${mac} != 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF' ]] \
+ && echo "${mac}"
+# void iproute2_set_mac_address(char *interface, char *mac)
+# Assigned the mac address to the network card
+iproute2_set_mac_address() {
+ ip link set address "$2" dev "$1"
+# int iproute2_set_name(char *interface, char *new_name)
+# Renames the interface
+# This will not work if the interface is setup!
+iproute2_set_name() {
+ ip link set name "$2" dev "$1"
+# void iproute2_get_aliases_rev(char *interface)
+# Fetch the list of aliases for an interface.
+# Outputs a space-separated list on stdout, in reverse order, for
+# example "eth0:2 eth0:1"
+iproute2_get_aliases_rev() {
+ local iface="$( interface_device "$1" )"
+ ip addr show dev "${iface}" | grep -o "${iface}:[0-9].*" | tac
+# bool iproute2_del_addresses(char *interface, bool onlyinet)
+# Remove addresses from interface.
+# If onlyinet is true, then we only remove IPv4 / inet addresses.
+iproute2_del_addresses() {
+ local pre=""
+ ${2:-false} && pre="-f inet"
+ ip ${pre} addr flush label "$1" scope global &>/dev/null
+ ip ${pre} addr flush label "$1" scope site &>/dev/null
+ ip ${pre} addr flush label "$1" scope host &>/dev/null
+ return 0
+# bool iproute2_get_old_config(char *iface)
+# Returns config and config_fallback for the given interface
+iproute2_get_old_config() {
+ local ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )" inet6="" t=""
+ # iproute2-style config vars
+ t="ipaddr_${ifvar}[@]"
+ config=( "${!t}" )
+ t="config_fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
+ config_fallback=( "${!t}" )
+ t="inet6_${ifvar}[@]"
+ inet6=( "${!t}" )
+ # BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: check for space-separated inet6 addresses
+ [[ ${#inet6[@]} == "1" && ${inet6} == *" "* ]] && inet6=( ${inet6} )
+ # Add inet6 addresses to our config if required
+ [[ -n ${inet6} ]] && config=( "${config[@]}" "${inet6[@]}" )
+ # Support old style iface_xxx syntax
+ if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
+ if is_function ifconfig_get_old_config ; then
+ ifconfig_get_old_config "${iface}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+# bool iproute2_iface_stop(char *interface)
+# Do final shutdown for an interface or alias.
+# Returns 0 (true) when successful, non-zero (false) on failure
+iproute2_iface_stop() {
+ local label="$1" iface="$( interface_device "$1" )"
+ # Shut down the link if this isn't an alias or vlan
+ if [[ ${label} == "${iface}" ]] ; then
+ iproute2_down "${iface}"
+ return $?
+ fi
+ return 0
+# bool iproute2_add_address(char *interface, char *options ...)
+# Adds an the specified address to the interface
+# returns 0 on success and non-zero on failure
+iproute2_add_address() {
+ local iface="$1" x=""
+ iproute2_exists "${iface}" true || return 1
+ # Extract the config
+ local -a config=( "$@" )
+ config=( ${config[@]:1} )
+ # Convert an ifconfig line to iproute2
+ local n="${#config[@]}"
+ for (( x=0; x<n; x++ )); do
+ case "${config[x]}" in
+ netmask)
+ config[0]="${config[0]}/$( netmask2cidr "${config[x+1]}" )"
+ unset config[x] config[x+1]
+ ;;
+ mtu)
+ ip link set mtu "${config[x+1]}" dev "${iface}"
+ unset config[x] config[x+1]
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ config=( "${config[@]//pointopoint/peer}" )
+ # Always scope lo addresses as host unless specified otherwise
+ if [[ " ${config[@]} " != *" scope "* ]] ; then
+ is_loopback "${iface}" && config=( "${config[@]}" "scope host" )
+ fi
+ # IPv4 specifics
+ if [[ ${config[@]} == *.*.*.* ]] ; then
+ # Work out a broadcast if none supplied
+ [[ ${config[@]} != *" brd "* && ${config[@]} != *" broadcast "* ]] \
+ && config=( "${config[@]}" "brd +" )
+ fi
+ # Ensure that the interface is up so we can add IPv6 addresses
+ interface_up "${iface}"
+ # Some kernels like to apply lo with an address when they are brought up
+ if [[ ${config[@]} == " brd scope host" ]] ; then
+ is_loopback "${iface}" && ip addr del dev "${iface}" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ ip addr add dev "${iface}" ${config[@]}
+# bool iproute2_pre_start(char *interface)
+# Runs any pre_start stuff on our interface - just the MTU atm
+# We set MTU twice as it may be needed for DHCP - a dhcp client could
+# change it in error, so we set MTU in post start too
+iproute2_pre_start() {
+ local iface="$1"
+ interface_exists "${iface}" || return 0
+ local ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ # MTU support
+ local mtu="mtu_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -n ${!mtu} ]] && ip link set mtu "${!mtu}" dev "${iface}"
+ return 0
+# bool iproute2_post_start(char *interface)
+# Runs any post_start stuff on our interface and adds routes
+# Always returns 0
+iproute2_post_start() {
+ local iface="$1" ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )" x=""
+ iproute2_exists "${iface}" || return 0
+ # Make sure interface is marked UP
+ iproute2_up "${iface}"
+ # MTU support
+ local mtu="mtu_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -n ${!mtu} ]] && ip link set mtu "${!mtu}" dev "${iface}"
+ local x="routes_${ifvar}[@]"
+ local -a routes=( "${!x}" )
+ local metric="metric_${ifvar}"
+ # Test for old style ipaddr variable
+ if [[ -z ${routes} ]] ; then
+ t="iproute_${ifvar}[@]"
+ routes=( "${!t}" )
+ fi
+ # Set routes with ip route -- this might also include default route
+ if [[ -n ${routes} ]] ; then
+ einfo "Adding routes"
+ eindent
+ for x in "${routes[@]}"; do
+ ebegin "${x}"
+ # Support net-tools routing too
+ x="${x//gw/via}"
+ x="${x//-A inet6/}"
+ x="${x//-net/}"
+ [[ " ${x} " == *" -host "* ]] && x="${x//-host/} scope host"
+ # Attempt to support net-tools route netmask option
+ netmask="${x##* netmask }"
+ if [[ -n ${netmask} && ${x} != "${netmask}" ]] ; then
+ netmask="${netmask%% *}"
+ x="${x// netmask ${netmask} / }"
+ local -a a=( ${x} )
+ a[0]="${a[0]}/$( netmask2cidr "${netmask}")"
+ x="${a[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Add a metric if we don't have one
+ [[ " ${x} " != *" metric "* ]] && x="${x} metric ${!metric}"
+ ip route append ${x} dev "${iface}"
+ eend $?
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ # Flush the route cache
+ ip route flush cache dev "${iface}"
+ return 0
+# void iproute2_post_stop(char* interface)
+iproute2_post_stop() {
+ local iface="$1" rule=""
+ iproute2_exists "${iface}" || return
+ # Flush the route cache
+ ip route flush cache dev "${iface}"
+# vim: set ts=4 :