diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-scripts/net/')
1 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-scripts/net/ b/net-scripts/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cca973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-scripts/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Contributed by Roy Marples (
+# Many thanks to all the people in the Gentoo forums for their ideas and
+# motivation for me to make this and keep on improving it
+# Fix any potential localisation problems
+# Note that LC_ALL trumps LC_anything_else according to locale(7)
+iwconfig() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/iwconfig "$@"
+iwgetid() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/iwgetid "$@"
+iwlist() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/iwlist "$@"
+iwpriv() {
+ LC_ALL=C /sbin/iwpriv "$@"
+# void iwconfig_depend(void)
+# Sets up the dependancies for the module
+iwconfig_depend() {
+ after plug
+ before interface
+ provide wireless
+ functions interface_up interface_down interface_exists
+# void iwconfig_expose(void)
+# Expose variables that can be configured
+iwconfig_expose() {
+ variables essid mode associate_timeout sleep_scan preferred_aps blacklist_aps
+# bool iwconfig_check_installed(void)
+# Returns 1 if wireless-tools is installed, otherwise 0
+iwconfig_check_installed() {
+ local report=${1:-false}
+ [[ -x /sbin/iwconfig ]] && return 0
+ ${report} && eerror "For Wireless (802.11) support, emerge net-wireless/wireless-tools"
+ if [[ ! -e /proc/net/wireless ]]; then
+ installed="1"
+ if ${report} ; then
+ eerror "iwconfig requires wireless support"
+ eerror "(CONFIG_NET_WIRELESS=y) enabled in the kernel"
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_exists(char *interface)
+# Checks to see if wireless extensions are enabled on the interface
+iwconfig_exists() {
+ [[ ! -e /proc/net/wireless ]] && return 1
+ grep -q "^[ \t]*$1:[ \t]" /proc/net/wireless
+# char* iwconfig_get_wep_status(char *interface)
+# Echos a string showing whether WEP is enabled or disabled
+# for the given interface
+iwconfig_get_wep_status() {
+ local key="$( iwconfig "$1" | grep -i -o "Encryption key:[0-9,A-F]" )"
+ local mode status="disabled"
+ if [[ -n ${key} ]]; then
+ status="enabled"
+ mode="$( iwconfig "$1" | sed -n -e 's/^.*Security mode:\(.*[^ ]\).*/\1/p' )"
+ [[ -n ${mode} ]] && mode=" - ${mode}"
+ fi
+ echo "(WEP ${status}${mode})"
+# char* iwconfig_get_essid(char *iface)
+# Gets the current ESSID of the iface
+iwconfig_get_essid() {
+ local i essid
+ for (( i=0; i<5; i++ )); do
+ essid="$( iwgetid --raw "$1" )"
+ if [[ -n ${essid} ]] ; then
+ echo "${essid}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ return 1
+# char* iwconfig_get_ap_mac_address(char *interface)
+# Returns the MAC address of the Access Point
+# the interface is connected to
+iwconfig_get_ap_mac_address() {
+ iwgetid --raw --ap "$1"
+# char* iwconfig_get_mode(char *interface)
+# Returns the wireless mode in lower case
+iwconfig_get_mode() {
+ iwgetid --mode "$1" | sed -n -e 's/^.*Mode:\(.*\)/\L\1/p'
+# char* iwconfig_get_type(char *interface)
+# Returns the type of interface - the IEEE part
+iwconfig_get_type() {
+ iwconfig "$1" | sed -n -e 's/^'"$1"' *\([^ ]* [^ ]*\).*/\1/p'
+# void iwconfig_report(char *interface)
+# Output how our wireless interface has been configured
+iwconfig_report() {
+ local iface="$1" essid mac m="connected to"
+ essid="$( iwconfig_get_essid "${iface}" )"
+ local wep_status="$( iwconfig_get_wep_status "${iface}" )"
+ local channel="$( iwgetid --raw --channel "${iface}" )"
+ [[ -n ${channel} ]] && channel="on channel ${channel} "
+ essid="${essid//\\\\/\\\\}"
+ local mode="$( iwconfig_get_mode "${iface}" )"
+ if [[ ${mode} == "master" ]]; then
+ m="configured as"
+ else
+ mac="$( iwconfig_get_ap_mac_address "${iface}" )"
+ [[ -n ${mac} ]] && mac=" at ${mac}"
+ fi
+ eindent
+ einfo "${iface} ${m} ESSID \"${essid}\"${mac}"
+ einfo "in ${mode} mode ${channel}${wep_status}"
+ eoutdent
+# char* iwconfig_get_wep_key(char *mac_address)
+# Returns the configured WEP key for the given mac address
+# or the given ESSID. The mac address setting takes precendence
+iwconfig_get_wep_key() {
+ local mac="$1" key
+ key="mac_key_${mac//:/}"
+ [[ -z ${!key} ]] && key="key_${ESSIDVAR}"
+ echo "${!key:-off}"
+# void iwconfig_user_config(char *iface, char *ifvar)
+# Applies the user configuration to the interface
+iwconfig_user_config() {
+ local iface="$1" conf aconf ifvar="$2"
+ [[ -z ${ifvar} ]] && ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ # Apply the user configuration
+ conf="iwconfig_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${!conf} ]]; then
+ aconf=( "${!conf}" )
+ for conf in "${aconf[@]}" ; do
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" ${conf} ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support the following configuration commands"
+ ewarn " ${conf}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ conf="iwpriv_${ifvar}[@]"
+ if [[ -n ${!conf} ]]; then
+ aconf=( "${!conf}" )
+ for conf in "${aconf[@]}" ; do
+ if ! iwpriv "${iface}" ${conf} ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support the following private ioctls"
+ ewarn " ${conf}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+# bool iwconfig_setup_specific(char *iface)
+# Sets up our wireless interface to operate in ad-hoc or master mode
+iwconfig_setup_specific() {
+ local iface="$1" mode="$2" channel key dessid
+ local ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ if [[ -z ${ESSID} ]]; then
+ eerror "${iface} requires an ESSID to be set to operate in ${mode} mode"
+ eerror "adjust the essid_${iface} setting in /etc/conf.d/wireless"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ dessid="${ESSID//\\\\/\\\\}"
+ ESSIDVAR="$( bash_variable "${ESSID}" )"
+ key="$( iwconfig_get_wep_key )"
+ # We only change the mode if it's not the same
+ local cur_mode="$( iwconfig_get_mode "${iface}" )"
+ if [[ ${cur_mode} != "${mode}" ]]; then
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${mode}" ; then
+ eerror "${iface} does not support setting the mode to \"${mode}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ channel="channel_${ifvar}"
+ # We default the channel to 3
+ channel="${!channel:-3}"
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" channel "${channel}" ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support setting the channel to \"${channel}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Now set the key
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" key ${key} ; then
+ if [[ ${key} != "off" ]]; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support setting keys"
+ ewarn "or the parameter \"mac_key_${ESSIDVAR}\" or \"key_${ESSIDVAR}\" is incorrect"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Then set the ESSID
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" essid "${ESSID}" ; then
+ eerror "${iface} does not support setting ESSID to \"${dessid}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Finally apply the user Config
+ iwconfig_user_config "${iface}" "${ESSIDVAR}"
+ iwconfig_report "${iface}"
+ return 0
+# bool iwconfig_associate_mac(char *iface)
+# Returns true if the AP MAC address is valid or not
+iwconfig_associate_mac() {
+ # Checks if a MAC address has been assigned
+ local mac="$( iwconfig_get_ap_mac_address "$1" )" i
+ local -a invalid_macs=(
+ "00:00:00:00:00:00"
+ "44:44:44:44:44:44"
+ "FF:00:00:00:00:00"
+ )
+ [[ -z ${mac} ]] && return 1
+ for i in "${invalid_macs[@]}"; do
+ [[ ${mac} == "${i}" ]] && return 1
+ done
+ return 0
+# bool iwconfig_associate_quality(char *iface)
+# Returns true if the link quality is not 0 or 0.
+iwconfig_associate_quality() {
+ local quality="$( \
+ sed -n -e 's/^.*'"$1"': *[0-9]* *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' \
+ /proc/net/wireless
+ )"
+ [[ ${quality} != "0" ]]
+ return "$?"
+# bool iwconfig_test_associated(char *iface)
+# Returns true if the interface has associated with an Access Point
+iwconfig_test_associated() {
+ local iface="$1" ttype ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )" x
+ # Some drivers don't set MAC to a bogus value when assocation is lost/fails
+ # whereas they do set link quality to 0
+ x="associate_test_${ifvar}"
+ ttype="$( echo "${!x:-mac}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ if [[ ${ttype} != "mac" && ${ttype} != "quality" && ${ttype} != "all" ]]; then
+ ewarn " associate_test_${iface} is not set to mac, quality or all"
+ ewarn " defaulting to \"mac\""
+ test="mac"
+ fi
+ case "${ttype}" in
+ mac) iwconfig_associate_mac "${iface}" && return 0 ;;
+ quality) iwconfig_associate_quality "${iface}" && return 0 ;;
+ all) iwconfig_associate_mac "${iface}" \
+ && iwconfig_associate_quality "${iface}" && return 0 ;;
+ esac
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_wait_for_association(char *iface)
+# Waits for a configured ammount of time until
+# we are assocaited with an Access Point
+iwconfig_wait_for_association() {
+ local iface="$1" i=0 timeout ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ timeout="associate_timeout_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -z ${!timeout} ]] && timeout="sleep_associate_${ifvar}"
+ timeout="${!timeout:-10}"
+ [[ ${timeout} == "0" ]] \
+ && vewarn "WARNING: infinite timeout set for association on ${iface}"
+ while true; do
+ iwconfig_test_associated "${iface}" && return 0
+ sleep 1
+ [[ ${timeout} == "0" ]] && continue
+ (( i++ ))
+ [[ ${i} == "${timeout}" || ${i} -gt ${timeout} ]] && break
+ done
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_associate(char *interface, char *mac_address, char *wep_required)
+# Tries to associate the interface with an Access Point
+# If we scanned the Access Point we know if we need WEP to associate or not
+# and if we have a WEP key for the ESSID or not
+# so we can fail gracefully without even trying to connect
+iwconfig_associate() {
+ local iface="$1" mode="${2:-managed}"
+ local mac="$3" wep_required="$4" w="(WEP Disabled)"
+ local dessid="${ESSID//\\\\/\\\\}" key
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${mode}" ; then
+ eerror "Unable to change mode to ${mode}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ESSID} == "any" ]]; then
+ iwconfig "${iface}" ap any 2>/dev/null
+ dessid="any"
+ unset ESSIDVAR
+ else
+ ESSIDVAR="$( bash_variable "${ESSID}" )"
+ key="$( iwconfig_get_wep_key "${mac}" )"
+ if [[ ${wep_required} == "on" && ${key} == "off" ]]; then
+ eerror "WEP key is not set for \"${dessid}\" - not connecting"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [[ ${wep_required} == "off" && ${key} != "off" ]]; then
+ key="off"
+ ewarn "\"${dessid}\" is not WEP enabled - ignoring setting"
+ fi
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" key ${key} ; then
+ if [[ ${key} != "off" ]]; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support setting keys"
+ ewarn "or the parameter \"mac_key_${ESSIDVAR}\" or \"key_${ESSIDVAR}\" is incorrect"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ [[ ${key} != "off" ]] && w="$( iwconfig_get_wep_status "${iface}" )"
+ fi
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" essid "${ESSID}" ; then
+ if [[ ${ESSID} != "any" ]]; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support setting ESSID to \"${dessid}\""
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Finally apply the user Config
+ iwconfig_user_config "${iface}" "${ESSIDVAR}"
+ vebegin "Connecting to \"${dessid}\" in ${mode} mode ${w}"
+ if [[ ${ESSID} != "any" ]] && is_function preassociate ; then
+ veinfo "Running preassociate function"
+ eindent
+ ( preassociate "${iface}" )
+ e="$?"
+ eoutdent
+ if [[ ${e} != 0 ]]; then
+ veend 1 "preassociate \"${dessid}\" on ${iface} failed"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! iwconfig_wait_for_association "${iface}" ; then
+ veend 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ veend 0
+ if [[ ${ESSID} == "any" ]]; then
+ ESSID="$( iwconfig_get_essid "${iface}" )"
+ iwconfig_associate "${iface}"
+ return $?
+ fi
+ iwconfig_report "${iface}"
+ if is_function postassociate ; then
+ veinfo "Running postassociate function"
+ eindent
+ ( postassociate "${iface}" )
+ eoutdent
+ fi
+ return 0
+# bool iwconfig_scan(char *iface)
+# Fills 3 arrays with information from a wireless scan
+iwconfig_scan() {
+ local iface="$1" mode x ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ # First, we may need to change mode to scan in
+ x="scan_mode_${ifvar}"
+ mode="$( echo "${!x}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ if [[ -n ${mode} ]]; then
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${mode}" ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support setting the mode to \"${mode}\""
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Next we set any private driver ioctls needed
+ x="iwpriv_scan_pre_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${!x} ]]; then
+ if ! eval iwpriv "${iface}" "${!x}" ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support the following private ioctls" \
+ ewarn " ${!x}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Set the essid to any. This is required for scanning
+ iwconfig "${iface}" essid any
+ veinfo "Scanning for access points"
+ # Sleep if required
+ x="sleep_scan_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -z ${!x} || ${!x} -gt 0 ]] && sleep "${!x:-1}"
+ local error=true i=-1 line
+ local -a mac essid enc qual mode
+ while read line; do
+ error=false
+ case "${line}" in
+ *Address:*)
+ (( i++ ))
+ mac[i]="$( echo "${line#*: }" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' )"
+ ;;
+ *ESSID:*)
+ essid[i]="${line#*\"}"
+ essid[i]="${essid[i]%*\"}"
+ ;;
+ *Mode:*)
+ mode[i]="$(echo "${line#*:}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ [[ ${mode[i]} == "master" ]] && mode[i]="managed"
+ ;;
+ *'Encryption key:'*)
+ enc[i]="${line#*:}"
+ ;;
+ *Quality*)
+ qual[i]="${line#*:}"
+ qual[i]="${qual[i]%/*}"
+ qual[i]="${qual[i]//[![:digit:]]/}"
+ qual[i]="${qual[i]:-0}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < <( iwlist "${iface}" scan 2>/dev/null )
+ if ${error}; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support scanning"
+ x="adhoc_essid_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && return 0
+ if [[ -n ${preferred_aps} ]]; then
+ [[ ${associate_order} == "forcepreferred" \
+ || ${associate_order} == "forcepreferredonly" ]] && return 0
+ fi
+ eerror "You either need to set a preferred_aps list in /etc/conf.d/wireless"
+ eerror " preferred_aps=( \"ESSID1\" \"ESSID2\" )"
+ eerror " and set associate_order_${iface}=\"forcepreferred\""
+ eerror " or set associate_order_${iface}=\"forcepreferredonly\""
+ eerror "or hardcode the ESSID to \"any\" and let the driver find an Access Point"
+ eerror " essid_${iface}=\"any\""
+ eerror "or configure defaulting to Ad-Hoc when Managed fails"
+ eerror " adhoc_essid_${iface}=\"WLAN\""
+ eerror "or hardcode the ESSID against the interface (not recommended)"
+ eerror " essid_${iface}=\"ESSID\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # We may need to unset the previous private driver ioctls
+ x="iwpriv_scan_post_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${!x} ]]; then
+ if ! eval iwpriv "${iface}" "${!x}" ; then
+ ewarn "${iface} does not support the following private ioctls" \
+ ewarn " ${!x}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Change back mode if needed
+ x="mode_${ifvar}"
+ x="$( echo "${!x:-managed}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ [[ ${mode} != "${x}" ]] && iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${x}"
+ # Strip any duplicates
+ local i j x="${#mac[@]}" y
+ for (( i=0; i<x-1; i++ )) ; do
+ [[ -z ${mac[i]} ]] && continue
+ for (( j=i+1; j<x; j++)) ; do
+ if [[ ${mac[i]} == "${mac[j]}" ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${qual[i]} -gt ${qual[j]} ]] ; then
+ y="${j}"
+ else
+ y="${j}"
+ fi
+ unset mac[y]
+ unset qual[y]
+ unset essid[y]
+ unset mode[y]
+ unset enc[y]
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ mac=( "${mac[@]}" )
+ qual=( "${qual[@]}" )
+ essid=( "${essid[@]}" )
+ mode=( "${mode[@]}" )
+ enc=( "${enc[@]}" )
+ for (( i=0; i<${#mac[@]}; i++ )); do
+ # Don't like ad-hoc nodes by default
+ [[ ${mode[i]} == "ad-hoc" ]] && (( qual[i]-=10000 ))
+ sortline="${sortline}${qual[i]} ${i}\n"
+ done
+ sortline=( $( echo -e "${sortline}" | sort -nr ) )
+ for (( i=0; i<${#mac[@]}; i++ )); do
+ (( x=(i * 2) + 1 ))
+ mac_APs[i]="${mac[${sortline[x]}]}"
+ essid_APs[i]="${essid[${sortline[x]}]}"
+ mode_APs[i]="${mode[${sortline[x]}]}"
+ enc_APs[i]="${enc[${sortline[x]}]}"
+ done
+ return 0
+# void iwconfig_scan_report(void)
+# Report the results of the scan and re-map any ESSIDs if they
+# have been configured for the MAC address found
+iwconfig_scan_report() {
+ local i k m remove
+ local -a u
+ [[ -z ${mac_APs} ]] && ewarn " no access points found"
+ # We need to do the for loop like this so we can
+ # dynamically remove from the array
+ eindent
+ for ((i=0; i<${#mac_APs[@]}; i++)); do
+ k="(${mode_APs[i]}"
+ [[ ${enc_APs[i]} != "off" ]] && k="${k}, encrypted"
+ k="${k})"
+ if [[ -z ${essid_APs[i]} ]]; then
+ veinfo "Found ${mac_APs[i]} ${k}"
+ else
+ veinfo "Found \"${essid_APs[i]//\\\\/\\\\}\" at ${mac_APs[i]} ${k}"
+ fi
+ eindent
+ m="mac_essid_${mac_APs[i]//:/}"
+ if [[ -n ${!m} ]]; then
+ essid_APs[i]="${!m}"
+ veinfo "mapping to \"${!m//\\\\/\\\\}\""
+ fi
+ remove=false
+ # If we don't know the essid then we cannot connect to them
+ # so we remove them from our array
+ if [[ -z ${essid_APs[i]} ]]; then
+ remove=true
+ else
+ for k in "${blacklist_aps[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ${k} == "${essid_APs[i]}" ]]; then
+ vewarn "\"${k//\\\\/\\\\}\" has been blacklisted - not connecting"
+ remove=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ eoutdent
+ ${remove} && u=( "${u[@]}" "${i}" )
+ done
+ eoutdent
+ # Now we remove any duplicates
+ for ((i=0; i < ${#essid_APs[@]} - 1; i++)); do
+ for ((j=${i} + 1; j <${#essid_APs[@]}; j++)); do
+ [[ ${essid_APs[i]} == "${essid_APs[j]}" ]] && u=( "${u[@]}" "${j}" )
+ done
+ done
+ for i in ${u[@]}; do
+ unset essid_APs[i]
+ unset mode_APs[i]
+ unset mac_APs[i]
+ unset enc_APs[i]
+ done
+ # We need to squash our arrays so indexes work again
+ essid_APs=( "${essid_APs[@]}" )
+ mode_APs=( "${mode_APs[@]}" )
+ mac_APs=( "${mac_APs[@]}" )
+ enc_APs=( "${enc_APs[@]}" )
+# bool iwconfig_force_preferred(char *iface)
+# Forces the preferred_aps list to associate in order
+# but only if they were not picked up by our scan
+iwconfig_force_preferred() {
+ local iface=$1 essid i
+ [[ -z ${preferred_aps} ]] && return 1
+ ewarn "Trying to force preferred in case they are hidden"
+ for essid in "${preferred_aps[@]}"; do
+ local found_AP=false
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#mac_APs[@]}; i++)); do
+ if [[ ${essid} == "${essid_APs[i]}" ]]; then
+ found_AP=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! ${found_AP} ; then
+ ESSID="${essid}"
+ iwconfig_associate "${iface}" && return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ ewarn "Failed to associate with any preferred access points on ${iface}"
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_connect_preferred(char *iface)
+# Connects to preferred_aps in order if they were picked up
+# by our scan
+iwconfig_connect_preferred() {
+ local iface="$1" essid i
+ for essid in "${preferred_aps[@]}"; do
+ for ((i=0; i<${#essid_APs[@]}; i++)); do
+ if [[ ${essid} == "${essid_APs[i]}" ]]; then
+ ESSID="${essid}"
+ iwconfig_associate "${iface}" "${mode_APs[i]}" "${mac_APs[i]}" \
+ "${enc_APs[i]}" && return 0
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_connect_not_preferred(char *iface)
+# Connects to any AP's found that are not in
+# our preferred list
+iwconfig_connect_not_preferred() {
+ local iface=$1 i ap has_preferred
+ for ((i=0; i<${#mac_APs[@]}; i++)); do
+ has_preferred=false
+ for ap in "${preferred_aps[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ${ap} == "${essid_APs[i]}" ]]; then
+ has_preferred=true
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! ${has_preferred} ; then
+ ESSID="${essid_APs[i]}"
+ iwconfig_associate "${iface}" "${mode_APs[i]}" "${mac_APs[i]}" \
+ "${enc_APs[i]}" && return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# void iwconfig_defaults(char *iface)
+# Apply some sane defaults to the wireless interface
+# incase the user already applied some changes
+iwconfig_defaults() {
+ local iface="$1"
+ # Set some defaults
+ iwconfig "${iface}" rate auto 2>/dev/null
+ iwconfig "${iface}" rts auto 2>/dev/null
+ iwconfig "${iface}" frag auto 2>/dev/null
+ iwconfig "${iface}" txpower auto 2>/dev/null
+# void iwconfig_strip_associated(char *iface)
+# We check to see which ifaces have associated AP's except for the iface
+# given and remove those AP's from the scan list
+# We also remove from the preferred list
+iwconfig_strip_associated() {
+ local iface="$1" e a j
+ local essid="$( iwconfig_get_essid "${iface}" )"
+ local -a ifaces=( $( iwconfig 2>/dev/null | grep -o "^\w*" ) )
+ for i in "${ifaces[@]}"; do
+ [[ ${i} == ${iface} ]] && continue
+ interface_is_up "${i}" || continue
+ iwconfig_test_associated "${i}" || continue
+ e="$( iwconfig_get_essid "${i}" )"
+ local -a u=()
+ for ((j=0; j<${#mac_APs[@]}; j++)); do
+ if [[ ${essid_APs[j]} == "${e}" ]]; then
+ ewarn "${e} has already been associated with ${i}"
+ unset essid_APs[j]
+ unset mode_Aps[j]
+ unset mac_APs[j]
+ unset enc_APs[j]
+ # We need to squash our arrays so that indexes work
+ essid_APs=( "${essid_APs[@]}" )
+ mode_APs=( "${mode_APs[@]}" )
+ mac_APs=( "${mac_APs[@]}" )
+ enc_APs=( "${enc_APs[@]}" )
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ for ((j=0; j<${#preferred_aps[@]}; j++)); do
+ if [[ ${preferred_aps[j]} == "${e}" ]]; then
+ unset preferred_aps[j]
+ preferred_aps=( "${preferred_aps[@]}" )
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# bool iwconfig_configure(char *iface)
+# The main startup code
+# First we bring the interface up, apply defaults, apply user configuration
+# Then we test to see if ad-hoc mode has been requested and branch if needed
+# Then we scan for access points and try to connect to them in a predetermined order
+# Once we're connected we show a report and then configure any interface
+# variables for the ESSID
+iwconfig_configure() {
+ local iface="$1" test x e ifvar="$( bash_variable "$1" )"
+ local -a essid_APs mac_APs mode_APs enc_APs
+ iwconfig_defaults "${iface}"
+ iwconfig_user_config "${iface}"
+ ESSID="essid_${ifvar}"
+ # Setup ad-hoc mode?
+ x="mode_${ifvar}"
+ x="$( echo "${!x:-managed}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ if [[ ${x} == "ad-hoc" || ${x} == "master" ]]; then
+ iwconfig_setup_specific "${iface}" "${x}"
+ return $?
+ fi
+ if [[ ${x} != "managed" && ${x} != "auto" ]]; then
+ eerror "Only managed, ad-hoc, master and auto modes are supported"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # We only change the mode if it's not the same as some drivers
+ # only do managed and throw an error changing to managed
+ local cur_mode="$( iwconfig_get_mode "${iface}" )"
+ if [[ ${cur_mode} != "${x}" ]]; then
+ if ! iwconfig "${iface}" mode "${x}" ; then
+ eerror "${iface} does not support setting the mode to \"${x}\""
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # These arrays hold the results of our scan
+ local -a mac_APs essid_APs enc_APs
+ # Has an ESSID been forced?
+ if [[ -n ${ESSID} ]]; then
+ iwconfig_associate "${iface}" && return 0
+ [[ ${ESSID} == "any" ]] && iwconfig_force_preferred "${iface}" && return 0
+ ESSID="adhoc_essid_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${ESSID} ]]; then
+ iwconfig_setup_specific "${iface}" ad-hoc
+ return $?
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Do we have a preferred Access Point list specific to the interface?
+ x="preferred_aps_${ifvar}[@]"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && preferred_aps=( "${!x}" )
+ # Do we have a blacklist Access Point list specific to the interface?
+ x="blacklist_aps_${ifvar}[@]"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && blacklist_aps=( "${!x}" )
+ # Are we forcing preferred only?
+ x="associate_order_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && associate_order="${!x}"
+ associate_order="$(
+ echo "${associate_order:-any}" \
+ | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
+ )"
+ if [[ ${associate_order} == "forcepreferredonly" ]]; then
+ iwconfig_force_preferred "${iface}" && return 0
+ else
+ iwconfig_scan "${iface}" || return 1
+ iwconfig_scan_report
+ # Strip AP's from the list that have already been associated with
+ # other wireless cards in the system if requested
+ x="unique_ap_${ifvar}"
+ [[ -n ${!x} ]] && unique_ap="${!x}"
+ unique_ap="$( echo "${unique_ap:-no}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )"
+ [[ ${unique_ap} != "no" ]] && iwconfig_strip_associated "${iface}"
+ iwconfig_connect_preferred "${iface}" && return 0
+ [[ ${associate_order} == "forcepreferred" \
+ || ${associate_order} == "forceany" ]] \
+ && iwconfig_force_preferred "${iface}" && return 0
+ [[ ${associate_order} == "any" || ${associate_order} == "forceany" ]] \
+ && iwconfig_connect_not_preferred "${iface}" && return 0
+ fi
+ e="associate with"
+ [[ -z ${mac_APs} ]] && e="find"
+ [[ ${preferred_only} == "force" || ${preferred_aps} == "forceonly" ]] \
+ && e="force"
+ e="Couldn't ${e} any access points on ${iface}"
+ ESSID="adhoc_essid_${ifvar}"
+ if [[ -n ${ESSID} ]]; then
+ ewarn "${e}"
+ iwconfig_setup_specific "${iface}" ad-hoc
+ return $?
+ fi
+ eerror "${e}"
+ return 1
+# bool iwconfig_pre_start(char *iface)
+# Start entry point
+# First we check if wireless extensions exist on the interface
+# If they are then we configue wireless
+iwconfig_pre_start() {
+ local iface="$1" r=0
+ # We don't configure wireless if we're being called from
+ # the background
+ ${IN_BACKGROUND} && return 0
+ save_options "ESSID" ""
+ interface_exists "${iface}" || return 0
+ # We need to bring the interface up, as some cards do not register
+ # in /proc/wireless until they are brought up.
+ interface_up "${iface}"
+ if ! iwconfig_exists "${iface}" ; then
+ veinfo "Wireless extensions not found for ${iface}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Set the base metric to be 2000
+ metric=2000
+ # Check for rf_kill - only ipw supports this at present, but other
+ # cards may in the future.
+ if [[ -e "/sys/class/net/${iface}/device/rf_kill" ]]; then
+ if [[ $( < "/sys/class/net/${iface}/device/rf_kill" ) != 0 ]]; then
+ eerror "Wireless radio has been killed for interface ${iface}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ einfo "Configuring wireless network for ${iface}"
+ # Are we a proper IEEE device?
+ # Most devices reutrn IEEE 802.11b/g - but intel cards return IEEE in lower case
+ # and RA cards return RAPCI or similar which really sucks :(
+ # For the time being, we will test prism54 not loading firmware which reports
+ x="$( iwconfig_get_type "${iface}" )"
+ if [[ ${x} == "NOT READY!" ]]; then
+ eerror "Looks like there was a probem loading the firmware for ${iface}"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Setup IFS incase parent script has modified it
+ local IFS=$' '$'\n'$'\t'
+ if iwconfig_configure "${iface}" ; then
+ save_options "ESSID" "${ESSID}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ eerror "Failed to configure wireless for ${iface}"
+ iwconfig_defaults "${iface}"
+ interface_down "${iface}"
+ return 1
+iwconfig_post_stop() {
+ interface_exists "${iface}" || return 0
+ iwconfig_defaults "${iface}"
+# vim: set ts=4 :