diff options
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/git-r3.eclass b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
index 99e2ed9edd60..d202e3383a44 100644
--- a/eclass/git-r3.eclass
+++ b/eclass/git-r3.eclass
@@ -525,8 +525,6 @@ _git-r3_is_local_repo() {
git-r3_fetch() {
debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- [[ ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]] && return
local repos
if [[ ${1} ]]; then
repos=( ${1} )
@@ -561,132 +559,143 @@ git-r3_fetch() {
umask "${EVCS_UMASK}" || die "Bad options to umask: ${EVCS_UMASK}"
for r in "${repos[@]}"; do
- einfo "Fetching \e[1m${r}\e[22m ..."
- local fetch_command=( git fetch "${r}" )
- local clone_type=${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE}
- if [[ ${r} == https://* ]] && ! ROOT=/ has_version 'dev-vcs/git[curl]'; then
- eerror "git-r3: fetching from https:// requested. In order to support https,"
- eerror "dev-vcs/git needs to be built with USE=curl. Example solution:"
- eerror
- eerror " echo dev-vcs/git curl >> /etc/portage/package.use"
- eerror " emerge -1v dev-vcs/git"
- die "dev-vcs/git built with USE=curl required."
- fi
+ if [[ ! ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]]; then
+ einfo "Fetching \e[1m${r}\e[22m ..."
+ local fetch_command=( git fetch "${r}" )
+ local clone_type=${EGIT_CLONE_TYPE}
+ if [[ ${r} == https://* ]] && ! ROOT=/ has_version 'dev-vcs/git[curl]'; then
+ eerror "git-r3: fetching from https:// requested. In order to support https,"
+ eerror "dev-vcs/git needs to be built with USE=curl. Example solution:"
+ eerror
+ eerror " echo dev-vcs/git curl >> /etc/portage/package.use"
+ eerror " emerge -1v dev-vcs/git"
+ die "dev-vcs/git built with USE=curl required."
+ fi
- if [[ ${clone_type} == mirror ]]; then
- fetch_command+=(
- --prune
- # mirror the remote branches as local branches
- "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
- # pull tags explicitly in order to prune them properly
- "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
- # notes in case something needs them
- "+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
- # and HEAD in case we need the default branch
- # (we keep it in refs/git-r3 since otherwise --prune interferes)
- "+HEAD:refs/git-r3/HEAD"
- )
- else # single or shallow
- local fetch_l fetch_r
- if [[ ${remote_ref} == HEAD ]]; then
- # HEAD
- fetch_l=HEAD
- elif [[ ${remote_ref} == refs/* ]]; then
- # regular branch, tag or some other explicit ref
- fetch_l=${remote_ref}
- else
- # tag or commit id...
- # let ls-remote figure it out
- local tagref=$(git ls-remote "${r}" "refs/tags/${remote_ref}")
- # if it was a tag, ls-remote obtained a hash
- if [[ ${tagref} ]]; then
- # tag
- fetch_l=refs/tags/${remote_ref}
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == mirror ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=(
+ --prune
+ # mirror the remote branches as local branches
+ "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
+ # pull tags explicitly in order to prune them properly
+ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
+ # notes in case something needs them
+ "+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*"
+ # and HEAD in case we need the default branch
+ # (we keep it in refs/git-r3 since otherwise --prune interferes)
+ "+HEAD:refs/git-r3/HEAD"
+ )
+ else # single or shallow
+ local fetch_l fetch_r
+ if [[ ${remote_ref} == HEAD ]]; then
+ # HEAD
+ fetch_l=HEAD
+ elif [[ ${remote_ref} == refs/* ]]; then
+ # regular branch, tag or some other explicit ref
+ fetch_l=${remote_ref}
- # commit id
- # so we need to fetch the whole branch
- if [[ ${branch} ]]; then
- fetch_l=${branch}
+ # tag or commit id...
+ # let ls-remote figure it out
+ local tagref=$(git ls-remote "${r}" "refs/tags/${remote_ref}")
+ # if it was a tag, ls-remote obtained a hash
+ if [[ ${tagref} ]]; then
+ # tag
+ fetch_l=refs/tags/${remote_ref}
- fetch_l=HEAD
- fi
- # fetching by commit in shallow mode? can't do.
- if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
- clone_type=single
+ # commit id
+ # so we need to fetch the whole branch
+ if [[ ${branch} ]]; then
+ fetch_l=${branch}
+ else
+ fetch_l=HEAD
+ fi
+ # fetching by commit in shallow mode? can't do.
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
+ clone_type=single
+ fi
- fi
- if [[ ${fetch_l} == HEAD ]]; then
- fetch_r=refs/git-r3/HEAD
- else
- fetch_r=${fetch_l}
- fi
- fetch_command+=(
- "+${fetch_l}:${fetch_r}"
- )
+ if [[ ${fetch_l} == HEAD ]]; then
+ fetch_r=refs/git-r3/HEAD
+ else
+ fetch_r=${fetch_l}
+ fi
- if [[ ${clone_type} == single+tags ]]; then
- # pull tags explicitly as requested
- "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
+ "+${fetch_l}:${fetch_r}"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
- if _git-r3_is_local_repo; then
- # '--depth 1' causes sandbox violations with local repos
- # bug #491260
- clone_type=single
- elif [[ ! $(git rev-parse --quiet --verify "${fetch_r}") ]]
- then
- # use '--depth 1' when fetching a new branch
- fetch_command+=( --depth 1 )
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == single+tags ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=(
+ # pull tags explicitly as requested
+ "+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*"
+ )
+ fi
- else # non-shallow mode
- if [[ -f ${GIT_DIR}/shallow ]]; then
- fetch_command+=( --unshallow )
+ if [[ ${clone_type} == shallow ]]; then
+ if _git-r3_is_local_repo; then
+ # '--depth 1' causes sandbox violations with local repos
+ # bug #491260
+ clone_type=single
+ elif [[ ! $(git rev-parse --quiet --verify "${fetch_r}") ]]
+ then
+ # use '--depth 1' when fetching a new branch
+ fetch_command+=( --depth 1 )
+ fi
+ else # non-shallow mode
+ if [[ -f ${GIT_DIR}/shallow ]]; then
+ fetch_command+=( --unshallow )
+ fi
- fi
- set -- "${fetch_command[@]}"
- echo "${@}" >&2
- if "${@}"; then
+ set -- "${fetch_command[@]}"
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+ "${@}" || continue
if [[ ${clone_type} == mirror || ${fetch_l} == HEAD ]]; then
# update our HEAD to match our remote HEAD ref
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/git-r3/HEAD \
|| die "Unable to update HEAD"
+ fi
- # now let's see what the user wants from us
- local full_remote_ref=$(
- git rev-parse --verify --symbolic-full-name "${remote_ref}"
- )
+ # now let's see what the user wants from us
+ local full_remote_ref=$(
+ git rev-parse --verify --symbolic-full-name "${remote_ref}"
+ )
- if [[ ${full_remote_ref} ]]; then
- # when we are given a ref, create a symbolic ref
- # so that we preserve the actual argument
- set -- git symbolic-ref "${local_ref}" "${full_remote_ref}"
- else
- # otherwise, we were likely given a commit id
- set -- git update-ref --no-deref "${local_ref}" "${remote_ref}"
- fi
+ if [[ ${full_remote_ref} ]]; then
+ # when we are given a ref, create a symbolic ref
+ # so that we preserve the actual argument
+ set -- git symbolic-ref "${local_ref}" "${full_remote_ref}"
+ else
+ # otherwise, we were likely given a commit id
+ set -- git update-ref --no-deref "${local_ref}" "${remote_ref}"
+ fi
- echo "${@}" >&2
- if ! "${@}"; then
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+ if ! "${@}"; then
+ if [[ ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]]; then
+ eerror "A clone of the following repository is required to proceed:"
+ eerror " ${r}"
+ eerror "However, networking activity has been disabled using EVCS_OFFLINE and the local"
+ eerror "clone does not have requested ref:"
+ eerror " ${remote_ref}"
+ die "Local clone of ${r} does not have requested ref: ${remote_ref}. Unable to proceed with EVCS_OFFLINE."
+ else
die "Referencing ${remote_ref} failed (wrong ref?)."
- success=1
- break
+ success=1
+ break
if [[ ${saved_umask} ]]; then
umask "${saved_umask}" || die
@@ -771,11 +780,7 @@ git-r3_checkout() {
einfo "Checking out \e[1m${repos[0]}\e[22m to \e[1m${out_dir}\e[22m ..."
if ! git cat-file -e refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__main__; then
- if [[ ${EVCS_OFFLINE} ]]; then
- die "No local clone of ${repos[0]}. Unable to work with EVCS_OFFLINE."
- else
- die "Logic error: no local clone of ${repos[0]}. git-r3_fetch not used?"
- fi
+ die "Logic error: no local clone of ${repos[0]}. git-r3_fetch not used?"
local remote_ref=$(
git symbolic-ref --quiet refs/git-r3/"${local_id}"/__main__