diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2013-05-12 17:56:14 +0000
committerPacho Ramos <>2013-05-12 17:56:14 +0000
commit435f9ec3da7332a806b9b19145a799ac415d9f08 (patch)
parentStable for amd64 wrt bug #469470 (diff)
Version bump, also include upstream patches that will be in 2.10.93 and incorporate a fix to bug #466432 making fedora patch not needed.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xA188FBD4
11 files changed, 1204 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog b/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog
index 009af5499344..c50692149e0c 100644
--- a/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
# ChangeLog for media-libs/fontconfig
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog,v 1.170 2013/04/29 14:42:34 mgorny Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/fontconfig/ChangeLog,v 1.171 2013/05/12 17:56:03 pacho Exp $
+*fontconfig-2.10.92 (12 May 2013)
+ 12 May 2013; Pacho Ramos <>
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-automake-1.13.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-closing-fp.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-check.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-woff.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face2.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-native-fonts.patch,
+ +files/fontconfig-2.10.92-use-glob.patch, +fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild:
+ Version bump, also include upstream patches that will be in 2.10.93 and
+ incorporate a fix to bug #466432 making fedora patch not needed.
29 Apr 2013; Michal Gorny <> metadata.xml:
Add multilib@ as the co-maintainer for multilib conversion.
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/Manifest b/media-libs/fontconfig/Manifest
index 04236389a38a..cd474667a36b 100644
--- a/media-libs/fontconfig/Manifest
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/Manifest
@@ -2,37 +2,35 @@
Hash: SHA256
AUX fontconfig-2.10.2-docbook.patch 648 SHA256 d4b5acc1fe079071cbe7b886769dc561d6318f9193c1e32ed2cca9720a3c346e SHA512 b0adb7c406445c25c96c5dc37af9e6fcc8c75a0752af255465673812bdc332ce43439a100c056744ace0dd5b3350596eedd612489c33d19a6f6cd182c08e2961 WHIRLPOOL b2cfd619aff49024190409c33bd5ff3754b88e5c04a30df52c90bf0ab9b4ce5cd5727423939b70538760bb1e7a02325d76426cf94bdb9e8eb165966b40767197
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-automake-1.13.patch 4236 SHA256 130c3f824d6cb4bb251acff1d290140f4a72c99524aca1523d48572a9c831a45 SHA512 2be9f76684c16a2c136649262af6c9f4f362a6cc91dd782d644da7bdbb958a9058b65f245ee36e2327226b695fc86982ab6243eea15f3b274b9181d272f1a142 WHIRLPOOL 7e1655fa20b2b026772cbb4d5891a37f2c0277a1f45e130105f34a51de59b33f913a995c57c07ab201cd4d43bcc1a99fac5c0b109c5949e136d2b12e336bcc91
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-closing-fp.patch 513 SHA256 e558fc4295d2038a30e2f12d9377d212885742c53e29f96b7bb7bdfc37be5b19 SHA512 2b5190e36a57034bf77efdd673bfe3aeb284acd0030f2305820a3b5e070567fba6d98b11f287743cb075b521b0eb468d40b5239502b3b04cafe1e11f6ecf496b WHIRLPOOL 951b3a85a9b34bbb5a6f2ab43998a326c11c92062742bd6b14ea3422df6aec72e1c30e04cc1ee1f1bfd1e5f9cbdf6564d5a21cb0c32237aafc553ea0dc324769
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-check.patch 3765 SHA256 93efdab5d254ed6ce3613050c79598888d515b33a0a020f2434abdd9bcedbc47 SHA512 568c3f42b3f6000c6012c3c6cbac58585926a55498900d4e619258fa30b6faf3626306a5fda5c348e8e53a13f5cd1216cab77ebae14fb6480174ed5e6db89d8a WHIRLPOOL d8a94510f36983aa118f6515e9d28d41a5858295dd2a10a5d7aad8ee7dfd09b9ecdab17adc5013f3db77b3d46edc11aa0d08064f176b4b7512f2d76fd575fed4
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-woff.patch 3884 SHA256 8ef41c69d5a87fd4d180a86fa80160277bb13fba020d547724698128590f60a1 SHA512 38b40fd954b3aa571661cea03e58ff2314c0fee55559db3abb6f2d705e7ea8ae9b9ad8a707791f2cd831220ae38926893ee4df3fd5c3a1beffb144e0e5e7e73d WHIRLPOOL 9977efd914c67eae1fad0dcfdc65d445d445678ac1cccde4dac2d383ed55c7382aa223ee3f7d24d72bc8126b1c2bb8241ad82b00f4250598e24623ce35e2da5d
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face.patch 3694 SHA256 387b94433c273c9ab2e26a55cbb1c99dd1f0d2849de45ea8e9c16180e9ccfd93 SHA512 43f11beefbb7e4a7cf639985e7908d558dcdfd418fe03426ce658eb4bd5364f02cc48e3da21b4cc8d86fd3454fa0a8042b7bfbdd4c5c2d2fc8b93efbeb631a4f WHIRLPOOL 8bdcdfcc69c00b4b601ba0986b16dabeb9e8bcf235a654b3ba21a39e333be06b0473d3ec84fd0e0dbc55b80386a3a26b29cf14403fd7ddca2344e1d1c53233b6
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face2.patch 4571 SHA256 4f1dd509f0834b55fd9c8ac21a2dde3fb4b2d0af62f8f7e85aeacf4ab3b039e9 SHA512 1f36a230c2d11c53ec2e5f6326455a535357bf726f0f8e149c57f08e992454f2995709c3a5fa1a73a0928e5db758f3837993eab000ed5e33b7a15f1235938da3 WHIRLPOOL 96e70867faa3332d3f18327d97ab04af5f7f0eab142c1f1c27893707e6a789ec43eb2669680537e31aaa169b2f0067a4dfac1b7303ddbedf86f6027747655d78
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-native-fonts.patch 2223 SHA256 d0d17ddbb5a20ef259eb33757904e076291a817312e94deb6d8f7b7cd064a3ce SHA512 1d7051c9f86c3b03264ee3472796eeeb6a118fcefd95736530fbbbf5a11be8cb588d7cce8a35b5b2c465e828198775b9d2048e6999d83b76271dfe3b1db075fb WHIRLPOOL 89544e1b85fdc6f11fec9fed31d8264970b48be15e984d10bee2df3dad99cad08a07c81cb54cc2637e0a466857b8a07256bc1fd998ed944be5153521dab3fc6b
+AUX fontconfig-2.10.92-use-glob.patch 3711 SHA256 1a099e418cbea3947a60d933dd8799062ec8398916186f76eecdbbbfd0aa7eb6 SHA512 26cd86e3d63138d6161766a4e8c8593c4e76037d0bd20617fc4ccef6c21549a54532e947e1360e70a079a54306d8cf42c4fbe46c56de6e134ceae5dfe6be4465 WHIRLPOOL 62b123d9334c793bc0d56d0b1600d4bf8efd0b8b5449b8801b2158edf559bbd99b9848ef16305434b593ac128ff672f24e01e4d94fb40b1fecea299421140622
AUX fontconfig-2.3.2-docbook.patch 506 SHA256 c6480dcf19fec22126a9205fa3d9b317e5a97613f86218cf1926a2a07848afd5 SHA512 8c5bc39c6d5c3b0457c626c678c0a7c94c5e5a4f041b5b2a42df04701750961e24950135d2e6df4d4e1c64a7f28e50a2533ab154d7226cf0a63db0853149f64f WHIRLPOOL 84de35d8f5755a10eb170b2f54afc5b89f4c1757b10f053adc9b5e96aebcd5bbfc47d16963f01a2b3bc0f791a736439b3317f823221794f9fc93e5c57162734f
AUX fontconfig-2.7.1-latin-reorder.patch 1701 SHA256 cd27212a9e8a3045106fd427f2e5079ea348789c8760e7af443c2745479c8f82 SHA512 8fc514649e40ecd0c52e4fef9479e0945baa3aaa396335650bf827a983f6d9187b0f66ab97bf5b11b14917518b2e955b0a1bca126a336feafbebf754ff646d5d WHIRLPOOL e6e90c38c7ce04e297c48f5b9859c5e9230a59e9722dacde5ddd434cca8fbd33fab55f704df540eea3f3efd6ee05884987e6ce5da544d2b41f869e47ce3d259d
AUX fontconfig-2.8.0-urw-aliases.patch 509 SHA256 4a1e122dd3b140765163ca72eba8c2c52daa9e9459ddbcb6a2eba9a5bebe76d4 SHA512 774c57a28e10eb666c18e69dd7cf59fe1110fe13bbbade185dbd21be4917d4d7fb632be56805b2739ea9b47ee96560c8dd1d3d1916fed56ac32a16757a911f7e WHIRLPOOL 11d7056d1830a7e48aea00a22bb81397c9025f59817fd476dc26083e7ac2603aefd2ace261dfd04df78b6caa8d9c07f66027f37438b4677a7efe28b3cff260b6
DIST fontconfig-2.10.2.tar.bz2 1412488 SHA256 8ea8ef56738fd95f0be611015f89614fd4dec79ddac6b3ff26bc4a8338569952 SHA512 817ce375f987abb6ea01294c22754e194a9b795697e9fe01d454af87010665b22a416d0c857ceac6aab17351cc85fd0915f51d2a8702a00f851e08f65dd840bf WHIRLPOOL a213c2af9ef1e0ccf19ba8c7119cb1d85e06ec048cf66c933fc9c552b7c642b42636714d214dcbd9794024af123189fcbb73dc4968ba2135b66b6191c05d919e
DIST fontconfig-2.10.91.tar.bz2 1507887 SHA256 a4727954e950c0b8ae71580e2328bf54457d835ff3023ae4bd7221f9073e63ee SHA512 a239b33c4404db2db769cd294e672a7c8577266252eb2828f1838e1a2952a6fbb1646d7946ac5f299e9399b0428c8333ab0bf984b855188ee2c244f16a844b6d WHIRLPOOL 1db43a01c772aaedf1d0402a38fa51035c7b269bb419bde864a219869d231b11a0b1f0e44d62c5153927b047949b2c91f08622d2ca03466b9a76226e23e3d63a
+DIST fontconfig-2.10.92.tar.bz2 1525585 SHA256 1162059927120f2321f12917189b524e6b2f09e11ac643278d0bb82634035b22 SHA512 b09996f1715a1d563cfc95a986847d0895fff96fb8a5db4b006a560764654db749675ed5d4ca2369296c0f6d2c21581e63892df2883d021ff6b92ede04788a1b WHIRLPOOL 75164908ce454c26583afde9575e4dac2985dd947f8abaf3a5173777fc738c11430c72674c342ae9445f2a749d0414b7d291032203f62e2cb5d6db5b119f14f5
DIST fontconfig-2.8.0.tar.gz 1548409 SHA256 fa2a1c6eea654d9fce7a4b1220f10c99cdec848dccaf1625c01f076b31382335 SHA512 a110e72cc631f1e374324a02f6ba9526b89a547cafe2ae27b9913938b19018843b2940084d62f0dfaf38a6919dea6974fb98422d3908026f6873d5fba17c55a0 WHIRLPOOL cb7c5c461bcb0a0f6ef93d24a10506512beb99233a1f81d904321577c4023e38c7090806c616b8224689400fc4e2209e26aa20aa1f0ad84b2fcad5477061a003
DIST fontconfig-2.9.0.tar.gz 1682774 SHA256 ca7e25071cf044bdcdaf7c48845243c115b9269b4e369c6bd78a29e71f01b41a SHA512 1e91132141756c7455b97fb4d7773b8c0812d98d0c0f5f137c728d6f03cb4601a7f2857c246bd63619d47a8d9aeceb475a16dd625bfc085e235e85b04d29014f WHIRLPOOL a3814b4b2a1b86cedde702545defbcfbca7d3d61ecf512f37a09b5c4041ebb317aadcde1553be534e70d30c212729f547b50cbcd3102226fa92a7c75a7e55620
EBUILD fontconfig-2.10.2-r1.ebuild 4141 SHA256 a170432d907abfd34a6fa4067bb31ecc9d902d4befda8cafd32777637b8b2568 SHA512 73822b066b40e047d07f9465b9ea89cf48716723477182afcf1fc764032fe67b0c205881141791b7e543dc0d01e0069ae4917895257915aa3e20d024e74a36f2 WHIRLPOOL 2784305a0948ed827b22f0c49033f17451970440f9194a35fc5e6fa764e84f04c20d8c2250b48a2635bade96778202bd94b7a06d28fab7d31c5807c11c3f3b4f
EBUILD fontconfig-2.10.2.ebuild 3943 SHA256 6528a0c5be7f4a0abb590f7a15e8d97df5093f677de641804638ad0c180a5413 SHA512 e7b119d8bda01bd6ecbc01e43baeaf486ad86298c26f263fbd77ffab75a5f710474b4b81392ea8934fc83d67726c02fe0f88934b76877b61566b35ed65c6b57f WHIRLPOOL 0810614452832ed22abb2168b89b3c93b1eacc4d4b9ece4fde26be2442e586be483688282f0064a91b683d873486135afb9f9f5c93083f636f541ef0a75014fd
EBUILD fontconfig-2.10.91.ebuild 4137 SHA256 c9ed36ecefd2c107f14232aa0c5223b9d9a49a5ac08b3a94d57483827678369d SHA512 ebe14fdc84b1f97c7e05d240c97219ad25344db3d9ac98023a7f286b59f44e79eab2b84a941901dc71c7ac0a5a48852afa18db0a86771883846830d1ac4a9e97 WHIRLPOOL a0745657709ee8001add8ccaea0e4dd0cf92fedd770e15b8a36b48174b85ded7ebeb081c516333c28fc39c2b9d6f868a5d309ee09b1773da66b27e6885ce51a7
+EBUILD fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild 4455 SHA256 5d5b425b76b79bd067ffc6dd907358c6a6d7000f9c1ad64d74fda93178b1e4e7 SHA512 a58e6ad7e70fcde1fea3490889d01ada9c79022304fc0f996f3029d98b11c4de1da2feb96cb899eab751efd8ba340a9c480a275948ce80a7fe1109249e635c59 WHIRLPOOL 7711c298e12a963ab48e8c3d38ace7b2edcc521aa5e831c1f0a6938019196ab5d1c22e60b177a4eb70e8be88d4f380c67545cabc85138a05b7f11c69f52cb839
EBUILD fontconfig-2.8.0-r1.ebuild 3979 SHA256 41cc191c9e0763037801dcc0c8d8c753ce3ec5f236cec906a2e21a6140e5306f SHA512 5f0e19e48f9a7ca5ea863f2dd6c1afdcc2de2433a06da0ce69e5b6fcb769c757ebf2dcfaa500fc6532862af100501d5162678a1f7ce11256a871520350956556 WHIRLPOOL 7aca6d65eba1a31ab29ade2dbe39f6fc85d6542bed47aaadd3bfa38f5708aacf60b357a8f2df61b16da7e654e91a16b345cf17997de775099bad91680d305c92
EBUILD fontconfig-2.8.0-r2.ebuild 4097 SHA256 bef5159f77106a962ab71c9649f09da4edcbf1b97689056bd41d6abb3d0cd72b SHA512 2870976af6b62fec207efd4836f3870345372716c46c1cf5466f1f697b8f3fea9a1185918240f182eb0ce39d5c85aee8a62e1b29236a8e707fa40c04f08a29f6 WHIRLPOOL ad2f48f5c86d75adca42e936589707b3b2e1a4faff6cc34b26e2ee574e1b73713ff5d57da35927ed8e0545044d98679ef5dbd715c38870f69d3ead0771c0bcd3
EBUILD fontconfig-2.9.0.ebuild 4081 SHA256 6c897b70cec26bf69f8fd6344e62fa5204b4cd46860c1e5ea7cfa961c8b22b14 SHA512 7495d2a674d407d3ba535288b444034a3a7a9465eab1b89807e4f59366f0a8b548d0db973858026e58c4e633e0652ad7ffe9c0f5ba8037e207ede9082e84694b WHIRLPOOL 0d9a1b4d4dbd2c4e6fb790d5dea3e369ec112468843af9ce0c7a5f0dce0af1f411544b13dfeb4dceb4cfe9c1d5507dd304349ba33fc57a8a761ed47bc834ad18
-MISC ChangeLog 27086 SHA256 7387ccee9d848184ea28e0d3da6f36b19b3f0fca175a202517abfb77cc1c0715 SHA512 6ccbc2a9133fa82ca073cb41fce5a8eb185dce3f6ecd6d60a8a568ab4726fef29f391c564acdd66aa7f38c9c0f1f8aa94344285b26b916441d33e1c86158a6af WHIRLPOOL a65023ea4d54328ea03d75b39b5647cc16886df167ba041b32912f5d50ab53c3852612e52f98eaf31e96b4f5f644ba9363f8e434b0b9f37c10350d80c55052b8
+MISC ChangeLog 27699 SHA256 c7d38b841589beee04055927604207b4691070fdb417083b332d73132f737eda SHA512 ccc2c3d88f56decbc5ef0dd6472df333314f887e47e604e419e54103613653e697050a908612890ba89005efa2bee956e80c39d538dcf4376d8e38866a7b3b59 WHIRLPOOL 395b27193c711b1f9d3786fd8411080a98252a9c418ac1b90dc26f6e92f12d11418cf1f85fce581817a8ba804cdcd6a90eb57225ce6ec6f6b7ec1143383f163e
MISC metadata.xml 727 SHA256 90e4744ccb449b368e08690f44e02d4d8812b2a85223fb28943e5cbfd9bc1cbc SHA512 57e7f4ccb02227afe7ff2a9e2ad78a7ad54932d900a82c470bf0a71056357e8393d27c73e7f9f78940d8dc35d83182a14a0ca8feffe4c08a029c158ba343724d WHIRLPOOL fb47925fc948cac4a70befbf369a1cafcc94b00b607e07709692288fca5dd4fadb2e8e2e0b1e495d92ed3746d9fa9d45fd45d6aa4dea403617aa78b13e8b4f89
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-automake-1.13.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-automake-1.13.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..02b89fa99e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-automake-1.13.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+From 18bf57c70aafcad031c0b43756b754dcaf6a756a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sebastian Freundt <>
+Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 00:02:58 +0000
+Subject: build-chain, replace INCLUDES directive by AM_CPPFLAGS
+As of automake-13.1 the INCLUDES directive is no longer supported.
+An automake run will return with an error.
+This changeset simply follows automake's advice to replace INCLUDES
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 56766da..f0fa0ec 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ TOOL=./$(DIR)$(EXEEXT_FOR_BUILD)
+ -I$(builddir) \
+ -I$(srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_builddir)/src \
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ INCLUDES = \
+- $(AM_V_GEN) $(CC_FOR_BUILD) -o $(TOOL) $< $(INCLUDES)
+ $(TARG): $(TMPL) $(TSRC) $(DEPS)
+ $(AM_V_GEN) $(MAKE) $(TOOL) && \
+diff --git a/fc-cache/ b/fc-cache/
+index 7f7d1b1..0e10786 100644
+--- a/fc-cache/
++++ b/fc-cache/
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ uninstall-local:
+ -$(RM) -rf "$(DESTDIR)$(fc_cachedir)"
+ endif
+-INCLUDES=-I${top_srcdir} -I${top_srcdir}/src $(WARN_CFLAGS)
++AM_CPPFLAGS=-I${top_srcdir} -I${top_srcdir}/src $(WARN_CFLAGS)
+ bin_PROGRAMS=fc-cache
+diff --git a/fc-cat/ b/fc-cat/
+index b426723..04c1cc4 100644
+--- a/fc-cat/
++++ b/fc-cat/
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ FC_CAT_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-cat
+ SGML = ${FC_CAT_SRC}/fc-cat.sgml
+-INCLUDES=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
++AM_CPPFLAGS=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
+ bin_PROGRAMS=fc-cat
+diff --git a/fc-list/ b/fc-list/
+index b2c499d..c58540e 100644
+--- a/fc-list/
++++ b/fc-list/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ SGML = ${FC_LIST_SRC}/fc-list.sgml
+ bin_PROGRAMS=fc-list
+-INCLUDES=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
++AM_CPPFLAGS=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-list.1
+diff --git a/fc-match/ b/fc-match/
+index 0e9e8fd..84afb8b 100644
+--- a/fc-match/
++++ b/fc-match/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FC_MATCH_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-match
+ SGML = ${FC_MATCH_SRC}/fc-match.sgml
+-INCLUDES=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
++AM_CPPFLAGS=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-match.1
+diff --git a/fc-pattern/ b/fc-pattern/
+index 92b0433..c456247 100644
+--- a/fc-pattern/
++++ b/fc-pattern/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FC_PATTERN_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-pattern
+ SGML = ${FC_PATTERN_SRC}/fc-pattern.sgml
+-INCLUDES=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
++AM_CPPFLAGS=-I${top_srcdir} $(WARN_CFLAGS)
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-pattern.1
+diff --git a/fc-query/ b/fc-query/
+index b3ea1e6..73b3f11 100644
+--- a/fc-query/
++++ b/fc-query/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FC_QUERY_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-query
+ SGML = ${FC_QUERY_SRC}/fc-query.sgml
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-query.1
+diff --git a/fc-scan/ b/fc-scan/
+index 2063405..471a42f 100644
+--- a/fc-scan/
++++ b/fc-scan/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FC_SCAN_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-scan
+ SGML = ${FC_SCAN_SRC}/fc-scan.sgml
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-scan.1
+diff --git a/fc-validate/ b/fc-validate/
+index 54edec2..782cead 100644
+--- a/fc-validate/
++++ b/fc-validate/
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FC_VALIDATE_SRC=${top_srcdir}/fc-validate
+ SGML = ${FC_VALIDATE_SRC}/fc-validate.sgml
+ BUILT_MANS=fc-validate.1
+diff --git a/src/ b/src/
+index 9fd7dd8..066cc03 100644
+--- a/src/
++++ b/src/
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ uninstall-ms-import-lib:
+ endif
+ -I$(top_srcdir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-closing-fp.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-closing-fp.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f0083f39ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-closing-fp.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From 9299155b5247255d6b6687448173056c3ca8d09b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 02:34:35 +0000
+Subject: Ensure closing fp on error
+diff --git a/src/fchash.c b/src/fchash.c
+index 827b20f..4ea5f37 100644
+--- a/src/fchash.c
++++ b/src/fchash.c
+@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
+ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
+ if (!ret)
+- return NULL;
++ goto bail0;
+ while (!feof (fp))
+ {
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-check.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-check.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea07c0c02a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-check.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+From 03216ccf4ca0808f9c7b9513efcaeb7f4058b575 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 09:41:22 +0000
+Subject: Bug 63329 - make check fails: .. contents:: :depth: 2
+Add back FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile() and fall back to it
+when font isn't SFNT-based font because FT_Load_Sfnt_Table
+fails with FT_Err_Invalid_Face_Handle.
+diff --git a/src/fcfreetype.c b/src/fcfreetype.c
+index 22064b3..5e8990d 100644
+--- a/src/fcfreetype.c
++++ b/src/fcfreetype.c
+@@ -1666,17 +1666,29 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ goto bail1;
+ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, NULL, &len);
+- if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
+- goto bail1;
+- alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
+- fontdata = malloc (alen);
+- if (!fontdata)
+- goto bail1;
+- err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)fontdata, &len);
+- if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
++ if (err == FT_Err_Ok)
++ {
++ alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
++ fontdata = malloc (alen);
++ if (!fontdata)
++ goto bail1;
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)fontdata, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
++ goto bail1;
++ memset (&fontdata[len], 0, alen - len);
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (fontdata, len);
++ }
++ else if (err == FT_Err_Invalid_Face_Handle)
++ {
++ /* font may not support SFNT. falling back to
++ * read the font data from file directly
++ */
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (file);
++ }
++ else
++ {
+ goto bail1;
+- memset (&fontdata[len], 0, alen - len);
+- hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (fontdata, len);
++ }
+ if (!hashstr)
+ goto bail1;
+ if (!FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_HASH, hashstr))
+diff --git a/src/fchash.c b/src/fchash.c
+index 1ef1e16..92585a6 100644
+--- a/src/fchash.c
++++ b/src/fchash.c
+@@ -204,6 +204,68 @@ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ }
+ FcChar8 *
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
++ FILE *fp = fopen ((const char *)filename, "rb");
++ char ibuf[64];
++ FcChar32 *ret;
++ size_t len;
++ struct stat st;
++ if (!fp)
++ return NULL;
++ if (FcStat (filename, &st))
++ goto bail0;
++ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
++ if (!ret)
++ goto bail0;
++ while (!feof (fp))
++ {
++ if ((len = fread (ibuf, sizeof (char), 64, fp)) < 64)
++ {
++ long v;
++ /* add a padding */
++ memset (&ibuf[len], 0, 64 - len);
++ ibuf[len] = 0x80;
++ if ((64 - len) < 9)
++ {
++ /* process a block once */
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ memset (ibuf, 0, 64);
++ }
++ /* set input size at the end */
++ v = (long)st.st_size * 8;
++ ibuf[63 - 0] = v & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 3] = (v >> 24) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 4] = (v >> 32) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 5] = (v >> 40) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 6] = (v >> 48) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 7] = (v >> 56) & 0xff;
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ break;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ }
++ }
++ fclose (fp);
++ return FcHashSHA256ToString (ret);
++ fclose (fp);
++ return NULL;
++FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
+ size_t length)
+ {
+diff --git a/src/fcint.h b/src/fcint.h
+index a662dbf..8919958 100644
+--- a/src/fcint.h
++++ b/src/fcint.h
+@@ -818,6 +818,10 @@ FcFontSetSerialize (FcSerialize *serialize, const FcFontSet * s);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ size_t len);
++FcPrivate FcChar8 *
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
+ size_t length);
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-woff.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-woff.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3600c0186ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-fix-woff.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+diff --git a/src/fcfreetype.c b/src/fcfreetype.c
+index 8a037c0..5e8990d 100644
+--- a/src/fcfreetype.c
++++ b/src/fcfreetype.c
+@@ -1104,7 +1104,10 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ char psname[256];
+ const char *tmp;
+- FcChar8 *hashstr;
++ FcChar8 *hashstr = NULL;
++ char *fontdata = NULL;
++ FT_Error err;
++ FT_ULong len = 0, alen;
+ pat = FcPatternCreate ();
+ if (!pat)
+@@ -1662,12 +1665,34 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ if (!FcPatternAddBool (pat, FC_DECORATIVE, decorative))
+ goto bail1;
+- hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (file);
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, NULL, &len);
++ if (err == FT_Err_Ok)
++ {
++ alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
++ fontdata = malloc (alen);
++ if (!fontdata)
++ goto bail1;
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)fontdata, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
++ goto bail1;
++ memset (&fontdata[len], 0, alen - len);
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (fontdata, len);
++ }
++ else if (err == FT_Err_Invalid_Face_Handle)
++ {
++ /* font may not support SFNT. falling back to
++ * read the font data from file directly
++ */
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (file);
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ goto bail1;
++ }
+ if (!hashstr)
+ goto bail1;
+ if (!FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_HASH, hashstr))
+ goto bail1;
+- free (hashstr);
+ /*
+ * Compute the unicode coverage for the font
+@@ -1756,6 +1781,10 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ bail2:
+ FcCharSetDestroy (cs);
+ bail1:
++ if (hashstr)
++ free (hashstr);
++ if (fontdata)
++ free (fontdata);
+ FcPatternDestroy (pat);
+ bail0:
+ return NULL;
+diff --git a/src/fchash.c b/src/fchash.c
+index 827b20f..92585a6 100644
+--- a/src/fchash.c
++++ b/src/fchash.c
+@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
+ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
+ if (!ret)
+- return NULL;
++ goto bail0;
+ while (!feof (fp))
+ {
+@@ -261,5 +261,60 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
+ bail0:
+ fclose (fp);
+ return NULL;
+ }
++FcChar8 *
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
++ size_t length)
++ char ibuf[64];
++ FcChar32 *ret;
++ size_t i = 0;
++ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
++ if (!ret)
++ return NULL;
++ while (i <= length)
++ {
++ if ((length - i) < 64)
++ {
++ long v;
++ size_t n;
++ /* add a padding */
++ n = length - i;
++ if (n > 0)
++ memcpy (ibuf, &fontdata[i], n);
++ memset (&ibuf[n], 0, 64 - n);
++ ibuf[n] = 0x80;
++ if ((64 - n) < 9)
++ {
++ /* process a block once */
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ memset (ibuf, 0, 64);
++ }
++ /* set input size at the end */
++ v = length * 8;
++ ibuf[63 - 0] = v & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 3] = (v >> 24) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 4] = (v >> 32) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 5] = (v >> 40) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 6] = (v >> 48) & 0xff;
++ ibuf[63 - 7] = (v >> 56) & 0xff;
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ break;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, &fontdata[i]);
++ }
++ i += 64;
++ }
++ return FcHashSHA256ToString (ret);
+diff --git a/src/fcint.h b/src/fcint.h
+index c45075e..8919958 100644
+--- a/src/fcint.h
++++ b/src/fcint.h
+@@ -818,9 +818,14 @@ FcFontSetSerialize (FcSerialize *serialize, const FcFontSet * s);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ size_t len);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename);
++FcPrivate FcChar8 *
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
++ size_t length);
+ /* fcinit.c */
+ FcPrivate FcConfig *
+ FcInitLoadOwnConfig (FcConfig *config);
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1df404846330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+From c93a8b8b54afe33e5ecf9870723543cb4058fa94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 03:46:30 +0000
+Subject: Obtain fonts data via FT_Face instead of opening a file directly
+diff --git a/src/fcfreetype.c b/src/fcfreetype.c
+index 8a037c0..1eecfdb 100644
+--- a/src/fcfreetype.c
++++ b/src/fcfreetype.c
+@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ if (!FcPatternAddBool (pat, FC_DECORATIVE, decorative))
+ goto bail1;
+- hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (file);
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (face);
+ if (!hashstr)
+ goto bail1;
+ if (!FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_HASH, hashstr))
+diff --git a/src/fchash.c b/src/fchash.c
+index 4ea5f37..043d94b 100644
+--- a/src/fchash.c
++++ b/src/fchash.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
+ #include "fcint.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <ft2build.h>
+ #define ROTRN(w, v, n) ((((FcChar32)v) >> n) | (((FcChar32)v) << (w - n)))
+ #define ROTR32(v, n) ROTRN(32, v, n)
+@@ -204,41 +207,50 @@ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ }
+ FcChar8 *
+-FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face)
+ {
+- FILE *fp = fopen ((const char *)filename, "rb");
+- char ibuf[64];
++ char ibuf[64], *buf = NULL;
+ FcChar32 *ret;
+- size_t len;
+- struct stat st;
++ FT_Error err;
++ FT_ULong len = 0, alen, i = 0;
+- if (!fp)
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, NULL, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
+ return NULL;
+- if (FcStat (filename, &st))
++ alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
++ buf = malloc (alen);
++ if (!buf)
++ return NULL;
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)buf, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
+ goto bail0;
++ memset (&buf[len], 0, alen - len);
+ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
+ if (!ret)
+ goto bail0;
+- while (!feof (fp))
++ while (i <= len)
+ {
+- if ((len = fread (ibuf, sizeof (char), 64, fp)) < 64)
++ if ((len - i) < 64)
+ {
+ long v;
++ int n;
+ /* add a padding */
+- memset (&ibuf[len], 0, 64 - len);
+- ibuf[len] = 0x80;
+- if ((64 - len) < 9)
++ n = len - i;
++ if (n > 0)
++ memcpy (ibuf, &buf[i], n);
++ memset (&ibuf[n], 0, 64 - n);
++ ibuf[n] = 0x80;
++ if ((64 - n) < 9)
+ {
+ /* process a block once */
+ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
+ memset (ibuf, 0, 64);
+ }
+ /* set input size at the end */
+- v = (long)st.st_size * 8;
++ v = len * 8;
+ ibuf[63 - 0] = v & 0xff;
+ ibuf[63 - 1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
+ ibuf[63 - 2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff;
+@@ -252,14 +264,18 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, ibuf);
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, &buf[i]);
+ }
++ i += 64;
+ }
+- fclose (fp);
++ if (buf)
++ free (buf);
+ return FcHashSHA256ToString (ret);
+ bail0:
+- fclose (fp);
++ if (buf)
++ free (buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/fcint.h b/src/fcint.h
+index c45075e..703b983 100644
+--- a/src/fcint.h
++++ b/src/fcint.h
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
+ #include "fcdeprecate.h"
+ #include "fcmutex.h"
+ #include "fcatomic.h"
++#include <ft2build.h>
++#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+ #ifndef FC_CONFIG_PATH
+ #define FC_CONFIG_PATH "fonts.conf"
+@@ -819,7 +821,7 @@ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ size_t len);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+-FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFile (const FcChar8 *filename);
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face);
+ /* fcinit.c */
+ FcPrivate FcConfig *
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face2.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..62735675275c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-ft-face2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+From fc5a589abad0e8285f7d95007ebda76536e8fa7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 08:18:43 +0000
+Subject: Revert the previous change and rework to not export freetype API outside fcfreetype.c
+diff --git a/src/fcfreetype.c b/src/fcfreetype.c
+index 1eecfdb..22064b3 100644
+--- a/src/fcfreetype.c
++++ b/src/fcfreetype.c
+@@ -1104,7 +1104,10 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ char psname[256];
+ const char *tmp;
+- FcChar8 *hashstr;
++ FcChar8 *hashstr = NULL;
++ char *fontdata = NULL;
++ FT_Error err;
++ FT_ULong len = 0, alen;
+ pat = FcPatternCreate ();
+ if (!pat)
+@@ -1662,12 +1665,22 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ if (!FcPatternAddBool (pat, FC_DECORATIVE, decorative))
+ goto bail1;
+- hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (face);
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, NULL, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
++ goto bail1;
++ alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
++ fontdata = malloc (alen);
++ if (!fontdata)
++ goto bail1;
++ err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)fontdata, &len);
++ if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
++ goto bail1;
++ memset (&fontdata[len], 0, alen - len);
++ hashstr = FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (fontdata, len);
+ if (!hashstr)
+ goto bail1;
+ if (!FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_HASH, hashstr))
+ goto bail1;
+- free (hashstr);
+ /*
+ * Compute the unicode coverage for the font
+@@ -1756,6 +1769,10 @@ FcFreeTypeQueryFace (const FT_Face face,
+ bail2:
+ FcCharSetDestroy (cs);
+ bail1:
++ if (hashstr)
++ free (hashstr);
++ if (fontdata)
++ free (fontdata);
+ FcPatternDestroy (pat);
+ bail0:
+ return NULL;
+diff --git a/src/fchash.c b/src/fchash.c
+index 043d94b..1ef1e16 100644
+--- a/src/fchash.c
++++ b/src/fchash.c
+@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
+ #include "fcint.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+-#include <ft2build.h>
+ #define ROTRN(w, v, n) ((((FcChar32)v) >> n) | (((FcChar32)v) << (w - n)))
+ #define ROTR32(v, n) ROTRN(32, v, n)
+@@ -207,40 +204,28 @@ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ }
+ FcChar8 *
+-FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face)
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
++ size_t length)
+ {
+- char ibuf[64], *buf = NULL;
++ char ibuf[64];
+ FcChar32 *ret;
+- FT_Error err;
+- FT_ULong len = 0, alen, i = 0;
+- err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, NULL, &len);
+- if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
+- return NULL;
+- alen = (len + 63) & ~63;
+- buf = malloc (alen);
+- if (!buf)
+- return NULL;
+- err = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table (face, 0, 0, (FT_Byte *)buf, &len);
+- if (err != FT_Err_Ok)
+- goto bail0;
+- memset (&buf[len], 0, alen - len);
++ size_t i = 0;
+ ret = FcHashInitSHA256Digest ();
+ if (!ret)
+- goto bail0;
++ return NULL;
+- while (i <= len)
++ while (i <= length)
+ {
+- if ((len - i) < 64)
++ if ((length - i) < 64)
+ {
+ long v;
+- int n;
++ size_t n;
+ /* add a padding */
+- n = len - i;
++ n = length - i;
+ if (n > 0)
+- memcpy (ibuf, &buf[i], n);
++ memcpy (ibuf, &fontdata[i], n);
+ memset (&ibuf[n], 0, 64 - n);
+ ibuf[n] = 0x80;
+ if ((64 - n) < 9)
+@@ -250,7 +235,7 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face)
+ memset (ibuf, 0, 64);
+ }
+ /* set input size at the end */
+- v = len * 8;
++ v = length * 8;
+ ibuf[63 - 0] = v & 0xff;
+ ibuf[63 - 1] = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
+ ibuf[63 - 2] = (v >> 16) & 0xff;
+@@ -264,18 +249,10 @@ FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, &buf[i]);
++ FcHashComputeSHA256Digest (ret, &fontdata[i]);
+ }
+ i += 64;
+ }
+- if (buf)
+- free (buf);
+ return FcHashSHA256ToString (ret);
+- if (buf)
+- free (buf);
+- return NULL;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/fcint.h b/src/fcint.h
+index 703b983..a662dbf 100644
+--- a/src/fcint.h
++++ b/src/fcint.h
+@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
+ #include "fcdeprecate.h"
+ #include "fcmutex.h"
+ #include "fcatomic.h"
+-#include <ft2build.h>
+-#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+ #ifndef FC_CONFIG_PATH
+ #define FC_CONFIG_PATH "fonts.conf"
+@@ -821,7 +819,8 @@ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+ FcHashGetSHA256Digest (const FcChar8 *input_strings,
+ size_t len);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+-FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromFace (const FT_Face face);
++FcHashGetSHA256DigestFromMemory (const char *fontdata,
++ size_t length);
+ /* fcinit.c */
+ FcPrivate FcConfig *
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-native-fonts.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-native-fonts.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05e9ee90d904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-native-fonts.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From 8fd0ed60a62cb7f36b2ade1bd16a66671eaf79da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2013 09:16:28 +0000
+Subject: Bug 62980 - matching native fonts with even :lang=en
+Fix the matcher modified by 4eab908c8679a797ac7016b77a93ee41bb11b0fc
+to deal with both strong and weak of FC_LANG as the same location in the score
+diff --git a/src/fcmatch.c b/src/fcmatch.c
+index 68f39ae..2d7b798 100644
+--- a/src/fcmatch.c
++++ b/src/fcmatch.c
+@@ -227,9 +227,10 @@ typedef enum _FcMatcherPriorityDummy {
+ #undef FC_OBJECT
+ #undef PRI1
+-#define PRI1(n) \
+- PRI_ ## n ## _STRONG, \
+- PRI_ ## n ## _WEAK
++#define PRI1(n) \
++ PRI_ ## n, \
++ PRI_ ## n ## _STRONG = PRI_ ## n, \
++ PRI_ ## n ## _WEAK = PRI_ ## n
+ typedef enum _FcMatcherPriority {
+@@ -237,9 +238,8 @@ typedef enum _FcMatcherPriority {
++ PRI1(LANG),
+@@ -910,8 +910,7 @@ FcFontSetSort (FcConfig *config FC_UNUSED,
+ * If this node matches any language, go check
+ * which ones and satisfy those entries
+ */
+- if (nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_STRONG] < 2000 ||
+- nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_WEAK] < 2000)
++ if (nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG] < 2000)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < nPatternLang; i++)
+ {
+@@ -935,13 +934,6 @@ FcFontSetSort (FcConfig *config FC_UNUSED,
+ }
+ patternLangSat[i] = FcTrue;
+ satisfies = FcTrue;
+- /* adjust score to ensure it's not more than 10000.0
+- * which would means the lang didn't satisfy the requirements
+- */
+- if (nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_STRONG] > 10000.0)
+- nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_STRONG] = 10000.0;
+- if (nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_WEAK] > 10000.0)
+- nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_WEAK] = 10000.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -949,8 +941,7 @@ FcFontSetSort (FcConfig *config FC_UNUSED,
+ }
+ if (!satisfies)
+ {
+- nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_STRONG] = 10000.0;
+- nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG_WEAK] = 10000.0;
++ nodeps[f]->score[PRI_LANG] = 10000.0;
+ }
+ }
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-use-glob.patch b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-use-glob.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2040fcd4b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/files/fontconfig-2.10.92-use-glob.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+From f6244d2cf231e1dc756f3e941e61b9bf124879bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Akira TAGOH <>
+Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 02:57:49 +0000
+Subject: Use the glob matching for filename
+Regex is expensive to compare filenames. we already have the glob matching
+and it works enough in this case.
+Prior to this change, renaming FcConfigGlobMatch() to FcStrGlobMatch() and moving to fcstr.c
+diff --git a/src/fccfg.c b/src/fccfg.c
+index 7da50b5..fcdf73e 100644
+--- a/src/fccfg.c
++++ b/src/fccfg.c
+@@ -2211,57 +2211,13 @@ FcConfigGlobAdd (FcConfig *config,
+ }
+ static FcBool
+-FcConfigGlobMatch (const FcChar8 *glob,
+- const FcChar8 *string)
+- FcChar8 c;
+- while ((c = *glob++))
+- {
+- switch (c) {
+- case '*':
+- /* short circuit common case */
+- if (!*glob)
+- return FcTrue;
+- /* short circuit another common case */
+- if (strchr ((char *) glob, '*') == 0)
+- {
+- size_t l1, l2;
+- l1 = strlen ((char *) string);
+- l2 = strlen ((char *) glob);
+- if (l1 < l2)
+- return FcFalse;
+- string += (l1 - l2);
+- }
+- while (*string)
+- {
+- if (FcConfigGlobMatch (glob, string))
+- return FcTrue;
+- string++;
+- }
+- return FcFalse;
+- case '?':
+- if (*string++ == '\0')
+- return FcFalse;
+- break;
+- default:
+- if (*string++ != c)
+- return FcFalse;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- return *string == '\0';
+-static FcBool
+ FcConfigGlobsMatch (const FcStrSet *globs,
+ const FcChar8 *string)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < globs->num; i++)
+- if (FcConfigGlobMatch (globs->strs[i], string))
++ if (FcStrGlobMatch (globs->strs[i], string))
+ return FcTrue;
+ return FcFalse;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/fcint.h b/src/fcint.h
+index 8919958..65bf333 100644
+--- a/src/fcint.h
++++ b/src/fcint.h
+@@ -1090,6 +1090,10 @@ FcPrivate int
+ FcStrMatchIgnoreCaseAndDelims (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2, const FcChar8 *delims);
+ FcPrivate FcBool
++FcStrGlobMatch (const FcChar8 *glob,
++ const FcChar8 *string);
++FcPrivate FcBool
+ FcStrUsesHome (const FcChar8 *s);
+ FcPrivate FcChar8 *
+diff --git a/src/fcmatch.c b/src/fcmatch.c
+index 2d7b798..84c9a9a 100644
+--- a/src/fcmatch.c
++++ b/src/fcmatch.c
+@@ -196,12 +196,10 @@ FcCompareFilename (FcValue *v1, FcValue *v2)
+ return 0.0;
+ else if (FcStrCmpIgnoreCase (s1, s2) == 0)
+ return 1.0;
+- else if (FcStrRegexCmp (s2, s1))
++ else if (FcStrGlobMatch (s1, s2))
+ return 2.0;
+- else if (FcStrRegexCmpIgnoreCase (s2, s1))
+- return 3.0;
+ else
+- return 4.0;
++ return 3.0;
+ }
+ #define PRI_NULL(n) \
+diff --git a/src/fcstr.c b/src/fcstr.c
+index 339a346..3a32031 100644
+--- a/src/fcstr.c
++++ b/src/fcstr.c
+@@ -459,6 +459,50 @@ FcStrMatchIgnoreCaseAndDelims (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2, const FcCha
+ return w1.src - s1 - 1;
+ }
++FcStrGlobMatch (const FcChar8 *glob,
++ const FcChar8 *string)
++ FcChar8 c;
++ while ((c = *glob++))
++ {
++ switch (c) {
++ case '*':
++ /* short circuit common case */
++ if (!*glob)
++ return FcTrue;
++ /* short circuit another common case */
++ if (strchr ((char *) glob, '*') == 0)
++ {
++ size_t l1, l2;
++ l1 = strlen ((char *) string);
++ l2 = strlen ((char *) glob);
++ if (l1 < l2)
++ return FcFalse;
++ string += (l1 - l2);
++ }
++ while (*string)
++ {
++ if (FcStrGlobMatch (glob, string))
++ return FcTrue;
++ string++;
++ }
++ return FcFalse;
++ case '?':
++ if (*string++ == '\0')
++ return FcFalse;
++ break;
++ default:
++ if (*string++ != c)
++ return FcFalse;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ return *string == '\0';
+ const FcChar8 *
+ FcStrStrIgnoreCase (const FcChar8 *s1, const FcChar8 *s2)
+ {
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/media-libs/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild b/media-libs/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..010ff52b821f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.10.92.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/05/12 17:56:03 pacho Exp $
+inherit autotools-multilib readme.gentoo
+DESCRIPTION="A library for configuring and customizing font access"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="doc static-libs"
+# Purposefully dropped the xml USE flag and libxml2 support. Expat is the
+# default and used by every distro. See bug #283191.
+# Note: replace emul-linux dep when expat becomes multilib-aware
+# (and add [${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] on it then!)
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.2.1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.3
+ abi_x86_32? (
+ amd64? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs[development] )
+ !<=app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-20130224 )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ doc? (
+ app-text/docbook-sgml-utils[jadetex]
+ =app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1*
+ )
+ virtual/ttf-fonts
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.7.1-latin-reorder.patch # 130466
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.10.2-docbook.patch # 310157
+ # Apply upstream patches that will be included in 2.10.93
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-native-fonts.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-automake-1.13.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-closing-fp.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ft-face.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ft-face2.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-fix-check.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-use-glob.patch
+pkg_setup() {
+ DOC_CONTENTS="Please make fontconfig configuration changes using
+ \`eselect fontconfig\`. Any changes made to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf will be
+ overwritten. If you need to reset your configuration to upstream defaults,
+ delete the directory ${EROOT}etc/fonts/conf.d/ and re-emerge fontconfig."
+src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ $(use_enable doc docbook)
+ # always enable docs to install manpages
+ --enable-docs
+ --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}"/var
+ --with-default-fonts="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts
+ --with-add-fonts="${EPREFIX}"/usr/local/share/fonts
+ --with-templatedir="${EPREFIX}"/etc/fonts/conf.avail
+ )
+ autotools-multilib_src_configure
+src_install() {
+ autotools-multilib_src_install
+ # XXX: avoid calling this multiple times, bug #459210
+ install_others() {
+ # stuff installed from build-dir
+ autotools-utils_src_compile \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" -C doc install-man
+ insinto /etc/fonts
+ doins "${BUILD_DIR}"/fonts.conf
+ }
+ multilib_foreach_abi install_others
+ #fc-lang directory contains language coverage datafiles
+ #which are needed to test the coverage of fonts.
+ insinto /usr/share/fc-lang
+ doins fc-lang/*.orth
+ dodoc doc/fontconfig-user.{txt,pdf}
+ if [[ -e ${ED}usr/share/doc/fontconfig/ ]]; then
+ mv "${ED}"usr/share/doc/fontconfig/* "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${P}
+ rm -rf "${ED}"usr/share/doc/fontconfig
+ fi
+ # Changes should be made to /etc/fonts/local.conf, and as we had
+ # too much problems with broken fonts.conf we force update it ...
+ echo 'CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/fonts/fonts.conf"' > "${T}"/37fontconfig
+ doenvd "${T}"/37fontconfig
+ # As of fontconfig 2.7, everything sticks their noses in here.
+ dodir /etc/sandbox.d
+ echo 'SANDBOX_PREDICT="/var/cache/fontconfig"' > "${ED}"/etc/sandbox.d/37fontconfig
+ readme.gentoo_create_doc
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # Bug #193476
+ # /etc/fonts/conf.d/ contains symlinks to ../conf.avail/ to include various
+ # config files. If we install as-is, we'll blow away user settings.
+ ebegin "Syncing fontconfig configuration to system"
+ if [[ -e ${EROOT}/etc/fonts/conf.d ]]; then
+ for file in "${EROOT}"/etc/fonts/conf.avail/*; do
+ f=${file##*/}
+ if [[ -L ${EROOT}/etc/fonts/conf.d/${f} ]]; then
+ [[ -f ${ED}etc/fonts/conf.avail/${f} ]] \
+ && ln -sf ../conf.avail/"${f}" "${ED}"etc/fonts/conf.d/ &>/dev/null
+ else
+ [[ -f ${ED}etc/fonts/conf.avail/${f} ]] \
+ && rm "${ED}"etc/fonts/conf.d/"${f}" &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ eend $?
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "Cleaning broken symlinks in "${EROOT}"etc/fonts/conf.d/"
+ find -L "${EROOT}"etc/fonts/conf.d/ -type l -delete
+ readme.gentoo_print_elog
+ if [[ ${ROOT} = / ]]; then
+ ebegin "Creating global font cache"
+ "${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/fc-cache -srf
+ eend $?
+ fi