diff options
authorIngmar Vanhassel <>2008-01-16 22:50:46 +0000
committerIngmar Vanhassel <>2008-01-16 22:50:46 +0000
commitbd9c4dcd17bc717071352abefa8c7de8167a95b3 (patch)
parentfix bug #200897 and cleanup old revisions and patches (diff)
Added kde4-base.eclass.
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/kde4-base.eclass b/eclass/kde4-base.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ea8501eb3c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eclass/kde4-base.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# Copyright 2007-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/kde4-base.eclass,v 1.1 2008/01/16 22:50:46 ingmar Exp $
+# @ECLASS: kde4-base.eclass
+# @BLURB: This eclass provides functions for kde 4.0 ebuilds
+# The kde4-base.eclass provides support for building KDE4 monolithic ebuilds
+# and KDE4 applications.
+# NOTE: This eclass uses the SLOT dependencies from EAPI="1" or compatible,
+# hence you must define EAPI="1" in the ebuild, before inheriting any eclasses.
+inherit base eutils multilib cmake-utils kde4-functions
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_unpack src_compile src_test src_install pkg_postinst pkg_postrm
+ >=dev-util/cmake-2.4.7-r1
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto"
+if has test ${IUSE//+}; then
+ test? ( dev-util/cppunit )"
+# This variable sets the version of KDE4 which will be used by the eclass.
+# This variable must be set by the ebuild, for all categories except for "kde-base".
+# For kde-base packages, if it is not set by the ebuild,
+# it's assumed that the required KDE4 version is the latest, non-live, available.
+# @CODE
+# Acceptable values are:
+# - latest - Use latest version in the portage tree
+# Default for kde-base ebuilds. Banned for ebuilds not part of kde or koffice.
+# - svn - Use svn release (live ebuilds)
+# - :SLOT - Use any version in the SLOT specified in the NEED_KDE value.
+# - VERSION_NUMBER - Use the minimum KDE4 version specified in the NEED_KDE value.
+# - VERSION_NUMBER:SLOT - Use the minimum KDE4 version and the SLOT specified in the NEED_KDE value.
+# - none - Let the ebuild handle SLOT, kde dependencies, KDEDIR, ...
+# @CODE
+# Note: There is no default NEED_KDE for ebuilds not in kde-base or part of
+# koffice, so you must set it explicitly in the ebuild, in all other cases.
+if [[ -z ${NEED_KDE} ]]; then
+ if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} ]]; then
+ NEED_KDE="latest"
+ else
+ die "kde4-base.eclass inherited but NEED_KDE not defined - broken ebuild"
+ fi
+export NEED_KDE
+case ${NEED_KDE} in
+ latest)
+ # Should only be used by 'kde-base'-ebuilds
+ if [[ "${KDEBASE}" == "kde-base" ]]; then
+ case ${PV} in
+ 3.9*) _kdedir="3.9" ;;
+ 4*) _kdedir="4.0" ;;
+ *) die "NEED_KDE=latest not supported for PV=${PV}" ;;
+ esac
+ _operator=">="
+ _pv="-${PV}:kde-4"
+ else
+ _kdedir="4.0"
+ _pv=":kde-4"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ svn|9999*|:kde-svn)
+ _kdedir="svn"
+ _pv=":kde-svn"
+ export NEED_KDE="svn"
+ ;;
+ *:kde-svn)
+ _kdedir="svn"
+ _operator=">="
+ _pv="-${NEED_KDE}"
+ export NEED_KDE="svn"
+ ;;
+ # The ebuild handles dependencies, KDEDIR, SLOT.
+ none)
+ # This shouldn't be used for kde-base ebuilds.
+ if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} ]]; then
+ die 'Ebuilds part of kde-base ebuilds should not use NEED_KDE="none".'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ # NEED_KDE=":${SLOT}"
+ :kde-4)
+ _kdedir="4.0"
+ _pv="${NEED_KDE}"
+ ;;
+ # NEED_KDE="${PV}:${SLOT}"
+ *:kde-4)
+ _kdedir="4.0"
+ _operator=">="
+ _pv="-${NEED_KDE}"
+ ;;
+ 3.9*)
+ _kdedir="3.9"
+ _operator=">="
+ _pv="-${NEED_KDE}:kde-4"
+ ;;
+ 4*)
+ _kdedir="4.0"
+ _operator=">="
+ _pv="-${NEED_KDE}:kde-4"
+ ;;
+ *) die "NEED_KDE=${NEED_KDE} currently not supported."
+ ;;
+if [[ ${NEED_KDE} != none ]]; then
+ KDEDIR="/usr/kde/${_kdedir}"
+ KDEDIRS="/usr:/usr/local:${KDEDIR}"
+ if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} ]]; then
+ if [[ ${NEED_KDE} = svn ]]; then
+ SLOT="kde-svn"
+ else
+ SLOT="kde-4"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # We only need to add the dependencies if ${PN} is not "kdelibs" or "kdepimlibs"
+ if [[ ${PN} != "kdelibs" ]]; then
+ ${_operator}kde-base/kdelibs${_pv}"
+ ${_operator}kde-base/kdelibs${_pv}"
+ if [[ ${PN} != "kdepimlibs" ]]; then
+ ${_operator}kde-base/kdepimlibs${_pv}"
+ ${_operator}kde-base/kdepimlibs${_pv}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ unset _operator _pv _kdedir
+# Fetch section - If the ebuild's category is not 'kde-base' and if it is not a
+# koffice ebuild, the URI should be set in the ebuild itself
+if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} ]]; then
+ if [[ -n ${KMNAME} ]]; then
+ _kmname=${KMNAME}
+ else
+ _kmname=${PN}
+ fi
+ _kmname_pv="${_kmname}-${PV}"
+ if [[ ${NEED_KDE} != "svn" ]]; then
+ case ${KDEBASE} in
+ kde-base)
+ case ${PV} in
+ *) SRC_URI="mirror://kde/stable/${PV}/src/${_kmname_pv}.tar.bz2";;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ koffice)
+ SRC_URI="mirror://kde/unstable/${_kmname_pv}/src/${_kmname_pv}.tar.bz2"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ unset _kmname _kmname_pv
+debug-print "${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME}: SRC_URI is ${SRC_URI}"
+debug-print "${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME}: DEPEND ${DEPEND} - before blockers"
+# Monolithic ebuilds should add blockers for split ebuilds in the same slot.
+# If KMNAME is not set then this is not a split package
+if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} && -z ${KMNAME} ]]; then
+ for _x in $(get-child-packages ${CATEGORY}/${PN}); do
+ DEPEND="${DEPEND} !${_x}:${SLOT}"
+ RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} !${_x}:${SLOT}"
+ done
+ unset _x
+debug-print "${BASH_SOURCE} ${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME}: DEPEND ${DEPEND} - after blockers"
+# Set the installation PREFIX. All kde-base ebuilds go into the KDE4 installation directory.
+# Applications installed by the other ebuilds go into /usr/ by default, this value
+# can be superseded by defining PREFIX before inheriting kde4-base.
+if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} ]]; then
+ # if PREFIX is not defined we set it to the default value of /usr
+ PREFIX="${PREFIX:-/usr}"
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_pkg_setup
+# Adds flags needed by all of KDE 4 to $QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK. Uses
+# kde4-functions_check_use from kde4-functions.eclass to print appropriate
+# errors and die if any required flags listed in $QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK or
+# $KDE4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK are missing.
+kde4-base_pkg_setup() {
+ debug-print-function $FUNCNAME "$@"
+ # KDE4 applications require qt4 compiled with USE="accessibility dbus jpeg png qt3support ssl zlib".
+ QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK="${QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK} accessibility dbus jpeg png qt3support ssl zlib"
+ if has debug ${IUSE//+} && use debug; then
+ fi
+ if has opengl ${IUSE//+} && use opengl; then
+ fi
+ kde4-functions_check_use
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_unpack
+# This function unpacks the source tarballs for KDE4 applications.
+# If no argument is passed to this function, then standard src_unpack is
+# executed. Otherwise options are passed to base_src_unpack.
+# If the directory ${WORKDIR}/patches/ exists, we apply all patches in that
+# directory, provided they follow this format:
+# @CODE
+# - Monolithic ebuilds, (from kde-base)
+# - $CATEGORY=kde-base:
+# Apply ${CHILD_EBUILD_NAME}-${SLOT}-*{diff,patch}
+# - $CATEGORY=!kde-base:
+# Apply ${CHILD_EBUILD_NAME}-${PV}-*{diff,patch}
+# - Split ebuilds:
+# - $CATEGORY=kde-base:
+# Apply ${PN}-${SLOT}-*{diff,patch}
+# - $CATEGORY!=kde-base:
+# Apply ${PN}-${PV}-*{diff,patch}
+# @CODE
+# If ${PATCHES} is non-zero all patches in it gets applied.
+kde4-base_src_unpack() {
+ debug-print-function $FUNCNAME "$@"
+ [[ -z "${KDE_S}" ]] && KDE_S="${S}"
+ local _patchdir _packages _p
+ _patchdir="${WORKDIR}/patches/"
+ if [[ -z $* ]]; then
+ # Unpack first and deal with KDE patches after examing possible patch sets.
+ # To be picked up, patches need to conform to the guidelines stated before.
+ # Monolithic ebuilds will use the split ebuild patches.
+ [[ -d "${KDE_S}" ]] || unpack ${A}
+ if [[ -d "${_patchdir}" ]]; then
+ if is-parent-package ${CATEGORY}/${PN} ; then
+ _packages="$(get-child-packages ${CATEGORY}/${PN})"
+ _packages="${_packages//${CATEGORY}\//} ${PN}"
+ else
+ _packages="${PN}"
+ fi
+ for _p in ${_packages}; do
+ PATCHES="${PATCHES} $(ls ${_patchdir}/${_p}-${PV}-*{diff,patch} 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [[ -n "${KDEBASE}" ]]; then
+ PATCHES="${PATCHES} $(ls ${_patchdir}/${_p}-${SLOT}-*{diff,patch} 2>/dev/null)"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ [[ -n ${PATCHES} ]] && base_src_unpack autopatch
+ else
+ # Call base_src_unpack, which unpacks and patches
+ # step by step transparently as defined in the ebuild.
+ base_src_unpack $*
+ fi
+ # Updated cmake dir
+ if [[ -d "${WORKDIR}/cmake" ]] && [[ -d "${KDE_S}/cmake" ]]; then
+ ebegin "Updating cmake/ directory..."
+ rm -rf "${KDE_S}/cmake" || die "Unable to remove old cmake/ directory"
+ ln -s "${WORKDIR}/cmake" "${KDE_S}/cmake" || die "Unable to symlink the new cmake/ directory"
+ eend 0
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_compile
+# General function for compiling KDE4 applications.
+kde4-base_src_compile() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ kde4-base_src_configure
+ kde4-base_src_make
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_configure
+# Function for configuring the build of KDE4 applications.
+kde4-base_src_configure() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ # Final flag handling
+ if has kdeenablefinal ${IUSE//+} && use kdeenablefinal; then
+ einfo "Activating enable-final flag"
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE4_ENABLE_FINAL=ON"
+ fi
+ # Enable generation of HTML handbook
+ if has htmlhandbook ${IUSE//+} && use htmlhandbook; then
+ einfo "Enabling building of HTML handbook"
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE4_ENABLE_HTMLHANDBOOK=ON"
+ fi
+ # Build tests in src_test only, where we override this value
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF"
+ # Set distribution name
+ [[ ${PN} == "kdelibs" ]] && mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT=Gentoo"
+ # runpath linking
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH=ON"
+ # Here we set the install prefix
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX}"
+ # Set environment
+ QT_PLUGIN_PATH=${KDEDIR}/$(get_libdir)/kde4/plugins/
+ cmake-utils_src_configureout
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_make
+# Function for building KDE4 applications.
+# Options are passed to cmake-utils_src_make.
+kde4-base_src_make() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ cmake-utils_src_make "$@"
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_test
+# Function for testing KDE4 applications.
+kde4-base_src_test() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ # Override this value, set in kde4-base_src_configure()
+ mycmakeargs="${mycmakeargs} -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=ON"
+ cmake-utils_src_compile
+ cmake-utils_src_test
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_install
+# Function for installing KDE4 applications.
+kde4-base_src_install() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ kde4-base_src_make_doc
+ cmake-utils_src_install
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_src_make_doc
+# Function for installing the documentation of KDE4 applications.
+kde4-base_src_make_doc() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
+ local doc
+ for doc in AUTHORS ChangeLog* README* NEWS TODO; do
+ [[ -s $doc ]] && dodoc ${doc}
+ done
+ if [[ -z ${KMNAME} ]]; then
+ for doc in {apps,runtime,workspace,.}/*/{AUTHORS,README*}; do
+ if [[ -s $doc ]]; then
+ local doc_complete=${doc}
+ doc="${doc#*/}"
+ newdoc "$doc_complete" "${doc%/*}.${doc##*/}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ -n ${KDEBASE} && -d "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} ]]; then
+ # work around bug #97196
+ dodir /usr/share/doc/kde && \
+ mv "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} "${D}"/usr/share/doc/kde/ || \
+ die "Failed to move docs to kde/ failed."
+ fi
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_pkg_postinst
+# Function to rebuild the KDE System Configuration Cache after an application has been installed.
+kde4-base_pkg_postinst() {
+ buildsycoca
+# @FUNCTION: kde4-base_pkg_postrm
+# Function to rebuild the KDE System Configuration Cache after an application has been removed.
+kde4-base_pkg_postrm() {
+ buildsycoca