diff options
authorJeremy Olexa <>2010-03-29 22:32:24 +0000
committerJeremy Olexa <>2010-03-29 22:32:24 +0000
commitfb5c359f1c5bd64011c9ce17cd4a32fd42db8089 (patch)
parentUpdate my first name. (diff)
The long awaited mediatomb version bump. Closes bugs: 274627, 284886, 281432 - including security bug. Many thanks to BT for the help and motivation
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
5 files changed, 292 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog b/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog
index 3be543bf1536..83b697064c63 100644
--- a/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# ChangeLog for net-misc/mediatomb
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2009/12/29 17:46:14 armin76 Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/mediatomb/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2010/03/29 22:32:23 darkside Exp $
+ 29 Mar 2010; Jeremy Olexa <> +mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild,
+ +files/mediatomb-0.12.0.config, metadata.xml:
+ The long awaited mediatomb version bump. Closes bugs: 274627, 284886,
+ 281432 - including security bug. Many thanks to BT for the help and
+ motivation
+*mediatomb-0.12.0 (29 Mar 2010)
+ 29 Mar 2010; Jeremy Olexa <> +mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild,
+ +files/mediatomb-0.12.0.config:
+ The long awaited mediatomb version bump from upstream, closes bug 264235.
+ Many thanks to BT for the help
29 Dec 2009; Raúl Porcel <> mediatomb-0.11.0.ebuild:
Add ~arm
diff --git a/net-misc/mediatomb/Manifest b/net-misc/mediatomb/Manifest
index bfbc8c5a97d9..a816fdce2436 100644
--- a/net-misc/mediatomb/Manifest
+++ b/net-misc/mediatomb/Manifest
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ AUX mediatomb-0.11.0+curl-7.18.patch 524 RMD160 beb5dd3f23437af630182ef1b4228622
AUX mediatomb-0.11.0+glibc-2.10.patch 733 RMD160 277863d375f03b5aed4e7479594daf6e221b9f91 SHA1 fa8f13b3cc5181efacac58dfcc6d097e287f6b82 SHA256 be29e7344db08bd07a449c0bb2a30e9aa4c59bc97275e7534aaf7a4a3d218211
AUX mediatomb-0.11.0-newffmpeg.patch 2410 RMD160 112b1683bc86325e5584b9e7089f46d4a218d8fc SHA1 4af90200a3cf0a07ce47ea42b6b398002f3d99c1 SHA256 7566cd01d9af848bdfd75949bb586b9a83bb6b9501fe9dba921e93960e2f2fdb
AUX mediatomb-0.11.0.config 2739 RMD160 0f6d8108052d19940e7f5d2288c9027aa2976dc6 SHA1 2c8bfdf7d370ca7782a930d8ef70a242a2942d37 SHA256 0c02298dd2078fed683dad661d933c1f7e43086c77999bf651065ec40ea762c4
+AUX mediatomb-0.12.0.config 6180 RMD160 ee51ad90cd9c4107376b80af19dfe076f06df8e7 SHA1 41376b8a161d8523846c5adb5375af5bc0c1a0d1 SHA256 cb43e92639e5e53908567c050c9a2fc0e5c349fd11a149414590c2c6a402b4d2
AUX mediatomb.confd 857 RMD160 66c19ff63accb09048250daa94b7fdea208616fa SHA1 3ab51654efbb89aa9a8beb5ca47170ba86fd1320 SHA256 9d8b7e044f9ac684b33ea2ac97ddcfb2c038cb5038d4149e11441d5e24d7d92d
AUX mediatomb.initd 576 RMD160 e92a6f915eb6d1a0fff1e82a74004ed8a430d503 SHA1 d2c7f0e7e86d8e7add10566d1928b45a953ce39b SHA256 f9f53683b6a6ad11ee1aab2cb8c604cd6639872c1abe36bf5d7006ffbbd7ca14
DIST mediatomb-0.11.0.tar.gz 1059429 RMD160 11c53d5757da3a689c025107331526c0486befc4 SHA1 1d7c86924686f9999a359ba96092aa36d30832a6 SHA256 25e0b3d761e41fc6793c780eb7f638719867cdc6d3429ec24f72d1e9556ac1d2
+DIST mediatomb-0.12.0.tar.gz 1149071 RMD160 5d46fa16d8614f853ec52212cd5df00a204c6e47 SHA1 50333464ce42e14488f9c63243ab0ab34e36c762 SHA256 3fc4d4aef09952e8a1814f2dbf6eefa66b4a01a6cc1c41dee9e0edd60faf51f7
EBUILD mediatomb-0.11.0.ebuild 3457 RMD160 5dfc8ae48da2c9ceca5e8f4addc2704905d7d28b SHA1 5ea193a2843dbea38f465865ac767d1217ede322 SHA256 14954d9a5eace85755c4dfe857bb8484ecba9f31dc46e9aa73415739f6c480c0
-MISC ChangeLog 1608 RMD160 da90503fa3a1f144fc6db0b6e8a8cb5f1c2ba749 SHA1 bb118dde49e55ee0c87b805e4284a54d6054b226 SHA256 d0d5eb32d79b69fcc307446700b02b8e9079018c9c694cd08da522aaf86b8e84
-MISC metadata.xml 720 RMD160 5ed9eb5e4ade322e2a742bff48e380ee5ff54851 SHA1 b0f31497b086692c5a3db6f294f8604895a175c5 SHA256 9d44cee7de93c2d456626d72e62a6a5daccc43d95428cfc67d483c3db11bc117
+EBUILD mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild 3262 RMD160 cfacda4f314f2e39c347ddc2ec74a1cc6ba953b3 SHA1 0925242997eaa29d7767b3edd4c6f794bdbd4e7c SHA256 7da970dba4354ae1be2e1e50aafef3583138dbaccd93238d27d4bfcdd9cbee7e
+MISC ChangeLog 2142 RMD160 3284ec52fc96059358dabb4e3b2b4beffb174add SHA1 7074826da6b023a4dceedf1090eb498636f08c66 SHA256 a2a864405ce74f0bb0d85190a4fc62826cfa2c78b316fc9c7b744bf858991343
+MISC metadata.xml 918 RMD160 d18de020cdcde81043b741ec9559ec7fc876ab7a SHA1 960fe7688bca5979124b4af2f738d39374c0ff7e SHA256 5c0d8edf0926420938cdf081d7ccb049750747f53b183619575c402ec96334d0
diff --git a/net-misc/mediatomb/files/mediatomb-0.12.0.config b/net-misc/mediatomb/files/mediatomb-0.12.0.config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0cd03b15d8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/mediatomb/files/mediatomb-0.12.0.config
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<config version="2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+ <server>
+ <ui enabled="yes" show-tooltips="yes">
+ <accounts enabled="no" session-timeout="30">
+ <account user="mediatomb" password="mediatomb"/>
+ </accounts>
+ </ui>
+ <name>MediaTomb</name>
+ <udn></udn>
+ <home>/var/lib/mediatomb</home>
+ <webroot>/usr/share/mediatomb/web</webroot>
+ <storage>
+ <sqlite3 enabled="yes">
+ <database-file>mediatomb.db</database-file>
+ </sqlite3>
+ <mysql enabled="no">
+ <host>host</host>
+ <database>database</database>
+ <username>username</username>
+ <password>password</password>
+ </mysql>
+ </storage>
+ <protocolInfo extend="yes"/>
+ <pc-directory upnp-hide="no"/>
+ <extended-runtime-options>
+ <ffmpegthumbnailer enabled="no">
+ <thumbnail-size>160</thumbnail-size>
+ <seek-percentage>10</seek-percentage>
+ <filmstrip-overlay>no</filmstrip-overlay>
+ <workaround-bugs>no</workaround-bugs>
+ <image-quality>8</image-quality>
+ </ffmpegthumbnailer>
+ <mark-played-items enabled="no" suppress-cds-updates="yes">
+ <string mode="prepend">*</string>
+ <mark>
+ <content>video</content>
+ </mark>
+ </mark-played-items>
+ <lastfm enabled="no">
+ <username>username</username>
+ <password>password</password>
+ </lastfm>
+ </extended-runtime-options>
+ </server>
+ <import hidden-files="no">
+ <scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
+ <common-script>/usr/share/mediatomb/js/common.js</common-script>
+ <playlist-script>/usr/share/mediatomb/js/playlists.js</playlist-script>
+ <virtual-layout type="builtin">
+ <import-script>/usr/share/mediatomb/js/import.js</import-script>
+ </virtual-layout>
+ </scripting>
+ <mappings>
+ <extension-mimetype ignore-unknown="no">
+ <map from="mp3" to="audio/mpeg"/>
+ <map from="ogx" to="application/ogg"/>
+ <map from="ogv" to="video/ogg"/>
+ <map from="oga" to="audio/ogg"/>
+ <map from="ogg" to="audio/ogg"/>
+ <map from="ogm" to="video/ogg"/>
+ <map from="asf" to="video/x-ms-asf"/>
+ <map from="asx" to="video/x-ms-asf"/>
+ <map from="wma" to="audio/x-ms-wma"/>
+ <map from="wax" to="audio/x-ms-wax"/>
+ <map from="wmv" to="video/x-ms-wmv"/>
+ <map from="wvx" to="video/x-ms-wvx"/>
+ <map from="wm" to="video/x-ms-wm"/>
+ <map from="wmx" to="video/x-ms-wmx"/>
+ <map from="m3u" to="audio/x-mpegurl"/>
+ <map from="pls" to="audio/x-scpls"/>
+ <map from="flv" to="video/x-flv"/>
+ <map from="mkv" to="video/x-matroska"/>
+ <map from="mka" to="audio/x-matroska"/>
+ <map from="avi" to="video/divx"/>
+ <map from="m2ts" to="video/avc"/>
+ <map from="cr2" to="image/raw"/>
+ <map from="nef" to="image/raw"/>
+ </extension-mimetype>
+ <mimetype-upnpclass>
+ <map from="audio/*" to="object.item.audioItem.musicTrack"/>
+ <map from="video/*" to="object.item.videoItem"/>
+ <map from="image/*" to="object.item.imageItem"/>
+ </mimetype-upnpclass>
+ <mimetype-contenttype>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/mpeg" as="mp3"/>
+ <treat mimetype="application/ogg" as="ogg"/>
+ <treat mimetype="video/ogg" as="ogg"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/ogg" as="ogg"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/x-flac" as="flac"/>
+ <treat mimetype="image/jpeg" as="jpg"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/x-mpegurl" as="playlist"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/x-scpls" as="playlist"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/x-wav" as="pcm"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/L16" as="pcm"/>
+ <treat mimetype="video/x-msvideo" as="avi"/>
+ <treat mimetype="video/mp4" as="mp4"/>
+ <treat mimetype="audio/mp4" as="mp4"/>
+ <treat mimetype="video/divx" as="avi"/>
+ </mimetype-contenttype>
+ </mappings>
+ <online-content>
+ <YouTube enabled="no" refresh="28800" update-at-start="yes" purge-after="604800" racy-content="exclude" format="mp4" hd="no">
+ <favorites user="NationalGeographic"/>
+ <playlists user="PlayStation"/>
+ <uploads user="Google"/>
+ <standardfeed feed="most_viewed" time-range="today"/>
+ <standardfeed feed="recently_featured" time-range="today"/>
+ </YouTube>
+ </online-content>
+ </import>
+ <transcoding enabled="no">
+ <mimetype-profile-mappings>
+ <transcode mimetype="audio/ogg" using="audio2pcm"/>
+ <transcode mimetype="audio/x-flac" using="audio2pcm"/>
+ <transcode mimetype="video/ogg" using="video2mpeg"/>
+ <transcode mimetype="video/x-flv" using="video2mpeg"/>
+ </mimetype-profile-mappings>
+ <profiles>
+ <profile name="audio2pcm" enabled="yes" type="external">
+ <mimetype>audio/L16</mimetype>
+ <accept-url>no</accept-url>
+ <first-resource>yes</first-resource>
+ <hide-original-resource>yes</hide-original-resource>
+ <accept-ogg-theora>no</accept-ogg-theora>
+ <sample-frequency>44100</sample-frequency>
+ <audio-channels>2</audio-channels>
+ <agent command="ffmpeg" arguments="-i %in -acodec pcm_s16be -ab 192k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16be -y %out"/>
+ <buffer size="1048576" chunk-size="131072" fill-size="262144"/>
+ </profile>
+ <profile name="video2mpeg" enabled="yes" type="external">
+ <mimetype>video/mpeg</mimetype>
+ <accept-url>no</accept-url>
+ <first-resource>yes</first-resource>
+ <hide-original-resource>yes</hide-original-resource>
+ <accept-ogg-theora>yes</accept-ogg-theora>
+ <sample-frequency>48000</sample-frequency>
+ <audio-channels>2</audio-channels>
+ <agent command="ffmpeg" arguments="-i %in -vcodec mpeg2video -b 4096k -r 25 -acodec mp2 -ab 192k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -async 1 -f dvd -threads 2 -y %out"/>
+ <buffer size="10485760" chunk-size="262144" fill-size="524288"/>
+ </profile>
+ </profiles>
+ </transcoding>
diff --git a/net-misc/mediatomb/mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild b/net-misc/mediatomb/mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0bd22c6d1a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/mediatomb/mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/mediatomb/mediatomb-0.12.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/03/29 22:32:23 darkside Exp $
+inherit eutils linux-info
+DESCRIPTION="MediaTomb is an open source UPnP MediaServer"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="debug +exif +ffmpeg inotify +javascript lastfm +mp4 mysql +taglib thumbnail"
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ !mysql? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3 )
+ javascript? ( dev-lang/spidermonkey )
+ dev-libs/expat
+ taglib? ( media-libs/taglib )
+ !taglib? ( media-libs/id3lib )
+ lastfm? ( >=media-libs/lastfmlib-0.4 )
+ exif? ( media-libs/libexif )
+ mp4? ( media-libs/libmp4v2 )
+ ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg )
+ thumbnail? ( media-video/ffmpegthumbnailer[jpeg] )
+ net-misc/curl
+ sys-apps/file
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ virtual/libiconv"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use inotify; then
+ if linux_config_exists; then
+ if ! linux_chkconfig_present INOTIFY_USER; then
+ ewarn "Please enable Inotify support in your kernel:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " File systems --->"
+ ewarn " [*] Inotify support for userspace"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ enewgroup mediatomb
+ enewuser mediatomb -1 -1 /dev/null mediatomb
+src_configure() {
+ if use thumbnail; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-ffmpegthumbnailer --enable-ffmpeg"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable thumbnail ffmpegthumbnailer) $(use_enable ffmpeg)"
+ fi
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable debug tombdebug) \
+ $(use_enable exif libexif) \
+ $(use_enable inotify) \
+ $(use_enable javascript libjs) \
+ $(use_enable lastfm lastfmlib) \
+ $(use_enable mp4 libmp4v2) \
+ $(use_enable mysql) $(use_enable !mysql sqlite3) \
+ $(use_enable taglib) $(use_enable !taglib id3lib) \
+ --enable-curl \
+ --enable-external-transcoding \
+ --enable-libmagic \
+ --enable-protocolinfo-extension \
+ --enable-youtube \
+ --enable-zlib \
+ ${myconf}
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "Install failed!"
+ sed -e "s:#MYSQL#:$(use mysql && has_version dev-db/mysql[-minimal] && echo "mysql"):" \
+ "${FILESDIR}/mediatomb.initd" > "${T}/mediatomb.initd" || die
+ newinitd "${T}/mediatomb.initd" mediatomb || die
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/mediatomb.confd" mediatomb || die
+ insinto /etc/mediatomb
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/${P}.config" config.xml || die
+ fperms 0600 /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
+ fowners mediatomb:mediatomb /etc/mediatomb/config.xml
+ keepdir /var/lib/mediatomb
+ fowners mediatomb:mediatomb /var/lib/mediatomb
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use mysql; then
+ elog "MediaTomb has been built with MySQL support and needs"
+ elog "to be configured before being started."
+ elog "For more information, please consult the MediaTomb"
+ elog "documentation:"
+ elog
+ fi
+ elog "To configure MediaTomb edit:"
+ elog "/etc/mediatomb/config.xml"
+ elog
+ elog "To start MediaTomb:"
+ elog "/etc/init.d/mediatomb start"
+ elog
+ elog "To start MediaTomb at boot:"
+ elog "rc-update add mediatomb default"
+ elog
+ elog "The MediaTomb web interface can be reached at:"
+ elog "http://localhost:49152/"
diff --git a/net-misc/mediatomb/metadata.xml b/net-misc/mediatomb/metadata.xml
index d8e28d9f7583..9c5981b18139 100644
--- a/net-misc/mediatomb/metadata.xml
+++ b/net-misc/mediatomb/metadata.xml
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
- <flag name="taglib">
- Use <pkg>media-libs/taglib</pkg> for reading files' metadata
- rather than id3lib. If this USE flag is disabled
- <pkg>media-libs/id3lib</pkg> is used in its stead.
- </flag>
- <flag name="mysql">
- Use <pkg>dev-db/mysql</pkg> as backend rather than SQLite3. If
- this USE flag is disabled, <pkg>dev-db/sqlite</pkg> is used in its
- stead.
- </flag>
- <flag name="libextractor">Use libextractor to gather files' metadata.</flag>
+ <flag name="inotify">Enable inotify filesystem monitoring support</flag>
+ <flag name="lastfm">Enable support</flag>
+ <flag name="libextractor">Use libextractor to gather files' metadata.</flag>
+ <flag name="mysql">Use <pkg>dev-db/mysql</pkg> as backend rather than
+ SQLite3. If this USE flag is disabled, <pkg>dev-db/sqlite</pkg> is used
+ instead.</flag>
+ <flag name="taglib">Use <pkg>media-libs/taglib</pkg> for reading files'
+ metadata rather than id3lib. If this USE flag is disabled
+ <pkg>media-libs/id3lib</pkg> is used instead.</flag>
+ <flag name="thumbnail">Enables video thumbnails generation through
+ <pkg>media-video/ffmpegthumbnailer</pkg></flag>