diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2011-10-23 16:39:18 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2011-10-23 16:39:18 +0000
commit662e74bd1b8c29eb0969bee65bc8b611ff5e3b91 (patch)
treee005a7824223df4bc67006ef187a7ee442432ad1 /app-admin/sudo
parentmedia-libs/freeverb3: Bump to 2.5.22 (diff)
Version bump.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha70/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/sudo')
3 files changed, 198 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog b/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog
index 2c4d418b38a6..1c94d6dda5b4 100644
--- a/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for app-admin/sudo
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog,v 1.282 2011/10/12 18:50:26 slyfox Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/sudo/ChangeLog,v 1.283 2011/10/23 16:39:18 flameeyes Exp $
+*sudo-1.8.3 (23 Oct 2011)
+ 23 Oct 2011; Diego E. Pettenò <> +sudo-1.8.3.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
*sudo-1.8.2-r1 (12 Oct 2011)
diff --git a/app-admin/sudo/Manifest b/app-admin/sudo/Manifest
index 4f5c3cc728d2..edc50ccf063b 100644
--- a/app-admin/sudo/Manifest
+++ b/app-admin/sudo/Manifest
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ AUX sudo-skeychallengeargs.diff 567 RMD160 906ee43a7c2f21d1cf5130eac5c98ef083315
DIST sudo-1.7.4p5.tar.gz 966176 RMD160 24fcaa065f9efc229abcf2b70ec4faca03efa32d SHA1 bb9c9ff6ce6d4c70bdc546316442e7021ca754c2 SHA256 72e8e3545f314d342f178b0fee4b483e26d70ef132b081699be035da0f0acbba
DIST sudo-1.8.1p2.tar.gz 1238804 RMD160 165029d462e737c885b1d32accb9b2b19411a0fb SHA1 b743b3d7bdb06de68ea24eedfe13530e8fbcae09 SHA256 281f90c80547cf22132e351e7f61c25ba4ba9cf393438468f318f9a7884026fb
DIST sudo-1.8.2.tar.gz 1465051 RMD160 daebd7f67fff6429c3cb85260e9b11f0c3e28e3c SHA1 6a9400ba3e40394fd9c913219e3b6bb102bb3906 SHA256 37fe6ee670329bc45937fbe402e847f80b3a0a1c8fc9a66487e92b4b810152b0
+DIST sudo-1.8.3.tar.gz 1536180 RMD160 4ef72b9e0fcf337493df3e1797c55a3ae5578964 SHA1 59cd7204fc6dbc2ac6024eb2ec43d4d7747d52df SHA256 ff1fcc410c5465063ee4912912e29936ea39f017d9a8a57ec76b0ded71b7c3c4
EBUILD sudo-1.7.4_p5.ebuild 7202 RMD160 6a25c3582d4a4765b58851e769ea13b06a90fd30 SHA1 6c0d870bc05e758f40f1028192a77836ff5a50ba SHA256 e5142ec5ea32a80daca760bf8413828bfba8aa3c54e9f58eed326da4661ebcb2
EBUILD sudo-1.8.1_p2.ebuild 5052 RMD160 830050dd4b7d2aea5b12fcfa4c659400e00b95ab SHA1 18ce6dfc5d645f0a5a5968ae344e9b6ec33efac8 SHA256 6485402e94a6229f4f89980b10b927150372040dc24e295cbafb8cca969aa305
EBUILD sudo-1.8.2-r1.ebuild 5208 RMD160 b6dee6dac8d10b6afd9d4419fedf5693b2592335 SHA1 45826e9a6478ff9c0a2c9c0a6f4bc8c31258eed4 SHA256 2f3fc06da841356c8524c48c388d0b181ae3edaeb6c8448cca2cd790df7ff544
-MISC ChangeLog 41465 RMD160 161d21e47ec82ed9b875770f949cabacfa8d4854 SHA1 deca00f0c10e11c2570e5d996de3f23f0bf17e7a SHA256 6efcbb5583601d9740a43a899cd9555726b1e61d38d2759150596e0e9f9a42d9
+EBUILD sudo-1.8.3.ebuild 5106 RMD160 a1faf25fc0006508a17fdf3e917e7a91c53b3d15 SHA1 557fee384131f17c95abc6d127759e2c7f20ea2e SHA256 4bec089fab7a3750b20d132d0e201d44eeb420c8fce43eefaa4beac0901cc23f
+MISC ChangeLog 41588 RMD160 b3748b0a59bfea1286bbc6f1c5e44ec95222cff7 SHA1 e92ed1a4720f8a449be8500ed0e218dee619771c SHA256 de825919fe0ac179055d60c8eab5db2557844e2609622da4bcb0f0f1ba5fc499
MISC metadata.xml 560 RMD160 4e8bb9df73a4095b15b23d4ca31dea29b3f376d2 SHA1 a29e70672a1c039c4a97ee65e3e077ba0a01f26b SHA256 465d0ea14b7db3ecd0bad7c175f9e17003794145f5f59c4941f848960c91048a
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/app-admin/sudo/sudo-1.8.3.ebuild b/app-admin/sudo/sudo-1.8.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1bf7ded28ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/sudo/sudo-1.8.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/sudo/sudo-1.8.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/10/23 16:39:18 flameeyes Exp $
+inherit eutils pam multilib libtool
+case "${P}" in
+ *_beta* | *_rc*)
+ uri_prefix=beta/
+ ;;
+ *)
+ uri_prefix=""
+ ;;
+DESCRIPTION="Allows users or groups to run commands as other users"
+# Basic license is ISC-style as-is, some files are released under
+# 3-clause BSD license
+LICENSE="as-is BSD"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="pam offensive ldap selinux skey"
+DEPEND="pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ skey? ( >=sys-auth/skey-1.1.5-r1 )
+ ldap? (
+ >=net-nds/openldap-2.1.30-r1
+ dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
+ )
+ >=app-misc/editor-wrapper-3
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ virtual/editor
+ virtual/mta"
+RDEPEND="selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-sudo )
+ ldap? ( dev-lang/perl )
+ pam? ( sys-auth/pambase )
+ ${DEPEND}"
+ sys-devel/bison"
+REQUIRED_USE="pam? ( !skey ) skey? ( !pam )"
+src_prepare() {
+ elibtoolize
+src_configure() {
+ local line ROOTPATH
+ # FIXME: secure_path is a compile time setting. using ROOTPATH
+ # is not perfect, env-update may invalidate this, but until it
+ # is available as a sudoers setting this will have to do.
+ einfo "Setting secure_path..."
+ # why not use grep? variable might be expanded from other variables
+ # declared in that file. cannot just source the file, would override
+ # any variables already set.
+ eval `PS4= bash -x /etc/profile.env 2>&1 | \
+ while read line; do
+ case $line in
+ ROOTPATH=*) echo $line; break;;
+ *) continue;;
+ esac
+ done` && einfo " Found ROOTPATH..." || \
+ ewarn " Failed to find ROOTPATH, please report this."
+ # remove duplicate path entries from $1
+ cleanpath() {
+ local i=1 x n IFS=:
+ local -a paths; paths=($1)
+ for ((n=${#paths[*]}-1;i<=n;i++)); do
+ for ((x=0;x<i;x++)); do
+ test "${paths[i]}" == "${paths[x]}" && {
+ einfo " Duplicate entry ${paths[i]} removed..." 1>&2
+ unset paths[i]; continue 2; }
+ done; # einfo " Adding ${paths[i]}..." 1>&2
+ done; echo "${paths[*]}"
+ }
+ ROOTPATH=$(cleanpath /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/bin${ROOTPATH:+:${ROOTPATH}})
+ # strip gcc path (bug #136027)
+ rmpath() {
+ declare e newpath oldpath=${!1} PATHvar=$1 thisp IFS=:
+ shift
+ for thisp in $oldpath; do
+ for e; do [[ $thisp == $e ]] && continue 2; done
+ newpath=$newpath:$thisp
+ done
+ eval $PATHvar='${newpath#:}'
+ }
+ rmpath ROOTPATH '*/gcc-bin/*'
+ rmpath ROOTPATH '*/gnat-gcc-bin/*'
+ rmpath ROOTPATH '*/gnat-gcc/*'
+ einfo "...done."
+ # audit: somebody got to explain me how I can test this before I
+ # enable it.. — Diego
+ econf \
+ --enable-zlib=system \
+ --with-secure-path="${ROOTPATH}" \
+ --with-editor=/usr/libexec/editor \
+ --with-env-editor \
+ $(use_with offensive insults) \
+ $(use_with offensive all-insults) \
+ $(use_with ldap ldap_conf_file /etc/ldap.conf.sudo) \
+ $(use_with ldap) \
+ $(use_with pam) \
+ $(use_with skey) \
+ --without-opie \
+ --without-linux-audit \
+ --with-timedir=/var/db/sudo \
+ --with-plugindir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/sudo \
+ --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ if use ldap; then
+ dodoc README.LDAP doc/schema.OpenLDAP
+ dosbin plugins/sudoers/sudoers2ldif
+ cat - > "${T}"/ldap.conf.sudo <<EOF
+# See ldap.conf(5) and README.LDAP for details\n"
+# This file should only be readable by root\n\n"
+# supported directives: host, port, ssl, ldap_version\n"
+# uri, binddn, bindpw, sudoers_base, sudoers_debug\n"
+# tls_{checkpeer,cacertfile,cacertdir,randfile,ciphers,cert,key
+ insinto /etc
+ doins "${T}"/ldap.conf.sudo
+ fperms 0440 /etc/ldap.conf.sudo
+ fi
+ pamd_mimic system-auth sudo auth account session
+ keepdir /var/db/sudo
+ fperms 0700 /var/db/sudo
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use ldap; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "sudo uses the /etc/ldap.conf.sudo file for ldap configuration."
+ ewarn
+ if egrep -q '^[[:space:]]*sudoers:' "${ROOT}"/etc/nsswitch.conf; then
+ ewarn "In 1.7 series, LDAP is no more consulted, unless explicitly"
+ ewarn "configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "To make use of LDAP, add this line to your /etc/nsswitch.conf:"
+ ewarn " sudoers: ldap files"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ elog "To use the -A (askpass) option, you need to install a compatible"
+ elog "password program from the following list. Starred packages will"
+ elog "automatically register for the use with sudo (but will not force"
+ elog "the -A option):"
+ elog ""
+ elog " [*] net-misc/ssh-askpass-fullscreen"
+ elog " net-misc/x11-ssh-askpass"
+ elog ""
+ elog "You can override the choice by setting the SUDO_ASKPASS environmnent"
+ elog "variable to the program you want to use."