diff options
authorDoug Goldstein <>2008-08-07 02:15:18 +0000
committerDoug Goldstein <>2008-08-07 02:15:18 +0000
commite6ed8c8a6530b81d5f7c711fdadc6957c966a94f (patch)
tree6121e7a026c41bd61d48eafcd69b752b44c18175 /profiles
parentadd GLEP 56 USE flag desc from use.local.desc (diff)
latest generated use.local.desc
Diffstat (limited to 'profiles')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/profiles/use.local.desc b/profiles/use.local.desc
index 9570ff86566a..d97540508007 100644
--- a/profiles/use.local.desc
+++ b/profiles/use.local.desc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc,v 1.3716 2008/08/07 02:13:50 mr_bones_ Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/use.local.desc,v 1.3717 2008/08/07 02:15:18 cardoe Exp $
# This file contains descriptions of local USE flags, and the ebuilds which
# contain them.
# Keep it sorted.
@@ -197,17 +197,17 @@ app-doc/pms:all-options - Include both sides of kdebuild conditionals, shown in
app-doc/pms:html - Generate PMS as .html as well
app-doc/pms:kdebuild - Include specification for the kdebuild EAPI, see
app-editors/cssed:plugins - Install plugin development files
+app-editors/emacs-cvs:gzip-el - Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source
+app-editors/emacs-cvs:hesiod - Enable support for net-dns/hesiod
+app-editors/emacs-cvs:sound - Enable sound
+app-editors/emacs-cvs:toolkit-scroll-bars - Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference to Emacs' own scrollbars
+app-editors/emacs-cvs:xft - Build Emacs with support for the XFT font renderer
app-editors/emacs:gzip-el - Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source
app-editors/emacs:hesiod - Enable support for net-dns/hesiod
app-editors/emacs:leim - Add support for Emacs input methods
app-editors/emacs:sendmail - Build Emacs with MTA support
app-editors/emacs:sound - Enable sound
app-editors/emacs:toolkit-scroll-bars - Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference to Emacs' own scrollbars
-app-editors/emacs-cvs:gzip-el - Compress bundled Emacs Lisp source
-app-editors/emacs-cvs:hesiod - Enable support for net-dns/hesiod
-app-editors/emacs-cvs:sound - Enable sound
-app-editors/emacs-cvs:toolkit-scroll-bars - Use the selected toolkit's scrollbars in preference to Emacs' own scrollbars
-app-editors/emacs-cvs:xft - Build Emacs with support for the XFT font renderer
app-editors/fe:sendmail - Send mail after editor abend
app-editors/gvim:aqua - Include support for the Aqua / Carbon GUI
app-editors/gvim:netbeans - Include netbeans externaleditor integration support
@@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ app-emulation/uae:sdl-sound - Use media-sound/sdl-soundfor audio output
app-emulation/uae:ui - Build the user interface (could be gtk or ncurses based, depending on sdl, dga, svga and aalib USE flags)
app-emulation/vice:resid - Enable support for ReSID media-libs/resid
app-emulation/virtualbox:additions - Install Guest System Tools ISO
-app-emulation/virtualbox:headless - Build without any graphic frontend
-app-emulation/virtualbox:sdk - Enable building of SDK
app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:additions - Install Guest System Tools ISO
app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:chm - Install help files and add chm reader dependency
app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:headless - Install without any graphic frontend
app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:sdk - Enable building of SDK
app-emulation/virtualbox-bin:vboxwebsrv - Install the VirtualBox webservice
+app-emulation/virtualbox:headless - Build without any graphic frontend
+app-emulation/virtualbox:sdk - Enable building of SDK
app-emulation/vov:gprof - build with profiling support
app-emulation/wine:gecko - Add support for the Gecko engine when using iexplore
app-emulation/xen:custom-cflags - Use CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf rather than the default Xen CFLAGS (not supported)
@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ app-portage/portato:userpriv - Allow emerge processes as normal user
app-shells/bash:bashlogger - Log ALL commands typed into bash; should ONLY be used in restricted environments such as honeypots
app-shells/bash:plugins - Add support for loading builtins at runtime via 'enable'
app-shells/pdsh:rsh - This allows the use of rsh (remote shell) and rcp (remote copy) for authoring websites. sftp is a much more secure protocol and is preferred.
-app-shells/scsh:scsh - Use a non-FHS directory layout
app-shells/scsh-install-lib:scsh - Use a non-FHS directory layout
+app-shells/scsh:scsh - Use a non-FHS directory layout
app-shells/shish:diet - Use dev-libs/dietlibc
app-shells/tcsh:catalogs - Add support for NLS catalogs
app-text/crm114:mew - Add support for using the mewdecode mime decoder ( app-emacs/mew)
@@ -464,45 +464,45 @@ app-text/xpdf:nodrm - Disable the drm feature decoder
app-vim/gentoo-syntax:ignore-glep31 - Remove GLEP 31 (UTF-8 file encodings) settings
app-vim/vcscommand:git - Enable support for dev-util/git
app-vim/vcscommand:svk - Enable support for dev-util/svk
-dev-cpp/sptk:aspell - Enable Aspell support
+dev-cpp/sptk:aspell - Enable support for app-text/aspell
dev-cpp/sptk:excel - Enable Excel support
-dev-db/libpq:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage.
+dev-db/libpq:pg-intdatetime - Enable --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage
dev-db/mysql:big-tables - Make tables contain up to 1.844E+19 rows
-dev-db/mysql:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering.
-dev-db/mysql:embedded - Build embedded server (libmysqld)
-dev-db/mysql:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines.
-dev-db/mysql:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8.
-dev-db/mysql:max-idx-128 - Raise the max index per table limit from 64 to 128
-dev-db/mysql:minimal - Install client programs only, no server
-dev-db/mysql:raid - deprecated option, removed in the 5.0 series
+dev-db/mysql:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering
dev-db/mysql-community:big-tables - Make tables contain up to 1.844E+19 rows
-dev-db/mysql-community:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering.
+dev-db/mysql-community:cluster - Add support for NDB clustering
dev-db/mysql-community:embedded - Build embedded server (libmysqld)
-dev-db/mysql-community:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines.
-dev-db/mysql-community:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8.
+dev-db/mysql-community:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines
+dev-db/mysql-community:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8
dev-db/mysql-community:max-idx-128 - Raise the max index per table limit from 64 to 128
dev-db/mysql-community:minimal - Install client programs only, no server
dev-db/mysql-community:pbxt - Add experimental support for pbxt storage engine
+dev-db/mysql:embedded - Build embedded server (libmysqld)
+dev-db/mysql:extraengine - Add support for alternative storage engines
dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:administrator - Build and install MySQL Administrator
dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:query-browser - Build and install MySQL Query Browser
dev-db/mysql-gui-tools:workbench - Build and install MySQL Workbench
-dev-db/pgcluster:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage.
-dev-db/postgis:geos - Add the GEOS library for exact topological tests.
-dev-db/postgis:proj - Add the Proj library for reprojection features.
-dev-db/postgresql:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage.
-dev-db/postgresql-base:pg-intdatetime - Enables --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage.
-dev-db/postgresql-server:uuid - Enabled server side UUID generation (via dev-libs/ossp-uuid)
-dev-db/rekall:xbase - Support for the Xbase db family, covering dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, Visual dBase/Objects/FoxPro plus some older products.
-dev-db/sqlite:nothreadsafe - turn off thread safe operation of sqlite
+dev-db/mysql:latin1 - Use LATIN1 encoding instead of UTF8
+dev-db/mysql:max-idx-128 - Raise the max index per table limit from 64 to 128
+dev-db/mysql:minimal - Install client programs only, no server
+dev-db/mysql:raid - Deprecated option, removed in the 5.0 series
+dev-db/pgcluster:pg-intdatetime - Enable --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage
+dev-db/postgis:geos - Add the sci-libs/geoslibrary for exact topological tests
+dev-db/postgis:proj - Add the sci-libs/projlibrary for reprojection features
+dev-db/postgresql-base:pg-intdatetime - Enable --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage
+dev-db/postgresql:pg-intdatetime - Enable --enable-integer-datetimes configure option, which changes PG to use 64-bit integers for timestamp storage
+dev-db/postgresql-server:uuid - Enable server side UUID generation (via dev-libs/ossp-uuid)
+dev-db/rekall:xbase - Support for the Xbase db family, covering dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, Visual dBase/Objects/FoxPro plus some older products
+dev-db/sqlite:nothreadsafe - Turn off thread safe operation of sqlite
dev-db/sqlite:soundex - Enable the soundex function to compute soundex encodings of strings
dev-db/sqlite:threadsafe - Enable thread safe operation of sqlite
-dev-embedded/openocd:ft2232 - Enable support for USB chips via libftd2xx
-dev-embedded/openocd:ftdi - Enable support for USB FTDI chips
+dev-embedded/openocd:ft2232 - Enable support for USB chips via dev-embedded/libftd2xx
+dev-embedded/openocd:ftdi - Enable support for USB FTDI chips ( dev-embedded/libftdi)
dev-embedded/openocd:parport - Enable support for parport JTAG devices
dev-embedded/openocd:presto - Enable support for AXIS PRESTO devices
-dev-embedded/ponyprog:epiphany - Enable epiphany support
-dev-embedded/sdcc:boehm-gc - Enable Hans Boehm's garbage collector
-dev-embedded/urjtag:ftdi - Enable support for USB FTDI chips
+dev-embedded/ponyprog:epiphany - Enable support for www-client/epiphany
+dev-embedded/sdcc:boehm-gc - Enable Hans Boehm's garbage collector ( dev-libs/boehm-gc)
+dev-embedded/urjtag:ftdi - Enable support for USB FTDI chips ( dev-embedded/libftdi)
dev-games/cegui:devil - Enable image loading via DevIL
dev-games/cegui:irrlicht - Enable the Irrlicht renderer
dev-games/cegui:xerces-c - Enable the Xerces-C++ XML parser module
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ dev-games/ogre:cegui - build the CEGUI samples
dev-games/ogre:cg - NVIDIA toolkit plugin
dev-games/ogre:devil - image loading support with DevIL
dev-games/ogre:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed
-dev-haskell/gtk2hs:glade - Enable libglade bindings compilation
+dev-haskell/gtk2hs:glade - Enable gnome-base/libgladebindings compilation
dev-java/ant:antlr - Enable ANTLR Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:bcel - Enable bcel (bytecode manipulation) Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:bsf - Enable BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) Ant tasks
@@ -531,10 +531,10 @@ dev-java/ant:jdepend - Enable Jdepend Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:jmf - Enable JMF (Java Media Framework) Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:jsch - Disable Jsch (ssh, scp and related) Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:log4j - Enable Apache log4j Ant tasks
+dev-java/antlr:script - Install a script to run antlr
dev-java/ant:oro - Enable Apache Oro Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:regexp - Enable Apache Regexp Ant tasks
dev-java/ant:resolver - Enable Apache Resolver Ant tasks
-dev-java/antlr:script - Install a script to run antlr
dev-java/ant-tasks:antlr - Enable ANTLR Ant tasks
dev-java/ant-tasks:bcel - Enable bcel (bytecode manipulation) Ant tasks
dev-java/ant-tasks:bsf - Enable BSF (Bean Scripting Framework) Ant tasks
@@ -637,59 +637,63 @@ dev-lang/swig:mzscheme - Enable PLT mzscheme support
dev-lang/swig:octave - Enable Octave support
dev-lang/swig:pike - Enable Pike scripting support
dev-lang/swig:R - Enable R support
-dev-libs/ace:ciao - include Component Intergraced Ace ORB into the build of ace
-dev-libs/ace:tao - include the ACE ORB (CORBA stuff) (called tao) into the build of ace
+dev-libs/ace:ciao - Include Component Intergraced Ace ORB into the build of ace
+dev-libs/ace:tao - Include the ACE ORB (CORBA stuff) (called tao) into the build of ace
dev-libs/apr:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random
dev-libs/boost:bcp - Install the bcp tool
dev-libs/boost:bjam - Install the BoostJam tool
dev-libs/boost:icu - Add unicode support to boost.regex using dev-libs/icu
dev-libs/boost:pyste - Add support for the pyste frontend
dev-libs/boost:threadsonly - Only build multithreaded libs
-dev-libs/boost:tools - Build and install the boost tools (bcp,quickbook,inspect,wave)
-dev-libs/cyberjack:noudev - disable installation of udev rules
-dev-libs/cyberjack:pcsc-lite - enable installation of pcsc-lite driver
-dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:authdaemond - Enable Courier-IMAP authdaemond's unix socket support.
-dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:ntlm_unsupported_patch - Adds NTLM samba NOT supported patch
+dev-libs/boost:tools - Build and install the boost tools (bcp, quickbook, inspect, wave)
+dev-libs/cyberjack:noudev - Disable installation of udev rules
+dev-libs/cyberjack:pcsc-lite - Enable installation of sys-apps/pcsc-litedriver
+dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:authdaemond - Enable Courier-IMAP authdaemond's unix socket support ( net-mail/courier-imap, mail-mta/courier)
+dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:ntlm_unsupported_patch - Add NTLM net-fs/sambaNOT supported patch
dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:sample - Build sample client and server
-dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:srp - Enables SRP in cyrus-sasl
+dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:srp - Enable SRP
dev-libs/cyrus-sasl:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random
-dev-libs/DirectFB:fusion - add Multi Application support (fusion kernel device)
+dev-libs/DirectFB-extra:flash - Add support for creating SWF files using Ming ( media-libs/libflash)
+dev-libs/DirectFB-extra:fusion - Add Multi Application support (fusion kernel device)
+dev-libs/DirectFB:fusion - Add Multi Application support (fusion kernel device)
dev-libs/DirectFB:sysfs - Add support for the sysfs filesystem (requires Linux-2.6+)
-dev-libs/DirectFB-extra:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming
-dev-libs/DirectFB-extra:fusion - add Multi Application support (fusion kernel device)
-dev-libs/fcgi:html - Adds HTML documentation.
-dev-libs/ferrisloki:stlport - Include support for STLport
-dev-libs/klibc:n32 - Force klibc to 32bit if on mips64 if not n32 userland.
+dev-libs/fcgi:html - Install HTML documentation
+dev-libs/ferrisloki:stlport - Include support for dev-libs/STLport
+dev-libs/klibc:n32 - Force klibc to 32bit if on mips64 if not n32 userland
+dev-libs/libcdio:minimal - Only build the libcdio library and little more, just to be used to link against from multimedia players. With this USE flag enabled, none of the command-line utilities are built, nor is the CDDA library.
dev-libs/libgcrypt:idea - Use the patented IDEA algorithm
dev-libs/libjit:interpreter - Enable the libjit interpreter
dev-libs/libjit:long-double - Enable the use of long double for jit_nfloat
dev-libs/libjit:new-reg-alloc - Enable new register allocator
-dev-libs/libmix:no-net2 - disable libpcap and libnet support
-dev-libs/libprelude:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings
+dev-libs/libmix:no-net2 - Disable support for virtual/libpcapand net-libs/libnet
dev-libs/libpreludedb:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings
-dev-libs/libproccpuinfo:sender - Build a utility for sending the author your /proc/cpuinfo file.
-dev-libs/libsqlora8:orathreads - specifies use of Oracle threads
-dev-libs/libtomcrypt:libtommath - Use the portable math library
-dev-libs/libtomcrypt:tomsfastmath - Use the optimized math library
-dev-libs/log4cxx:smtp - offer SMTP support via libsmtp
+dev-libs/libprelude:swig - Enable rebuild of swig bindings
+dev-libs/libproccpuinfo:sender - Build a utility for sending the author your /proc/cpuinfo file
+dev-libs/libsqlora8:orathreads - Use Oracle threads
+dev-libs/libtomcrypt:libtommath - Use the portable math library ( dev-libs/libtommath)
+dev-libs/libtomcrypt:tomsfastmath - Use the optimized math library ( dev-libs/tomsfastmath)
+dev-libs/log4cxx:smtp - Offer SMTP support via net-libs/libesmtp
dev-libs/nss:utils - Install utilities included with the library
-dev-libs/opencryptoki:tpmtok - offer support for TPM token
-dev-libs/openobex:irda - enable IrDA support
-dev-libs/opensc:openct - build using dev-libs/openct compatibility
-dev-libs/opensc:pcsc-lite - build with pcsc-lite
+dev-libs/opencryptoki:tpmtok - Offer support for TPM token
+dev-libs/openobex:irda - Enable IrDA support
+dev-libs/opensc:openct - Build using dev-libs/openctcompatibility
+dev-libs/opensc:pcsc-lite - Build with sys-apps/pcsc-lite
dev-libs/pkcs11-helper:nss - Enable NSS crypto engine
-dev-libs/qsa:ide - enable the qsa ide
-dev-libs/soprano:clucene - Enable clucene backend support (recommended)
-dev-libs/STLport:boost - Enable the usage of boost
-dev-libs/xerces-c:icu - Use ICU as message loader and transcoder instead of builtin or iconv
+dev-libs/qsa:ide - Enable the qsa ide
+dev-libs/soprano:clucene - Enable dev-cpp/clucenebackend support (recommended)
+dev-libs/STLport:boost - Enable the usage of dev-libs/boost
+dev-libs/xerces-c:iconv - Use iconv ( virtual/libiconv) as message loader and transcoder (in general it would be possible to use iconv only as message loader and something else like icu or the native method as transcoder and vice-versa, but this is a less common case and hard to handle)
+dev-libs/xerces-c:icu - Use ICU ( dev-libs/icu) as message loader and transcoder. ICU supports over 180 different encodings and/or locale specific message support
+dev-libs/xerces-c:libwww - Use the net-libs/libwwwlibrary for fetching URLs, instead of the builtin method
+dev-libs/xerces-c:threads - Enable threading support through pthread (or other libraries on AIX, IRIX, HPUX, Solars). Highly recommended
dev-libs/xerces-c:xqilla - Apply patches from the XQilla project and install additional header files
dev-libs/yaz:icu - Enable ICU (Internationalization Components for Unicode) support, using dev-libs/icu
dev-libs/yaz:ziffy - Install ziffy, a promiscuous Z39.50 APDU sniffer
dev-lisp/abcl:clisp - Build Armed Bear Common Lisp using GNU CLISP
dev-lisp/abcl:cmucl - Build Armed Bear Common Lisp using CMU Common Lisp
-dev-lisp/abcl:jad - Enable support for disassembling compiled code using JAD
dev-lisp/abcl-cvs:jpty - Enable PTY support
dev-lisp/abcl-cvs:libabcl - Enable ^C handler (from JNI)
+dev-lisp/abcl:jad - Enable support for disassembling compiled code using JAD
dev-lisp/cl-araneida:standalone - tired of waiting for the lisp team to add this
dev-lisp/clisp:hyperspec - Use local hyperspec instead of online version
dev-lisp/clisp:new-clx - Build CLISP with support for the NEW-CLX module which is a C binding to the Xorg libraries
@@ -708,12 +712,11 @@ dev-ml/lablgtk:glade - Enable libglade bindings compilation.
dev-ml/lablgtk:gnomecanvas - Enable libgnomecanvas bindings compilation.
dev-ml/lablgtk:sourceview - Enable GtkSourceView support
dev-ml/ocamlnet:httpd - Enables net-httpd web server component
-dev-perl/Eidetic:auth - Enables Apache-AuthTicket based cookie authentication
+dev-perl/Eidetic:auth - Enables dev-perl/Apache-AuthTicketbased cookie authentication
dev-perl/GD:animgif - Enable animated gif support
-dev-perl/HTML-Mason:modperl - Enable modperl support
-dev-perl/PDL:badval - Enable badval support in PDL
-dev-perl/RPC-XML:modperl - Enable modperl support
-dev-php/PEAR-PHP_Shell:auto-completion - Enable tab-completion
+dev-perl/HTML-Mason:modperl - Enable www-apache/mod_perlsupport
+dev-perl/PDL:badval - Enable badval support
+dev-perl/RPC-XML:modperl - Enable www-apache/mod_perlsupport
dev-php4/eaccelerator:contentcache - Enable content caching
dev-php4/eaccelerator:disassembler - Enable the eA disassembler
dev-php4/eaccelerator:inode - Use inode-based caching
@@ -727,6 +730,7 @@ dev-php5/php-gtk:libsexy - Enable libsexy support
dev-php5/php-gtk:mozembed - Enable GtkMozembed support
dev-php5/php-gtk:scintilla - Enable Scintilla support
dev-php5/php-gtk:sourceview - Enable GtkSourceView support
+dev-php/PEAR-PHP_Shell:auto-completion - Enable tab-completion
dev-python/cgkit:3ds - enable support for importing 3D Studio models
dev-python/dap:server - Enable OpenDAP server support
dev-python/docutils:glep - Install support for GLEPs
@@ -747,15 +751,15 @@ dev-python/twisted:serial - include serial port support
dev-python/visual:numarray - enable support for numarray
dev-python/visual:numeric - enable support for numeric
dev-python/zsi:twisted - add support for dev-python/twisted
-dev-ruby/camping:mongrel - install Mongrel
-dev-ruby/nitro:lighttpd - install lighttpd
-dev-ruby/nitro:xslt - enable xslt support
-dev-ruby/og:kirbybase - enable Kirbybase support
-dev-ruby/rubygems:server - rubygems server support
-dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:image - enable sdl-image support
-dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:mixer - enable sdl-mixer support
-dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:sge - enable sdl-sge support
-dev-ruby/sqlite3-ruby:swig - Use swig to generate binding
+dev-ruby/camping:mongrel - Also install dev-ruby/mongrel
+dev-ruby/nitro:lighttpd - Also install www-servers/lighttpd
+dev-ruby/nitro:xslt - Enable dev-libs/libxsltsupport
+dev-ruby/og:kirbybase - Enable dev-ruby/kirbybasesupport
+dev-ruby/rubygems:server - Install support for the rubygems server
+dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:image - Enable media-libs/sdl-imagesupport
+dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:mixer - Enable media-libs/sdl-mixersupport
+dev-ruby/ruby-sdl:sge - Enable sdl-sge support
+dev-ruby/sqlite3-ruby:swig - Use dev-lang/swigto generate bindings
dev-scheme/drscheme:3m - Compile drscheme3m binary that uses the 3m GC instead of the Boehm GC
dev-scheme/drscheme:backtrace - Support GC backtrace dumps
dev-scheme/drscheme:cgc - Compile and install additional executables which use the conservative garbage collector
@@ -772,9 +776,9 @@ dev-scheme/guile:discouraged - (implied by deprecated) enable merely discouraged
dev-scheme/guile:elisp - Enable Emacs Lisp support
dev-scheme/guile:networking - Include networking interfaces
dev-scheme/guile:regex - Include regular expression interfaces
-dev-tex/dot2texi:pgf - Enables pgf (The TeX Portable Graphic Format) support.
-dev-tex/dot2texi:pstricks - Enables pstricks support.
-dev-tex/latex-beamer:lyx - Install with LyX layouts
+dev-tex/dot2texi:pgf - Enable support for dev-tex/pgf(The TeX Portable Graphic Format)
+dev-tex/dot2texi:pstricks - Enable pstricks support
+dev-tex/latex-beamer:lyx - Install with app-office/lyxlayouts
dev-util/anjuta:devhelp - Enable devhelp integration
dev-util/anjuta:glade - Build glade plugin for anjuta
dev-util/anjuta:inherit-graph - Build inheritance graphing plugin for anjuta
@@ -871,8 +875,8 @@ games-fps/quake2-icculus:noqmax - Do not build the pretty version (quake max)
games-fps/quake2-icculus:qmax - Build the pretty version (quake max)
games-fps/quake2-icculus:rogue - Build support for the 'Ground Zero' Mission Pack (rogue)
games-fps/quake2-icculus:xatrix - Build support for the 'The Reckoning' Mission Pack (xatrix)
-games-fps/quake3:teamarena - Adds support for Team Arena expansion pack
games-fps/quake3-bin:teamarena - Adds support for Team Arena expansion pack
+games-fps/quake3:teamarena - Adds support for Team Arena expansion pack
games-fps/qudos:demo - Install the demo files (quake2-demodata) and configure for use
games-fps/qudos:mods - Build support for the quake2 mission packs
games-fps/qudos:qmax - Build the pretty version (quake max)
@@ -886,13 +890,13 @@ games-mud/mmucl:mccp - adds support for the Mud Client Compression Protocol
games-rpg/eternal-lands-data:music - Install optional music files (extra 30 meg)
games-rpg/eternal-lands-data:sound - Install optional sound files (extra 40 meg)
games-rpg/galaxymage:psyco - psyco python accelerator
-games-rpg/nwn:hou - Install the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack
-games-rpg/nwn:sou - Installs the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack
games-rpg/nwn-cep:hou - Adds support for the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack
games-rpg/nwn-cep:sou - Adds support for the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack
games-rpg/nwn-data:hou - Install the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack
games-rpg/nwn-data:nowin - For those people who cant grab the 1.2 gigs of data files from a windows partition
games-rpg/nwn-data:sou - Installs the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack
+games-rpg/nwn:hou - Install the Hordes of the Underdark expansion pack
+games-rpg/nwn:sou - Installs the Shadows of Undrentide expension pack
games-simulation/singularity:music - Install music files
games-sports/xmoto:editor - Depend on inkscape, scripts to convert svg to level (svg2lvl)
games-strategy/dark-oberon:fmod - Add sound support (fmod)
@@ -933,12 +937,12 @@ gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto:thunderbird - Enables support for the Mozilla Thunde
gnome-extra/sensors-applet:nvidia - Enables support for sensors on NVidia chips
gnome-extra/yelp:beagle - Enables support for the Beagle ( app-misc/beagle) desktop search tool
gnome-extra/yelp:lzma - Enables support for LZMA compressed info and man pages
-gnustep-apps/gnumail:emoticon - Enable extra Emoticon Bundle to see smiley's in e-mail messages.
+gnustep-apps/gnumail:emoticon - Enable extra Emoticon Bundle to see smiley's in e-mail messages
gnustep-base/gnustep-back-art:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method
-gnustep-base/gnustep-back-cairo:glitz - Build with glitz support
+gnustep-base/gnustep-back-cairo:glitz - Build with media-libs/glitzsupport
gnustep-base/gnustep-back-cairo:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method
gnustep-base/gnustep-back-xlib:xim - Enable X11 XiM input method
-gnustep-base/gnustep-base:gcc-libffi - Use libffi (from gcc) instead of ffcall library. Requires sys-libs/gcc built with USE=libffi
+gnustep-base/gnustep-base:gcc-libffi - Use dev-libs/libffifrom sys-devel/gccinstead of dev-libs/ffcall. Requires sys-devel/gccbuilt with USE=libffi
kde-base/ark:archive - Enable support for a variety of archive formats through libarchive
kde-base/ark:zip - Enable zip support through LibZip
kde-base/arts:artswrappersuid - Set artswrapper suid for realtime playing, which is a security hazard
@@ -954,8 +958,8 @@ kde-base/kdeadmin-meta:lilo - Install lilo-config, a frontend for the lilo boot
kde-base/kdebase:logitech-mouse - Build the Control Center module to configure logitech mice
kde-base/kdeedu:kig-scripting - Support Python scripting in kig
kde-base/kdeedu:solver - Enable Kalzium ocaml equation solver
-kde-base/kdegraphics:povray - Install KPovModeler, which needs POV-Ray
kde-base/kdegraphics-meta:povray - Install KPovModeler, which needs POV-Ray
+kde-base/kdegraphics:povray - Install KPovModeler, which needs POV-Ray
kde-base/kdelibs:legacyssl - Support for some deprecated ciphers. Don't use this flag unless you really need it
kde-base/kdelibs:semantic-desktop - Semantic desktop allows for storage of digital information and its metadata to allow the user to express his personal mental models, making all information become intuitively accessible
kde-base/kdelibs:utempter - Records user logins. Useful on multi-user systems
@@ -999,12 +1003,12 @@ kde-base/kwin:captury - Enable the 'Capture'-plugin in kwin
kde-base/marble:designer-plugin - Enable designer plugin
kde-base/okular:chm - Enable support for Microsoft Compiled HTML Help files
kde-base/systemsettings:usb - Configure USB and logitech mice
-kde-misc/knetworkmanager:cisco - Adds support for the Cisco VPN client (vpnc)
+kde-misc/knetworkmanager:cisco - Adds support for the Cisco VPN client net-misc/vpnc
kde-misc/knetworkmanager:dialup - Enables Dialup (PPP) support
-kde-misc/knetworkmanager:openvpn - Adds support for the OpenVPN client
+kde-misc/knetworkmanager:openvpn - Adds support for the OpenVPN net-misc/openvpnclient
kde-misc/knetworkmanager:pptp - Adds support for the PPTP (PPP) VPN client
kde-misc/ksensors:ibmacpi - Enable monitoring of ACPI sensor data on IBM Thinkpad notebooks
-kde-misc/rsibreak:plasma - Build optional plasma widgets.
+kde-misc/rsibreak:plasma - Build optional kde-base/plasmawidgets
mail-client/balsa:gtkspell - Use gtkspell for dictionary support
mail-client/balsa:rubrica - Enables support for the app-office/rubrica addressbook
mail-client/claws-mail:bogofilter - Build bogofilter plugin
@@ -1066,13 +1070,13 @@ mail-filter/simscan:regex - Enable regular expression matching
mail-filter/simscan:spamassassin - Use spamassassin for spam checking
mail-filter/simscan:spam-auth-user - Turn on spam scanning for authenticated users
mail-filter/simscan:spamc-user - Set user option to spamc.
-mail-filter/spamassassin:qmail - Build qmail functionality and docs
-mail-filter/spamassassin:tools - Enables tools for spamassassin
mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:amavis - Enable support for amavis
mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:gocr - Enable support for the gocr OCR engine
mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:logrotate - Install support files for logrotate
mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:ocrad - Enable support for the ocrad OCR engine
mail-filter/spamassassin-fuzzyocr:tesseract - Enable support for the tesseract OCR engine
+mail-filter/spamassassin:qmail - Build qmail functionality and docs
+mail-filter/spamassassin:tools - Enables tools for spamassassin
mail-filter/spamdyke:tls - Enables tls protocol for spamdyke
mail-mta/courier:fax - Enables fax support in the courier mail server
mail-mta/courier:norewrite - Prevents courier mail server from mangling virtual user addresses when sending
@@ -1081,8 +1085,8 @@ mail-mta/courier:webmail - Enable the webmail interface
mail-mta/exim:dnsdb - Adds support for a DNS search for a record whose domain name is the supplied query
mail-mta/exim:domainkeys - Adds support for Yahoo!'s Domainkey sender verification system
mail-mta/exim:dovecot-sasl - Adds support for Dovecot's authentication
-mail-mta/exim:exiscan-acl - Patch providing support for content scanning
mail-mta/exim:exiscan - Patch providing support for content scanning backward-compatibility
+mail-mta/exim:exiscan-acl - Patch providing support for content scanning
mail-mta/exim:lmtp - Adds support for lmtp
mail-mta/exim:mbx - Adds support for UW's mbx format
mail-mta/exim:spf - Adds support for Sender Policy Framework
@@ -1341,8 +1345,8 @@ media-tv/xmltv:de_tvtoday - Germany tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:dk - Denmark tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:dtvla - Latin America digital tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:ee - Estonia tv listing grabber
-media-tv/xmltv:es_laguiatv - Spain alternative grabber
media-tv/xmltv:es - Spain tv listing grabber
+media-tv/xmltv:es_laguiatv - Spain alternative grabber
media-tv/xmltv:eu_epg - EPG grabber for some European countries.
media-tv/xmltv:fi - Finland tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:fr - France tv listing grabber
@@ -1358,8 +1362,8 @@ media-tv/xmltv:na_icons - option for na_dd to download icons
media-tv/xmltv:nc - Caledonie Island tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:nl - Netherlands tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:nl_wolf - Netherlands alternative tv listing grabber
-media-tv/xmltv:no_gf - Norway Gfeed tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:no - Norway tv listing grabber
+media-tv/xmltv:no_gf - Norway Gfeed tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:pt - Portugal tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:re - Reunion Island (France) tv listing grabber
media-tv/xmltv:se_swedb - Sweden tv listing grabber
@@ -1463,8 +1467,8 @@ media-video/vdr:dvdchapjump - Jump on capitels on DMH DVD - Archiv
media-video/vdr:dvlfriendlyfnames - filter file names on recording
media-video/vdr:dvlrecscriptaddon - enhancement for record-script
media-video/vdr:dvlvidprefer - controls video-dir choice on recording
-media-video/vdr:dxr3-audio-denoise - Mutes audio noise occurring with dxr3-cards using analog audio-out when e.g. cutting
media-video/vdr:dxr3 - Enable tweaks to improve vdr behaviour on dxr3-cards
+media-video/vdr:dxr3-audio-denoise - Mutes audio noise occurring with dxr3-cards using analog audio-out when e.g. cutting
media-video/vdr:em84xx - Add support for em84xx plugin
media-video/vdr:graphtft - support for grapftft plugin up from vdr-graphtft-0.1.7
media-video/vdr:hardlinkcutter - Speed up cutting by hardlinking unchanged files
@@ -1526,11 +1530,11 @@ media-video/x264-encoder:mp4 - Enables support for encoding to mp4 container for
media-video/xine-ui:vdr - Enables Video Disk Recorder support
net-analyzer/aimsniff:http - Install the WAS (Web AIM Sniff) frontend
net-analyzer/barnyard:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support
-net-analyzer/base:signatures - Install community signatures from snort
-net-analyzer/bmon:dbi - Enables libdbi support
-net-analyzer/bmon:rrdtool - Enables librrd support
-net-analyzer/bwm-ng:csv - enable csv output
-net-analyzer/bwm-ng:html - enable html output
+net-analyzer/base:signatures - Install community signatures from net-analyzer/snort
+net-analyzer/bmon:dbi - Enables dev-db/libdbisupport
+net-analyzer/bmon:rrdtool - Enables net-analyzer/rrdtoolsupport
+net-analyzer/bwm-ng:csv - Enable csv output
+net-analyzer/bwm-ng:html - Enable html output
net-analyzer/cacti:bundled-adodb - use adodb bundled with web-application instead of system wide
net-analyzer/echoping:http - enable support for http protocol.
net-analyzer/echoping:icp - enable support for ICP (used to monitor proxies).
@@ -1545,7 +1549,7 @@ net-analyzer/munin:munin-dhcp - installs deps for monitoring DHCP
net-analyzer/munin:munin-irc - installs deps for monitoring IRC
net-analyzer/munin:munin-squid - installs deps for monitoring squid
net-analyzer/munin:munin-surfboard - installs deps for monitoring a Motoro Surfboard Cable modem
-net-analyzer/nagios-core:lighttpd - install lighttpd config
+net-analyzer/nagios-core:lighttpd - install www-servers/lighttpdconfig
net-analyzer/nagios-core:web - enable web interface
net-analyzer/nagios-nrpe:command-args - allow clients to specify command arguments
net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-dns - installs deps for dns monitoring
@@ -1553,7 +1557,7 @@ net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-game - installs deps for monitoring games-uti
net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ntp - installs deps for ntp monitoring
net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ping - installs deps for fancy ping monitoring
net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:nagios-ssh - installs deps for monitoring ssh
-net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:ups - installs deps for monitoring Network-UPS (sys-power/nut)
+net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:ups - installs deps for monitoring Network-UPS ( sys-power/nut)
net-analyzer/nagvis:automap - Enable automated map generation using media-gfx/graphviz
net-analyzer/net-snmp:diskio - Enable the use of diskio mibs
net-analyzer/net-snmp:elf - Enable the use of elf utils to check uptime on some sytems
@@ -1562,30 +1566,30 @@ net-analyzer/net-snmp:mfd-rewrites - Use MFD rewrites of mib modules where avail
net-analyzer/net-snmp:rpm - Enable the rpm snmp probing
net-analyzer/net-snmp:sendmail - Enable sendmail statistics monitoring
net-analyzer/net-snmp:smux - Enable the smux MIBS module
-net-analyzer/pchar:pcap - Use the pcap library
+net-analyzer/pchar:pcap - Use the net-libs/libpcaplibrary
net-analyzer/pmacct:64bit - Use 64bit counters instead of 32bit ones
net-analyzer/rrdtool:rrdcgi - Build rrdcgi support
net-analyzer/sancp:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support
-net-analyzer/scanlogd:nids - Use libnids for packet capturing
-net-analyzer/scanlogd:pcap - Use libpcap for packet capturing
-net-analyzer/scapy:pyx - Enable pyx support for psdump/pdfdump commands
-net-analyzer/scapy:visual - Enable visual support for 3d graphs
+net-analyzer/scanlogd:nids - Use net-libs/libnidsfor packet capturing
+net-analyzer/scanlogd:pcap - Use net-libs/libpcapfor packet capturing
+net-analyzer/scapy:pyx - Enable dev-python/pyxsupport for psdump/pdfdump commands
+net-analyzer/scapy:visual - Enable dev-python/visualsupport for 3d graphs
net-analyzer/snort:dynamicplugin - Enable ability to dynamically load preprocessors, detection engine, and rules library
+net-analyzer/snort:flexresp - Enable new connection tearing (not recommended)
net-analyzer/snort:flexresp2 - Enable new connection tearing
-net-analyzer/snort:flexresp - Enable connection tearing (not recommended)
net-analyzer/snort:gre - Enable GRE support
-net-analyzer/snort:inline - Enable snort-inline for accepting packets from iptables, via libipq, rather than libpcap.
+net-analyzer/snort:inline - Enable snort-inline for accepting packets from net-firewall/iptables, via libipq, rather than net-libs/libpcap.
net-analyzer/snort:linux-smp-stats - Enable statistics reporting through proc on smp systems
net-analyzer/snort:perfprofiling - Enable preprocessor and rule performance profiling
net-analyzer/snort:react - Enable interception and termination of offending HTTP accesses
net-analyzer/snort:sguil - Enable sguil (The Analyst Console for Network Security Monitoring) support
-net-analyzer/snort:snortsam - patches snort for use with snortsam
+net-analyzer/snort:snortsam - patches net-analyzer/snortfor use with net-analyzer/snortsam
net-analyzer/snort:timestats - Enable TimeStats functionality
net-analyzer/tcpdump:chroot - Enable chrooting when dropping privileges
-net-analyzer/tcpreplay:pcapnav - Enable if you want the jump to byte offset feature via libpcapnav
-net-analyzer/wireshark:gcrypt - Use GNU crypto library (libgcrypt) to decrypt SSL traffic
-net-analyzer/wireshark:pcap - Use libpcap for network packet capturing (build dumpcap, rawshark)
-net-analyzer/wireshark:smi - Use libsmi to resolve numeric OIDs into human readable format
+net-analyzer/tcpreplay:pcapnav - Enable if you want the jump to byte offset feature via net-libs/libpcapnav
+net-analyzer/wireshark:gcrypt - Use GNU crypto library ( dev-libs/libgcrypt) to decrypt SSL traffic
+net-analyzer/wireshark:pcap - Use net-libs/libpcapfor network packet capturing (build dumpcap, rawshark)
+net-analyzer/wireshark:smi - Use net-libs/libsmito resolve numeric OIDs into human readable format
net-analyzer/zabbix:agent - Enable zabbix agent (for to-be-monitored machines)
net-analyzer/zabbix:frontend - Enable zabbix web frontend
net-analyzer/zabbix:server - Enable zabbix server
@@ -1637,11 +1641,11 @@ net-dns/djbdns:semanticfix - makes tinydns-data handle more semantic errors
net-dns/dnsmasq:isc - enable support for reading ISC DHCPd lease files
net-dns/dnsmasq:resolvconf - enable support for net-dns/resolvconf
net-dns/dnsmasq:tftp - enables built in TFTP server for netbooting
-net-dns/pdns:opendbx - Enable the OpenDBX backend
-net-dns/pdns:tdb - Enable the Trivial Database (xdb) backend
net-dns/pdnsd:isdn - Enable ISDN features
net-dns/pdnsd:underscores - Enable support for domain names containing underscores
net-dns/pdnsd:urandom - Use /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random
+net-dns/pdns:opendbx - Enable the OpenDBX backend
+net-dns/pdns:tdb - Enable the Trivial Database (xdb) backend
net-firewall/arno-iptables-firewall:plugins - Install optional plugins
net-firewall/ipsec-tools:hybrid - Makes available both mode-cfg and xauth support
net-firewall/ipsec-tools:idea - Enable support for the patented IDEA algorithm
@@ -1703,11 +1707,13 @@ net-im/gajim:srv - SRV capabilities
net-im/gajim:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon
net-im/gajim:xhtml - Enable XHTML support
net-im/gnugadu:tlen - Enable protocol support
-net-im/gossip:galago - Enable desktop presence with galago
-net-im/jabberd2:memdebug - Enable nad and pool debug
+net-im/gossip:debug - Enable debug path in gossip. net-libs/loudmouthneeds to be compiled with USE="debug" to allow Gossip to actually build the debug code path.
+net-im/gossip:gnome-keyring - Allows Gossip to use gnome-keyring to store passwords.
+net-im/gossip:libnotify - Allows Gossip to show visual notifications concerning various activities via libnotify.
+net-im/jabberd2:memdebug - Enable nad and pool debug. Requires USE="debug" to be set.
net-im/kadu:amarok - Enables amarok support in kadu
net-im/kadu:config_wizard - Enables configuration wizard module
-net-im/kadu:extraicons - Enables extra icon sets
+net-im/kadu:extraicons - Enables extra icon set
net-im/kadu:extramodules - Enables extra module in kadu
net-im/kadu:libgadu - Build against existing libgadu rather than built-in
net-im/kadu:mail - Enables mail module in kadu
@@ -1761,10 +1767,10 @@ net-irc/srvx:bahamut - Choose bahamut protocol over p10 protocol
net-irc/unrealircd:hub - Enable hub support
net-irc/unrealircd:prefixaq - Enable chanadmin and chanowner prefixes
net-irc/unrealircd:showlistmodes - support displaying channel modes during compilation
+net-irc/xchat-gnome:libsexy - Enable libsexy support
net-irc/xchat:xchatdccserver - Enables support for the /dccserver command via a patch
net-irc/xchat:xchatnogtk - Disables building the GTK front end to XChat
net-irc/xchat:xft - Build xchat with support for the XFT font renderer
-net-irc/xchat-gnome:libsexy - Enable libsexy support
net-irc/xchat-xsys:audacious - Enables Audacious (media player) integration
net-irc/znc:nomodules - Don't build modules
net-libs/aqbanking:chipcard - Enable support for DDV/RSA-chipcards
@@ -1824,7 +1830,9 @@ net-mail/vpopmail:maildrop - Enables maildrop support in vdelivermail
net-misc/aria2:ares - Enables support for asynchronous DNS using the c-ares library
net-misc/aria2:bittorrent - Enables support for the bittorrent protocol
net-misc/aria2:metalink - Enables support for metalink
+net-misc/asterisk-addons:h323 - Build the chan_ooh323c H.323 channel driver
net-misc/asterisk:bri - Enable ISDN BRI support (bristuff)
+net-misc/asterisk-chan_capi:fax - Build chan_capi with fax support
net-misc/asterisk:genericjb - Enable experimental generic jitter buffer
net-misc/asterisk:h323 - Build the H.323 channel driver bundled with Asterisk
net-misc/asterisk:lowmem - Build Asterisk for environments with low amounts of memory (embedded devices)
@@ -1833,8 +1841,6 @@ net-misc/asterisk:osp - Enable support for the Open Settlement Protocol
net-misc/asterisk:pri - Enables pri support (>=asterisk-1.0.1)
net-misc/asterisk:ukcid - Enable UK callerid support
net-misc/asterisk:zaptel - Enables zaptel support (>=asterisk-1.0.1)
-net-misc/asterisk-addons:h323 - Build the chan_ooh323c H.323 channel driver
-net-misc/asterisk-chan_capi:fax - Build chan_capi with fax support
net-misc/curl:ares - Enabled c-ares dns support
net-misc/curl:libssh2 - Enabled SSH urls in curl using libssh2
net-misc/curl:nss - Use NSS as the crypto engine
@@ -1896,13 +1902,13 @@ net-misc/zaptel:astribank - Install Xorcom Astribank utilities
net-misc/zaptel:bri - Enable ISDN BRI support (bristuff)
net-misc/zaptel:ecaggressive - Make the mark2 echo canceller a little more aggressive
net-misc/zaptel:eckb1 - Use the KB1 echo canceller
+net-misc/zaptel:ecmark - Use the MARK echo canceller
net-misc/zaptel:ecmark2 - Use the MARK2 echo canceller (default)
net-misc/zaptel:ecmark3 - Use the MARK3 echo canceller
-net-misc/zaptel:ecmark - Use the MARK echo canceller
net-misc/zaptel:ecmg2 - Use the MG2 echo canceller
net-misc/zaptel:ecoslec - Use the OSLEC echo canceller (
-net-misc/zaptel:ecsteve2 - Use the STEVE2 echo canceller
net-misc/zaptel:ecsteve - Use the STEVE echo canceller
+net-misc/zaptel:ecsteve2 - Use the STEVE2 echo canceller
net-misc/zaptel:florz - Enable florz enhancement patches for ISDN BRI
net-misc/zaptel:rtc - Use the realtime clock on x86 and amd64 systems instead of kernel timers
net-misc/zaptel:watchdog - Enable the watchdog to monitor unresponsive and misbehaving interfaces
@@ -2011,46 +2017,48 @@ rox-extra/archive:uuencode - Enable .uue extraction via app-arch/sharutils
rox-extra/archive:zip - Enable .zip extraction via app-arch/unzipand app-arch/zip
rox-extra/comicthumb:rar - Enable support for rar-compressed archives via app-arch/unrar
rox-extra/magickthumbnail:xcf - Enable previews of .xcf files using media-gfx/gimp
-sci-astronomy/orsa:cln - Use the Class Library for Numbers for calculations
-sci-astronomy/predict:xforms - Add a "map" client which uses the xforms library for its GUI
-sci-astronomy/predict:xplanet - Project predict data onto world maps generated by xplanet/xearth
+sci-astronomy/orsa:cln - Use the Class Library for Numbers ( sci-libs/cln) for calculations
+sci-astronomy/predict:xforms - Add a "map" client which uses the x11-libs/xformslibrary for its GUI
+sci-astronomy/predict:xplanet - Project predict data onto world maps generated by x11-misc/xplanet/ x11-misc/xearth
sci-astronomy/setiathome:server - Enable compilation of server
sci-biology/biopython:kdtree - Do not build KDTree module and its dependencies (NeighborSearch)
sci-biology/clustalw-mpi:mpi_njtree - Use MPI (as opposed to serial) code for computing neighbor-joining trees
sci-biology/clustalw-mpi:static_pairalign - Use static (as opposed to dynamic) scheduling for pair alignments
-sci-biology/hmmer:pvm - Add support for parallel virtual machine.
+sci-biology/hmmer:pvm - Add support for parallel virtual machine ( sys-cluster/pvm)
sci-biology/vienna-rna:no-readseq - Do not include the modified version of Don Gilbert's readseq program
sci-biology/vienna-rna:no-utils - Do not include sequence format conversion and representation utilities
-sci-chemistry/caver:pymol - Install the PyMol plugin
+sci-chemistry/caver:pymol - Install the PyMol plugin ( sci-chemistry/pymol)
+sci-chemistry/cns:openmp - Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing)
sci-chemistry/coot:new-interface - Build with the experimental GTK+-2 interface instead of GTK+-1
-sci-chemistry/eden:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed
-sci-chemistry/ghemical:gamess - Add GAMESS interface for QM/MM.
-sci-chemistry/ghemical:mopac7 - Apply compilation fix for mopac7 support.
-sci-chemistry/ghemical:openbabel - Use the OpenBabel package for file conversions
+sci-chemistry/eden:double-precision - More precise calculations at the expense of speed
+sci-chemistry/ghemical:gamess - Add GAMESS interface for QM/MM ( sci-chemistry/gamess)
+sci-chemistry/ghemical:mopac7 - Apply compilation fix for sci-chemistry/mopac7support
+sci-chemistry/ghemical:openbabel - Use sci-chemistry/openbabelfor file conversions
sci-chemistry/ghemical:toolbar - Build the shortcuts toolbar
-sci-chemistry/gromacs:double-precision - more precise calculations at the expense of speed
-sci-chemistry/jmol:client-only - Install the viewer only, no applet files for httpd.
+sci-chemistry/gromacs:double-precision - More precise calculations at the expense of speed
+sci-chemistry/jmol:client-only - Install the viewer only, no applet files for httpd
sci-chemistry/shelx:dosformat - Use CR/LF to end lines; useful in mixed Linux/Windows environments
+sci-chemistry/xds-bin:smp - Enable support for multiprocessors
sci-electronics/gerbv:unit-mm - Set default unit for coordinates in status bar to mm
-sci-electronics/pcb:xrender - Add support for xrender
+sci-electronics/pcb:xrender - Add support for xrender ( x11-libs/libXrender)
sci-geosciences/gmt:gmtfull - Full resolution bathymetry database
-sci-geosciences/gmt:gmthigh - Adds high resolution bathymetry database
+sci-geosciences/gmt:gmthigh - Add high resolution bathymetry database
sci-geosciences/gmt:gmtsuppl - Supplement functions for GMT
sci-geosciences/gmt:gmttria - Non GNU triangulation method, more efficient
sci-geosciences/gpsd:italk - Enable iTalk protocol support
sci-geosciences/gpsd:itrax - Enable iTrax hardware support
-sci-geosciences/gpsd:ntp - Enable NTP shared memory interface for GPS time
+sci-geosciences/gpsd:ntp - Enable net-misc/ntpshared memory interface for GPS time
sci-geosciences/gpsd:tntc - Enable True North Technologies support
-sci-geosciences/grass:gdal - Enables gdal support (Grass 6 only)
-sci-geosciences/grass:glw - Enables libGLw support (requires mesa)
-sci-geosciences/grass:gmath - Enables gmath wrapper for BLAS/Lapack
-sci-geosciences/grass:largefile - Enables LFS support for huge files
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:agg - Enables agg library support
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:flash - Adds support for creating SWF files using Ming
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:gdal - Enables gdal library support
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:geos - Enables geos library support
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:postgis - Enables postgis support
-sci-geosciences/mapserver:proj - Enables proj library support (geographic projections)
+sci-geosciences/grass:gdal - Enable support for sci-libs/gdal(Grass 6 only)
+sci-geosciences/grass:glw - Enable libGLw support (requires media-libs/mesa)
+sci-geosciences/grass:gmath - Enable gmath wrapper for BLAS/Lapack ( virtual/blas, virtual/lapack)
+sci-geosciences/grass:largefile - Enable LFS support for huge files
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:agg - Enable x11-libs/agglibrary support
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:flash - Add support for creating SWF files using media-libs/ming
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:gdal - Enable sci-libs/gdallibrary support
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:geos - Enable sci-libs/geoslibrary support
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:postgis - Enable dev-db/postgissupport
+sci-geosciences/mapserver:proj - Enable sci-libs/projlibrary support (geographic projections)
sci-libs/acml:gfortran - Fetch and install acml compiled with GNU gfortran
sci-libs/acml:ifc - Fetch and install acml compiled with Intel Fortran Compiler
sci-libs/acml:int64 - Install the 64 bits integer library
@@ -2084,60 +2092,60 @@ sci-libs/plplot:octave - Support for Octave bindings.
sci-libs/scipy:sandbox - Installs experimental scipy sandbox modules (pull some dependencies)
sci-libs/scipy:umfpack - Add support for sparse solving via UMFPACK
sci-libs/vtk:patented - Builds patented classes.
-sci-mathematics/coq:ide - Build the Coq IDE, a clone of proof general using lablgtk2.
-sci-mathematics/coq:norealanalysis - Do not build real analysis modules (faster compilation).
-sci-mathematics/dataplot:gs - Adds Ghostscript support
-sci-mathematics/freemat:arpack - Add sparse eigen value support via arpack
-sci-mathematics/freemat:ffcall - Enables uses of ffcall
-sci-mathematics/freemat:umfpack - Add sparse solving via umfpack
+sci-mathematics/coq:ide - Build the Coq IDE, a clone of proof general using dev-ml/lablgtk
+sci-mathematics/coq:norealanalysis - Do not build real analysis modules (faster compilation)
+sci-mathematics/dataplot:gs - Add Ghostscript support ( virtual/ghostscript)
+sci-mathematics/freemat:arpack - Add sparse eigen value support via sci-libs/arpack
+sci-mathematics/freemat:ffcall - Enable use of dev-libs/ffcall
+sci-mathematics/freemat:umfpack - Add sparse solving via sci-libs/umfpack
sci-mathematics/geomview:avg - Enable experimental motion averaging technique
-sci-mathematics/geomview:netpbm - Add NetPBM support for external modules
-sci-mathematics/gretl:sourceview - Enable GtkSourceView support
-sci-mathematics/maxima:clisp - Adds GNU ANSI Common Lisp support to maxima
-sci-mathematics/maxima:cmucl - Adds CMU Common Lisp support to maxima
-sci-mathematics/maxima:gcl - Adds GNU Common Lisp support to maxima
-sci-mathematics/maxima:sbcl - Adds Steel Bank Common Lisp support to maxima
-sci-mathematics/nusmv:minisat - Enable support for MiniSat.
+sci-mathematics/geomview:netpbm - Add media-libs/netpbmsupport for external modules
+sci-mathematics/gretl:sourceview - Enable support for x11-libs/gtksourceview
+sci-mathematics/maxima:clisp - Add support for GNU ANSI Common Lisp ( dev-lisp/clisp)
+sci-mathematics/maxima:cmucl - Add support for CMU Common Lisp ( dev-lisp/cmucl)
+sci-mathematics/maxima:gcl - Add support for GNU Common Lisp ( dev-lisp/gcl)
+sci-mathematics/maxima:sbcl - Add support for Steel Bank Common Lisp ( dev-lisp/sbcl)
+sci-mathematics/nusmv:minisat - Enable support for MiniSat
+sci-mathematics/octave-forge:qhull - Add support for media-libs/qhull(geometric extensions)
sci-mathematics/octave:sparse - Enable enhanced support for sparse matrix algebra
-sci-mathematics/octave-forge:qhull - Adds media-libs/qhull (geometric extensions) support
sci-mathematics/pari:elliptic - Add additional elliptic curve data
sci-mathematics/pari:galois - Add additional data to compute Galois groups of degree 8 to 11
-sci-mathematics/pspp:psppire - Enable psppire gui
-sci-mathematics/singular:boost - Compile against external boost headers.
-sci-mathematics/yacas:server - Build the network server version.
+sci-mathematics/pspp:psppire - Enable psppire GUI
+sci-mathematics/singular:boost - Compile against external boost headers ( dev-libs/boost)
+sci-mathematics/yacas:server - Build the network server version
sci-misc/boinc:server - Enable compilation of server
sci-misc/h5utils:octave - Build Octave plugins
sci-misc/nco:ncap2 - Build next generation netcdf arithmetic processor (needs dev-java/antlr)
-sci-misc/nco:udunits - Add udunits files support
-sci-misc/ncview:udunits - Add udunits files support
+sci-misc/nco:udunits - Add sci-libs/udunitsfiles support
+sci-misc/ncview:udunits - Add sci-libs/udunitsfiles support
sci-physics/clhep:exceptions - Enable zoom exceptions for user intervention
-sci-physics/geant:athena - Enables the MIT Athena widget set (default is motif)
-sci-physics/geant:data - Adds a lot of standard physics data files for geant4
-sci-physics/geant:dawn - Adds dawn support (3D postscript rendering)
-sci-physics/geant:gdml - Enables geometry markup language for xml
-sci-physics/geant:geant3 - Adds compatibility for geant321 to geant4
-sci-physics/geant:global - Produces a huge global library instead of small ones
-sci-physics/geant:openinventor - Adds support for openinventor SGI toolkit
+sci-physics/geant:athena - Enable the MIT Athena ( x11-libs/libXaw) widget set (default is Motif)
+sci-physics/geant:data - Add a lot of standard physics data files for geant4
+sci-physics/geant:dawn - Add support for media-gfx/dawn(3D postscript rendering)
+sci-physics/geant:gdml - Enable geometry markup language for xml
+sci-physics/geant:geant3 - Add compatibility for geant321 to geant4
+sci-physics/geant:global - Produce a huge global library instead of small ones
+sci-physics/geant:openinventor - Add support for media-libs/openinventorSGI toolkit
sci-physics/geant:raytracerx - Enable raytracing for physics events
sci-physics/geant:vrml - Enable output of geant4 in vrml formats
-sci-physics/root:cern - Enable hbook i/o functionality to root (needs cernlib)
-sci-physics/root:cint7 - Build the experimental C/C++ interpretor version 7
-sci-physics/root:clarens - Adds support for Clarens Grid Web services and PROOF Analysis Center
-sci-physics/root:geant4 - Adds navigator for the GEANT4 simulation toolkit
-sci-physics/root:math - Build extra math and numerical libraries for root (needs gsl)
-sci-physics/root:xrootd - Adds xrootd support, a low latency file server
-sci-visualization/hippodraw:fits - Adds FITS format support via cfitsio/pyfits
-sci-visualization/hippodraw:numarray - Adds numarray python array support
-sci-visualization/hippodraw:numpy - Adds numpy python array support
-sci-visualization/hippodraw:root - Adds ROOT i/o support
-sci-visualization/hippodraw:wcs - Adds World Coordinate System support
-sci-visualization/labplot:cdf - Adds cdf data exchange format support
-sci-visualization/labplot:kexi - Import and export data from/to MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. via Kexi (app-office/kexi).
-sci-visualization/labplot:qhull - Adds media-libs/qhull (geometric extensions) support
-sci-visualization/labplot:R - Adds statistical R support
-sci-visualization/opendx:cdf - Adds cdf data exchange format support
-sci-visualization/opendx:hdf - Adds support for the Hierarchical Data Format
-sci-visualization/veusz:fits - Adds FITS format format, via pyfits
+sci-physics/root:cern - Build the HBOOK input/ouput functionality. HBOOK is a histogram library. On ROOT versions previous to 5.20.00, it will depend on sci-physics/cernlib. On versions above, it only need a FORTRAN compiler.
+sci-physics/root:cint7 - Build the experimental C++ INTerpreter version 7. Use with caution to test this newer interpreter. If not sure, stick with version 6 included by default.
+sci-physics/root:clarens - Buld the Clarens and PEAC plug-ins, to use in a GRID enabled analysis. The Clarens Grid-Enabled Web Services Framework is an open source portal for ubiquitous access to data and computational resources provided by computing grids. PEAC is an interactive distributed analysis framework that uses Clarens as a glue protocol to advertise and communicate amongst SAM, Global Manager (GM), Local Manager (LM), DCache, and PROOF services. It doesn't need Clarens to build, however if you want to use it, you will require to build Clarens and PEAC on your own, it is not yet in the Gentoo Portage tree. See for Clarens and for PEAC.
+sci-physics/root:geant4 - Build the sci-physics/geant(GEANT4) navigator.
+sci-physics/root:math - Build all math libraries plugins. It includes the sci-libs/gslbindings in MathMore, the GenVector physical vectors package, the Minuit2 minimization library (same as standalone sci-libs/minuit), the RooFit toolkit for distribution modeling, and the Universal Non-Uniform RANdom number generators (UNURAN) library.
+sci-physics/root:xrootd - Build the xrootd low latency file server. For more on the eXtended Request Daemon (xrd) and associated software, please see
+sci-visualization/hippodraw:fits - Enable HippoDraw's built-in support for reading FITS files, by using the CFITSIO library. FITS binary and ASCII tables are supported as well as images. When combine with numpy flag, it can also use the pyfits package.
+sci-visualization/hippodraw:numarray - Enable support for the obsolete numerical python array package numarray. Should not be used, since it's being deprecated. See bug #, and switch to numpy.
+sci-visualization/hippodraw:numpy - Enable support for the numerical array manipulation and computational capabilities of numpy in python. HippoDraw can return a numerical array to Python from any of the type of objects that are supported. One can also import data to a HippoDraw from a numpy array.
+sci-visualization/hippodraw:root - Adds support for ROOT input/ouput system, storing a table of data as TBranch objects each with a single TLeaf. Files of this type can be imported by HippoDraw as a RootNTuple. Also if root flag is selected, it can use root::minuit for minimization instead of standalone minuit library.
+sci-visualization/hippodraw:wcs - Adds 10 built-in transforms to HippoDraw via the World Coordinate System library for FITS files.
+sci-visualization/labplot:cdf - Add support for sci-libs/cdfdata exchange format
+sci-visualization/labplot:kexi - Import and export data from/to MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. via Kexi ( app-office/kexi)
+sci-visualization/labplot:qhull - Add media-libs/qhull(geometric extensions) support
+sci-visualization/labplot:R - Add statistical dev-lang/Rsupport
+sci-visualization/opendx:cdf - Add support for sci-libs/cdfdata exchange format
+sci-visualization/opendx:hdf - Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format ( sci-libs/hdf)
+sci-visualization/veusz:fits - Add FITS format via dev-python/pyfits
sys-apps/acl:nfs - add support for NFS acls
sys-apps/busybox:make-symlinks - Create all the appropriate symlinks in /bin and /sbin
sys-apps/einit:relaxng - Make validator for Relax NG available
@@ -2158,9 +2166,9 @@ sys-apps/paludis:visibility - Enable visibility support (g++ >=4.1)
sys-apps/paludis:zsh-completion - Enable zsh completion support
sys-apps/parted:device-mapper - Enable device-mapper support in parted
sys-apps/pciutils:network-cron - Monthly cronjob the update-pciids script
+sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-modules:cardbus - Enable 32bit CardBus support
sys-apps/pcmcia-cs:trusted - Assume all users are trusted (Build unsafe user-space tools)
sys-apps/pcmcia-cs:xforms - Enable building the xforms based cardinfo binary
-sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-modules:cardbus - Enable 32bit CardBus support
sys-apps/pcmciautils:staticsocket - Add support for static sockets
sys-apps/portage:epydoc - Generate api documentation with epydoc.
sys-apps/qingy:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation
@@ -2197,12 +2205,12 @@ sys-block/open-iscsi:modules - Build the open-iscsi modules
sys-block/open-iscsi:utils - Build the open-iscsi utilities
sys-block/partimage:nologin - Do not include login support
sys-block/unieject:pmount - Make use of pmount wrapper and pmount-like permissions
-sys-boot/arcboot:cobalt - Disables support for Cobalt Microserver hardware (Qube2/RaQ2)
-sys-boot/arcboot:ip27 - Disables support for SGI Origin (IP27)
-sys-boot/arcboot:ip28 - Disables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
-sys-boot/arcboot:ip30 - Disables support for SGI Octane (IP30)
-sys-boot/grub:custom-cflags - Enables custom cflags (not supported)
-sys-boot/lilo:device-mapper - Enable device-mapper support
+sys-boot/arcboot:cobalt - Disable support for Cobalt Microserver hardware (Qube2/RaQ2)
+sys-boot/arcboot:ip27 - Disable support for SGI Origin (IP27)
+sys-boot/arcboot:ip28 - Disable support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
+sys-boot/arcboot:ip30 - Disable support for SGI Octane (IP30)
+sys-boot/grub:custom-cflags - Enable custom CFLAGS (not supported)
+sys-boot/lilo:device-mapper - Enable support for sys-fs/device-mapper
sys-boot/lilo:pxeserial - Avoid character echo on PXE serial console
sys-cluster/charm:cmkopt - Enable CMK optimisation
sys-cluster/charm:smp - Enable direct SMP support using shared memory
@@ -2227,10 +2235,10 @@ sys-cluster/pvfs2:server - Enable compilation of server code
sys-cluster/torque:cpusets - Enable pbs_mom to utilize linux cpusets if available.
sys-cluster/torque:server - Enable compilation of pbs_server and pbs_sched
sys-cluster/vzctl:logrotate - Enable logrotate file installation
-sys-devel/binutils:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET
-sys-devel/binutils:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas)
sys-devel/binutils-hppa64:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET
sys-devel/binutils-hppa64:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas)
+sys-devel/binutils:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET
+sys-devel/binutils:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas)
sys-devel/binutils-nios2:multislot - Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same CTARGET
sys-devel/binutils-nios2:multitarget - Adds support to binutils for cross compiling (does not work with gas)
sys-devel/gcc:d - Enable support for the D programming language
@@ -2241,13 +2249,13 @@ sys-devel/gcc:mudflap - Add support for mudflap, a pointer use checking library
sys-devel/gcc:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)
sys-devel/gcc:n32 - Enable n32 ABI support on mips
sys-devel/gcc:n64 - Enable n64 ABI support on mips
+sys-devel/gcc-nios2:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)
sys-devel/gcc:nopie - Disable PIE support (NOT FOR GENERAL USE)
sys-devel/gcc:nossp - Disable SSP support (NOT FOR GENERAL USE)
sys-devel/gcc:objc - Build support for the Objective C code language
sys-devel/gcc:objc++ - Build support for the Objective C++ language
sys-devel/gcc:objc-gc - Build support for the Objective C code language Garbage Collector
sys-devel/gcc:openmp - Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing)
-sys-devel/gcc-nios2:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)
sys-devel/gdb:multitarget - Support all known targets in one gdb binary
sys-devel/gettext:openmp - Build support for OpenMP (support parallel computing)
sys-devel/kgcc64:multislot - Allow for SLOTs to include minor version (eg. 3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)
@@ -2267,8 +2275,8 @@ sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks:dynamic - Build cryptsetup-luks dynamically
sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils:gpg - Enable gnupg key module.
sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils:openssl - Enable OpenSSL key module.
sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils:pkcs11 - Enable PKCS#11 (Smartcards) key module.
-sys-fs/evms:hb2 - Enable support for heartbeat-2
sys-fs/evms:hb - Enable support for heartbeat-1
+sys-fs/evms:hb2 - Enable support for heartbeat-2
sys-fs/loop-aes:keyscrub - Protects the encryption key in memory but takes more cpu resources
sys-fs/loop-aes:padlock - Use VIA padlock instructions, detected at run time, code still works on non-padlock processors
sys-fs/lvm2:clvm - Allow users to build clustered lvm2
@@ -2359,6 +2367,7 @@ www-client/elinks:finger - Enable support for the finger protocol
www-client/elinks:gopher - Enable support for the gopher protocol
www-client/kazehakase:hyperestraier - enable hyperestraier support for full-text search in history.
www-client/kazehakase:webkit - Use webkit for rendering rather than xulrunner
+www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin:restrict-javascript - Pull in noscript extension to disable javascript globally, putting user fully in control of the sites he/she visits
www-client/mozilla-firefox:custom-optimization - Fine-tune custom compiler optimizations
www-client/mozilla-firefox:filepicker - Enable old gtkfilepicker from 1.0.x firefox
www-client/mozilla-firefox:iceweasel - Enable iceweasel branding
@@ -2366,7 +2375,6 @@ www-client/mozilla-firefox:mozdevelop - Enable features for web developers (e.g.
www-client/mozilla-firefox:moznopango - Disable pango during runtime
www-client/mozilla-firefox:restrict-javascript - Pull in noscript extension to disable javascript globally, putting user fully in control of the sites he/she visits
www-client/mozilla-firefox:xforms - XForms is a standard to split up XHTML into XForms, instance data, and user interface
-www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin:restrict-javascript - Pull in noscript extension to disable javascript globally, putting user fully in control of the sites he/she visits
www-client/opera:ia32 - Installs 32-bit binaries instead of 64-bit binaries
www-client/opera:qt3-static - Installs binaries statically linked to Qt 3
www-client/opera:qt-static - Installs binaries statically linked to Qt
@@ -2399,15 +2407,15 @@ www-servers/pound:unsafe - if you want the 'unsafe' characters passed through to
www-servers/resin:admin - Enable Resin admin webapp
www-servers/shttpd:dmalloc - Enable debugging with the dmalloc library
www-servers/tomcat:admin - Enable Tomcat admin webapp
-x11-apps/xdpyinfo:dmx - Builds support for Distributed Multiheaded X
+x11-apps/xdpyinfo:dmx - Builds support for Distributed Multiheaded X x11-base/xorg-server
x11-base/kdrive:fbdev - Enables framebuffer kdrive server
x11-base/kdrive:font-server - Enables font server support
x11-base/kdrive:speedo - Enables Speedo font support
x11-base/kdrive:type1 - Enables Type1 font support
x11-base/xorg-server:dmx - Build the Distributed Multiheaded X server
x11-base/xorg-server:kdrive - Build the kdrive X servers
-x11-base/xorg-server:xorg - Build the Xorg X server (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
-x11-drivers/linuxwacom:module - Build kernel module for linuxwacom
+x11-base/xorg-server:xorg - Build the Xorg X server (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
+x11-drivers/linuxwacom:module - Build kernel module
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:custom-cflags - Build with CFLAGS from /etc/make.conf (unsupported)
x11-libs/cairo:glitz - Build with glitz support
x11-libs/cairo:opengl - When used along with USE=glitz, enables glitz-glx usage. Requires hardware opengl support
@@ -2416,15 +2424,15 @@ x11-libs/gtkmathview:t1lib - Enable t1lib support
x11-libs/libmatchbox:pango - Enable pango support
x11-libs/libmatchbox:xsettings - Enable the use of xsettings for settings management.
x11-libs/openmotif:xft - Build OpenMotif with support for XFT font renderer
-x11-libs/qt:glib - Enable glib eventloop support
-x11-libs/qt:immqt-bc - Enable binary compatible version of immodule for Qt
-x11-libs/qt:immqt - Enable binary incompatible version of immodule for Qt
-x11-libs/qt:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
x11-libs/qt-core:glib - Enable glib eventloop support
x11-libs/qt-core:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
+x11-libs/qt:glib - Enable glib eventloop support
x11-libs/qt-gui:glib - Enable glib eventloop support
x11-libs/qt-gui:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
+x11-libs/qt:immqt - Enable binary incompatible version of immodule for Qt
+x11-libs/qt:immqt-bc - Enable binary compatible version of immodule for Qt
x11-libs/qt-opengl:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
+x11-libs/qt:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
x11-libs/qt-sql:qt3support - Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
x11-misc/adesklets:ctrlmenu - force CTRL to be pressed to fire context menu
x11-misc/fbdesk:imlib2 - Add support for imlib2 (pixmap themes)
@@ -2436,12 +2444,12 @@ x11-misc/xlockmore:xlockrc - Enables xlockrc for people without PAM
x11-misc/xscreensaver:new-login - Enables New Login button using gdmflexiserver (gnome-base/gdm)
x11-misc/zim:screenshot - Enable screenshot support (using media-gfx/scrot)
x11-misc/zim:trayicon - Enable support for trayicon
-x11-plugins/bfm:gkrellm - Enable build of gkrellm module
-x11-plugins/gkrellmbups:nut - Enables monitoring Network-UPS (sys-power/nut)
-x11-plugins/gkrellm-plugins:audacious - Install the audacious plugin
-x11-plugins/purple-plugin_pack:talkfilters - Enable support for app-text/talkfilters
-x11-plugins/wmhdplop:gkrellm - Enable build of gkrellm module
-x11-plugins/wmsysmon:high-ints - Enable support for monitoring 24 interrupts, useful on SMP machines
+x11-plugins/bfm:gkrellm - Enable building of app-admin/gkrellmmodule
+x11-plugins/gkrellmbups:nut - Enable monitoring Network-UPS via sys-power/nut
+x11-plugins/gkrellm-plugins:audacious - Enable the audacious plugin x11-plugins/gkrellmms
+x11-plugins/purple-plugin_pack:talkfilters - Enable support for app-text/talklfilters
+x11-plugins/wmhdplop:gkrellm - Enable building of app-admin/gkrellmmodule
+x11-plugins/wmsysmon:high-ints - Enable support for monitoring 24 interrupts. Useful on SMP machines
x11-terms/aterm:background - Enable background image support via libAfterImage
x11-terms/aterm:xgetdefault - Enable resources via X instead of aterm small version
x11-terms/eterm:escreen - enable built in screen support
@@ -2452,9 +2460,9 @@ x11-terms/mlterm:uim - Enable uim support
x11-terms/mrxvt:menubar - Enable mrxvt menubar
x11-terms/mrxvt:utempter - Records user logins. Useful on multi-user systems.
x11-terms/rxvt:linuxkeys - Define LINUX_KEYS (changes Home/End key)
-x11-terms/rxvt:xgetdefault - Enable resources via X instead of rxvt small version
x11-terms/rxvt-unicode:afterimage - Enable support for libafterimage
x11-terms/rxvt-unicode:iso14755 - Enable ISO-14755 support
+x11-terms/rxvt:xgetdefault - Enable resources via X instead of rxvt small version
x11-terms/xterm:paste64 - Enable support for bracketed paste mode
x11-terms/xterm:toolbar - Enable the xterm toolbar to be built.
x11-themes/gentoo-artwork:grub - Install extra grub themes
@@ -2470,9 +2478,9 @@ x11-themes/redhat-artwork:kdm - Install Bluecurve KDM theme
x11-themes/redhat-artwork:nautilus - Install Bluecurve Nautilus icons
x11-themes/skinenigmang-logos:dxr3 - install logos for lower osd color deep on dxr3 cards
x11-wm/enlightenment:xrandr - Enable support for the X xrandr extension
-x11-wm/fluxbox:disableslit - Disable the slit. Works around bug 122380.
-x11-wm/fluxbox:disabletoolbar - Disable the toolbar.
-x11-wm/fluxbox:slit - Enables the fluxbox slit
+x11-wm/fluxbox:disableslit - Disables the fluxbox slit (or dock)
+x11-wm/fluxbox:disabletoolbar - Disables the fluxbox toolbar
+x11-wm/fluxbox:slit - Enables the fluxbox slit (or dock)
x11-wm/fluxbox:toolbar - Enables the fluxbox toolbar
x11-wm/fvwm:gtk2-perl - Enable GTK2 Perl bindings
x11-wm/fvwm:netpbm - Enable NetPBM support (used by FvwmScript-ScreenDump)
@@ -2483,15 +2491,15 @@ x11-wm/matchbox-panel:dnotify - Use the linux kernel directory notification feat
x11-wm/matchbox-panel:lowres - Optimize for low resolution screens.
x11-wm/sawfish:pango - Enable pango support
x11-wm/stumpwm:clisp - Use CLISP for the runtime
-x11-wm/stumpwm:sbcl - Use SBCL for the runtime
x11-wm/stumpwm-cvs:clisp - Use CLISP for the runtime
x11-wm/stumpwm-cvs:sbcl - Use SBCL for the runtime
+x11-wm/stumpwm:sbcl - Use SBCL for the runtime
x11-wm/vtwm:rplay - Enable rplay support, needed for sound.
x11-wm/windowmaker:modelock - Enable XKB language status lock support. README says: "If you don't know what it is you probably don't need it."
-xfce-base/thunar:trash-plugin - Build Trash plug-in for panel.
-xfce-base/xfce4-extras:battery - Meta pulls in xfce4-battery dependency.
-xfce-base/xfce4-extras:cpufreq - Meta pulls in xfce4-cpu-freq dependency.
-xfce-base/xfdesktop:file-icons - Build support for application launchers using Thunar and libexo.
-xfce-base/xfdesktop:menu-plugin - Build Menu plug-in for panel.
+xfce-base/thunar:trash-plugin - Build Trash plug-in for panel
+xfce-base/xfce4-extras:battery - Meta pulls in xfce-extra/xfce4-batterydepend
+xfce-base/xfce4-extras:cpufreq - Meta pulls in xfce-extra/xfce4-cpu-freqdepend
+xfce-base/xfdesktop:file-icons - Build support for application launchers using xfce-base/thunarand libexo
+xfce-base/xfdesktop:menu-plugin - Build Menu plug-in for panel
xfce-extra/thunar-thumbnailers:grace - Enable support for sci-visualization/gracethumbnails
xfce-extra/xfce4-mpc:libmpd - Build using media-libs/libmpdbackend, instead of native fallback which is preferred