diff options
authorKonstantin V. Arkhipov <>2004-06-30 14:29:38 +0000
committerKonstantin V. Arkhipov <>2004-06-30 14:29:38 +0000
commit93026b0bd66e8a66d5c9dc74019bc4831e91e0b8 (patch)
tree2258689499030be0bf8f425ded618cea7cf556b3 /sys-kernel/openmosix-sources
parentsync IUSE (missing), add sed-4 dep (diff)
! security update for .22
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-kernel/openmosix-sources')
6 files changed, 742 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog
index a88fa82597ad..2e1c467790b9 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/openmosix-sources
# Copyright 2002-2004 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog,v 1.52 2004/06/28 16:20:10 voxus Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/ChangeLog,v 1.53 2004/06/30 14:29:38 voxus Exp $
+*openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10 (29 Jun 2004)
+ 29 Jun 2004; Konstantin Arkhipov <>
+ +files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0495.patch,
+ +files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0535.patch,
+ +files/openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild:
+ Security update (#54976).
*openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r2 (28 Jun 2004)
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/Manifest b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/Manifest
index eb6639004717..3c12da137b4a 100644
--- a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/Manifest
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/Manifest
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
MD5 beb9efce81ae2c582a621528fc783095 metadata.xml 373
MD5 5ea60b70de1b033e7becabd5ff7f6b9d openmosix-sources-2.4.20-r8.ebuild 2892
MD5 7460a5485c7876b383732f0ea24fc86d openmosix-sources-2.4.21-r3.ebuild 3827
-MD5 f3e430ff98ca1d9e2a74ccf60b68997b openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r6.ebuild 1983
-MD5 4a90fb9cdfb40ef57ea310ebc9d20a4a ChangeLog 7696
-MD5 d4dae3faa7e785c6ea4afeebe2786bb9 openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r2.ebuild 1315
-MD5 c34313c33fe181485208176262b0302d openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r7.ebuild 1626
-MD5 3c7048c9eb807750cdc3477ddaac196d openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r8.ebuild 1717
+MD5 2549dad8e643b5064a1ec54d4b3b842e openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r2.ebuild 1315
+MD5 f25f0754721f0818496fe8c69767d46a ChangeLog 8110
+MD5 efda803fe4768946fc111bef0c528b79 openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild 1965
MD5 cc7ba57d573a76a12b9b094cd29e0223 openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r9.ebuild 1964
MD5 9694770f2558acd2952c791c01722745 openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r1.ebuild 1322
MD5 ef520fc883edac15db383dba3eb2ba73 openmosix-sources-2.4.26.ebuild 1322
MD5 8ea0ebaf9ea87558abecdc1df6145dc5 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.20-r8 133
MD5 518e0cc8ace05bda990128ccf3d11c32 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.21-r3 192
-MD5 199264742137ada4477d69f816dc5454 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r6 134
MD5 bfe84c6c799577e10c7b09f0036b33c8 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.26 140
MD5 b86824eda82b7145748fffb251dc62d4 files/do_brk_fix.patch 472
MD5 032ff70c5895cc1a2dfbe2a58ebde1f7 files/openmosix-sources-2.4.20.munmap.patch 819
@@ -27,10 +24,11 @@ MD5 bf2b609e8cab6460d220b1267db09826 files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0001.patch
MD5 de75cfa969ed092578d9ddda6c5be334 files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0181.patch 1233
MD5 d4a740ae56c2049247083af387a22a85 files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0394.patch 350
MD5 c460ea130cb4ae84a5063ba044e3ce72 files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0427.patch 460
-MD5 199264742137ada4477d69f816dc5454 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r7 134
MD5 5be98093ca690daffaf11aa8b781776d files/openmosix-sources-2.4.22.signal_fix.patch 371
-MD5 199264742137ada4477d69f816dc5454 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r8 134
MD5 2d0ee073ca09e575523388ad5ac76b5a files/openmosix-sources-2.4.22.pipe_bug.patch 288
MD5 199264742137ada4477d69f816dc5454 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r9 134
MD5 bfe84c6c799577e10c7b09f0036b33c8 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r1 140
MD5 18bb636343c6b0282eea898cb93c55ad files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.26-r2 147
+MD5 dc18e982f8149588a291956481885a8c files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0495.patch 17549
+MD5 0f66013f643c79c97fda489618a4e2fd files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0535.patch 476
+MD5 199264742137ada4477d69f816dc5454 files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10 134
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10 b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3ed47ac2831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/digest-openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 75dc85149b06ac9432106b8941eb9f7b linux-2.4.22.tar.bz2 29528612
+MD5 68224fe261b75cdfd84882df2ae6bb12 openMosix-2.4.22-3.bz2 249126
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0495.patch b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0495.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bea80eac69a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0495.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+--- linux/net/decnet/dn_dev.c.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/net/decnet/dn_dev.c Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -1070,31 +1070,39 @@ int dnet_gifconf(struct net_device *dev,
+ {
+ struct dn_dev *dn_db = (struct dn_dev *)dev->dn_ptr;
+ struct dn_ifaddr *ifa;
+- struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)buf;
++ char buffer[DN_IFREQ_SIZE];
++ struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)buffer;
++ struct sockaddr_dn *addr = (struct sockaddr_dn *)&ifr->ifr_addr;
+ int done = 0;
+ if ((dn_db == NULL) || ((ifa = dn_db->ifa_list) == NULL))
+ return 0;
+ for(; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
+- if (!ifr) {
++ if (!buf) {
+ done += sizeof(DN_IFREQ_SIZE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (len < DN_IFREQ_SIZE)
+ return done;
+- memset(ifr, 0, DN_IFREQ_SIZE);
++ memset(buffer, 0, DN_IFREQ_SIZE);
+ if (ifa->ifa_label)
+ strcpy(ifr->ifr_name, ifa->ifa_label);
+ else
+ strcpy(ifr->ifr_name, dev->name);
+- (*(struct sockaddr_dn *) &ifr->ifr_addr).sdn_family = AF_DECnet;
+- (*(struct sockaddr_dn *) &ifr->ifr_addr).sdn_add.a_len = 2;
+- (*(dn_address *)(*(struct sockaddr_dn *) &ifr->ifr_addr).sdn_add.a_addr) = ifa->ifa_local;
++ addr->sdn_family = AF_DECnet;
++ addr->sdn_add.a_len = 2;
++ memcpy(addr->sdn_add.a_addr, &ifa->ifa_local,
++ sizeof(dn_address));
+- ifr = (struct ifreq *)((char *)ifr + DN_IFREQ_SIZE);
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, buffer, DN_IFREQ_SIZE)) {
++ done = -EFAULT;
++ break;
++ }
++ buf += DN_IFREQ_SIZE;
+ len -= DN_IFREQ_SIZE;
+ done += DN_IFREQ_SIZE;
+ }
+--- linux-2.4.21/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c 2003-06-13 15:51:35.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.4.21/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c.plasmaroo 2004-06-24 11:09:08.260352168 +0100
+@@ -3012,19 +3012,22 @@
+ size_t len,
+ loff_t *offset )
+ {
+- int i;
+- int pos;
++ loff_t pos = *offset;
+ struct proc_data *priv = (struct proc_data*)file->private_data;
+- if( !priv->rbuffer ) return -EINVAL;
++ if (!priv->rbuffer)
++ return -EINVAL;
+- pos = *offset;
+- for( i = 0; i+pos < priv->readlen && i < len; i++ ) {
+- if (put_user( priv->rbuffer[i+pos], buffer+i ))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- }
+- *offset += i;
+- return i;
++ if (pos < 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (pos >= priv->readlen)
++ return 0;
++ if (len > priv->readlen - pos)
++ len = priv->readlen - pos;
++ if (copy_to_user(buffer, priv->rbuffer + pos, len))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ *offset = pos + len;
++ return len;
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -3036,24 +3039,24 @@
+ size_t len,
+ loff_t *offset )
+ {
+- int i;
+- int pos;
++ loff_t pos = *offset;
+ struct proc_data *priv = (struct proc_data*)file->private_data;
+- if ( !priv->wbuffer ) {
++ if (!priv->wbuffer)
+ return -EINVAL;
+- }
+- pos = *offset;
+- for( i = 0; i + pos < priv->maxwritelen &&
+- i < len; i++ ) {
+- if (get_user( priv->wbuffer[i+pos], buffer + i ))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- }
+- if ( i+pos > priv->writelen ) priv->writelen = i+file->f_pos;
+- *offset += i;
+- return i;
++ if (pos < 0)
++ return -EINVAL;
++ if (pos >= priv->maxwritelen)
++ return 0;
++ if (len > priv->maxwritelen - pos)
++ len = priv->maxwritelen - pos;
++ if (copy_from_user(priv->wbuffer + pos, buffer, len))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ if (pos + len > priv->writelen)
++ priv->writelen = pos + len;
++ *offset = pos + len;
++ return len;
+ }
+ static int proc_status_open( struct inode *inode, struct file *file ) {
+--- linux/drivers/sound/mpu401.c.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/drivers/sound/mpu401.c Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -1493,14 +1493,16 @@ static unsigned long mpu_timer_get_time(
+ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsigned int command, caddr_t arg)
+ {
+ int midi_dev = sound_timer_devs[dev]->devlink;
++ int *p = (int *)arg;
+ switch (command)
+ {
+ {
+ int parm;
+- parm = *(int *) arg;
++ if (get_user(parm, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ parm &= timer_caps;
+ if (parm != 0)
+@@ -1512,7 +1514,9 @@ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsi
+ else if (timer_mode & TMR_MODE_SMPTE)
+ mpu_cmd(midi_dev, 0x3d, 0); /* Use SMPTE sync */
+ }
+- return (*(int *) arg = timer_mode);
++ if (put_user(timer_mode, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return timer_mode;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -1537,10 +1541,13 @@ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsi
+ {
+ int val;
+- val = *(int *) arg;
++ if (get_user(val, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ if (val)
+ set_timebase(midi_dev, val);
+- return (*(int *) arg = curr_timebase);
++ if (put_user(curr_timebase, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return curr_timebase;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -1549,7 +1556,8 @@ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsi
+ int val;
+ int ret;
+- val = *(int *) arg;
++ if (get_user(val, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ if (val)
+ {
+@@ -1564,7 +1572,9 @@ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsi
+ }
+ curr_tempo = val;
+ }
+- return (*(int *) arg = curr_tempo);
++ if (put_user(curr_tempo, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return curr_tempo;
+ }
+ break;
+@@ -1572,18 +1582,25 @@ static int mpu_timer_ioctl(int dev, unsi
+ {
+ int val;
+- val = *(int *) arg;
++ if (get_user(val, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ if (val != 0) /* Can't change */
+ return -EINVAL;
+- return (*(int *) arg = ((curr_tempo * curr_timebase) + 30) / 60);
++ val = (curr_tempo * curr_timebase + 30) / 60;
++ if (put_user(val, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return val;
+ }
+ break;
+- return (*(int *) arg = curr_ticks);
++ if (put_user(curr_ticks, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return curr_ticks;
+- metronome_mode = *(int *) arg;
++ if (get_user(metronome_mode, p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ setup_metronome(midi_dev);
+ return 0;
+--- linux/drivers/sound/msnd.c.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/drivers/sound/msnd.c Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -155,13 +155,10 @@ void msnd_fifo_make_empty(msnd_fifo *f)
+ f->len = f->tail = f->head = 0;
+ }
+-int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const char *buf, size_t len, int user)
++int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const char *buf, size_t len)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+- if (f->len == f->n)
+- return 0;
+ while ((count < len) && (f->len != f->n)) {
+ int nwritten;
+@@ -177,11 +174,7 @@ int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const
+ nwritten = len - count;
+ }
+- if (user) {
+- if (copy_from_user(f->data + f->tail, buf, nwritten))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- } else
+- isa_memcpy_fromio(f->data + f->tail, (unsigned long) buf, nwritten);
++ isa_memcpy_fromio(f->data + f->tail, (unsigned long) buf, nwritten);
+ count += nwritten;
+ buf += nwritten;
+@@ -193,13 +186,10 @@ int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const
+ return count;
+ }
+-int msnd_fifo_read(msnd_fifo *f, char *buf, size_t len, int user)
++int msnd_fifo_read(msnd_fifo *f, char *buf, size_t len)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+- if (f->len == 0)
+- return f->len;
+ while ((count < len) && (f->len > 0)) {
+ int nread;
+@@ -215,11 +205,7 @@ int msnd_fifo_read(msnd_fifo *f, char *b
+ nread = len - count;
+ }
+- if (user) {
+- if (copy_to_user(buf, f->data + f->head, nread))
+- return -EFAULT;
+- } else
+- isa_memcpy_toio((unsigned long) buf, f->data + f->head, nread);
++ isa_memcpy_toio((unsigned long) buf, f->data + f->head, nread);
+ count += nread;
+ buf += nread;
+--- linux/drivers/sound/msnd.h.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/drivers/sound/msnd.h Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ void msnd_fifo_init(msnd_fifo *f);
+ void msnd_fifo_free(msnd_fifo *f);
+ int msnd_fifo_alloc(msnd_fifo *f, size_t n);
+ void msnd_fifo_make_empty(msnd_fifo *f);
+-int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const char *buf, size_t len, int user);
+-int msnd_fifo_read(msnd_fifo *f, char *buf, size_t len, int user);
++int msnd_fifo_write(msnd_fifo *f, const char *buf, size_t len);
++int msnd_fifo_read(msnd_fifo *f, char *buf, size_t len);
+ int msnd_wait_TXDE(multisound_dev_t *dev);
+ int msnd_wait_HC0(multisound_dev_t *dev);
+--- linux/drivers/sound/msnd_pinnacle.c.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/drivers/sound/msnd_pinnacle.c Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ static int dev_release(struct inode *ino
+ static __inline__ int pack_DARQ_to_DARF(register int bank)
+ {
+- register int size, n, timeout = 3;
++ register int size, timeout = 3;
+ register WORD wTmp;
+@@ -825,13 +825,10 @@ static __inline__ int pack_DARQ_to_DARF(
+ /* Read data from the head (unprotected bank 1 access okay
+ since this is only called inside an interrupt) */
+ outb(HPBLKSEL_1, + HP_BLKS);
+- if ((n = msnd_fifo_write(
++ msnd_fifo_write(
+ &dev.DARF,
+ (char *)(dev.base + bank * DAR_BUFF_SIZE),
+- size, 0)) <= 0) {
+- outb(HPBLKSEL_0, + HP_BLKS);
+- return n;
+- }
++ size);
+ outb(HPBLKSEL_0, + HP_BLKS);
+ return 1;
+@@ -853,21 +850,16 @@ static __inline__ int pack_DAPF_to_DAPQ(
+ if (protect) {
+ /* Critical section: protect fifo in non-interrupt */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev.lock, flags);
+- if ((n = msnd_fifo_read(
++ n = msnd_fifo_read(
+ &dev.DAPF,
+ (char *)(dev.base + bank_num * DAP_BUFF_SIZE),
+- DAP_BUFF_SIZE, 0)) < 0) {
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
+- return n;
+- }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
+ } else {
+- if ((n = msnd_fifo_read(
++ n = msnd_fifo_read(
+ &dev.DAPF,
+ (char *)(dev.base + bank_num * DAP_BUFF_SIZE),
+- DAP_BUFF_SIZE, 0)) < 0) {
+- return n;
+- }
+ }
+ if (!n)
+ break;
+@@ -894,30 +886,43 @@ static __inline__ int pack_DAPF_to_DAPQ(
+ static int dsp_read(char *buf, size_t len)
+ {
+ int count = len;
++ char *page = (char *)__get_free_page(PAGE_SIZE);
++ if (!page)
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ while (count > 0) {
+- int n;
++ int n, k;
+ unsigned long flags;
++ k = PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (k > count)
++ k = count;
+ /* Critical section: protect fifo in non-interrupt */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev.lock, flags);
+- if ((n = msnd_fifo_read(&dev.DARF, buf, count, 1)) < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING LOGNAME ": FIFO read error\n");
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
+- return n;
+- }
++ n = msnd_fifo_read(&dev.DARF, page, k);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
++ if (copy_to_user(buf, page, n)) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
+ buf += n;
+ count -= n;
++ if (n == k && count)
++ continue;
+ if (!test_bit(F_READING, &dev.flags) && dev.mode & FMODE_READ) {
+ dev.last_recbank = -1;
+ if (chk_send_dsp_cmd(&dev, HDEX_RECORD_START) == 0)
+ set_bit(F_READING, &dev.flags);
+ }
+- if (dev.rec_ndelay)
++ if (dev.rec_ndelay) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return count == len ? -EAGAIN : len - count;
++ }
+ if (count > 0) {
+ set_bit(F_READBLOCK, &dev.flags);
+@@ -926,41 +931,57 @@ static int dsp_read(char *buf, size_t le
+ get_rec_delay_jiffies(DAR_BUFF_SIZE)))
+ clear_bit(F_READING, &dev.flags);
+ clear_bit(F_READBLOCK, &dev.flags);
+- if (signal_pending(current))
++ if (signal_pending(current)) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return len - count;
+ }
+ static int dsp_write(const char *buf, size_t len)
+ {
+ int count = len;
++ char *page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
++ if (!page)
++ return -ENOMEM;
+ while (count > 0) {
+- int n;
++ int n, k;
+ unsigned long flags;
++ k = PAGE_SIZE;
++ if (k > count)
++ k = count;
++ if (copy_from_user(page, buf, k)) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
++ return -EFAULT;
++ }
+ /* Critical section: protect fifo in non-interrupt */
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dev.lock, flags);
+- if ((n = msnd_fifo_write(&dev.DAPF, buf, count, 1)) < 0) {
+- printk(KERN_WARNING LOGNAME ": FIFO write error\n");
+- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
+- return n;
+- }
++ n = msnd_fifo_write(&dev.DAPF, page, k);
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev.lock, flags);
+ buf += n;
+ count -= n;
++ if (count && n == k)
++ continue;
+ if (!test_bit(F_WRITING, &dev.flags) && (dev.mode & FMODE_WRITE)) {
+ dev.last_playbank = -1;
+ if (pack_DAPF_to_DAPQ(1) > 0)
+ set_bit(F_WRITING, &dev.flags);
+ }
+- if (dev.play_ndelay)
++ if (dev.play_ndelay) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return count == len ? -EAGAIN : len - count;
++ }
+ if (count > 0) {
+ set_bit(F_WRITEBLOCK, &dev.flags);
+@@ -968,11 +989,14 @@ static int dsp_write(const char *buf, si
+ &dev.writeblock,
+ get_play_delay_jiffies(DAP_BUFF_SIZE));
+ clear_bit(F_WRITEBLOCK, &dev.flags);
+- if (signal_pending(current))
++ if (signal_pending(current)) {
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return -EINTR;
++ }
+ }
+ }
++ free_page((unsigned long)page);
+ return len - count;
+ }
+--- linux/drivers/sound/pss.c.bak Wed Jun 16 14:42:24 2004
++++ linux/drivers/sound/pss.c Wed Jun 16 14:42:34 2004
+@@ -450,20 +450,36 @@ static void pss_mixer_reset(pss_confdata
+ }
+ }
+-static void arg_to_volume_mono(unsigned int volume, int *aleft)
++static int set_volume_mono(caddr_t p, int *aleft)
+ {
+ int left;
++ unsigned volume;
++ if (get_user(volume, (unsigned *)p))
++ return -EFAULT;
+- left = volume & 0x00ff;
++ left = volume & 0xff;
+ if (left > 100)
+ left = 100;
+ *aleft = left;
++ return 0;
+ }
+-static void arg_to_volume_stereo(unsigned int volume, int *aleft, int *aright)
++static int set_volume_stereo(caddr_t p, int *aleft, int *aright)
+ {
+- arg_to_volume_mono(volume, aleft);
+- arg_to_volume_mono(volume >> 8, aright);
++ int left, right;
++ unsigned volume;
++ if (get_user(volume, (unsigned *)p))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ left = volume & 0xff;
++ if (left > 100)
++ left = 100;
++ right = (volume >> 8) & 0xff;
++ if (right > 100)
++ right = 100;
++ *aleft = left;
++ *aright = right;
++ return 0;
+ }
+ static int ret_vol_mono(int left)
+@@ -510,33 +526,38 @@ static int pss_mixer_ioctl (int dev, uns
+ return call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg);
+ else
+ {
+- if (*(int *)arg != 0)
++ int v;
++ if (get_user(v, (int *)arg))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ if (v != 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+- arg_to_volume_stereo(*(unsigned int *)arg, &devc->mixer.volume_l,
+- &devc->mixer.volume_r);
++ if (set_volume_stereo(arg,
++ &devc->mixer.volume_l,
++ &devc->mixer.volume_r))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ set_master_volume(devc, devc->mixer.volume_l,
+ devc->mixer.volume_r);
+ return ret_vol_stereo(devc->mixer.volume_l,
+ devc->mixer.volume_r);
+- arg_to_volume_mono(*(unsigned int *)arg,
+- &devc->mixer.bass);
++ if (set_volume_mono(arg, &devc->mixer.bass))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ set_bass(devc, devc->mixer.bass);
+ return ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.bass);
+- arg_to_volume_mono(*(unsigned int *)arg,
+- &devc->mixer.treble);
++ if (set_volume_mono(arg, &devc->mixer.treble))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ set_treble(devc, devc->mixer.treble);
+ return ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.treble);
+- arg_to_volume_mono(*(unsigned int *)arg,
+- &devc->mixer.synth);
++ if (set_volume_mono(arg, &devc->mixer.synth))
++ return -EFAULT;
+ set_synth_volume(devc, devc->mixer.synth);
+ return ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.synth);
+@@ -546,54 +567,67 @@ static int pss_mixer_ioctl (int dev, uns
+ }
+ else
+ {
++ int val, and_mask = 0, or_mask = 0;
+ /*
+ * Return parameters
+ */
+ switch (cmdf)
+ {
+ if (call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg) == -EINVAL)
+- *(int *)arg = 0; /* no mixer devices */
++ break;
++ and_mask = ~0;
++ break;
+ if (call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg) == -EINVAL)
+- *(int *)arg = 0; /* no stereo devices */
+- return (*(int *)arg |= SOUND_MASK_VOLUME);
++ break;
++ and_mask = ~0;
++ or_mask = SOUND_MASK_VOLUME;
++ break;
+ if (devc->ad_mixer_dev != NO_WSS_MIXER)
+ return call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg);
+- else
+- return (*(int *)arg = 0); /* no record devices */
++ break;
+ if (devc->ad_mixer_dev != NO_WSS_MIXER)
+ return call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg);
+- else
+- return (*(int *)arg = SOUND_CAP_EXCL_INPUT);
++ or_mask = SOUND_CAP_EXCL_INPUT;
++ break;
+ if (devc->ad_mixer_dev != NO_WSS_MIXER)
+ return call_ad_mixer(devc, cmd, arg);
+- else
+- return (*(int *)arg = 0); /* no record source */
++ break;
+- return (*(int *)arg = ret_vol_stereo(devc->mixer.volume_l, devc->mixer.volume_r));
++ or_mask = ret_vol_stereo(devc->mixer.volume_l, devc->mixer.volume_r);
++ break;
+- return (*(int *)arg = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.bass));
++ or_mask = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.bass);
++ break;
+- return (*(int *)arg = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.treble));
++ or_mask = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.treble);
++ break;
+- return (*(int *)arg = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.synth));
++ or_mask = ret_vol_mono(devc->mixer.synth);
++ break;
+ default:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
++ if (get_user(val, (int *)arg))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ val &= and_mask;
++ val |= or_mask;
++ if (put_user(val, (int *)arg))
++ return -EFAULT;
++ return val;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0535.patch b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0535.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..669fc5fd32fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/files/openmosix-sources.CAN-2004-0535.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c 2003-06-13 15:51:34.000000000 +0100
++++ drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c.plasmaroo 2004-06-24 11:23:32.524963976 +0100
+@@ -468,6 +468,9 @@
+ if(copy_from_user(&regs, addr, sizeof(regs)))
+ return -EFAULT;
++ memset(regs_buff, 0, sizeof(regs_buff));
++ if (regs.len > E1000_REGS_LEN)
++ regs.len = E1000_REGS_LEN;
+ e1000_ethtool_gregs(adapter, &regs, regs_buff);
+ if(copy_to_user(addr, &regs, sizeof(regs)))
+ return -EFAULT;
diff --git a/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4fc3e89ca14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-kernel/openmosix-sources/openmosix-sources-2.4.22-r10.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/06/30 14:29:38 voxus Exp $
+#OKV=original kernel version, KV=patched kernel version. They can be the same.
+inherit kernel eutils
+[ "${PR}" == "r0" ] && KV=${PV/_/-}-openmosix || KV=${PV/_/-}-openmosix-${PR}
+EXTRAVERSION="`echo ${KV}|sed -e 's:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(.*\):\1:'`"
+BASE="`echo ${KV}|sed -e s:${EXTRAVERSION}::`"
+# What's in this kernel?
+# 2.4.22, plus:
+# 2.4.22 openmosix-2.4.22-3
+# various security patches
+DESCRIPTION="Full sources for the Gentoo openMosix Linux kernel"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~x86"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack linux-${OKV}.tar.bz2
+ mv linux-${OKV} linux-${KV} || die
+ cd linux-${KV}
+ bzcat ${DISTDIR}/openMosix-2.4.22-3.bz2|patch -p1 || die "-openmosix patch failed"
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/do_brk_fix.patch || die "Failed to patch do_brk() vulnerability!"
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.4.20.munmap.patch || die "Failed to apply munmap patch!"
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}.rtc_fix.patch || die "Failed to patch RTC vulnerabilities!"
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}.signal_fix.patch || die "Failed to patch signal.c vulnerability."
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}.pipe_bug.patch || die "Failed to patch pipe-bug."
+ for n in `ls ${FILESDIR}/${PN}.CAN-*`;
+ do
+ epatch $n || die "Failed to add " $n;
+ done
+ kernel_universal_unpack
+pkg_postinst() {
+ [ "$ETYPE" = "headers" ] && return
+ if [ ! -e ${ROOT}usr/src/linux ]
+ then
+ rm -f ${ROOT}usr/src/linux
+ ln -sf linux-${KV} ${ROOT}/usr/src/linux
+ fi