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Diffstat (limited to 'meeting-logs/20110210-summary.txt')
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diff --git a/meeting-logs/20110210-summary.txt b/meeting-logs/20110210-summary.txt
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+Present: alexxy, dilfridge, jmbsvicetto, scarabeus, tampakrap
+Absent: ABCD, spatz
+HTs: krytzz, papillon81
+0) Elect new lead
+Accepted: bonsaikitten, dilfridge, reavertm, tampakrap
+Refused: alexxy, jmbsvicetto, scarabeus
+scarabeus -> tampakrap
+dilfridge -> tampakrap
+bonsaikitten -> tampakrap
+tampakrap -> reavertm
+alexxy -> tampakrap
+reavertm -> tampakrap
+jmbsvicetto -> tampakrap
+tampakrap is the new KDE Team Lead
+1) Status regarding hal
+Since KDE SC 4.6 is out, we don't need it anymore. As soon as 4.6
+gets stable, hal can die.
+2) Should we try to form a "stable KDE devs" team? Meaning just call for volunteers on the dev ml?
+dilfridge stated that since most of the kde team members use ~arch,
+stable seems to lag behind. The problem is very obvious now, mainly
+because we haven't stabilized 4.4. The problem will go away as soon
+as 4.6 gets stable though.
+Apart from main kde, the misc apps are also slow in stabilization.
+We expect users to request for stabilizations in bugzilla.
+3) kde-git/eclasses migration and status, move kdepim 4.6 beta in tree masked
+reavertm, Sput, and scarabeus did a major cleanup in our eclasses
+and added git support to eclasses and ebuilds. In order to migrate
+the eclasses to tree we will need to get git-2.eclass in tree first
+(it is now in kde overlay as well). ETA: not less than a month. As a
+side note, we decided to remove koffice-specific codeout of the eclasses.
+4) Shall we drop useflags kdeenablefinal and/or kdeprefix to simplify code?
+First of all, both useflags are masked. We agreed to keep kdeenablefinal,
+since it is an upstream feature. About kdeprefix, the problem is that
+bindings are not prefixed, and a possible fix (proposed by reavertm)
+would be to slot sip. tampakrap said he'll work on this, and bring the
+topic back in next meeting.
+5) Dropping of semantic-desktop useflag with guide update (mostly even kdebase needs it on now)
+This entry is invalid, semantic-desktop is not needed by kdebase.
+The problem is in our ebuilds (plasma-workspace is semi broken,
+kdeplasma-addons is completely broken). We have open bugs for those,
+the problem is clearly in our side.
+6) Making +consolekit and +policikit or removing the useflags as whole (non working stuff run-as is annoying)
+scarabeus and dilfridge are in favour of dropping them, since it
+caused a lot of trouble debugging various user reports. reavertm
+prefers adding it to IUSE defaults. No consensus was succeeded,
+the topic will be continued in the gentoo-desktop mailing list.
+7) HT/overlay/bugzie access policy
+Since we don't have a clear list of who is an HT and who isn't, we
+decided to compile a list, and state what priviledges the HT has.
+(HT = Herd Tester). Some people don't have time/motivation to complete
+their ebuild quiz, thus we'll have two groups of people:
+ * full HTs (overlay access, editbugs, access to ktown, IRC cloak)
+ * overlay commiters
+We decided to drop the KDE HT Lead title, seems rather useless.
+8) LiveDVD issues
+LiveDVD comes with KDE SC 4.6 as default DE, and we called likewhoa
+(the guy behind it) to report any issues. He said that everything
+seems to be fine, but random users wanted the cool gentoo graphics
+to be applied to in-tree ebuilds as well. The KDE Team is willing
+to do that, likewhoa said he'll provide us some artwork and we'll
+discuss again the USE="branding" issue.
+9) documentation status
+There has been a major improvement in the guide, added some 4.6 specific
+tips and troubleshooting parts, we need to add a hal->udev migration
+guide, and migrate some texts that are in kde overlay to guidexml.
+10 & 11) 4.6 (and misc apps with 4.6) status , Early discussion about 4.6 stabilization
+KDE SC 4.6 is going fine, we all agreed that 4.6.1 could be a good
+candidate, we'll discuss it again after its release. About a 4.6
+KDEPIM version, no idea yet, we'll have to wait on upstream moves first.
+Most misc apps seem to be fine with 4.6 as well.
+*) Open floor
+One major issue is digikam, it comes with lots of bundled libraries,
+which violates the Gentoo QA Policy. We heard that Debian has same
+thoughts on the matter, we'll have to bring them to table. Relevant
+bug report:
+Desktop Summit! We were invited last year to Akademy to give a talk
+about Gentoo-KDE, noone made it. Some of us expressed interest for
+this year's event, which combines GUADEC and Akademy. \ No newline at end of file