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+2014-03-26 19:49:57 * zlogene is here, already
+2014-03-26 19:53:11 * zlogene take chocolate ice cream with cherry and waiting for meeting start
+2014-03-26 19:53:29 * TomWij just ate chocolate and goes for a drink.
+2014-03-26 19:59:40 * Zero_Chaos is here
+2014-03-26 20:00:27 @creffett|irssi k, showtime.
+2014-03-26 20:00:38 * ulm here
+2014-03-26 20:00:40 @WilliamH ok you should get the email
+2014-03-26 20:00:45 @WilliamH qa team...
+2014-03-26 20:00:57 * WilliamH is here
+2014-03-26 20:00:59 * TomWij is here
+2014-03-26 20:01:22 * Tommy[D] didnt miss his own reminder
+2014-03-26 20:01:32 @creffett|irssi wired, Pinkbyte, bonsaikitten: you all here?
+2014-03-26 20:01:45 * Pinkbyte here
+2014-03-26 20:02:18 @creffett|irssi close enough.
+2014-03-26 20:02:36 @creffett|irssi first question: do we want to do rotating meeting times? I know this time doesn't work for everyone
+2014-03-26 20:02:36 @TomWij (Agenda @
+2014-03-26 20:03:11 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: wednesday are almost always bad for me, especially in the middle of the work day. so I have to vote for rotating meetings.
+2014-03-26 20:03:33 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: I agree, especially when this summer comes and I actually have a job to keep
+2014-03-26 20:04:14 @creffett|irssi so how will we want to handle that is the real question--do we want to go for discussion-only during meetings and voting some other way? vote during meetings and if you can't make it too bad? what?
+2014-03-26 20:04:27 @creffett|irssi (also, I will fire up a whenisgood so we can find another good time)
+2014-03-26 20:04:41 @Pinkbyte creffett, what about shifting meeting time to saturday or sunday?
+2014-03-26 20:04:41 @Tommy[D] i disagree, we already checked, when most people have time and even then, see last week, we have problems get enough people together
+2014-03-26 20:04:45 @TomWij I wouldn't mind if they were rotating, giving everyone a fair chance to attend; though, the only concern I have here is when times get picked where not a sufficient quorum can attend.
+2014-03-26 20:04:54 @Tommy[D] other times will make it even harder to even get half of qa together
+2014-03-26 20:05:19 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: then what would you prefer we do with the handful of people who can't/rarely can make the current time
+2014-03-26 20:05:27 * WilliamH agrees with Tommy[D]
+2014-03-26 20:05:32 @zlogene what about make meeting on Saturday/Sunday
+2014-03-26 20:05:35 @zlogene ?
+2014-03-26 20:06:02 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: pretty simple: normal meetings/votes like now and we dont get a majority, let the rest vote via mail within e.g. 48 hours after announcing open vote on the alias
+2014-03-26 20:06:06 * WilliamH isn't opposed to a weekend meeting...
+2014-03-26 20:06:17 @ulm I'm against meeting on weekends too
+2014-03-26 20:06:27 * TomWij isn't opposed to a weekend meeting either.
+2014-03-26 20:06:35 @Tommy[D] weenends is pretty bad, i often cant say when/if i have time then
+2014-03-26 20:07:27 @Zero_Chaos honestly I have more freetime if we shift this +5-6 hours
+2014-03-26 20:07:28 @creffett|irssi the issue here is that we pretty effectively span the globe
+2014-03-26 20:07:32 @Tommy[D] in addition i like it to have sometimes a day for myself without any meetings/work ;)
+2014-03-26 20:07:34 @creffett|irssi no matter when we pick, someone suffers
+2014-03-26 20:07:34 @Zero_Chaos but then everyone else is alseep
+2014-03-26 20:08:14 @zlogene so, i agree with pinkbyte about weekend
+2014-03-26 20:08:18 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: so the best we can get is like we do now: get the majority together, let the rest vote in addition, if needed for a majority vote
+2014-03-26 20:08:44 @Tommy[D] we cannot make it right for everyone and shifting times make it very likely we would not even get half of qa team together
+2014-03-26 20:09:27 @creffett|irssi yeah.
+2014-03-26 20:09:28 @TomWij creffett|irssi: We could 1) vote right now on making it rotating or not, 2) do a doodle to pick the preferred day of the week and 3) do another whenisgood to see if there is perhaps a better hour than 1900 UTC due to changed schedules.
+2014-03-26 20:09:42 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: nothing against you personally, but seems like you got the worst timezone together with Patrick
+2014-03-26 20:09:56 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], yep, seems the better decision. And 48h timeframe for voting can be extended a bit. Let's see, we have meeting at wednesday. Let's say, that majority should be there and other should vote till next Monday
+2014-03-26 20:09:57 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: I'm in Zero_Chaos's timezone :P
+2014-03-26 20:10:05 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: I'm actually the same timezone as creffett|irssi, just I have a job :-P
+2014-03-26 20:10:11 @creffett|irssi ^^
+2014-03-26 20:10:45 @zlogene !time zlogene
+2014-03-26 20:10:45 willikins zlogene: Europe - Moscow - Wed Mar 26 23:11 MSK
+2014-03-26 20:11:09 @creffett|irssi I would like to try another whenisgood just to check if the DST shift (for those affected by it) has opened up a better time
+2014-03-26 20:11:38 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: even then, if we take you 2 out, we still have 6 out of 10, who can make it, any other time will have even lower numbers and we need 6 to get a majority vote....
+2014-03-26 20:12:04 @creffett|irssi and for the future, I think our best bet will unfortunately be to have people send in their opinions beforehand if they can't make it, and conduct email votes if we don't have a majority
+2014-03-26 20:12:12 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: I agree, but it is kinda shitty to plan every meeting to miss 40% of the team.
+2014-03-26 20:12:26 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I think possibly voting by list is a good idea.
+2014-03-26 20:12:38 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: its not good, but still better to plan with 60% missing
+2014-03-26 20:12:59 @Tommy[D] *still better then to plan with 60% missing
+2014-03-26 20:13:05 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: rotating meeting times to always catch at least 6 but miss different people wouldn't hurt.
+2014-03-26 20:13:09 @Zero_Chaos if possible anyway
+2014-03-26 20:13:39 @creffett|irssi I'll look into that too, if there's a different time which has >=6 on whenisgood then we can consider rotating to that occasionally
+2014-03-26 20:13:48 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: thats the point: if possible, keep in mind that current schedule was the best matching time for all and we have problems getting a majority at the best time....
+2014-03-26 20:14:28 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: let's see how the whenisgood turns out
+2014-03-26 20:14:35 @Zero_Chaos accepted
+2014-03-26 20:14:42 @creffett|irssi next topic.
+2014-03-26 20:14:46 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: sounds reasonable to me.
+2014-03-26 20:14:57 @creffett|irssi vapier stabilizing on experimentals: do we care? what do we want to do, if we do care?
+2014-03-26 20:15:04 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: i suggest you create it, send a mail after meeting and we can discuss via mail once its done
+2014-03-26 20:15:15 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: please provide background
+2014-03-26 20:15:15 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: I was planning on that
+2014-03-26 20:15:23 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: I think this was yours
+2014-03-26 20:15:26 @creffett|irssi (the vapier thing)
+2014-03-26 20:15:29 @TomWij +1 on whenisgood
+2014-03-26 20:15:29 @Tommy[D] any update from council wrt those arches?
+2014-03-26 20:15:37 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: Well, if the archs have exp in their profiles we don't have to care.
+2014-03-26 20:15:56 @Zero_Chaos oh experimental arches?
+2014-03-26 20:15:59 @Zero_Chaos +1 for don't care
+2014-03-26 20:16:28 @WilliamH That's the point of the status in profiles.desc
+2014-03-26 20:16:34 @Zero_Chaos very much so
+2014-03-26 20:16:41 * WilliamH isn't sure about dev status
+2014-03-26 20:16:47 @Zero_Chaos if you are using an experimental profile you get to keep the pieces.
+2014-03-26 20:17:01 @zlogene what should we do if vapier still stabilize for this?
+2014-03-26 20:17:09 @Zero_Chaos and if it ever moves up to a stable profile, less work if they were already following a stabilization policy (of some kind)
+2014-03-26 20:17:11 @zlogene revert, or no?
+2014-03-26 20:17:17 @WilliamH zlogene: nothing if the profiles are in the right status
+2014-03-26 20:17:20 @creffett|irssi zlogene: I'm still unclear if it even matters to us
+2014-03-26 20:17:26 @Pinkbyte zlogene, as said - if the whole arch profiles are 'exp' - just do not care
+2014-03-26 20:17:34 @zlogene okay
+2014-03-26 20:17:39 @Pinkbyte if repoman -d does not throw warnings - forget about this
+2014-03-26 20:17:48 @TomWij +1 for don't care; I think I've said earlier that the lack of stage3 makes it experimental to users anyway, and when it gets out of experimental we expect the arch team to properly make sure it is stable.
+2014-03-26 20:18:12 @Pinkbyte TomWij, the culprit is that some of those arches are not exp, they are dev
+2014-03-26 20:18:13 @Zero_Chaos sounds like TomWij summed up the majority favor
+2014-03-26 20:18:16 @zlogene +1 for don't care then
+2014-03-26 20:18:22 @Zero_Chaos Pinkbyte: dev we care.
+2014-03-26 20:18:26 @Pinkbyte i mean arch profiles of course
+2014-03-26 20:18:29 @Zero_Chaos I think we have to care on dev
+2014-03-26 20:18:33 @creffett|irssi then what do we do about dev?
+2014-03-26 20:18:44 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: what specifically was done?
+2014-03-26 20:18:52 @TomWij Pinkbyte: Some of which arches, did vapier stabilize something like that on dev?
+2014-03-26 20:18:54 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: ask WilliamH, this was his issue
+2014-03-26 20:19:09 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: can you please provide some background on this? I am unfamiliar.
+2014-03-26 20:19:14 @Pinkbyte TomWij, sh is still in dev, right?
+2014-03-26 20:19:21 @Pinkbyte and s390
+2014-03-26 20:19:26 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: council declared some archis to be unstable then vapier continued stabilizing packages..
+2014-03-26 20:19:34 @zlogene Pinkbyte: yes
+2014-03-26 20:20:14 @WilliamH s390, sh and (I can't find the other one right now)...
+2014-03-26 20:20:16 @Pinkbyte to be 'unstable only' if i understand right
+2014-03-26 20:20:21 @Pinkbyte WilliamH, m68k
+2014-03-26 20:20:22 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: the profiles have ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~arch" right?
+2014-03-26 20:20:29 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, yep
+2014-03-26 20:20:42 @TomWij Pinkbyte: Right, I perceived this issue to be about exp only; and the other part, as said above, handled by Council.
+2014-03-26 20:20:54 @ulm Zero_Chaos: is it enough to have ~arch?
+2014-03-26 20:20:55 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: vapier's point was we shouldn't do that but bump the profiles to exp status in profiles.desc
+2014-03-26 20:21:03 @zlogene Zero_Chaos: ACCEPT_KEYWIRDS="arch ~arch"
+2014-03-26 20:21:06 @ulm Zero_Chaos: for repoman -d not to complain?
+2014-03-26 20:21:08 @zlogene *KEYWORDS
+2014-03-26 20:21:10 @Zero_Chaos then in my head it's masturbation. If you are stabilizing on an arch which lists ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~arch" then the users will always get ~arch anyway so who cares?
+2014-03-26 20:21:41 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, well, vapier keeps some machines with overrided ACCEPT_KEYWORDS
+2014-03-26 20:21:56 @Zero_Chaos ulm: the council said those arches were not stable, so in my head, it's enough that the profiles list ~arch and that we don't wait on them to stabilize.
+2014-03-26 20:22:01 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="-~s390 s390"
+2014-03-26 20:22:14 @Pinkbyte that's how he do things :-)
+2014-03-26 20:22:15 @WilliamH I tend to agree that the status of theprofile should be switched instead of fooling with accept_keywords.
+2014-03-26 20:22:15 @Zero_Chaos Pinkbyte: that is his choice, and it doesn't affect anyone else in any way.
+2014-03-26 20:22:41 @TomWij Pinkbyte: If he's still doing it on dev profiles after 20130917 council decision (per then I think we can enforce the policy here; but, I'm in doubt whether this is to be considered part of this agenda item.
+2014-03-26 20:22:50 @Pinkbyte WilliamH, then - let's do this
+2014-03-26 20:22:52 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: making the profile exp instead of dev or stable means that there will be much more inadvertant breakage which we can avoid.
+2014-03-26 20:23:21 @Tommy[D] Who about moving those testing-only arches per council decision to exp profile status or, if preferred, ask council for such decision?
+2014-03-26 20:23:25 @Tommy[D] *how about
+2014-03-26 20:23:27 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, we are talking about arches, that basically have only vapier in arch team
+2014-03-26 20:23:32 @Pinkbyte so, it depends...
+2014-03-26 20:23:45 @Zero_Chaos Pinkbyte: we are here to fight for the users, not to battle vapier for fun.
+2014-03-26 20:23:55 @Zero_Chaos Pinkbyte: I don't care what vapier does if it doesn't affect the users.
+2014-03-26 20:23:59 @creffett|irssi so the choices as I see them are "do nothing" "mark exp ourselves" "punt to council"
+2014-03-26 20:24:01 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: it also ties in with being able to remove old versions.
+2014-03-26 20:24:03 @creffett|irssi did I miss anything?
+2014-03-26 20:24:30 dilfridge about the arches
+2014-03-26 20:24:33 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: we don't have to respect his stable keywords since council said those arches do not have stable keywords. so again, who cares.
+2014-03-26 20:24:36 * WilliamH votes punt to council
+2014-03-26 20:24:36 @zlogene i'm interested why vapier still stabilize it
+2014-03-26 20:24:47 @creffett|irssi dilfridge: go ahead
+2014-03-26 20:24:49 dilfridge we had a council decision that all these arches should go exp (suggested by vapier)
+2014-03-26 20:24:56 @Zero_Chaos punting to council is worthless, they haven't enforced anything for years and won't
+2014-03-26 20:24:58 @zlogene make it sense ? If profile have arch ~arch?
+2014-03-26 20:24:58 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, it's a question of support. If only vapier cares about them, then we can not enforce decision that he does not like
+2014-03-26 20:24:59 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: additionally would be "force testing keywords, drop stable keywords again"
+2014-03-26 20:25:06 @Zero_Chaos we either make a choice ourselves or stop pretending we care.
+2014-03-26 20:25:06 dilfridge nah,
+2014-03-26 20:25:26 dilfridge the agreement was "all these arches become exp profiles, and noone cares about the stable or not keywords"
+2014-03-26 20:25:27 @TomWij creffett|irssi: It depends on what we consider to be the agenda item: If it's just 'experimental' as listed on the wiki, the choices are limited; if we include 'dev' in that, additional choices come in.
+2014-03-26 20:25:33 @Pinkbyte zlogene, as i said - he maintains his own machines with some like of 'stable' branch
+2014-03-26 20:25:34 @WilliamH wait hold on a second all
+2014-03-26 20:25:38 @ulm dilfridge: right
+2014-03-26 20:25:43 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: what, and you think they'll listen to us? out of the existing decisions we've made, which have actually been listened to?
+2014-03-26 20:25:49 @ulm so we should simply mark them as exp
+2014-03-26 20:26:00 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: nut up man. they can't throw us all out ;-)
+2014-03-26 20:26:18 @WilliamH dilfridge: ok, we had a council decision that the arch's should go exp... we just flip that switch and don't care otherwise...
+2014-03-26 20:26:27 @Tommy[D] dilfridge: have a summay link containing that agreement?
+2014-03-26 20:26:45 @Zero_Chaos again, things are black and white to me. If the profiles are correct and he isn't affecting the users he can stabilize whatever he wants. I'm here to protect users not battle for good form.
+2014-03-26 20:26:47 dilfridge vapier uses the stable keywords for e.g. stage building, and imho as long as they are not annoucned anywhere and the profiles default to ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="arch ~arch", who cares
+2014-03-26 20:27:02 @Zero_Chaos dilfridge: ++
+2014-03-26 20:27:11 @WilliamH bump the profiles to exp and we're done with this item. ;-)
+2014-03-26 20:27:14 @Zero_Chaos this doesn't affect us. this doesn't affect users. I say vote.
+2014-03-26 20:27:25 dilfridge Tommy[D]: I think that's one of the summaries that donnie still has to make
+2014-03-26 20:27:26 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, the key point ' if the profiles are correct'. They are marked 'dev' right now, but it does not reflect the reality.
+2014-03-26 20:27:33 @Pinkbyte let's vote
+2014-03-26 20:27:37 @Zero_Chaos Pinkbyte: dev is fine with me.
+2014-03-26 20:27:38 @creffett|irssi dilfridge: to clarify, the profiles _should_ be marked exp?
+2014-03-26 20:27:45 dilfridge will be marked exp
+2014-03-26 20:27:47 @WilliamH There's nothing to vote on since council made the decision.
+2014-03-26 20:27:54 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: let's try a vote and see where it lands....
+2014-03-26 20:27:55 dilfridge exactly.
+2014-03-26 20:27:56 @Tommy[D] i vote for setting those profiles to exp, allowing everyone to drop stable keywords, let vapier do his keywording and noone gets repoman warnings
+2014-03-26 20:28:19 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: are there repoman warnings now?
+2014-03-26 20:28:33 dilfridge I'm still busy with bumping the whole profile tree to eapi=5, otherwise I'd possbly have done it in the meantime
+2014-03-26 20:28:34 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: should be for dev profiles with repoman -d
+2014-03-26 20:28:49 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: I know how to scan thanks, I said, "Are there warnings now"?
+2014-03-26 20:28:49 @zlogene Tommy[D]: heh, even we'll drop stable keywords vapier will revert us
+2014-03-26 20:28:53 @WilliamH all the council already made the decision on this ;-)
+2014-03-26 20:29:05 @creffett|irssi I vote EDONTCARE, the profiles are set to be marked exp so nothing to do.
+2014-03-26 20:29:15 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: who is marking them exp?
+2014-03-26 20:29:22 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: and on what authority?
+2014-03-26 20:29:24 dilfridge in case of doubt me
+2014-03-26 20:29:34 dilfridge on council decision authority
+2014-03-26 20:29:35 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: sounded like dilfridge either is planninng on it or knows who will be, and on council authority
+2014-03-26 20:29:38 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: the authority of council
+2014-03-26 20:29:40 @TomWij creffett|irssi: +1 For the original 'experimental' agenda item, my vote is "don't care"; for the 'dev' discussion as above, my vote is "enforce what council decided or let council enforce it if they wish to do so" (which boils down to "don't care" unless council wants us to enforce).
+2014-03-26 20:29:48 @WilliamH Zero_Chaos: as already said
+2014-03-26 20:29:48 @ulm dilfridge: please do
+2014-03-26 20:29:53 @Tommy[D] zlogene: i mean, if we remove an old version (last stable version on that arch), we dont have to wait for that arch and he is free to stable a newer version
+2014-03-26 20:29:57 @Pinkbyte TomWij, +1
+2014-03-26 20:30:03 dilfridge soon... (we have dpg meeting next week... argh...)
+2014-03-26 20:30:09 @Zero_Chaos if the council already said that is what's happening then I'd like to raise creffett|irssi's EDONTCARE with a EWHYAREWEEVENTALKINGABOUTTHIS
+2014-03-26 20:30:22 dilfridge hehe
+2014-03-26 20:30:26 @ulm dilfridge: it's just profiles.desc?
+2014-03-26 20:30:29 dilfridge yes
+2014-03-26 20:30:41 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, as Tommy[D] said - those 'stable' things on sh/s390/m68k slows closing bugs dramatically
+2014-03-26 20:30:44 @Pinkbyte even security ones
+2014-03-26 20:30:53 @Zero_Chaos dilfridge: is there a way to make repoman scan experimental profiles?
+2014-03-26 20:30:56 dilfridge yes
+2014-03-26 20:30:57 @ulm dilfridge: m68k s390 sh?
+2014-03-26 20:31:00 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: repoman -e iirc
+2014-03-26 20:31:05 @Zero_Chaos then yeah, this is super closed for me.
+2014-03-26 20:31:07 dilfridge ulm: yes but better check
+2014-03-26 20:31:13 @creffett|irssi okay, glad we all agree.
+2014-03-26 20:31:15 @creffett|irssi next topic.
+2014-03-26 20:31:40 @Zero_Chaos dilfridge: thanks for the input.
+2014-03-26 20:31:41 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: you're on, issues with dropping-last-stable policy and what you want us to do
+2014-03-26 20:32:03 * ulm reading council log
+2014-03-26 20:32:06 @Zero_Chaos I sent a short mail in response to TommyD, but I can summarize here
+2014-03-26 20:32:23 @zlogene Zero_Chaos: please do it
+2014-03-26 20:32:36 @Zero_Chaos Dropping a keyword from a package, stable or otherwise, will NOT prevent any issues since the user will still have the package installed.
+2014-03-26 20:32:38 @Tommy[D] based on the input from the mail, i suggest the following addition: "if there is no urgency (like security bugs), the developer should follow the policy for removing a package when removing the last stable version or stable keyword from a package"
+2014-03-26 20:32:52 @Zero_Chaos Moreover, the user gets no warning of the issue and still reports bugs, etc.
+2014-03-26 20:32:56 @TomWij (For reference,
+2014-03-26 20:33:24 @Zero_Chaos So I say, follow the package removal policies (since we are removing the package for a given arch) and use the normal masking practice.
+2014-03-26 20:33:43 @Zero_Chaos simply removing keywords *will* cause more issues, not make them go away
+2014-03-26 20:34:04 @creffett|irssi concern: masking drops visibility even lower than dropping to ~
+2014-03-26 20:34:16 @Zero_Chaos masking properly, listing a bug, it might get fixed, or it might get keyword removed, either way, it will stop us from getting bug reports, etc, and the users won't be caught be surprise.
+2014-03-26 20:34:59 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: masking will show a warning to users including the mask message, so he has additional 30 days to react / adjust himself to the situation, so that sounds fine with me
+2014-03-26 20:35:03 @ulm m68k/s390/sh dropped to exp
+2014-03-26 20:35:12 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: if a user of a stable system has foobar-1.2 installed and we remove stable keywords from it, the result is invisible if we do not mask it.
+2014-03-26 20:36:00 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: and since this would only happen in the case of extreme situations like security bugs etc, I think the mask will be needed either way.
+2014-03-26 20:36:02 @ulm dilfridge: we really should have timely council summaries
+2014-03-26 20:36:04 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Maybe we need package.stable.mask; though, I think the goal was removal of the ebuild, so package.mask may just work as well and therefore the increased drop in visibility a mask brings is not of concern.
+2014-03-26 20:36:05 @WilliamH If we are going to mask, I would say s/0/60/ for when the policy can start happening.
+2014-03-26 20:36:14 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: good enough for me
+2014-03-26 20:36:16 @WilliamH s/90/60/
+2014-03-26 20:36:47 @WilliamH hrm maybe package.stable.mask...
+2014-03-26 20:36:53 @Tommy[D] WilliamH: i see no point for that, but no real feelings against it either
+2014-03-26 20:36:54 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: I believe package.mask is better, since some users run mixed systems
+2014-03-26 20:37:05 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: did you like Tommy[D]'s suggested wording, or do you have a different preferred way to amend the policy
+2014-03-26 20:37:07 @Pinkbyte WilliamH, no-no-no, please do not
+2014-03-26 20:37:11 @Pinkbyte package.mask
+2014-03-26 20:37:52 * WilliamH reads again
+2014-03-26 20:37:59 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I don't like his wording, even if there is urgency an entry in package.mask doesn't take much time.
+2014-03-26 20:38:02 @Pinkbyte not package.stable.mask
+2014-03-26 20:38:49 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: then please suggest a wording to vote on
+2014-03-26 20:38:53 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: So, if I understand it right, your suggestion is like replacing "The maintainer may drop ..." by something (we can decide on exact wording) like "The maintainer may mask (to inform the user) and then after 30 days drop ..."?
+2014-03-26 20:38:54 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: can you give an example for something so critical you must remove keywords now instead of adding a package.mask? the effect is the same imho.
+2014-03-26 20:38:59 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: i dont mind a package.mask entry, but for security reasons i would prefer removing that version as fast as possible, especially since it has been around for at least 90 days
+2014-03-26 20:39:31 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: masked is masked though, and you can already remove all other keywords once those arches have newer versions stabilized.
+2014-03-26 20:39:46 @Tommy[D] Zero_Chaos: i dont talk about removing stable keyword in this context, but removing an outdated version, which is last stable version for an unresponsive arch
+2014-03-26 20:39:48 @TomWij Pinkbyte: Yeah, no need for package.stable.mask until there is a real need for that; package.mask suffices after thinking it through.
+2014-03-26 20:39:51 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: one more min to discuss with Tommy[D]
+2014-03-26 20:39:53 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: security team has no issue with masking before removal when absolutely necessary
+2014-03-26 20:39:56 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: certainly
+2014-03-26 20:40:04 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], some core packages i(and base-system) prefer to see masked, rather then removed immediately
+2014-03-26 20:40:22 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: certainly if the vulnerable version only has keywords for one arch, and it's masked on that arch, the user is protected enough?
+2014-03-26 20:40:33 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, definitely
+2014-03-26 20:40:36 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: removing the ebuild won't help the user any further, will it?
+2014-03-26 20:40:45 @Pinkbyte if user unmasks package, than - he knows what he is doing
+2014-03-26 20:40:59 @Pinkbyte and he reads mask message
+2014-03-26 20:41:01 @Zero_Chaos "the developer should follow the policy for removing a package when removing the last stable version or stable keyword from a package"
+2014-03-26 20:41:09 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: ^^
+2014-03-26 20:41:11 @Tommy[D] What is the point in keeping a vulnerable package around? Removal wont affect those, that have it installed and for those installing newly, they should not even think about installing a vulnerable version
+2014-03-26 20:41:12 @TomWij Tommy[D]: I think security migration is faster dealt with by the user if they get a mask message explaining the reason (or pointing to a GLSA) than when it is masked by missing keyword.
+2014-03-26 20:41:40 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: removing a package affects dep calculation with things like dynamic deps, it's a critical issue honestly.
+2014-03-26 20:41:42 @WilliamH Hmm,
+2014-03-26 20:42:00 @Tommy[D] TomWij: as i said: i dont mind an additional mask entry, but see no reason to keep an outdated and vulnerable version around
+2014-03-26 20:42:01 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: That's vague to me, if that's taken literal it would mean a lastrite message; can we avoid like-the-package-removal constructs?
+2014-03-26 20:42:01 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], look at glibc. Old versions are preserved for some exotic software that breaks with newer glibc(yeah, that shit happens, blame code monkeys that wrote proprietary software)
+2014-03-26 20:42:10 @WilliamH Wouldn't developers be touching profiles/<arch>/package.mask in this case though?
+2014-03-26 20:42:16 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: yes
+2014-03-26 20:42:21 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: and I see no issue with that.
+2014-03-26 20:42:24 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], and base-system guys are strongly against removing glibc ebuilds
+2014-03-26 20:42:37 @WilliamH current policy doesn't allow that; you have to get an arch team member to do it iirc.
+2014-03-26 20:42:40 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: agreed, I think we can safely drop that part...
+2014-03-26 20:42:59 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: but at this point the arch team has been unresponsive
+2014-03-26 20:43:04 @Zero_Chaos WilliamH: our policy is above arch team policy, they will like our improvements.
+2014-03-26 20:43:08 @Tommy[D] Pinkbyte: any existing glibc ebuild has a security issue?
+2014-03-26 20:43:08 @zlogene Pinkbyte: and against bash removing too
+2014-03-26 20:43:09 @creffett|irssi which is why we're dropping last stable in the first place.
+2014-03-26 20:43:15 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: several, actually
+2014-03-26 20:43:26 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], all <2.17 - yes
+2014-03-26 20:44:00 @Zero_Chaos "The developer should follow the policy for removing a package, except for last rites emails, when removing the last stable version or stable keyword from a package."
+2014-03-26 20:44:01 @Tommy[D] for masking: masking in base profile(s) should be enough, any need to do it in specific arch profiles?
+2014-03-26 20:44:07 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Think you missed it, but I asked earlier whether you meant something like "The maintainer may mask (to inform the user) and then after 30 days drop ..." (instead of "The maintainer may drop ..."), does that miss anything?
+2014-03-26 20:44:55 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: I was trying to not be so wordy, the official removal policy includes a bit more like closing bugzie entries, etc.
+2014-03-26 20:45:29 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: depends if we determine multiple arches slacker at different times. I see no reason why we would so profiles/package.mask should be enough.
+2014-03-26 20:45:40 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: Hmm, okay, without last rites that seems to make sense; I think the reader is smart enough to s/package/ebuild/ for the rest of it.
+2014-03-26 20:45:52 @WilliamH Tommy[D]: let me think about that...
+2014-03-26 20:45:54 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: I sure hope so :-)
+2014-03-26 20:45:57 @TomWij Zero_Chaos: So, if I understand correctly; to fit it in with the current policy, that would be added as a sentence to the end?
+2014-03-26 20:46:04 @Zero_Chaos TomWij: yes
+2014-03-26 20:46:17 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: "The developer should follow the policy for removing a package, except for last rites emails, when removing the last stable version or stable keyword from a package."
+2014-03-26 20:46:26 @creffett|irssi all right.
+2014-03-26 20:46:32 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: I believe we can vote on adding this wording to the end and removing the contest on the page.
+2014-03-26 20:46:36 @creffett|irssi yes
+2014-03-26 20:46:39 @Tommy[D] looks ok to me as an addition
+2014-03-26 20:46:44 @Zero_Chaos Tommy[D]: yessir.
+2014-03-26 20:46:48 @creffett|irssi @all: please vote on Zero_Chaos's amendment
+2014-03-26 20:46:49 * creffett|irssi yes
+2014-03-26 20:46:52 @TomWij (That goes behind the original "The maintainer may drop stable keyword or last stable version, if arch team does not respond within 90 days; if it breaks the dependency tree, then the maintainer has to work with maintainers of depending packages before dropping keyword/last stable version.")
+2014-03-26 20:46:52 * Zero_Chaos is obviously in favor
+2014-03-26 20:47:14 @TomWij +1 on Zero_Chaos amendment.
+2014-03-26 20:47:17 * Pinkbyte votes 'yes'
+2014-03-26 20:47:17 * ulm yes
+2014-03-26 20:47:23 * zlogene yes
+2014-03-26 20:47:23 * WilliamH yes
+2014-03-26 20:47:47 @Zero_Chaos woohoo. thanks for the patience guys, I've been very underwater.
+2014-03-26 20:48:02 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: amend the page at your convenience
+2014-03-26 20:48:09 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: immediately your highness
+2014-03-26 20:48:23 @creffett|irssi next item on the agenda is the gtk email; WilliamH just sent out a draft email, any feedback on that?
+2014-03-26 20:48:49 @Tommy[D] didnt read it yet, i suggest we discuss that mail via mail
+2014-03-26 20:48:59 @Tommy[D] (if there is discussion needed)
+2014-03-26 20:49:10 * creffett|irssi shrugs
+2014-03-26 20:49:15 @creffett|irssi any objections to mail discussion?
+2014-03-26 20:49:35 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: I was a little confused on your last point, I think I got it right though.
+2014-03-26 20:49:37 @Zero_Chaos not I
+2014-03-26 20:49:41 @zlogene no
+2014-03-26 20:49:57 @WilliamH no objections here either.
+2014-03-26 20:50:17 @creffett|irssi good enough for me
+2014-03-26 20:50:20 @TomWij No objections to do discussion on mail, too long to stall meeting.
+2014-03-26 20:50:34 @Pinkbyte creffett|irssi, fine by me. I have read email and see no problems with it. It describes the whole problem and our actions pretty well
+2014-03-26 20:50:56 @ulm e-mail draft looks good to me
+2014-03-26 20:50:58 @creffett|irssi next up: getting other people to help out
+2014-03-26 20:51:01 * zlogene reads now
+2014-03-26 20:51:17 @creffett|irssi the general idea here is a) we're not doing so well in the PR department and b) there are a lot of small issues that could be tackled
+2014-03-26 20:51:43 @Zero_Chaos creffett|irssi: page updated.
+2014-03-26 20:51:57 @creffett|irssi (fixing maintainer-needed bugs, fixing bitrotting bugs that never got a patch applied, hunting some of the existing QA issues like ignored CFLAGS, etc.)
+2014-03-26 20:52:17 @Tommy[D] for a): unless you want to pay some PR agency, probably not much we can do about it :)
+2014-03-26 20:52:46 @creffett|irssi Tommy[D]: well, we could try to stop making decisions that piss off a quarter of the dev community each
+2014-03-26 20:52:50 @TomWij creffett|irssi: Well, I think that overall this boils down to needing more manpower in Gentoo.
+2014-03-26 20:52:59 @creffett|irssi but then we're doing less useful stuff
+2014-03-26 20:53:03 @Pinkbyte and about maintainer-needed... well, they are 'maintainer needed' - everybody can touch them. If nobody did - what we can do? :-)
+2014-03-26 20:53:19 @Tommy[D] the only idea for the small things: a page within QA wiki listing the things any dev could do and maybe seperated, what a user could do to help
+2014-03-26 20:53:35 @Pinkbyte creffett|irssi, the problem is that we do not have easy problems
+2014-03-26 20:53:38 @creffett|irssi Pinkbyte: yes, but nobody does.
+2014-03-26 20:53:39 @TomWij So, (b) is non-QA, unless we, as QA team, want to work on getting more contributors, perhaps QA contributors.
+2014-03-26 20:53:42 @creffett|irssi Pinkbyte: indeed.
+2014-03-26 20:53:47 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: about pissing people off, I don't think we are going to win that battle...
+2014-03-26 20:53:52 @Pinkbyte and serious problems when solved usually hurt somebody
+2014-03-26 20:53:54 @creffett|irssi TomWij: QA contributors would be nice
+2014-03-26 20:53:57 @Tommy[D] creffett|irssi: well, still better then to piss 3 quarter of the dev community :D
+2014-03-26 20:54:07 @TomWij But given a lot of developers are overworked, I don't see us convincing them; it's already a surprise we have ~10 people in the QA team.
+2014-03-26 20:54:09 @WilliamH creffett|irssi: no matter what we do someone is going to be upset.
+2014-03-26 20:54:15 @creffett|irssi WilliamH: correct!
+2014-03-26 20:54:39 @TomWij Hmm ... is it possible to crowd source QA efforts?
+2014-03-26 20:54:56 @TomWij Like not to Gentoo Developers, but extend it to users.
+2014-03-26 20:54:58 @creffett|irssi TomWij: entirely possible, get a few trusted users to bug hunt
+2014-03-26 20:55:36 @creffett|irssi anyway, not expecting results this meeting, just want to get people thinking
+2014-03-26 20:55:38 @Tommy[D] as i said: only option i see is some page listing the simple and open work seperated for devs and users and announcing that page, so that anyone with some free time and willing can open that page and fix some of those things
+2014-03-26 20:55:49 @TomWij The last few bug days (and to small extent bug cleaners project) don't reveal much interest; outside of that, we've got some regulars doing things here and there.
+2014-03-26 20:56:11 @Zero_Chaos I apologize, I have a flight to catch. I also have no ideas how to get us better PR or more help, so see you all later ;-)
+2014-03-26 20:56:18 @creffett|irssi Zero_Chaos: see ya
+2014-03-26 20:56:25 @Tommy[D] see you zero
+2014-03-26 20:57:08 @creffett|irssi actually, I have to run in a few too, so one thing I had to bring up: Pinkbyte, since you were running the multislot issue, would you mind filing bugs against toolchain to give them a friendly reminder?
+2014-03-26 20:57:08 @Pinkbyte Zero_Chaos, ciao
+2014-03-26 20:57:10 * antarus mutters something abuot more automation
+2014-03-26 20:57:10 antarus ;p
+2014-03-26 20:57:33 @WilliamH antarus: heh
+2014-03-26 20:57:43 ssuominen TomWij: system wide use of lto is not supported yet in sense that the toolchain maintainers know it to be broken and not ready for gentoo-x86
+2014-03-26 20:57:53 @Tommy[D] antarus: do it :p
+2014-03-26 20:58:05 @Pinkbyte creffett|irssi, sure. There quite a few of them, i will dig the entire tree, maybe i missed some of them and file apropriate bugs
+2014-03-26 20:58:26 @TomWij creffett|irssi: ^ Tinderbox was also on the agenda; not sure how, but it was skipped; unless we decided out of the meeting to not meet about that, I think it boils down to needing the hardware to do it (and someone to get it automated)?
+2014-03-26 20:58:33 ssuominen TomWij: lto in compiler is just fine but the rest of portage (ie. packages) are not :/
+2014-03-26 20:58:37 @creffett|irssi Pinkbyte: just need three--glibc, gcc, and binutils(?) iirc
+2014-03-26 20:58:40 @creffett|irssi TomWij: whoops
+2014-03-26 20:58:54 @creffett|irssi that one boils down to "no hardware"
+2014-03-26 20:59:00 antarus Tommy[D]: less is more!
+2014-03-26 20:59:11 @creffett|irssi so unless someone plans to give us hardware in the near future, CANTFIX
+2014-03-26 20:59:26 @Pinkbyte creffett|irssi, well, maybe i can
+2014-03-26 20:59:27 @Pinkbyte )))
+2014-03-26 20:59:32 ssuominen TomWij: plus the user has other flags that simply generate invalid code (like -ftree-vectorize for sys-libs/zlib, just to name one example)
+2014-03-26 20:59:33 antarus I have 12 cores and 32GB of ram
+2014-03-26 20:59:36 antarus thats about it
+2014-03-26 20:59:45 ssuominen TomWij: -fweb breaks x264, at least
+2014-03-26 20:59:59 ssuominen TomWij: just treat him as -O3 user :PP
+2014-03-26 21:00:00 @TomWij Better PR can boils down to 1) make sure we take everyone into consideration and 2) making clear we revisit our choices if needed.
+2014-03-26 21:00:16 @TomWij It's not like if we say "tomorrow the tree is pink" that it'll be pink tomorrow. :D
+2014-03-26 21:00:17 @Pinkbyte but it would be VM, 4 cores, 16Gb of RAM
+2014-03-26 21:00:31 @creffett|irssi Pinkbyte: if you want to look into it, feel free :P
+2014-03-26 21:01:01 @Pinkbyte creffett|irssi, well, i can donate resources(that's not the problem). Setting up tinderbox is a different issue
+2014-03-26 21:01:04 antarus if you can design your workloads for the cloud
+2014-03-26 21:01:10 @Pinkbyte even with flameeyes scripts...
+2014-03-26 21:01:10 antarus we have space at rackspace
+2014-03-26 21:01:19 antarus but we pay by the hour
+2014-03-26 21:01:26 antarus and running a big vm 24/7 will eat the budget
+2014-03-26 21:01:39 * creffett|irssi out
+2014-03-26 21:01:44 antarus so you have to do stuff like 'turn vm on, start job, write output to storage, turn vm off'
+2014-03-26 21:01:47 antarus so you are not paying for idle hours
+2014-03-26 21:01:52 @wired hey :p
+2014-03-26 21:02:14 @Tommy[D] wired: that was the last word of the meeting :p
+2014-03-26 21:02:29 @wired heheh
+2014-03-26 21:02:35 @wired meh, sorry
+2014-03-26 21:02:55 @WilliamH wired: lol
+2014-03-26 21:03:09 @zlogene wired, too late:p but hi there :p
+2014-03-26 21:03:24 @TomWij Did someone want to open floor something?
+2014-03-26 21:03:26 @Tommy[D] so summary for the "get more people to work": no fixed content to decide on, feel free to add content via mail on the alias
+2014-03-26 21:04:11 @Tommy[D] summary for the "QA tinderbox": we need the hardware, a concept to use it and someone doing the work for it, so until we got those donated, nothing to vote/discuss on
+2014-03-26 21:04:27 antarus I think you have a fairly annoying catch-22 there
+2014-03-26 21:05:06 @Tommy[D] no openfloor content from me
+2014-03-26 21:05:07 @TomWij Tommy[D]: "get more people to work" I think making things more accessible (a list of all QA work users can help with, and not just autorepoman) is one way to do it; the other I agree.
+2014-03-26 21:05:36 @Pinkbyte Tommy[D], as i said - i can give resources
+2014-03-26 21:05:54 @Pinkbyte but about other things - no idea
+2014-03-26 21:06:16 @Tommy[D] TomWij: as i said: we could look into creating a page listing possible work specific groups (devs/users) can do, beside that we currently dont have anything specific
+2014-03-26 21:07:09 @TomWij Tommy[D]: Yeah, even for ourselves I think it can help; for example, I have a search that does something like:
+2014-03-26 21:07:12 @TomWij Resolution: --- Keywords: (contains none of the words) Tracker Assignee: Severity: QA CC:
+2014-03-26 21:07:39 @TomWij (The Keywords is wrong, it checks for QA.)
+2014-03-26 21:08:22 @Tommy[D] Pinkbyte: i suggest you write that via mail to the alias, so we have a starting point for our further discussion/planning
+2014-03-26 21:08:31 @TomWij The idea being that {assignee,cc} alone doesn't suffice; there's like a lot where severities get said to QA or something QA is put in another field or so (eg. QAcanfix).
+2014-03-26 21:09:23 * TomWij gets scared thinking about the amount of QA bugs that have none of these bug parameters indicate that it is a QA bug.
+2014-03-26 21:10:41 @Tommy[D] dont think too much about it, just gets you less/grey hair quicker :)
+2014-03-26 21:10:58 @TomWij Does someone know when the first QA team was formed?
+2014-03-26 21:10:59 @Tommy[D] as there is no new input, i suggest, we close the meeting for today
+2014-03-26 21:11:33 @TomWij Tommy[D]: +1
+2014-03-26 21:11:47 @TomWij Just for fun, I'm even thinking there might even still be QA bugs lingering around from before that time.
+2014-03-26 21:12:13 @Pinkbyte TomWij, try not to thing about unreported QA bugs too ;-)
+2014-03-26 21:13:00 @Tommy[D] so i assume meeting closed, have a good evening everyone
+2014-03-26 21:13:15 * TomWij feels that his hair changes color.
+2014-03-26 21:13:32 @TomWij good evening
+2014-03-26 21:22:34 @creffett|irssi TomWij: at the rate we're going, I will be gray-haired by the time my term is up